Writing Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Tma time travel fic

Im gonna write a fic in which safehouse period jmart get sent back to S1 by Helen cos she's a girlboss and likes chaos and it will mainly be crack and fluff cos Ive read too much angst lately. BUT PLOT TWIST collage Jon/Martin are sent to S1 aswell (mechs Jon FOREVERRR and also pre-transition trans Martin) and we've got s1jon crying in the corner about his emo punk past being exposed, collage Jon crying in the corner because he gets a boring archivist job instead of being cool and emo until he dies, collage Martin gender crisis, Martin finding out that jon was jonny d'ville (he was a massive fan and had a crush on him) future jon and Martin trying to hide their marriage because spoilers and trying to fix everything. Tim and Sasha in the background dying of laughter. Perchance I shall throw in enby Jon with S1 denial of everything. Many shenanigans will commence and I promise it will be more well written than this post!! Would u read? :]

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volunteerfelinedetectives - Ellington Feint Stan ༺♡༻

Dedicated to Rarepair Fic Writers

Dedicated To Rarepair Fic Writers

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8 months ago

Exactly, my best ideas are written by my insomnia induced brain at 5 am! BUT it always needs editing as I just write like my life depends on it and then fix it later. I go to bed (finally) happy with my ideas and rough drafts. But I write so much when an idea pops into my head, so don’t worry about it, just write it down! Okay I have around 27 WIP’s right now but that’s because of my ADHD, but I’m slowly doing them all and I get bored with one (or stuck) and move to another for a while. It works for me 😂

Exactly, My Best Ideas Are Written By My Insomnia Induced Brain At 5 Am! BUT It Always Needs Editing


1. You’ll never write anything if you don’t

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3 years ago

The day we met, it was raining. (short)

Characters: Rin x GN Reader

Anime: Blue exorcist

Warnings: cursing, not proof read.

Genre: Fluff

A/N: It's been raining a lot... And I thought of this scenario.


The Day We Met, It Was Raining. (short)

"Shit," Rin mumbled feeling the first drop of water on his arm, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Walking along the streets that were by the church, his head hung low. Walking away from the scene of a exorcism, bewildered looks from civilians that saw a lanky blue haired kid soaking wet.

Lifting his head up towards the very dark sky, phone ringing, "Hello?" He answered the phone, being greeted by automatic scolding, "Yeah.. I'm just walking back from.. YOU WANT ME TO WAIT IN THE RAIN?!" He hollered back, earning glances of annoyance and judgement from people passing by him.

"Keep your voice down," A middle aged women scolded, pointing towards her sleeping baby in the stroller. "Youre outside," Rin fired back, hanging up the phone and deciding to wait in the rain.

"I can't believe, I forgot my umbrella, even watched the news for the weather today. Hopefully, I don't get sick."

Sitting on a nearby bench, the squish sound of his semi-dry pants hitting the wet wood made him cringe internally. Watching the passing cars and buses, smirking watching a family of four rushing through the rain. All laughing, though the parents were noticably slightly worried about the older children getting sick.

"Hey, come on man! " An older boy hollered, splashing into the puddle by the road, his friends laughing and mocking him before pulling him back in. "Come on man, get under the umbrella," One spoke, slightly tugging him by his sleeve, "Yeah, you're mom is going to kill you for getting those shoes dirty."

Rin felt something in his chest as he observed everyone around him. Longing? Envy? Jealousy? He wasn't sure, but it stung watching others at times enjoy this world.

The rain seemed to pour down even harder at his mood, his hair now matted to his forehead and his clothes fully drenched. Leaning his head back to rest it on the bench, feeling the harsh taps of the rain.

Before, suddenly there was nothing, no water falling from a height that it should hurt you or even bruise. Opening one eye just a crack, he was met with a blue sky and stray clouds. Opening his both eyes fully, he tilted his head confused, cuz it looked like a blue sky with stray clouds but it seemed off.

"Here take it," A voice spoke from the side, his eyes and braining finally making sense of it all. The "blue sky and clouds" was someone umbrella, they were holding it over him, a kind but shy smile gracing their features. "Oh um.. thanks, but I'm find, you need it."

"It's okay, I got a jacket and a back up umbrella."

"Oh.. well um.. thank you?" Rin wasn't really sure how too feel, not many people came up too him or treated him fairly at times. This happening, was indeed a bit of a shock to his system, and they could sense something was up. "Do you mind if I sit and wait with you?"

"It's kind of wet on the bench," Rin mumbled, before watching them take a bag out of there purse and lay it out on the bench. "It's fine, it isn't my first time waiting in the rain for the bus."

And for the next 30 minutes, they sat and talked, finding they had things in common and shared the same views of topics. Rin was enjoying this time, his mind now having forgotten the ill feelings towards life. He was talking about a new recipe he saw on the internet, when a large SUV pulled up in front of them, the window rolling down and voice similar to his own told him to get in.

"Ugh, thanks for the umbrella, here ya g-"

"Keep it, in case you forget again," You told him, smiling lightly at him as his cheeks burned a light pink. "Um.. this might be a bit forward, but could I ask for your number? You seem like a great guy, and I wouldnt want to regret this at all. "

He was already taking out his phone, and handing it over too you.

"Rin, you sho-" His brother spoke, before being cut off by a shush.

"Remember to bring that umbrella with you next time!" You shouted after giving each other phones back, and saying your farewells. Waving your hand towards him, as you walked back on the sidewalk.

"I thought you had to catch the bus!" He hollered, cupping his hands on the side of his mouth. "It was an excuse to talk to you!"

The rain stopped as the car started too move, the clouds opening up for the sun to finally peak through. A smile on both faces, as the day went by for you both.

The day you two met, it was raining.

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11 months ago

someone I follow on the bird app just announced they're starting a very exclusive private fic server because they and a bunch of other people want to talk about how much they love the fics they're reading, and as an author can I just say that a really great place to talk about a fic you love is in the comments for that fic

I understand that people are trying to create safe spaces, but as the number of comments that I get on my fics dwindles with each passing year, knowing these spaces exist where my fics are being discussed, places that I am excluded from, makes me want to write fic LESS

I mean I guess who cares, right, because if I stop writing, there's 10,000 other people that will continue...but if you participate in a fic "book club" server and you say nice things there about a fic you loved, maybe copy and paste that into a comment on AO3?

the only thing fanfic writers are asking for in return for hours of hard work is attention. please don't rob us of the one thing that we hope for when we hit "post"

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3 years ago

Who gives a shit what you write?

It's a hobby, its supposed to be fun! Doesn't matter how crappy it started out, you can't edit an blank page.

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1 year ago

I did it! I got an Ao3 account!!

the user is


I’ve already posted my fics on there, so if you prefer to read on Ao3, they’re there!

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1 year ago

Do you guys want me to keep posting my fics on here? or switch to completely Ao3?

like is it too confusing to navigate my blog bc i also repost? I’m just trying to make people see my fics more

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11 months ago

Pretty much 🤣

Fan fic writing process with Pedro:

When you start writing a piece:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

When you get halfway through:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

When you think its 100% done and you notice a sneaky mistake:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

When your brain reminds you of that other WIP you've started and not finished yet:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

When you try and remember all the tags to include:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

When you FINALLY upload and wait:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

When someone leaves a nice comment:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

When you reply to the nice comment:

Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:
Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:
Fan Fic Writing Process With Pedro:

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1 year ago

PSA for fic writers: you need to start a new paragraph every time someone new speaks. Please. I’m begging you

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2 years ago

The biggest piece of advice I can give to writers like myself who struggle with losing motivation partway through a WIP, or not knowing how to start it off, is to write it for yourself.

I think many of us tend to subconsciously worry that what may be a good concept to us, may not be that good of a concept to our followers, or that the way we present said story won't be good enough.

So, to combat that, I've been writing all my stories as if I'm the only one who's ever going to read them, and It's helped immensely when it comes to reminding myself that writing should be fun! It shouldn't be a chore, or something you do because you feel like you have to. You shouldn't be obsessing on other people's opinions on your story, something that you've written because you enjoy doing it, even though I know so many of us do.

I think that's an important thing to remember.

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9 months ago

how can i start writing more often?

That's going to depend what's stopping you from doing so. I'll tackle some of the common ones and see if that helps you out.

You're working or going to school full time or otherwise have a lot of responsibilities that fill your days

Writing doesn't have to be done in large chunks of time. You can write for ten minutes and still get something onto the page. You can also write by dictating a voice note into your phone and using speech-to-text to transcribe it. When you have a day off or a larger amount of downtime, try to block off some of it for writing or for editing those speech-to-text transcripts into a more polished story.

You don't have any ideas

Seek you writing prompt blogs. Make a post on your tumblr asking for requests. Expand the type of idea you're willing to write - not everything needs to be a 100K multichap, so think of a oneshot idea and write that instead.

Every time you think about posting a fic, you get so anxious you just stop writing

Write something that you're not planning to post. Write something by hand so that you can't post it without making the decision to transcribe it and post it later. Focus on the writing instead of the possible audience reactions to the writing.

You have an idea you love, but writing all of the backstory to get you to that point is so demotivating you can't even start

Make a bulleted list of all of the backstory components that need to be in place before you can get to the part of the story you want to write. Now write the part you're actually interested in. After you write that, check in with that bulleted list and see if any of those parts are more interesting now. If they are, write those too. If they're not, you're done and can move onto the next story. You can post those criteria as your summary or author's note or tags.

You have an idea you love, but all of the research you have to do first is so demotivating you can't even start

Do you actually need to do the research? Can you write the story in a way that hand-waves things (bring in some pseudo-science or a Fantasy Costco or something to get around what you're trying to figure out). Is there someone else who has done this research already? Do you know someone who loves researching that you could get to help you out? Is the research just an excuse for procrastination because the idea isn't fully baked yet?

You spend so much time researching that by the time you're ready to start writing you don't have any time left

Do you enjoy researching more than writing? Is there someone you can partner with to write the story based on your idea and research? Do you tend to research and write in the same block of time? In that case, separate those activities out. Research until you get to a good stopping point and then write until you run out of research and need to learn more.

Every time you start writing, someone interrupts you

If the interruptions come via social media or other online means, mute your notifications while you're writing. Change your status from online to do not disturb. If the interruptions are IRL, have a conversation with your family or roommates and work out an agreement where you can get blocks of time without interruptions or where you can put up a signal that you're writing and can't be disturbed. Get a whiteboard or sticky notes or something so that people can write down what they need from you and you can check it when you're done.

Every time you try to write, you get distracted by a bunch of other things and can't actually get much writing done

If you write on a device that connects to the internet, you can get really distracted by the internet. There are lots of tools out there to block out those kinds of distractions to help you right (example). You can also try writing by hand on paper so that the internet is further away from the task.

Writing is really intimidating. The blank page taunts you.

Start by writing out your idea at the top of the page. It doesn't have to be in-depth, it can just be something like "A and B are stuck in different locations for a long period of time and they discover they're in love with each other while writing letters back and forth." By doing this, the page is no longer blank so you can fool yourself into thinking you've already started writing and just need to continue.

When I sit down to write, I don't know where you start.

If you're in the process of writing a story, try not to end a writing session on the end of a scene. Either write the start of the next scene or stop writing before you hit the end of the current scene. Then the next time you write, you have a place to pick up from and don't need to make a choice of where to go next. If you're starting a new idea, start at the point where it's interesting. You can go back and write the boring part later if you decide you really want or need to.

There are lots more things that stop people from writing, but I'll let people in the notes add more examples. If you're a writer, how do you make time for writing?

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6 months ago

Please return us to a world where Notp and squick are used for a ship you don’t like instead of just making up a load of bullshit about how immoral it is or w/e lol 

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3 years ago

I know how this ends, I even know how it starts. But I’m standing on a precipice in the middle and taking leaps of faith to try and bridge the gap.

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

YO. *claps hands*. IMPORTANT THING.

For those of you who might not want to bother clicking on the link without knowing what’s up, Ao3 has a legal team and there are three new potential issues out there looking to become Problems for those of us in USA fandom spaces. I won’t cover all the details because I am very bad at understanding legalese but basically-

1. there’s a Bill that just got past the House of Representatives that is called SHOP SAFE and it basically means that ya’ll can kiss your fan merch goodbye on places like ebay, etsy, patreon, etc. For obvious reasons that’s really bad, not just for those of us who want to buy cool fan merch made by fellow fans but for those of us who can’t find/hold a regular job for various reasons and need to pay rent by selling this sort of thing.

2. there’s a proposed bill called the EARN IT act that is supposed to help crack down on photography/posting of child porn, which obviously would be a good thing, but it’s worded *so loosely* that it means anti-lgbt+ lobbiests/other people could use it to crack down on lgbt+ artwork/photography and force searches of internet users’ private materials. Which obviously is a big no-no on the privacy front.

3. there is a new proposal that would force websites, including Ao3 and other fan posting sites, to try to filter out “copyright infringing material”. Ie your fanfic/art/etc. These measures wouldn’t take into account fair use material and like-

You’re on tumblr. You lived through the nsfw-filtering ai fiasco like the rest of us. Do you really want things like that and like Youtube’s brain dead copyright strike system to become the norm for other websites and fan spaces?

Seriously read the blog post for all the details including how to help slap sense into the people trying to push this stuff through if you live in the USA. Also go yell at your local senator/representative.

Also also please reblog this so that other people can also yell at the idiots who won’t leave our fan spaces alone.

@hamelin-born thought you might wanna know about this/reblog this too.

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