Wyrm - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
A Completely Unnecessary Thing I Did For My Assessment, Because Im Overachieving. Help.
A Completely Unnecessary Thing I Did For My Assessment, Because Im Overachieving. Help.
A Completely Unnecessary Thing I Did For My Assessment, Because Im Overachieving. Help.

A completely unnecessary thing I did for my assessment, because I’m overachieving. Help. 

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11 months ago



TW for bright colors one of them killed my eyes drawing.. can you guess what one?

sorry the image is a bit blurry :’)

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3 years ago

Angel - Sweetpea

Sweetpea x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 957

Summary: Y/n’s close with pretty much everyone in her little group. Jughead and she haven’t officially met. Well, they do now and Jugheads in for a surprise.

Authors Note: Maybe a series done like this imagine? What do ya’ll think? Leave a comment


Riverdale Masterlist


Angel - Sweetpea

“Hey, Angel!” Sweet Pea waved over Y/n once he saw her enter the Wyrm. Y/n headed to her friends with a smile forming on her face. Sweet Pea immediately pulled her into a big hug, squeezing her tight.

“You made it.” Toni greet her with a smile and the two hugged once Sweet Pea let go of the y/h/c-ed girl.

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss hanging out with you guys for the world.” She smiled letting go of Toni to also hug Fangs.

“Angel?” Jughead questioned after watching the mystery girl greet the group of young Serpents.

“That’s what they call me.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders with a bashful smile on her face. Obviously a little shy about the name.

“Angel, can I have a minute?” FP asked coming up to them, Y/n nodded to the older man and walked over to him. FP placed a hand across her lower back, leading her over to a more secluded spot to talk Serpent business.

“Sure. Sweet’s, when I get back pool?” Y/n called over her shoulder with a smile.

“You’re on.” Sweet Pea smirked her way before continuing on with his game of pool against Fangs.

“What’s up, Jones?” Toni asked noticing the look on his face.

“Is her name really Angel? An she’s a Serpent?” Jughead questioned. The girl seemed way to nice to be a Serpent in Jug’s eyes.

“Well, no and yes.” Fangs answered after taking a shot only to miss the pocket.

“She is a Serpent.” Sweet Pea states his voice close to a growl.  All the Serpent’s are very protective of Y/n after all she’s their Angel. But Sweet’s more so, so Jughead questioning her Serpent status really irked him.

“But her names really y/n.” Toni elboraoted since the boys were being very vague.

“Then why do you all call her Angel? An a Serpent named Angel is a little ironic since we’re not known to be nice and Sweet.” Jughead crossed his arms narrowing his eyes as he asked another question.

“True, but her nickname is part of a inside joke.” Toni smirked thinking about their reasons for the nickname.

It was clear by the look on Jugheads face that he still didn’t get it. This made Toni sigh and Fangs shove his head.

“Seriously Jones, you really can’t put it together?” Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. The Jones kid could solve a murder but not a nickname?

“Y/n/n can be an Angel but don’t piss her off.” Fangs told Jug taking pity on him.

“Then she becomes the devil in disguise or Serpent if you will.” Sweet’s smirked leaning against the pool queue.

Jughead rolled his eyes at Sweet Pea’s words, he crossed his arms turning towards Toni. “Why haven’t I seen her before?”

Toni shrugged, not really knowing why the two hadn’t met yet. “She’s in the same grade and school as us. But she has been a Serpent longer.”

“An she’s really close to your dad.” Fangs added while lining up a shot.

Jughead squinted, all their answers kept confusing him more. “She knows more Serpent business than most of us.” Toni explained but it was all to vague still.

“She’s very trusted around here. For good reason. Probably knows more than you do.” Sweet Pea snarked moving around the pool table.

“Sweet Pea” Toni smacked is arm for the comment.

“No Toni it’s fine. He’s probably right I’m still new.” Jug nodded agreeing with Sweet Pea’s words although still wary of Sweet behavior.

“Hey! Everything ok here?” Y/n asked as she came back over to the group of young Serpents, and she could sense the tension.

“Yeah. Everythings fine.” Sweet Pea answered her all the while squinting his eyes at the beanie wearing boy.

“Your Jughead right? We haven’t officially met. I’m Y/n, Y/n y/l/n but pretty much everyone calls me Angel.” y/h/c-ed girl introduced herself once she came back from the talk with FP that seemed to be about some serious Serpent business.

“Jughead Jones nice to meet you.” Jug shook her hand with a friendly smile on his face. She seemed way to nice to be a Serpent. Jughead leaned in closer as the two got aquentied. Of course with the watchful eyes of Sweet Pea. Who did not like how close Jones was to his girl.

“Son.” FP called over Jughead after seeing how Sweet Pea was ready to burst at the sems at how close Jug was to his girlfriend.

“It was nice to meet you Jughead.” Y/n smiled at him before heading over to Sweets, letting Jug head over to see what his father wanted.

“Yeah?” Jughead asked as he approached his dad.

“Pice of advice.” FP gave a tight lipped smile, resting a hand on his sons shoulder.

“Hmmm?” Jughead hummed.

“Don’t do anything even resembles flirting with Y/n till you’ve known her for a while.” he patted his back smiling at him.

“Ok. Wanna explain to me why?” Jug asked with a furrowed brow.

FP smirked, his son was truly new around here. “All the Serpents- me included are very protective of her. And she’s Sweet Pea’s girl.”

Jug suddenly understood a lot more why Sweet’s had been giving him the stinkeye and if looks could kill Jughead would’ve been dead and 6 feet under. “That’s why he’s been staring at me like he wants to kill me.”

“Sweet Pea doesn’t have much, but he has her.” FP smiled looking at the couple by the pool table and as did Jughead. “Do get to know her Jug, the relationship I have with her she’s practically like a daughter to me. Gain a new sister out of this Juggie. She’s a great girl, more loyal than you know.”

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6 years ago
Another Birthday Card? Its True! I Draw Quite A Lot Of Birthday Cards For My Friends And Family.This

Another birthday card? It’s true! I draw quite a lot of birthday cards for my friends and family. This friend loves both dragons and books, so I tried to combine the two. Then I put a pun on it because I can’t resist it once I’ve thought of one.

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10 years ago

why do you call readers bookworms? why can’t i be a bookdragon?

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1 year ago
Just A Barbie Bird In A Barbie Wyrm~

Just a Barbie Bird in a Barbie Wyrm~ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ

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1 year ago

I love the when they use the word Wyrm in fantasy. Like yes it’s a worm but it’s a worm with The Vibes

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On Stormy Days And Rain-soaked Nights,where Songs Are Sung, A Maiden's Plights,a Little Town Of Woe And

On stormy days and rain-soaked nights, where songs are sung, a maiden's plights, a little town of woe and fear, a sacrifice of one most dear.

They must appease the one above, they say, and tie the one they love to stake and stay her on the hill: For beast to find, do what he will.

When they returned in morning's light, the maiden was no more in sight. They sighed and sang a song most dire, the stake thrown on the fun'ral pyre

The town was right, the beast was cruel; over the land, he wished to rule. With iron tail and glinting teeth and icy winds he gave them grief.

Mere pleasure was the maiden's fate, his hunger she would never sate. An appetizer, she would be; the land would fade from history.

But she was not to be his vice. Her wisdom great, she rolled the dice, appealed did she with beast so fierce; her words, so pure, his heart did pierce.

She saw in him a fire so deep, and she knew that she could keep it locked away, and tempered dim; she could save the world from him.

Is he still the beast so cruel? Our maiden just a death-scared fool? Our questions, they will never quell, but this is what this tale will tell...

The maiden pure, the land's great bane; the world has ne'er seen both again. While up above, twixt skin and scale- ...My friend, that's for another tale.


Yet anout Smaugust post! Today, @pencilcat's prompts say 'Long', and I couldn't choose any different from this piece from 2022. I really wanted to get the vibe of those classic pieces in new age shops of dragons and maidens, and I'm really pleased with how it came out in the end!

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1 year ago
A Little Lindwyrm I Drew A While Back. It's All Sketch Lines And Fill Tool, But I Think It's Nice Bc

A little lindwyrm I drew a while back. It's all sketch lines and fill tool, but I think it's nice bc I just like dragons. Art tips more than welcome.

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1 year ago
A Little Ace Dragon I Drew Today Bc I Felt Like It. Was Much Higher Res In Sketchbook. It's An Amphiptere

A little ace dragon I drew today bc I felt like it. Was much higher res in sketchbook. It's an amphiptere bc I didn't feel like drawing legs. Art tips more than welcome.

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