Actually Avpd - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

To want someone to be obsessed or very vocal and possessive over you.

But feeling no one would ever be that way towards you because no one interacts with you and you don't interact with anyone either.

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1 year ago

My family talk about drinking special punch so we all go together.

But they don't know I would prefer not too go out with them.

I'd rather go out alone or with strangers instead bcz fk my family they aren't worth ending crap with let a lone life.

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1 year ago

literally tho

also if im being honest it's not just autism, like im autistic but i also hav a bunch of mental health stuff that also gets similar treatment 2 this like,,,

rando; "i hate it when ppl have intense emotions, why can't they just hav emotions at a 'normal' level of intensity like the rest of us, also i hate when ppl r clingy, also when it comes 2 emotions if some1 switches from 1 emotion 2 another 1 quickly then doesn't that just mean that they didn't actually really feel that emotion in the 1st place and they were just faking 4 attention? or at the very least if they did feel that emotion in the 1st place it clearly wasn't that big a deal if they got over it so quick also isn't that basically the same as emotionally abusing some1?"

me; "damn that sounds pretty ableist against people with borderline personality disorder"

rando; "actually it's ableist for you to imply that some1 having borderline personality disorder would do those things since those behaviours are obviously just bad and attention seeking and there's nothing to say that people with BPD can't just act 'normally' like everyone else"

me who hits the diagnostic criteria for BPD; "but i-"

rando; "also don't u hate it and think it's so cringe when people just end up basically becoming hermits and never leaving their house like omg go touch some grass already, i hope i never end up meeting a freak like that"

me; "well actually people with avoidant personality disorder might-"

rando; "honestly it just sounds like u just made that up bc ive never heard of it and also no disability would make some1 need 2 stay inside and away from ppl that much ur just being ableist"

me who hits nearly every symptom on the diagnostic criteria for AVPD; "no but the whole thing about that is-"

rando; "honestly i think you should try having more empathy i mean empathy really is the difference between being a good or bad person and also you should never lie to anyone and being selfish makes you inherently evil and any1 who doesn't feel bad abt hurting ppl in the 'right' way is a terrible person honestly and probably on their way to being a serial killer"

me who hits the diagnostic criteria for ASPD; "im not even gonna start with how ableist that is towards ppl with anti-social personality disorder because i know ur just gonna say every1 w/ ASPD is a serial killer or smth"

rando; "i mean yeah obviously"

rando 2; "actually some ppl w/ ASPD r able 2 b perfectly functioning members of society and don't hav any of those traits and acting like they do is kinda ableist but it's a common misconception"

me who knows that ASPD was a diagnosis created 4 ppl who struggle w/ morality in a way that is a disability and also has a lot of the 'bad people' traits of it and can't control that; what it sounds like 2 me is u just want all disabled ppl 2 mask 24/7 so they fit into ur limit idea of what an acceptable person is and if they don't u either demonise them or call them cringe

there's honestly way more i could mention, like ppl getting annoyed abt ppl 4getting stuff but there's ppl who hav that as a symptom ect but these r just the 1s im seeing the most often lately that im the most mad abt rn

least favorite genre of tumblr discourse

"i hate people who have interests that are unusual in intensity or subject, who experience social difficulties that result in their saying and doing things that seem strange or inappropriate, or that prevent them from reaching expected cultural milestones like driving, having a steady job, or moving away from home, 'on time' or ever. those kinds of people are so cringe"

"oh that sounds pretty ableist against autistic people"

"*sputtering noise like the lady from the valentino white bag vine* how dare you imply that autistic people do those cringe things i just listed. that would make them losers and/or monsters, so by associating those behaviors with autistic people, maybe YOU'RE the real ableist. in fact, i'm autistic myself and all my interests are of socially appropriate intensity and i've never had trouble making a phone call and they just gave me the congressional medal of honor for understanding ironic social media jokes, and if i can do it so can everyone else"

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9 months ago

:33 < can we stop with the "oh if youre cringge ? just be yourself !! doont let people judge you !!" speech alterhuman community ? ihave avpd and it really shows yall do not think once about the fact that people could literally be disabled and not able to not let people judge them because yall just assume feeling fear because of judgement is a "silly little thing" and "just being yourself can fix it !!"

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