Abusive Family - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Whumptober Prompt Four- Human Shield

Hello all.  I’m trying here.  I’m very much trying to reach out to tumblr to stop the algorithm from targeting me but I am making very little success.  But I’m still trying.  Here’s day four- Human Shield.

AO3 link- https://archiveofourown.org/works/20899490

Lucifer was laughing at some joke Miss Lopez was telling after a successful case when he first felt it. Even though it had been centuries, he always sensed when his twin landed near him.  It had been one of the benefits of being Heaven’s only twinship.

He turned and saw Michael walking down the stairs into the precinct. It seemed she had learned from her siblings as she wore clothes that fit naturally into the human world, not her normal armor, though she looked more like Maze than he would be dumb enough to tell her.  Her golden hair shining in the sun, her fair skin almost glowing, her lifeless blue eyes narrowed onto him.  Had he not known his twin, he would’ve assumed she was a normal human being in a police precinct.

“Lucifer, you okay?  You went all quiet all of a sudden.”  Miss Lopez touched his arm, causing him to jump.

“Get behind me.”  Lucifer hissed.  “Now.”

“Lucifer, what’s going on?”  Chloe, dear sweet Chloe, asked.

“Get behind me and stay behind me.”  Lucifer repeated.

He put his arms out to shield his humans from his sister’s wrath.

Michael had reached them by that point, letting out a humorless laugh.

“Unlike one of us, I still follow our Father’s laws.”

“What do you want, Michael?”  Lucifer asked.

“Can’t I just visit my twin brother?”  Michael pouted, the false exaggeration convincing his humans.

“Dude, you have a twin?”  Miss Lopez asked, sounding excited.

“Has he not told you about me?”  Michael’s eyes gleamed.  “Brother I’m disappointed.  I’m Michael. Lucifer’s twin.”

Dan went to extend his hand but Lucifer kept him back.

Michael rolled her eyes, the natural look for her when the twins met.

“I told you I wasn’t going to do anything to your pets.”  She sneered, her annoyance at him clear.

“Pets?”  Dan said offended, pulling his hand back.

“Why are you here?”  Lucifer demanded.  “You haven’t visited me ever, why are you here?”

“Father, of course.”  Michael said, as if talking to a five-year-old.  “He wanted to thank you for getting rid of his punishment. On Cain.”

Chloe gasped, and reached for her gun instinctively.

“Come, human, you know that won’t work on our kind.”  Michael condescended.

“It’s all right, Chloe, I’ve got this.”  Lucifer tried to give her a hopeful smile.  If her face was anything to go by, he didn’t manage it.

“I thought you never lied, brother.”  Michael teased.

“I’ve received the message.”  Lucifer said.  “There’s no reason for you to stay.”

“Oh, I can think of a few.”  Michael purred, low in her throat.  He took a step back, instinctively,  his arms trying to protect his humans.  She advanced, like a predator stalking prey.  “Uriel, for one.  Mom.  Cutting off your wings.  Running away from your post.  The Rebellion.”

“Go home, Michael.”  Lucifer tried to portray a confidence he didn’t feel.  “Unless you want to reveal yourself to all of these wonderful people.”

“No, I don’t really want to be seen right now.”  Michael replied.

Lucifer cursed under his breath.  When Michael didn’t want to be seen, she wasn’t.

Michael laughed at him.  “Besides, two have already had the revelation, I’m just surprised the male hasn’t gotten it.  Then again, he doesn’t seem to be the brightest type.  After all, Mom liked him.

“Daniel is a bloody brilliant human.”  Lucifer hissed.  “He may be a douche at times, but he’s a good human at heart.  I won’t hear you insult him.”

He felt Dan’s hand on his shoulder, nearly making him jump out of his skin.  Dan squeezed in a way Lucifer recognized as humans trying to assist.  “Maybe you oughta leave.  Lucifer doesn’t want you here.”

Michael laughed her laugh, high-pitched and just as cruel as he remembered it.

“I don’t take orders from humans.”  Michael said, disgust written clearly on her face.  “Let alone a human like you.”

“Why are you here, Michael?”  Lucifer pressed.  “If He just wanted to give me a message, He would be sent Gabriel.  Why did you come?”

“I volunteered, brother.”  Michael rolled her eyes again.  “Gabriel was busier with… more important matters.”

Realization dawned on Lucifer.  “He didn’t send you.  You came here of your own volition.”

Michael sighed.  “Fine.  You caught me.  He didn’t explicitly tell me yes or no so I decided to interpret our Father’s word in my favor.  Just like the humans do.  Just like you did.”

“Well Father never explicitly said I couldn’t go after the Flaming Sword so I decided to interpret his words in my favor.”

Lucifer had said that to her as they fought over access to the Flaming Sword, during his Rebellion.  That fight, while always very fresh in his mind, seemed so long ago right now.

“Just go home, Michael.”  Lucifer pleaded.  He hated submitting power in their conversation but usually when he submitted, Michael left him alone.  Michael liked to play with her food rather than eat it.

“Mhm, don’t really want to, Luci.”  Michael took another step towards him.  “You see, I don’t mind being on Earth as much as our brothers and sisters do.  There’s a few things I’ve missed about you.”

Like watching a train wreck in slow motion, he couldn’t tear his eyes away, knowing exactly what his sister meant.  She cocked a fist back and swung.

He flinched back, hard.

She had stopped maybe an inch from his face.

“Luci, you’re such a coward.”  Michael scoffed.  “Why don’t you just go running to Mom like you always do?  Maybe I should throw you back in Hell myself, since Ammemadiel won’t do his job anymore.  Send you back to where you belong like I did the first time.”

Michael’s boot making contact with his chest, sending him flying across Heaven, falling, unable to stop himself, his wings limp and useless behind him as he fell down, down, down… 

“Lucifer is where he belongs!”  Miss Lopez shouted, surprising him.  She escaped his hold on his humans and threw herself in front of Lucifer.  Lucifer was too stunned to stop her.  “How dare you come in here and try to hurt him?  He’s your brother, your twin, for Chrissake!”

Michael stared at her, wide-eyed.  No one had ever challenged the Soldier of God in such a way before, let alone a tiny human.

Miss Lopez barely noticed, and continued on.  “You should be ready to throw down for him at any moment!  That’s what family is for!  You protect each other, help each other, love each other!  You don’t strike fear into their hearts!  You don’t make them flinch at your touch!  You support them, love them, make sure they know you’ve always got their back!  And you know what, if you won’t do it, then I guess I’ll have to do it for you!”

Miss Lopez stood, all five foot four of her, in front of Lucifer just as he had done moments ago, arms spread wide to protect him.  Chloe was next, putting herself in front of him, followed quickly by Dan.  Lucifer froze, unable to stop them, unable to force himself to put himself in front of his humans to protect them from his sister.

Michael looked dumbfounded, even unsettled, and Lucifer knew her well enough to see the smallest flash of fear in her eyes.  He knew no one had ever called out Michael like this, she ran the Soldiers of Heaven like her own personal army, and no one dared to go against what she said when she decided to say it.  Michael’s face twitched, as if she was unsure of what emotion she wanted to portray, finally settling on a crude smile.

“It was just a joke.”  Michael murmured, obviously trying to diminish the human’s perception of her power, to Lucifer’s astonishment even taking a couple steps back.  “Luci and I used to joke like this all the time. It’s not a big deal.”

“It is a big deal.”  Dan said.  “You need to leave.”

“I didn’t even touch him.”  Michael pouted, the same face she would always make to their Father when they fought sending a jolt through Lucifer.  “He’s just overreacting.  He always overreacts.”

“It doesn’t matter.”  Chloe said.  “You are not welcome here.  Lucifer does not want you here, and if you stay, I’m going to arrest you for trespassing.”

Michael dropped her victim act.  She looked angry, but he knew she wouldn’t strike at him with his humans in front of him.  “Lucifer, I don’t know how you did it, but somehow you’ve gone from leading an angelic Rebellion to leading humans.  If this is how you want to spend your time, go ahead.  Just make sure to remember who can enter the Silver City when she wants to, and who can’t.”

“Go to Hell, Michael.”  Lucifer snapped.  “Maybe you can rule there for a few hundred years.  See how you like it.”

Michael started to draw her fist back again, aborted her actions when Chloe, Dan and Miss Lopez all stood up straighter to protect him, and then stomped off.  He could feel her wings fly her back to Heaven until she was out of his range.

“Oh my gosh that’s your sister?!?  No wonder you never talk about her, growing up together must’ve been Hell.”

“Man, I had no idea your family was like that, I can’t believe your own sister would hurt you like that.”

“Lucifer, are you okay?  Did she hurt you?  Are all of your other siblings like that?  Oh my gosh, was Amenadiel like that?”

All of his humans were talking at the same time, and he could barely distinguish who was saying which words.

“Ella, Chlo, give him some air.”  Dan said, breaking the cacophony of sounds.  “He looks like he’s about to be sick.”

Miss Lopez backed up immediately, and Chloe helped him into her chair.  His chest felt tight, but he wasn’t sure whether to tell Chloe to leave or beg her to stay.  He wasn’t sure what was going on with him at the moment.

“Lucifer?”  Chloe asked, her beautiful eyes scanning him for any injuries.

“Why?”  He finally found his voice through the lump in his throat.

“Why what, man?”  Dan said, gentler than he’d ever heard Dan before.

“Why would you do that?”  Lucifer looked at them, his fear mixing in with his surprise.  His chest started heaving.  “You don’t know what she could’ve done to you.  My sister is one of the most powerful creatures my Father ever created.  She can do things that my siblings can barely dream of.  And you threw yourselves in front of me.”

Miss Lopez put a hand on his arm.  “Of course we did.  I’ve taken a few beatings for my brothers. That’s what you do for family.”

Miss Lopez’s words, while he knew they came from a place of affection, did nothing to help the pain in his chest.  If anything, they made it worse.  He couldn’t breathe.  He couldn’t think.  Michael was going to come back and hurt them, Michael was going to hurt them, Michael was going to hurt him, Michael, Michael Michael-

“Lucifer, you’re having a panic attack.”  Dr. Linda’s voice came through a phone that had been placed next to his ear, shocking him out of his spiral.  “I want you to listen to me very closely.  Can you hear me?”

“Y-y-y-yes.”  Lucifer gasped out.

“Good, good.”  Dr. Linda said.  “Now, I want you to follow my instructions.”

Lucifer tried to do as she asked, controlling his breathing and rationalizing that his heart wasn’t about to beat out of his chest, until the vice around his chest eased and he was himself again, if a little exhausted.

“What was that?”  Lucifer asked.

“A panic attack.”  Dr. Linda explained gently, using her therapy voice.  “People get them sometimes when they’re under a severe amount of stress, such as interacting with an abusive sibling again.”

“The Devil doesn’t panic, doctor.”  Lucifer recited on instinct.

“Of course not, Lucifer.”  Dr. Linda soothed.  “That’s just what humans named them.”

It was then he realized his humans were still crowding around him, shielding him from onlookers and the outside world.  Each one wore an expression of concern and mild fear.

“You back with us?”  Chloe asked.

“When did I leave?”  Lucifer replied.  “I have not left the precinct since we closed the case.  I would not abandon you to my sister’s wrath.”

That elicited small but strained smiles from his humans.

“Lucifer, I’ve got another patient coming in.”  Dr. Linda said, sounding regretful.  “Will you be alright until your appointment tomorrow?”

“I think so, thank you doctor.”  Lucifer said, hanging up Chloe’s phone and handing it back to her.

A stiff silence hung around them for a moment.

Miss Lopez, as expected, broke it.  “Are you okay?”

“I will be, darling.”  Lucifer said.  “Just need a couple tumblers of whiskey, I think.”

“So that’s Michael.”  Dan said, as if testing the name out.  “That’s Saint Michael.  The archangel.”

“Heaven doesn’t actually really have archangels as you humans have created them.”  Lucifer explained.  “Technically, we have ranks in the Heavenly Host but that didn’t matter like you humans assumed it did.  No, what mattered most was who was our Father’s favorites.  Michael was one of them.  I wasn’t.”

Dan wiped a hand across his face.  “That’s nuts.  Man, I used to pray to Saint Michael when I was younger.”

“I doubt she heard you, if it makes you feel better.”  Lucifer said.  “Sainthood is a human creation.  Especially for my brothers and sisters.  Angels have little cares about what happens on the mortal world.  Unless dear old Dad instructs us to.”

Dan nodded.

“Wait, so you finally understand what I am?”  Lucifer asked.

“Kinda hard to not right now.”  Dan shrugged, looking afraid but he didn’t seem to be coming undone at the seams.  “Your sister walks in here and no one notices.  She dresses like Maze but with less visible knives and no one notices.  She threw a punch at you and no one notices.  She says she doesn’t want to be seen and you freak.  She’s been calling us humans and pets and talks about wings and throwing you in hell, again?  Amenadiel promised me Charlotte was in Heaven, and somehow I believed him.  I finally felt at peace after that shitshow with Marcus.   And you’ve been calling yourself the Devil since day one, saying you don’t lie?  Yeah man, I get it now.”

Lucifer stared at him for a moment.  “How do you feel?”

“Don’t focus on me, you’re the one with the fucked up family.”  Dan said.

“Was-” Chloe’s voice was hesitant, “Were all of your siblings like that?”

“No.”  Lucifer said, and all three of them sagged in relief.  “Michael was the only one who ever got physical.  Michael and I were the only twins in the entire Heavenly Host so we had a different relationship than with any of my other siblings.  A lot of them disagreed with me, or just didn’t like me, but Michael was the only one.  The problem wasn’t my other siblings joining in.  The problem was none of my other siblings, nor my parents, believing me.  Michael was the perfect daughter, the perfect angel, the firstborn of the twins.  I was the one who asked too many questions and didn’t do as he was told.”

“I have never wanted to punch God in the face more than I do right now.”  Miss Lopez said, and made to remove her necklace.

“Please don’t, Miss Lopez.”  Lucifer stood on shaky legs, grabbing her hand.  “My father and I may not have the best relationship, but I do know my sister adores you.  Don’t throw away the whole barrel because you don’t like one apple.”

Miss Lopez stopped, and wrapped her arms around Lucifer.  He patted her back.

“Oh my gosh, you don’t like touch, you probably don’t want to be touched right now, do you?  Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.”  Miss Lopez pulled herself back, though he could tell all she wanted to do was wrap him up and never let him go.

“Thank you, Miss Lopez.  I appreciate the effort.”  Lucifer made sure to give her the most comforting smile he could manage.  She smiled back so he considered that a win.

“Since the case has been solved, the murderer punished, and warm, fuzzy feelings felt, I think it time I retired to Lux.”  Lucifer said, his skin crawling like he wanted to escape his body and this conversation.  “I thank you all for your bravery, and for your affection.  I… do not know how to properly thank you all for this so this will have to do the moment.”

Miss Lopez gave him a much more fleeting hug, this time followed by Chloe.  Dan stuck out his hand, and Lucifer took it, Dan then clapping him on the back.  Miss Lopez went back to her station, and Chloe joined her.

“Hey, Lucifer?”  Dan asked, just as Lucifer was about to walk away from this conversation and escape to his penthouse.

“Yes, Daniel?”

“Do you really think I’m a bloody brilliant human being?”  Dan asked, his tone taking on their usual banter.

Lucifer huffed out a laugh.  “I never lie, Daniel.”

Dan smiled.

“However,” Lucifer added, “do not take this to mean I will stop stealing your pudding, calling you a douche, or making fun of you every chance I get.”

Dan laughed, a genuine one, one he had scarcely heard since Charlotte’s death.  “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

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4 years ago

tw//Abuse, Pedophilia, Misogyny, Religion, Rape

This is just a vent, if you’re not interested then you can ignore it. 

Why do parents think it’s okay to use fear and religion to control your LGBT kid? My Mom is a Seven-Day Adventist, Dad is Catholic. Sister is still questioning religion and I’m Atheist.(Religion Will Come Important Later)

I recently had all my technology(except for my Mac because I need it for school). It was all because my Mom’s thing called “bark” screenshotted me being myself as an LGBT, MtF Trans, ND and System. And labeled my entire identity as “Sexual Content”. After this my entire parents gave me a lecture why LGBT is a perversion to God’s perfect vision. My parents were all about how LGBT people are all pedophile, and how they were a perverted group of people who wanted to always rape children. Then my entire family attacked a couple of my older best friends on discord who were LGBT and kept calling them Pedophiles who wanted to harm me and stay me away from God. 

Then came me being a system, I was outed by my sister and kept saying that I didn’t “Have a personality disorder” and was just a coping mechanism. She then outed me to my parents, and they were all on how I was going to the deep-end and betraying my entire families last name.

They also have such a huge history of ableism such as saying “Autistic People get nowhere in life” or “I’m just using my “Autism” as an excuse to commit crimes” and what not.

Why am I just so abused, and harmed by this family. They say they are trying to help me but in reality they were harming me. I just want a safe space.

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1 year ago

My family talk about drinking special punch so we all go together.

But they don't know I would prefer not too go out with them.

I'd rather go out alone or with strangers instead bcz fk my family they aren't worth ending crap with let a lone life.

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6 years ago

Things about sibling abuse:

-They tell you it’s childplay or sibling rilvary, nothing serious. They don’t fuckingn understand

-How the fuck are people friends with their siblings?

-It’s such a rare form of abuse, never spoken about, never taken seriously. It’s the most isolating fact of your world

-You feel guilty for valueing friends over family. Or you don’t.

-People tell you you’ll eventually choose family over friends, that “blood is thicker than water”. They can go fuck themselves

-If it’s sexual abuse, it’s subjectively the most shameful way to be touched

-If it’s sexual abuse, you masturbate to porn that mirrors your trauma (incest), or masturbate to the trauma itself. When you’re done, you feel so guilty and dirty that you dissociate.

-If it’s abuse committed by an older sibling, you count years until they move out.

-It quite possibly creates boundary issues where you forgive people on the spot but forever hold resentment toward your sibling(s)

-If it’s emotional or mental/psychological abuse, you feel uneasy even on their days where they’re not being manipulative and whatnot

-If it’s physical abuse, you hide around the house, having panic attacks in every corner

-If it’s physical abuse, you don’t take the “physical discipline” discourse lightly, done by parents to their children. It’s just fucking evil and no one understands

-You fear having friends over. Either because it’s embarrassing to witness, or because they’ll see your sibling(s) acting all nice and sweet, and never believe you. They’ll take their side and befriend them.

-You (might) have the dilemma of wanting people to like your siblings because you know they’re not monsters and that they changed, but you also want people to know what they did and take your side.

-If your sibling has a disorder, your parent probably defends them for it and says that it’s not their fault, even though your abuser’s illness should NEVER excuse what they did/do to you

-You are insulted and disgusted and want to cry when your parents accidentally call you by their name or vice versa. You’re terrified of becoming them/being like them/being compared to them.

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4 years ago

Can people please validate the abuse some people endure in friendships? Legitimate abuse, especially emotional. And can people validate the abuse in relationships with siblings as well? Can we just validate every single form and source of abuse ever and get its victims help?? I’m sick of it being limited to certain people, it can happen from anyone, to anyone.

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3 years ago

Letting Go (Levi Ackerman series) Part 3

Letting Go (Levi Ackerman Series) Part 3

A/n: Levi x f! oc…I'm trying my best on these especially since college has been killing me. Anyways......enjoy!!

Summary: V is Erwin’s sister and has a past with Levi which Erwin doesn’t know of. What will happen when Erwin proposes an arranged marriage between V and Levi? Read to find out….

Warnings: abusive family, angst, anime spoilers, death of characters, Erwin’s sister! oc, arranged marriage and enemies to lovers.

Word Count: 1.5k

Part 1 Part 2 Part 4

Letting Go (Levi Ackerman Series) Part 3

I was 16 when I was rescued from my abusive household. I remember that day clearly almost as if it happened yesterday. I spend my entire childhood within the walls of Sina as my mother and father were known for their presence in the church. We were known as the Huxley family. My father was an avid believer that the walls were gifted by the god and that we should protect it with our everything. Whereas my mother was a two timer; on one side she would be like my father preaching the same, but at the same time she herself didn’t believe the exact words that came out of her mouth and on the other side she was the town whore. She would sleep around with almost everyone just so she could get her way towards anything and everything.

I had a sister who was 7 years older than me and she would often go to my father telling him about mom sleeping around with other men whenever he wasn’t home but he would never believe her and beat her up or sometimes even lock her in our basement without food or water for several days at a stretch. When my mother came to know of this, she manipulated my dad into sending her to the Survey corps without any prior experience. My father loved my mother so he does anything she asks for….

Now you might think as to why the town people never told my dad of my mother’s behavior. That’s because whoever does so where mysteriously found dead the next day by my mother’s thugs. At one point, people were so scared of her that they started avoiding our entire family like a plaque. They turned deaf ears to our screams and pleadings.

I remember spending time with my sister, Kaylie, and if anything she was the mother figure in my life. She would buy me clothes and give me good food unlike my mother who would give me her leftovers. She taught me to read and to survive my mother’s abuse. I will forever be thankful for her.

Three weeks after my mother send her to the Survey corps, we received the news that she was killed by an abnormal titan and there was no part of hers that remained. I cried for years because I was missing her and my mother’s abuse only became worse after she left. I tried running away, but she always found me and dragged me back to the hell hole.

I first met Erwin, who was a captain back then, when he came to our house to give the news of my sister’s death. His icy blue eyes looking calculative as always with a hint of compassion for the loss of a family member. He had a very intimidating aura which helped him look strong and proud. He reminded me of my sister in various ways, one of which being that he would try his best to help save someone to the best of his abilities irrespective of what his elders or seniors opinion on the matter.

The next few times I met him, I thought it was a complete coincidence until I happened to eavesdrop on one of his conversations. He was staying for the time being at a castle in its ruins due to years of negligence. I was passing by to retrieve water for my family from the river near the ruins when I heard noises coming from the castle which was unoccupied for as long as I remember. I leaned against a broken window to hear well and that’s when I recognized Erwin’s voice. I couldn’t see who he was talking to but I heard something along these lines, “You know John….there’s something really off about the Huxley family.”

“What’s that?” I heard John ask.

“Don’t you think it’s strange that Kaylie Huxley, who was working in the church all years of her life, happened to suddenly join us out of nowhere just when we were leaving for the most dangerous expedition we have had in the last three years?”

“Maybe you’re just over thinking this Captain” John sighed.

Erwin paid him no mind and continued, “It’s not just that, when I was inquiring about their family in the neighborhood, everyone seemed to avoid talking about them almost as if they were scared about something happening to them if they spoke a word about the Huxley’s.”

“….That’s a bit of a stretch Captain. Maybe they’re just not as well known for the neighbors to speak about them” John replied exhaustedly trying to end the conversation there.

“Negative! Mr. Huxley is very famous in the church especially for his preaching and is also close to the royal family. So, there’s no way the people don’t know about them” Erwin exclaimed thoughtfully.

“Why are you so obsessed with their family? Maybe they just wanted to help humanity by sending their beloved daughter to the survey corps. They probably didn’t even know about the danger factor of the expedition. We don’t have much proof to question them for their actions” Said John.

“A family who works for the royalty and the church must make more than enough to feed a family of four. Remember when we went to give them news on the death of their elder daughter, there I saw a teen probably around 15 or 16 years with bruises on her body and rag like clothing. The moment Mrs. Huxley found me looking at her, she shielded her from my line of vision and I also noticed that Mrs. Huxley had quite some jewelry on her. I searched through church documents and found that the teen is their younger daughter, her name is Verity….Verity Huxley. If all of this is true then two major factors needs to be assessed here, one Verity is being abused or used as a slave and two, sending Kaylie to our dangerous expedition was no coincidence. They were trying to kill her.”

[Verity as a first name is derived from a Latin feminine noun meaning ‘truth’]

I heard guards coming around the corner of the castle’s entrance so I decided to quickly get back to the path towards the river.

I didn’t see Erwin for the next few weeks so I just thought that he had left wall Sina to do his work since he was a captain afterall.

On the day after Halloween, I was woken up due to the commotion outside my house. I heard my mom screaming profanities at someone and it also sounded like many people were talking about something. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and blinked a few times. As soon as I was awake I called out, “Mom….can you open the door? I promise I won’t do it again…its dark in here and I’m a little scared. Can you please open the door mom? Please….” I trailed off when I heard someone opening the door to the basement I was locked in on because I ate mom’s leftovers the previous night without asking her.

The door was swung open while the light from outside almost blinded me and I squinted my eyed trying to adjust to the light. I looked up and was shocked to see Erwin with some senior officials standing on the doorway. Erwin turned and said to one of the officers, “She is their youngest daughter, Verity Huxley also the sister of Kaylie Huxley. She was the one I told you about.” The officer looked at me, my condition as well as my surroundings and then whispered something to one of the soldiers who then walked out. The officer then said to Erwin, “I’ll leave her to you then. Ensure a safe and healthy surrounding for her and then report back to me later.” They nodded at each other and everyone other than Erwin left the house.

“What happened to mom and dad?” I asked Erwin. He looked at me, smiled and said, “You don’t have to worry about them anymore…they’re where they belong. I know that you don’t know much about me and probably don’t trust me but I can give you a place you can call home and good food. So you might have to trust me and come with me.”

“Are you sure she won’t come wherever you’re taking me? Will I be safe?” I asked feeling a little hesitant to follow him knowing that she might hurt him if she gets a hold of me ever again. “I promise. And even if she does, I’ll keep you safe…she’ll never be able to hurt you like this again.” He said having a serious and genuine look on his face. He has kept his side of the promise so far.

Letting Go (Levi Ackerman Series) Part 3

All rights and credits of the Attack on Titan character(s) mentioned, image(s) and gif(s) used belong to their respective owner(s) except for the oc which belongs to me.

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