Ableism Cw - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

You are a broken human who needs pathological labels to feel any sense of humanity; you’re a fucking mess and it’s very obvious to literally everyone.

Did you miss the "emotionless" in my bio? What did you hope to accomplish? Anyway I don't care what you think since it's irrelevant. Also kindness is free. ✌️

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5 months ago

boomers be like "nobody had autism or ADHD when I was a kid!"

probably because back then, neurodivergent folks were dismissed as "insane" or "r-worded" and were thrown into mental asylums. and before that they were straight up just given hard drugs or lobotomies.

it's almost like as time goes on and technology/research evolves, so does our understanding of human beings and the inner workings of the mind.


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boomers be like "nobody had autism or ADHD when I was a kid!"

probably because back then, neurodivergent folks were dismissed as "insane" or "r-worded" and were thrown into mental asylums. and before that they were straight up just given hard drugs or lobotomies.

it's almost like as time goes on and technology/research evolves, so does our understanding of human beings and the inner workings of the mind.


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1 year ago

please can we stop describing bigots as delusional. please. im so fucking tired. someone being sucked into a hate group surrounded by others who believe minorities should be oppressed and encouraging them to believe in conspiracy theories that the rest of the group believes, is fundamentally different from someone having a mental illness that causes delusions.

delusions, by definition, cannot be explained by things like cultural background - such as having a belief constantly reinforced by intentional attempts to rationalize it for the sake of maintaining power over minorities. yes, someone can be both delusional and a bigot, and yes conspiracy theories can feed into delusions, but the two are not fucking synonymous.

i did not spend my teen years convinced that i was being stalked by demons just to hear so many of you people equate my disability with incel behavior and genocidal propaganda. stop reinforcing harmful connotations about mental health struggles.

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1 year ago

aspec people excluded from the queer community.

trans people excluded from the queer community.

nonbinary people excluded from the trans community.

people with personality disorders excluded from the mentally ill/neurodivergent community

schizo-spec/psychotic people excluded from the neurodivergent community.

it's the exact same thing every single time. exactly the same. why do people try to single out and exclude specific groups within their groups? I'm sure there is quite a variety of reasons, and a few I can think of, but regardless, it is blatantly the exact same shit every time. it reads the same. and it is so infuriating and appalling to witness.

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1 year ago
Anti-NPD Mfs Are So Self-absorbed They Literally Think They Are Always The Victim In Any Situation With

Anti-NPD mfs are so self-absorbed they literally think they are always the victim in any situation with a narcissist and then try to tell pwNPD that they are the ones playing the victim... they truly believe that anyone who interacts with a narcissist becomes their victim...

"subjects you to the silent treatment" they're really acting like it's some calculated manipulation tactic... what if i said you're insufferable and i don't wanna deal with you anymore?

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1 year ago

Sometimes I remember I experienced my first microaggression as an infant and get really upset about it.

Obviously I have no personal memory of the events, but I was at a parent-child class of some sort and when everyone started singing in a group I started crying. I was clearly, in retrospect, overstimulated. When my parents were leaving, they heard another mother say, "What's wrong with that baby?" referring to me, and my dad had to stop my mom from knocking the woman flat.

Anyway, nothing was wrong with "that baby." "That baby" just turned out to be autistic. But knowing people felt that way about me from the beginning does cut pretty deep, even though I'm in my 30s now.

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1 year ago

Filming people without their consent is a massive issue of not only privacy but ableism that's been going on for many years.

It started out with filming more visibly disabled people, like high support needs autistic people having meltdowns in public and (especially fat) disabled people literally just using mobility aids, but once that was deemed less acceptable it moved to other things. Filming people acting "weird" in public. Eating weird foods. Falling asleep in weird places. Wearing weird things. Stimming. You get the idea. It's no longer safe to be visibly weird in public and that's an issue for a lot of disabled people. I recently had to lay down on the floor of a department store because I had an ME crash while out shopping. Not only did I have to worry about the normal things like people coming up to ask me if I'm ok, I also had to worry about some video of me at my lowest point, when I'm suffering immensely, being shared around as "haha look at this weird bitch on the floor". It's upsetting. It's scary.

And then there's fakeclaiming. A fun trend where people will film us in public to "prove" there's some kind of huge epidemic of people faking disability. Spoiler alert: there is not. Most of the time the people they film are real disabled people who don't fit into the expected mold for disability, usually service dog teams or people who use mobility aids who don't "look sick". And you would think this trend would be some kind of abled nonsense, but it's not. It's often other disabled people doing the fakeclaiming. Yes, there are some times when it's obvious a service dog isn't trained properly, but other than that, it's damn near impossible to tell if someone is faking a disability, and you're much more likely to target a disabled person than a faker. I'd love to say this trend was new, but it's been going on since the days of "the people of walmart" where many of the people posted were fat mobility aid users, always with the assumption that they used it because they were too fat or lazy to move on their own. In fact, the image of a fat person in a mobility cart has become almost synonymous with "lazy". It's one of the things that drove me to get my own expensive power wheelchair, to avoid the judgmental stares in the grocery store when I was just trying to exist, to avoid the fear of public shame. Even now when I stand up from my chair to walk to the bathroom stall or reach something on a high shelf, I watch the corners of my vision for that telltale phone in the air. I feel like I'm never safe from the judgemental eye of the internet, even when I'm logged off, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way.

Tik Tok, YouTube, Instagram, these places are all great for disabled people, especially those of us without access to the outside world. But it's also become a source of great anxiety for anyone who's uncontrollably "weird", mostly disabled people. Leave us alone, I'm begging you, we just want to go to the fucking grocery store in peace and safety.


Stop filming people for "acting weird" or "faking a disability" in public. It's ableist, it's invasive, it's creepy, and it's humiliating. People don't exist in public for your amusement and especially not disabled people. You don't know who is disabled and who isn't no matter how many disabled people you've known or how sure you are that the person is faking.

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1 year ago

we're not saying people with npd, aspd, ect cant hurt you or abuse you

we're saying disorder =/= abusive

people with npd, bpd, aspd, infact, ANY cluster b disorder CAN abuse you. HOWEVER, having those disorders dosent instantly make you an abuser

dont be abelist.

people with ANY disorder can abuse you. that dosent mean they WILL abuse you. the fact that they have that disorder dosent mean theyre an abuser. it dosent make them abusive. they can be abusive, that dosent mean suddenly every narcissist is evil, suddenly all aspd people are threatening you, all bpd people are rude and abusive. stop throwing around the word abuse like its nothing. stop specifically linking it to personality disorders. thats blatantly abelist.

ihope all cluster bs have a lovely lovely day please ignore the hate and abelism yall are so gorgeous treat yourself to your comfort food

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10 months ago

:33 < can we stop with the "oh if youre cringge ? just be yourself !! doont let people judge you !!" speech alterhuman community ? ihave avpd and it really shows yall do not think once about the fact that people could literally be disabled and not able to not let people judge them because yall just assume feeling fear because of judgement is a "silly little thing" and "just being yourself can fix it !!"

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10 months ago

:33 < idont care if youre anti or pro endo, if you use "delusional" or "p*ychotic" as an insult towards ANY system, YOU ARE ABELIST. you are singlehandedly showing off youdo NOT care for people with psychosis, youdo NOT care for people on the schizospectrum, and you are ABELIST TOWARDS YOUR OWN COMMUNITY. JUST BECAUSE THEY HAD ALTERS AS A DELUSION OF THEIRS, does NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE ABELIST TO THEM. my god, just leave delusional folks alone if youre gonna be uneducated and reality check them.

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