Tw Sad Thoughts - Tumblr Posts
Anxiety is so fucking hard. You can't lay in your bed, you can't find a place for yourself, you walk around your room and don't know what to do. Hard to breathe. You're panicking. Oh God, I would do anything to get rid of it. I want normal life so bad.
I'm not living, i just exist
I want somebody to love me the way i am. Everyone are in relationships and there's me, alone like always.
As a small kid everything seems so simple and i wanted so bad to be an adult. Now i know i was stupid since little kid lol
I'm hungry but i don't want eat
I want to cry, i can't anymore
I hate myself so fucking much. my body is disgusting. I want to puke when I look at them
"She conquered her demons and wore her scars like a wings"
I will probably tattoo this when I'm gonna be over with self harming
Over a month clean, but I started to miss this incredible pain and the sight of blood, feeling free from my stupid thoughts, emotions and fear. I miss it so much, but i doesn't want to disappoint my family
I'm thinking about going to boxing training for the first time, maybe it would help me with anxiety and depression somehow, idk
Why do I have to like chocolate that much, without it, it would be easy for me to lose weight god
Monsters inside my head are so strong, but i don't want let them win
I woke up today about 5am with huge anxiety and fear. That's was awful. I took my calming medication and fell asleep again. I think about this big fear until now and i can't stop, it paralyzes me, i want to cry. I'm scared. I'm so fucking scared. Help me
I don't know what to do, i can't find place for myself in home. I'm scared of my own mind and I'm losing control of it, everything is stronger than me and it's terrifying.
I can't anymore
I was much happier before there were calories, weight loss and starvation diet in my life. If only I could turn back time ... I want to cry when I think about how the calories ruined my life
20 pills with codeine in the morning feels amazing
I feel dizzy and I'm starting to get sleepy. Codeine pills are great and weird at the same time.
My eyes are rolling over on their own, I don't have control over it