First Spinjitzu Master - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Firstbourne: Omega, why does the kid have a lot of animals around him all the time?

Omega: The young one must learn to lead an army from an early age.

Firstbourne: ... Okay, cool.



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10 months ago

Hey, I have this thought, what if Fsm could interfere with ninjago from this land where he is, like moving things, sending things, healing someone, and things like that.

And I have a really stupid example, so:

Suppose there is some disaster in ninjago (like if it was something new) and you need to find some information and Wu and Lloyd are looking for information and suddenly they find it, but of course it's written like a damn pun and in really bad handwriting and Lloyd is like:

"Fucking hell, can he write something normally for once and not do it in a riddle and why this looks like he just started learned to write or something?!"

And suddenly everything falls on him, because FSM won't let anyone insult his beloved puzzles, not even his grandson.

Like I know it's stupid, but this idea has been on my mind for some time

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10 months ago

I'm sure as hell that Omega and Firstbourne had plenty of these "marital" fights, even though they never even liked each other. Because they raised FSM together, they sometimes had to talk to each other, of course, they disagreed in many aspects, which led to quarrels. I'm sure as hell that sometimes they even argue on the battlefield, which confuses Oni and the dragons.

Omega: Firstbourne, how the hell do you look after a child, SOMEONE ALMOST KILLED HIM!!!

Firstbourne: You know, maybe I would have watched him if you hadn't told your stupid soldiers to attack ONLY ME!!!!


Firstbourne: Aha, so some war is more important than OUR CHILD!!


Other dragons and Oni: *Very confused and not knowing whether to continue fighting*

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10 months ago

FSM as a child: Mom, how are babies made?

Firstbourne: Eeeeeee, ask Omega.

*during the month with Omega*

FSM: Omega, where do babies come from?

Omega: *wonders how to say it so that Firstbourne won't make a fuss with him*

Omega: I don't know.

FSM: So where did I come from?

Omega: Your mother found you one day and said she would take you and force me to raise you with her.

FSM: *sad and confused sounds*

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9 months ago

Ok, you've probably already noticed that I love Lloyd's interaction with his grandfather, which is why the ending of season 10 is my favorite, but one thing really makes me laugh, is that the FSM literally told Lloyd not to bow to him and about 5 minutes later he himself bows to Lloyd so I'm sure any confusion Lloyd had was caused by this and he was probably thinking to himself

"Aha, so I can't do it, but you can do it and it's still ahead of me, so now I'm more important than literally God, well how fun, I mean, actually, neither of us shouldn't kneel before the other because we're family, but fuck it."

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9 months ago

Okay, I have a headcanon for Lloyd's first gi. So, where did Lloyd's gi even come from? This was the thought that came to me last night. And of course, I already gave myself the answer: The First Master of Spinjitzu.

Just imagine how he first wrote the prophecy about the green ninja, and then personally sewed the gi for Lloyd. Garmadon and Wu simply stood aside and did not understand why their father was making a green suit with a sweet smile(He deliberately made it larger because he knew about tomorrow’s tea).

But FSM didn't pay attention to the looks of his children, because he was busy thinking about his sweet future grandson.

This theory/headcanon makes a lot of sense and I agree with it.

I also have my own about how FSM left a lot of things for Lloyd such as his sword (we see in the flashbacks that he fought with it and I also have a headcanon that he was the best swordsman in ninjago history, Lloyd is the second best after him because he inherited it from his grandfather) , notes about various beings and instructions about the golden power (according to me, the notes could have been hidden in the temple of light or what it was called, I don't remember and I don't feel like checking)

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1 year ago







I headcanon that when Cole fell from the bounty into the darkness in March Of The Oni that he actually died, but was given a second chance to continue living from the FSM like Lloyd. But, Cole didn't remember it.

The FSM came to him in that same surreal serene dream place that Lloyd was in (he obviously didn't tell Cole he died) and talked all these metaphors and ecetra. But ended his meeting with Cole with "It is not fair, it is how it is. But you were chosen, and you will remain as chosen."

I like to think that's how he really survived a mfing 100+ feet drop. (But actually how is that possible?)

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5 months ago
Arin Has Both Oni And Dragon Imagery On His Outfit

Arin has both Oni and Dragon imagery on his outfit

this means something

I'm not sure what yet

but it means something

right now my guess is some sort of connection to the first spinjitzu master considering that he was also able to learn spinjitzu on his own. Something that is supposed to be impossible.

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1 year ago

This also implies that Lou is Lloyd's great grandfather, and Wu and Garmadon's grandfather.

Now I'm picturing Lou calling and Cole just turns the phone over to Lloyd or Wu.

Wait a minute. Hang on. We all make jokes about Cole being Wu's dad and using dad privileges against Wu long after the baby arc, right? BUT. There is SO much untapped potential in Cole extending this even further by concluding that if he's Wu's dad, then naturally this means he's Lloyd's grandpa.

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6 months ago

Conversations I Think Happened in the Grasslands Pt. 2:

Part 1 here

Lloyd: So your the First Spinjitzu Master right. Does that mean you’re good at all types of spinning or just spinjitzu?

FSM: Elaborate.

Lloyd: Like pirouettes and fouettés? Because Cole taught me how to do them and they’re really fun.

FSM, sighing: Yes, I can do those and I’m rather good at them.

Lloyd, delighted: This is the best day of my life!

Lloyd: So what was my dad like as a child?

FSM: He was a lot nicer than you’d think. Quite a lovely child, even after the venom. The venom didn’t really properly quick in until his late teens you know.

FSM: Now Wu on the other hand.

Lloyd: So if you’re half Oni and half dragon why do you look human?

FSM: Because Oni are shapeshifters and I didn’t want to spend the entire time you were here bending over to look at you and end up myself back pain.

Lloyd: Why would be you be bending over?

FSM: Because I’m 10’6.

Lloyd: What?! Why am I short then?

FSM: I don’t know but you certainly didn’t get it from me.

Lloyd: So why'd you have to divid the continent in two anyway

FSM: It seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides it worked didn't it?

Lloyd: ...

FSM: Will you stop judging me I was a teenager!

Lloyd: So was I and I didn't have to divided the continent

Lloyd: *Thinking*

Lloyd: Wait how old were you when made Ninjago then?

FSM: Younger than that.

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