Gone But Not Forgotten - Tumblr Posts
Time Goes By In The Blink Of An Eye!
Today is my birthday, but that isn't what this post is about. It's about another special birthday, that of my beloved cat Jaden Yuki. On September 18th of last year, I had to sadly make the hard choice of assisting him in crossing the rainbow bridge. The night before being one of the most difficult and emotional ones in my life. Jaden kept experiencing seizures as he went into kidney and liver failure. I carefully held him all night getting maybe 30 minutes of sleep. The next day taking Jaden to the vet knowing all to well, that I wasn't going to come home with him.

On September 1st 2006, hurricane Ernesto affected Virginia. I will never forget the call from an exceptional woman named Carol, she was like a second mother to me. She too has passed sadly and is very much missed. Carol quickly informed me almost hysterically how "Ms. Legs," a stray cat we befriended had her kittens in the middle of a fierce hurricane! As it so happened, the local humane society had employed me at the time. After talking with my boss, Tonya she voluntarily agreed to foster Ms. Legs and her 5 adorable little kitties. I informed Tonya that I genuinely wanted the little black kitten.

The day approached when the kittens were ready to be adopted. Instead of bringing just the little black one, she came carrying all 5. Upon opening the carrier, four kitties came bouncing out, playing as adorable kittens typically do. Jaden, however didn't emerge. Tonya informed me that he was getting over being sick. She scooped Jaden up, then sat him in my lap. Jaden fell asleep all while purring loudly. He naturally chose me…

I enjoyed 17 wonderful years with Jaden and dearly miss him. I keep breaking down in tears while trying to type this up. He will be forever missed by both his adopted "brother" Jiraiya and myself.

I just wanted to do something to honor him by; a dear friend of mine suggested doing a memorial post here.
Jaden never did catch that Raven, but he sure did try. *lol*
R.I.P Jaden Yuki 09/01/2006 - 09/18/2023
Gone but not forgotten🙏🫡🥹

Rest in Peace, Andre Braugher.
Moment of silence for all the bangers I've posted with no notes.
forgotten but not gone 😔
i think of you everyday.
my heart aches
i wish you were here
i wish i could speak to you
i wish i could tell you why i fucking hate everything and only want you here

I don't know, this is very Nobara Kugasaki staring her death and yuuji in the face and saying tell them not to forget; it wasn't so bad. No matter how she died she doesn't regret her life. She doesn't regret letting Yuuji pull up a chair and take a seat in her life

I’m so sorry for the person I’m going to become on September 29, 2023

fly high and rest in peace kermit, the community howls for you in these trying times
Blindspot Fanfic:
The Sun Must Rest
AN: So I currently have two Blindspot stories I’m working on, on Fanfic.net. One, which will be this one, isn’t uploaded yet. Pretty much this is the first chapter and I just wanted to see how people liked it and if they would be willing to read the story if I continue. Obviously when your reading you will notice some differences from the show. This pretty much is just a set up for later chapters, and continues into season 4 where Jane is Remi. My other story is a continuation off of the first season into the second, my own creative take. There’s only like 2 chapters right now and if you decided to check it out my account name is Hay389. You’ll also notice that it hasn’t been updated in a few months but don’t worry I’m working on it and chapters are coming very soon. Sorry for the long comment and thank you to everyone who read through it all. Hope you enjoy this, please let me know. Also sorry for any mistakes, don’t have a beta. The bold is a flashback.
The leaves on the trees are beautiful mixtures of reds, yellows, and oranges. Most though are scattered all over the ground, creating a crunching sound when anyone dares to walk through them. Their color is fading into a muddy brown, and while they aren't as pretty, the overall setting resembles a sunset. In contrast, the sun is rising in the east, a variety of pinks, purples, and blues painting the sky. The moon still hangs in the world above, but the birds are already wide awake chirping their usual morning tune. A patch of sunlight reveals itself, and Remi stands still closing her eyes, allowing the sun to soak into her skin. "Enjoying your sun bath," Roman jokes.
Remi chuckles. “Very funny. Maybe you should try it sometime, you are looking rather pale." Roman put his hand over his heart, “Ouch sis, and here I thought my tan was perfect. Say, is today the day you’re finally going to explain why you do it?"
Remi smiled at her brother, her hazel eyes boring into his bright green ones, her voice taking on a more serious tone. “You are still too young to understand, but I promise one day you will."
And as the sun sets in the west, those same beautiful oranges, yellows, and reds plastered over the sky, Roman finally understands why his sister did it. He realizes she was right, he was just a 13 year old kid looking for an answer he would have laughed at, but know as a 30 year old man currently laying up against his favorite childhood tree, holding in whatever blood hadn't already found its way out, he felt the hot rays of the sun hit his already clammy skin and heard the birds chirp their final goodbyes to the day. He somehow felt at peace. It was something that could not be put into words but had to be experienced personally, like trying your first ice cream cone or that magical first kiss. He can't count how many times his sister has done this exact same thing, but he can clearly remember the look of peace she held on her face and that makes him smile. As the years past and they grew, he used to think she forgot what that felt like, because he surely did. Not only that, she kept her promise, just like always. He used to wish for this day all the time, the one where she would provide him some stupid explanation so he could laugh, but now that it's here he doesn't mind it being the last thing that runs through his mind before death takes him. And he's sure if he strains his ears enough, positive it's not just from blood loss, he can hear his sister in the distance call out his name. Then when she appears next him pressing down on the wound he gave up on, Roman knows it’s not fake anymore. His sister Re-, no his sister Jane came back for him even after all the hell he put her through. A tear rolls down his cheek, too out of it to fully focus on what his sister is saying, as he stares at the person who wasn't his sister but is. This makes him realize he never should have given up on her, no matter if Jane remembered him or not. Then another tear slips out, as he remembers his sister isn't too off from joining him on the other side. He wishes he had known zipping her would have been lethal in the end, because he would have stopped her from taking it. Roman can't change the past though, so he prays that the team will find the clues he left behind that will lead to her cure. His sister deserves a long and fulfilling life. "Roman, stay with me." he can hear Jane plead. Roman can feel his body turning ice cold. "I'm afraid," he softly whimpers, “I don't want to die alone."
Listening to her brother whisper that finally lets the tears she has been holding back fall. "You’re not alone," Jane reassured Roman, “I’m right here." Hearing those words was all he needed. Roman felt his eyes grow heavier, and eventually it became too much and they started to flutter. He mumbled I love you, sure he didn't form coherent words, but positive he got the message across when she smiled down at him. As he took one last look at his sister, who was now holding him in her lap, he was glad she would be the last thing he saw.
When Roman's eyes didn't open, Jane knew he moved on, but she wasn't ready to let go mentally and physically. He has only been gone for a few seconds and she already mourns the lost memories she may never get back, and the new future they could have had together. At this moment she doesn't care about how he chose shepherd over her or that he made the team’s lives’ hell these past few years, she just wants her brother back. The only person who cared about her when no one else did. She's just happy that he got to spend his last moment in a place held close to both of them, instead of being left alone in some wooded area. Jane swept the little strands of hair out of his face to get one last good look at him. He might have been dead, but his face looked at peace. That's all she cared about, Roman being in a better place.
She's not sure how much longer she sat there, but it must have been a while because Kurt had practically dragged her away from the body so the coroner could take it away. "I'm sorry," he whispered soothingly, over and over again into her ear as she held him close for comfort. Jane wanted to say he wasn't sorry, because wasn't that their original plan? Take out the threat if necessary. Kurt didn't know how she felt, it wasn’t like that was Sarah currently being dragged off in a body bag, and Taylor didn't count. Sure it was a very sad and unfortunate event, but he was just a kid, and Taylor’s resting at peace herself. This though dived into much more complications. Jane knew he was just trying to be supportive so she just held on. When he winced, she knew enough was enough and he had to go to the hospital. "You have to go get that looked at."
"I'm fine," Kurt lied," I already got it bandaged up by paramedics. They told me to make sure I keep it clean and change the pads when it starts to bleed through. I just need rest. So do you."
Jane sighed not in the mood to put up a big fight. “I would rather you got checked out by a real doctor."
"Jane I promise you I am fine. Why don't we head back to the hotel and get some rest. Then if you want we can start planning for Roman’s funeral. Ok?"
"Ok." she replied.
I am defective in grieving. There is too much analytical practical elemental selfcenteredness in me I suppose.
I stood by her casket looking down at a husk dressed in white, face puffy and distorted from the chemo. The girls whispered how shameful it was her makeup had not been done (her eyebrows had always been on point) while all I could think of was the long curved needle they use to sew the jaw to the palate, it prevents the mouth from falling open you see, and all around was the scent of death, no amount of flowers and candles could cover.
This evening a friend texted me "everything is going to be ok".
Yes, everything is going to be ok, but life is goddamned unfair sometimes.

The Hawaiʻi ʻōʻō 🌺 Extinct 1934
I saw a picture of an old iPhone with a home button and suddenly realized that I miss the home button and now I’m having this sort of visceral reaction where if I don’t get to click a home button right this second I’m going to go feral
I can’t believe Grimace was killed by a sphere of his own birthday shake
Rest in Peace Grimmy 1994-1995

Grimace Physics
lmao it turns out I just needed to warm up (thanks impel down buggy) but here's cora-san!!