My Teacher - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

GIIIRLS I think I've officially won the favorite student award!😳😭

I never thought Women's Day would be one of my best days ever. I don't want to write at length, I'll just say that today R unexpectedly pressed a piece of paper into my hand and said: "Happy Women's Day strawberry lady" But he was so fast and he didn't look me in the eye, he just went about his business and I just blinked and couldn't even thank him.😭 Then OMG OMG!!!?????🥺️ T--T I looked at what I got… this man gave me a chocolate and a note on which he wrote Happy Women's Day and his short signature. ????!! I died. WTF HE TOTALLY WANTS ME OKAAAY?!!

(btw, I realized afterwards that he called me strawberry lady bc I was wearing a strawberry-patterned knitted sweaters) lol

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11 months ago

Unclouded happiness did not last long. pffft😒 According to my inside information, R also gave chocolates to another girl, whom I have never seen anyway (she is in her last year at school) ?!! Damn I might not be the first favorite student after all. *sulk* NEVERMIND😠🙄

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11 months ago

Finally girls FINALLY! Father's friends gathering on Friday night!😍 I can see him again outside of school and drink with him! YAAYY

What should I do? Should I kiss him? Should I bite him? Sit on his lap? I'm sure I'll dress up very nicely so that he can't take his eyes off me, but I want to do something that he won't be able to get out of his head…🙄 so if you have any insane ideas girls I'd accept them :$

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11 months ago

Story time! The gathering. part 1

Hello girls, I'm here with the update! It is always difficult to write at these times because there is so much going on at these gatherings.

Let me start by saying that I arrived at the party 1 hour late. (I met a friend before that) At first I was sad, but then I didn't mind, because when I arrived the atmosphere was already great, everyone was in a good mood and people were drinking and laughing loudly. (there were a lot of us again) Of course, I didn't take off my coat, I was already looking where R could be. Obviously, I couldn't find him standing at the door, so I quickly started to take off my coat and in the meantime I adjusted my hair in the mirror to be perfect. After that comes the main point and why I didn't regret being late. "You're late dear" - said the voice that made my heart beat faster. R was leaning against the wall with a glass of champagne in his hand, watching me straighten my hair (very awkward situation) Girls, I can't even tell you how attractive he was, he was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and black linen pants. (I almost tore it off) his hair was slicked back and a few strands hung forward. 😳

So, after that, I greeted him and quickly went through the people and of course, I caught dad in the living room with a big hug. <3 Then, before I even got to the kitchen, a couple of my father's friends caught me and made me drink two half-glass of vodka. bruh😭😭 Well, here comes the point, when I got to the kitchen, R was also standing there talking to a couple of men, and even though I decided not to be shy, somehow I still couldn't start a conversation, so I just poured myself a champagne... In the meantime, dad asked me to make the fruit salad if I was already late (oops) and UHH R came next to me and asked if he would help me cut them up. Of course, I immediately said yes, so we made the fruit salad together!! This part was so good because we talked a lot and it was a great feeling to make a salad together.

I knew from that that he had been drinking more, that he teases me a lot more and skins my face all the time. Even now, when I was about to put the apples in the bowl, he poked my side, causing half of them to fall to the ground, and then he even laughed. He seriously embarrassed me so much with that. But of course I didn't give up and threw a piece of blueberry in his face and we started fighting like five-year-olds. lol But then I stopped when one of the cold blueberries fell under my top and while I was grumpily trying to fish it out, R just grinned and then came closer to me and said.. (girls, don't die) "Can I help you take it out?" ???????!!!!!!!! EXCUSE ME It was a flirt that I couldn't handle, I was so embarrassed and I think he knew what he was doing because he just laughed and said he was just joking. 😭😭 Sir I'm going to die because of you!

So far it's very cute and I'm started to feel really good, but frankly there's always someone who spoils it all. A woman stole R's attention and they started talking, so I finished the fruit salad alone. :(((

But in the meantime I was also talking to people and R had his back to me, we were behind each other's backs the whole time and that's how I heard what they were talking about. In retrospect, maybe I didn't want to hear it... Because it was burned into my memory that R was asked about a woman, what was going on with her/them. ??? HUH? WHAT You can imagine that I was eating a fruit salad, but my fork stuck in my mouth when I heard this. I kind of guessed that R wasn't waiting for me and was goo and dating other women, but it was still very painful to face it.🤧 *crying* I rather filled another glass of champagne and maybe I shouldn't have done that because I could still feel the alcohol a little. (but idc)

I'll continue in another post soon because it would be very long. SORRY AHH Until then, process the events girls, because I haven't succeeded since then. lol 😫😫😫

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8 months ago

Short story time hey-hey! <3

One day when I was with my dad's house, R came through. Meanwhile I studied for the exams in the kitchen. (Dad helped me by listening to me when I learned the exam tasks) and when I heard the front door open, I thought it was my dad, so I said out loud to him:

"Dad, will you help me please? I'd like to tell you about this exam assignment!"

Girls.. who would have thought that it was not my dad but R???😵😭 Then I didn't get an answer right away and I kept writing in my notebook bla bla bla and didn't even look up when this omg sentence burned into my brain:

"Of course I'll help you angel!"

I obviously noticed that it wasn't my dad's voice and I immediately raised my head and saw R jokingly smiling at me.😱 I honestly felt like my head was going to be red, not just because he was here, but mainly because he called me angel. Okay, I know he was joking and he was trying to imitate my dad, but damn this situation made my heart skip a beat...😳😳

btw R really wanted to help me study, but then my dad came and pulled him away from me lol *sad*

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7 months ago

I know girls that summer break is hard without our favorite teacher…

but try to stay positive and use this time to be the best you can be, so that when he/she sees you again at school, he/she will only blink and turn around after you with jaw dropped. Okay?

Go my girlies and glow up this summer!!!💗

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6 months ago

UPDATEEE!!! Sorry for the late update🥺💕

Well, girls, before I got this message from R, we didn't talk for a few days. Yeah yeah ofc, we also have summer vacation at the university, and i try to live my irl life etc. (that's why I'm not always active and I'm really sorry, I miss you girls <333 *mwah*)

Back to the topic: I was with my friends all that day, we were at the nearby large lake, sunbathing and swimming. Then we walked back to the city in the afternoon-evening.(?)

I was wearing an oversized white shirt + bikini, my hair was braided and we were having a good laugh about one of my friends when my phone suddenly vibrated in the back pocket of my shorts.

And when I saw that "R." sent a message, my face froze as if all the emotions I had suppressed during the summer had hit my face.😵‍💫😩

It turned out that he drove past us just as we were laughing on the sidewalk. (lol I didn't even notice it was his car😭 i mean bc there are a lot of cars on the streets so I didn't pay attention to that ahhh)

So yeah that was a little update. BUT!!!! We started talking more again...and he calls me Bambi.😭🫣

Fuck. He slowly killing me again.

So far nothing much has happened, my heart was beating in a normal rhythm, until unexpectedly yesterday afternoon I received a message from him.

So Far Nothing Much Has Happened, My Heart Was Beating In A Normal Rhythm, Until Unexpectedly Yesterday

O m g.😵‍💫

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5 months ago

Dear diary - I love him.

R's birthday was this month. Yes, I didn't write about it, honestly because I didn't know what to do. I didn't buy him anything, I couldn't think of anything. I feel a little guilty for not being able to express my gratitude and love to him somehow. >< I've made it a point to try to approach him carefully this semester so there aren't any problems. Am I doing it right? I don't know. Will this be progress? I don't know. However, I didn't leave him without a word, I went up to him at school and said with a big smile, "Happy Birthday!" And he just looked down at me with a cute smile, then caressed my face and said "Thank you dear". He actually gave me a present that day, not me. He caressed my face and my heart was not beating properly.

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