Om! Mephistopheles - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Don't Kill Me About Mephisto, M. Fans! It's Just My Opinion..

Don't kill me about Mephisto, M. Fans! It's just my opinion.. 😭🙏

Made An Om Character Opinion Chart For Fun ^_^

made an om character opinion chart for fun ^_^

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6 months ago
Don't Kill Me About Mephisto, M. Fans! It's Just My Opinion..

Don't kill me about Mephisto, M. Fans! It's just my opinion.. 😭🙏

Made An Om Character Opinion Chart For Fun ^_^

made an om character opinion chart for fun ^_^

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8 months ago

Mc and Mephisto walking around RAD

Demon: Hey Mc thanks for helping me with the job the other day!!!

Mc: You're welcome! If you need help again let me know.

Demoness: Mc, the song you recommended was awesome, come by the club soon!!!

Mc: I'll drop by there sometime.

Mephisto: It never ceases to amaze me how well you've integrated into Devildom despite being a human.

Mc: Well I grew up hearing that I was going to hell for this or for that. So let's just say I had my mind made up *sticks thumbs up*

Mephisto: What-

Mc: What I didn't expect was that this moment would come so quickly :D.

Mephisto: *covering his mouth with worry* I don't have words to refute that… But good for you… I guess.



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3 years ago

MC : In exchange for a pact with you I immediately give you my soul

Diavolo : *shocked* MC, No-! ! !

Mephisto : Deal. *Makes a pact with MC.*

Mephisto : *about to kill MC and take their soul* Goo-

MC : *gives Mephistopheles candy called ”My soul“* here you go.

Diavolo :

Mephisto :

Mephisto : *trying to process that he just signed his life away pretty much and got tricked*

Diavolo: Ahahah! *Sighs in relief*

Solomon :

Solomon : I'll use that...

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3 years ago

5 year old MC

13 : I've decided to adopt MC.

Lucifer : No.

13 : MC needs an ACTUAL mother.

Lucifer : MC doesn't. And MC has enough fathers that could take the role.

13 : Oh?

13 : You mean 3 chaotic kids, one angry bookworm, one makeup obsessed chick, a giant who would probably eat them and one overworked "single mom"?

Lucifer : Did you just call me an overworked single mom?!

13 : You instantly got that.

13 : Anyway, MC needs an actual mom therefore I'm taking em with me.

Lucifer : As if I'd give MC to you.

Mephisto : *crashes through driveway with a car* HEY, I TOOK THE CHILD, LET'S GO.

Lucifer : ?!!!

MC : *happily sitting in the backseat with Raphael and waving at Lucifer* HI LUCI!

Raphael : ...

Lucifer :

Lucifer : *turns into his demon form*

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