Marvel Peter Parker - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago



With Lemon and Honey

Title: With Lemon and Honey 

Fandom: Irondad

Word Count: 1200


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2 years ago

Adorable!! 🥹🥹


FRIDAY: Actually~~~ ‘kittens’ is the word to refer to baby cats, therefore you wouldn’t need to add the word ‘baby’ before ‘kittens’.

Rhodey: *is filming* Shut up, FRIDAY.


Sorry 😭 I just IMMEDIATELY thought of the proper vocabulary reading this 🥲


Irondad Prompt #122:

Tony, carrying a baby kitten: Oh, he’s gonna love this!!

Tony: Peter! Peter, wake up~

Peter: Hm?


Peter: B-baby!! Baby kitty!!!

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2 years ago

A DO. RA. BLE. 😍😍😍


Pass the Sleep

Title: Pass the Sleep

Fandom: Irondad

Word Count: 677

A/N: brought to you by the fact that I need to use the sleep, and also prompt #78 from @irondadmadlads, and also @comfortember prompts: exhaustion & pass out 

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2 years ago

This is too cute. I can’t!



Knight In Shining Armor

Title: Knight In Shining Armor 

Fandom: Irondad

Word Count: 565

Prompt: #105 from @irondadmadlads

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2 years ago

ok buT WHAT IF-






Fitzherbert: So you’re telling me, that yours has lost both parents, and uncle, AND MORE, gets picked on, is super brain smart, has gone through traumatic events, is clumsy, looks like a cinnamon roll, and still hasn’t killed anyone!?


Tony: Who tf-


LEts say this was before endgame lol

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5 years ago
Favorite Character Meme: Peter Parker (2/3) Relationships | May Parker
Favorite Character Meme: Peter Parker (2/3) Relationships | May Parker
Favorite Character Meme: Peter Parker (2/3) Relationships | May Parker

favorite character meme: peter parker ⊳ (2/3) relationships | may parker

if she knew, she would freak out. and when she freaks out, i freak out.

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5 years ago
 You Cant Trick Me Anymore.
 You Cant Trick Me Anymore.
 You Cant Trick Me Anymore.
 You Cant Trick Me Anymore.

                                           “You can’t trick me anymore.”

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5 years ago

ok so,

everyone is always saying that Shuri and Peter are the new science bros(which I agree), but y’all are crazy if you don’t think those funky little genius gen z babies wouldn’t call themselves the science hoes

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2 years ago

reasons why marvel peter parker is trans

1. it’s more fun than cis peter parker

2. bc i said so

3. getting bullied for being a nerd doesn’t really happen and definitely not at the fucking nerd school he goes to but getting bullied for being trans does

(this does not include flash bc they don’t bully people with the correct name and pronouns)

4. this is not a reason but i just wanted to say that he’s also pan (or bi ive seen both and idc what you head cannon him as)

5. cis people loose their shit when you say this and i only exist to piss off cis people

6. he gets more defensive when someone calls him a girl or says something about his voice than a cis guy would

7. by 15 cis guy’s voice cracks will start to reduce and their voice would be deeper so it would make sense if he recently started T

8. i didnt come up with this but flash doesn’t only call him penis parker bc his initials are pp but also bc when he first started packing it fell out of his pants and flash won’t let him live it down

9. this isn’t mine either but ned asked peter if he lays eggs knowing that only female spiders lay eggs

10. into the spider verse is a thing

every single one of them is trans (that includes nonbinary just in case y’all forgot thats under the trans umbrella)

and specifically peter was miles’ trans mentor

you cant tell me that doesn’t make sense

11. this once again isn’t a reason but he has ADHD and you can’t convince me otherwise

i don’t feel like thinking of more so just take that and get out

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