Humanity - Tumblr Posts - Page 4

7 years ago

Slow Dance

This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer. She wants to see how many people get her poem.

It is quite a poem, please pass it on. This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. It was sent by a medical doctor Make sure to read what is in the closing statement AFTER THE POEM.



Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down. Don’t dance so fast. Time is short. The music won’t last.

Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask, “How are you?” Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed, with the next hundred chores running through your head?

You’d better slow down Don’t dance so fast. Time is short The music won’t last.

Ever told your child, We’ll do it tomorrow? And in your haste, Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die Cause you never had time To call and say,‘Hi’

You’d better slow down. Don’t dance so fast. Time is short. The music won’t last..

When you run so fast to get somewhere, You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day, It is like an unopened gift…. Thrown away.

Life is not a race. Do take it slower Hear the music Before the song is over.


Dear All: PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know - even to those you don’t know! It is the request of a special girl, who will soon leave this world due to cancer.

This young girl has 6 months left to live, and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to live their life to the fullest, since she never will. She’ll never make it to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a family of her own.

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TikTok - Make Your Day

@Marvel Fans on TikTok, I’m putting this here because like let’s be honest, marvels been doing a bit more than defending kids dreams. At least in the beginning, idk about some of their newer stuff.

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Why can’t people just have There human rights, and people leave other people alone and mined there own business? -_-🙄

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2 years ago

Şimdi gözlerimizi kapadık ve yürüyoruz sakince. Yolda yürürken ya da durakta beklerken nerede olduğunun hiç önemi olmadan, sadece kafanı kaldırıp insanlara baktın mı? Muhakkak ki bakmışsındır, peki kaç kişiyi gerçekten gördün?

Sorsan hepimiz görülmek isteriz, birini görmeye hiç hazır olmadan. İnsanların hayatlarına öylesine bir 'an' dan dahil olup yargılamak ne hoş gelir oysa. Kimse onun ne haber aldığını, nasıl bir an'da hapsolduğunu düşünmez. Bunca şeye rağmen yinede düşünülmek isteriz.

Çünkü insan görüldüğü kadar var olur ama unutmamak gerekir ki gördüğü kadar da insandır.

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2 years ago

💟 for brightglass

💟 What do you think makes them perfect for one another?

I think they balance each other out well. Simon is understanding and patient when it comes to Jack — although not his therapist, he still tries to offer advice and coping strategies, and if nothing else, an outlet to vent to. Glass knows that he’ll never be able to fully understand what Bright has gone through. But he can try. And he can listen. And he can do everything in his power to make sure that Jack knows that he is loved. Bright, on the other hand, is much more of a worrier than most people would expect. He’s almost a mother hen — although he tries to conceal that beneath several layers of sarcastic remarks and lighthearted teasing. But it’s there. It’s definitely there. He makes sure Simon eats. He makes him take breaks from his work. He keeps him grounded. He makes him smile when he’s stressed. They just balance each other. Their personalities are so different but they just complement the other so well 😌

OTP ask game :)

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2 years ago
The Choctaw-Irish Brotherhood(via)

The Choctaw-Irish Brotherhood(via)

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1 year ago

My favorite thing about art is that everyone takes something different out of it! Oh you like this song? This is what it means to you? Well this what it means to me. You see these two characters together? I see these two. We both love this thing so much and took such different things from it! Isn't that cool!? Isn't awesome the we see the same things and we love them differently! Then we take what we see and what we love from it and make new art! And the cycle continues! I love art and I love humanity!

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9 years ago

The texts that fascinate you, are the ones that you define.

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1 year ago
Im Grateful For The Good In People, And How Kind They Are To Give Some Of That Goodness To Me.

i’m grateful for the good in people, and how kind they are to give some of that goodness to me. ❤︎

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2 years ago

On the topic of humans being everyone’s favorite Intergalactic versions  of Gonzo the Great: Come on you guys, I’ve seen all the hilarious additions to my “humans are the friendly ones” post. We’re basically Steve Irwin meets Gonzo from the Muppets at this point. I love it. 

But what if certain species of aliens have Rules for dealing with humans?

Don’t eat their food. If human food passes your lips/beak/membrane/other way of ingesting nutrients, you will never be satisfied with your ration bars again.

Don’t tell them your name. Humans can find you again once they know your name and this can be either life-saving or the absolute worst thing that could happen to you, depending on whether or not they favor you. Better to be on the safe side.

Winning a human’s favor will ensure that a great deal of luck is on your side, but if you anger them, they are wholly capable of wiping out everything you ever cared about. Do not anger them.

If you must anger them, carry a cage of X’arvizian bloodflies with you, for they resemble Earth mo-skee-toes and the human will avoid them.

This does not always work. Have a last will and testament ready.

Do not let them take you anywhere on your planet that you cannot fly a ship from. Beings who are spirited away to the human kingdom of Aria Fiv-Ti Won rarely return, and those that do are never quite the same.

Basically, humans are like the Fair Folk to some aliens and half of them are scared to death and the others are like alien teenagers who are like “I dare you to ask a human to take you to Earth”.

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7 months ago

She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to look nice. And she knew that. She wore dark red lipstick the colour of blood, and not just any blood, but period blood. She wore smokey eyes and didn’t bother hiding the dark circles from insomniac nights and had a perfectly winged eyeliner that she had read in sixth grade made you look like a cat and she loved cats though she was, as she begrudgingly admitted to her animal lover friends, afraid to touch them. Her nose was radically different from what the rest of her family had and someone said it made her look like a Greek sculpture. She refuses to wear high heels unless it is a wedding and she loves standing taller than the people who used to look down on her. She practically lives in her well-worn sneakers that she bought with the money from her first salary because the heels prescribed by the boss at work were ergonomically stupid and anyway, she would like to have her spine and muscles intact in old age. She had a small little birthmark right beneath the outer of her left eye, on her high cheekbones that her uncle had told her resembled her country. She has two very slightly crooked front teeth, hardly visible unless you are asked to look at them because though she intended to, she never could bring herself to take the initiative and wear braces because it hurts and she hated things that brought her pain. She always carries a picture of her parents in her purse and a bottle of perfume. She goes to the movies without buying popcorn because she hadn’t been to the theatre for five years once and the first time after, she forgot to buy them and anyway, it’s difficult to hear with the constant chewing. She writes little letters and half-finished stories, pores over ancient texts and is a treasure trove of little facts. She knows all the Greek stories, despises Zeus and the gods and adores mythology, be it Celtic, Indian, Chinese, Norse or Japanese but loves folklores the best. She knows suspiciously too much about Unit 731, Operation Nightingale, the Nazca lines, poison, the history of chocolate, the world wars and Europe after the French Revolution for a medical student but who cares, she’s fascinating. She appears cold but those who have known her for years would tell you that she’s an empath and her fault is caring too much. She speaks bits and pieces of several languages, all influenced by the books and series she’d seen and loved. You could ask her what ‘What’s for dinner?’ was in Thai but she wouldn’t be able to tell you the classes of tones in it. She is a fashionista and abides by the teachings of her father who taught her what fashion really is and made her see how even a small wardrobe is enough to last you years because he never seemed to buy himself something unless his existing clothes were too worn and that was rare because he took extremely good care of his belongings, good enough to still be able to use the same sunglasses he wore during his college days. She is a wonderful cook but rarely cooks her native dishes because she’s a picky eater who thrives on pasta and Chinese and the fish curries her mother makes are still the best things that graced her mouth. She is a mosaic of information and experience. She is everything and nothing, all at once. She is human, and perfection is her flaw. She is art.

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"The Moment We Cry In A Film Is Not When Things Are Sad But When They Turn Out To Be More Beautiful Than

"The moment we cry in a film is not when things are sad but when they turn out to be more beautiful than we expected them to be"

Alain de Botton

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The Cost of Your Silence !!!

The Cost Of Your Silence !!!

Your silence is allowing these atrocities and massacres in Palestine to continue. The bloody violence against innocent people persists because of it. Ten months have passed—YES, TEN MONTHS—and the genocide continues, as does the silence. Enough is enough! Enough silence, enough genocide, and enough killing. Gaza deserves better. We deserve a better life, and you deserve to be heard.

Every krone brings us closer to safety. Every share and every reblog helps us reach someone new who might be able to support us. If you’re unable to donate, please consider sharing our story with your followers and online communities. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference.

You may not be able to protect us directly, but you can amplify our message and RESCUE us from death by donating and spreading our story. If you know of any forums, groups, or networks that could help, please share our story with them.

To everyone who has already shared or donated, thank you. Even the smallest contribution can make a significant impact. Our story is your story. Please continue to donate and share, and help us reach those who can make a difference.

Vetted and shared by @90-ghost: Link.

Verified and shared by @el-shab-hussein: Link

Listed as number 282 in "The Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser Spreadsheet" compiled by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi : Link

Additionally, Al Jazeera News has documented apart of my family's case: Link

Important note: Donation value: ** 105 Swedish krona is just 10$ ** 1050 SEK is just 100$ ** 10500 SEK is just 1000 $

Donate to Help Falastin's Family Survive & Escape the Genocide in Gaza, organized by Falastin Iwais
Please read this if I were your sister, daughter, or a member… Falastin Iwais needs your support for Help Falastin's Family Survive & Escape

@nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @90-ghost @timogsilangan

@fading-event-608 @buttercuparry @determinate-negation @transmutationisms @appsa

@prierepaiienne @pcktknife @feluka @just-browsing1222 @interact-if

@solidarityisnotaslogan-blog-blog @unified-multiversal-theory @feministacansada @feministactionsupportnetwork @globalvoices

@save-the-world-but-lose-her @save-the-world-one-day-at-a-time @save-the-world-tonight @wip-wednesday @allthingswordy

@writerscorner-blog @fictionfood @wordsthat-speak @writerscunts-blog @storyshots-blog

@wordsnstories-blog @writeblr @thewritingcaddy @fictionwriting2 @inkstay

@creativepromptsforwriting @humansofnewyork @intersectional-feminist @intersectional-feminists @intersectional-feminism

@intersectional-feminist-killjoy @thepeoplesrecord @socialjusticekitten-blog @socialgoodmoms @nowthisnews

@socialgoofy @fightforhumanity-rpg-blog @fightforhumanity-rp @queerandpresentdanger

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8 months ago

I know this is old but your blog is so good and I just found it and aaaa I just gotta say I love your stuff.

I think I like mostly agree here? Humanity I think is beautiful. I look at my kid, my human friends and family... Yeah humanity makes me so angry and sad sometimes. Really just righteously enraged by the cruelty... but... It's also beautiful. I think I hope they do change, but for the better. I hope humanity can be better so that my kid can have a future, so that all life can have a better future. I may be a demon but I hold onto hope. It's all I got sometimes.

Question for all Otherkin!

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7 months ago

The thing I hate most about transhumanism discourse are the appeals to "humanity". Like, "are you less human if you have cybernetics?" and "does it affect your humanity if you change your genes?"

And I just.. Look man, I'm trans, disabled, and autistic. Half the world already barely considers me human, on a good day.

So I don't think it makes sense to get mad at me for wanting fangs and a gender you can pick up on a Geiger counter.

You're yelling about this being a slippery slope, and meanwhile you pushed me down it. You can't justify annoyance at me deciding to go "weeee" all the way down.

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7 months ago
Destiny ; Hand In Hand
Destiny ; Hand In Hand

Destiny 命运; Hand in Hand 牵手

Oil on canvas, 2019, by Pang Maokun

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