Luminara Unduli - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Hypothetically, do you reckon that for the younglings that grew up in the Jedi Temple would do like ‘your mum’ jokes except instead it would be ‘your master’?

Like I can fully imagine a random youngling going up to their friend and telling a Your Master joke, and running away giggling menacingly


I feel like depending on which council member they’d tell it to, they’d either get a laugh or get banished from the order, there’s no inbetween

It would be so funny though

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5 months ago

Random doodle that I’m posting because I literally haven’t drawn anything else this week (oops)

Random Doodle That Im Posting Because I Literally Havent Drawn Anything Else This Week (oops)
Random Doodle That Im Posting Because I Literally Havent Drawn Anything Else This Week (oops)

(I did the digital version with my finger so it’s not great)

I love Mirialans they’re so cool though

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4 years ago
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart
Reblog Or Give Heart

reblog or give heart <3

follow me on twitter: @/anakinsoka

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4 years ago
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Luminara Undulli

Senator Chuchi

Aayla Secura

Luminara Undulli

Aayla Secura

Satine Kryze

Padme Amidala

Senator Chuchi

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4 years ago
Reblog Or Give A Heart
Reblog Or Give A Heart
Reblog Or Give A Heart
Reblog Or Give A Heart
Reblog Or Give A Heart
Reblog Or Give A Heart
Reblog Or Give A Heart

reblog or give a heart <3

credits headers: X , X

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4 years ago
CLONE WARS LADIES!! I Adore Them So Much *u* I Was Trying Out Clip Studio Paint When I Did These!
CLONE WARS LADIES!! I Adore Them So Much *u* I Was Trying Out Clip Studio Paint When I Did These!
CLONE WARS LADIES!! I Adore Them So Much *u* I Was Trying Out Clip Studio Paint When I Did These!
CLONE WARS LADIES!! I Adore Them So Much *u* I Was Trying Out Clip Studio Paint When I Did These!

CLONE WARS LADIES!! i adore them so much *u* i was trying out clip studio paint when i did these!

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9 years ago

Huh, sudden realization that there’s a non-zero (and possibly high?) chance that there’s going to be a Luminara cameo in Kanan - First Blood, since in RotOM Kanan mentions that he met her once.  PUT LUMINARA IN A THING, I WANT TO SEE HER ALIVE AGAIN.

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1 year ago
Luminara And Barriss Have No Business Looking Like Theyre About To Step On A Catwalk??? And Yet They

Luminara and Barriss have no business looking like they’re about to step on a catwalk??? And yet they do

✨🌙  ART LOG ->  @404ama

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4 years ago


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3 years ago
Warm Up Requested By Followers (2/?)
Warm Up Requested By Followers (2/?)

warm up requested by followers (2/?)

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3 years ago
I Head Canon That This Lovely Bean Is Bariss Offee.

I head canon that this lovely bean is Bariss Offee. 


1) Their outfit resembles Bariss’s clothes and Luminara’s with the bead panel in the front.

2) They take Boba under their wing and teach him the way of the weapon. Totally remembers the clones and internally goes “vod’ika!”

3) As a newer Tusken would probably teach the even newer person

4) Tuskens adopt others into their group that they like and are left behind. There have been Tusken Jedi in the past. 

5) Bariss would definitely escape to a backwater planet and join a nomadic warrior tribe who stays out of intergalactic affairs and only help/fight people who deserve it. 

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1 year ago

Barriss Day fanart collages

As I can no longer access/post on my original Tumblr account (under Polgarawolf), due to a dead computer during home rennovations and issues with the internet that resulted in losing the email attached to the account (and the apparent inability of Tumblr to do anything to help me), I have made a new account, Polgarawolf1. I'm the same person, though, and I'm still a big SW fan, though I generally lean more towards the old EU than the new DISNEY!SW version of SW canon. I tend to have elaborate headcanons for the things that I write or otherwise create in fandoms like this but I'm also an AU girl at heart, so I can and sometimes do entertain multiple possible headcanons for certain characters. I'm hoping to get something written for BarrissDay before the deadline, but that might or might not happen, due to real life issues. I'm not a techy person, so I hope that the person (or people) who has (or have) organized BarrissDay and the Barriss Offee Appreciation blog will know how to find this, based on the BarrissDay tag!

Please be aware that my version of Barriss Offee is based largely on the original version of the character, as she appears in cut scenes, etc., from AotC and RotS (and therefore has very little to do with Filoni's Star Wars: The Clone Wars nonsense, except for what I've modified to fit with my headcanon version of Barriss. Apologies, though, for the one image of Barriss with her hair loose/uncovered - it's how they drew her for the cover art of one of the MedStar books, during an unexpected attack, and unfortunately I'm just not artistically talented enough to believably alter it to try to cover her head/hair!), and as she was originally written in EU books such as The Approaching Storm and the MedStar duology. My Barriss is closer in age to Anakin Skywalker than Ahsoka Tano and is most emphatically not a terrorist who willingly helped bomb one of the hangars in the Coruscanti Jedi Temple, just in case anyone is wondering!

In any case, the collages are behind the cut! There are some just for Barriss, some for Barriss and Luminara as Padawan and Master, and a few based specifically on the MedStar books, with Barriss and Kornell "Uli" Divini (I have filled in for him as best I can, since there aren't any good images of him online. For those who are unfamiliar with the character, Uli is from Tatooine, attended Coruscant Medical, did his internship at "Big Zoo" or Galactic Polysapient Medical Center on Alderaan, and is something of a wonderkid, as he's already a fully qualified surgeon when either still eighteen or just nineteen, during the events of MedStar II: Jedi Healer, and is maybe barely 20 when the Clone Wars ends. Uli has something of a baby face but is extremely good at sabacc, which the various Healers - Jedi and otherwise - and surgeons and nurses of Republic Mobile Surgical Unit 7 often play with their friends during downtime. Uli's mother, renowned mudopterist Elana  Divini, is known for collecting "Alderaanian flare-wings" and one of his first meetings with Barriss happens when she's out doing a lightsaber kata and accidentally injures herself while he's in the swamps of Drongar looking at the local insects, sees her, and helps deal with her injury), who were at the very least written as good friends with the potential for more (if not for Order 66, etc.).

Apologies in advance for repetitiveness - I figured more would be better, even if it meant that I basically had to keep using the same scant handful of official images for Barriss from the films over and over, plus a few from the various animated shows. I'm aware that hex signs are a form of Pennsylvania Dutch folk art, but I've had it in my head for years (since long before Star Wars: The Clone Wars was made) that Mirialan art and particularly their folk art involve very similar motifs and also often the use of colorful stained glass and tiles, which is why I've used several of them here along with images meant to evoke stained glass artwork. No disrespect is meant to anyone and if anything bothers anyone, please let me know about it and why, so I can try to fix it or offer an alternative!

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

Barriss Day Fanart Collages

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