Poor Babies - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Yk what I was asking for this post? Well, I tried it out and I'm so happy :D

Yk What I Was Asking For This Post? Well, I Tried It Out And I'm So Happy :D

I still would love to see other people's interpretations ofc! :)

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1 year ago

How am I? No one has asked. WELL my entire for you page is Destiel so I'm sobbing. How dare you people make me suffer by reminding me of the Supernatural ending. HOW DARE YOU. I am way too exhausted to deal with this right now. The only way I can deal with Destiel is if it's fluffy fanfiction. Am I going to survive this? No

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8 months ago


Me: walking back and forth in my room. Clutching my arm, phone inches from my face. It's almost midnight, but nothing can pry me away.

Would you guess it's a dnd campaign?

Edge of Midnight is currently breaking my brain

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3 years ago



Eli comforting Ana

Who doesn't love some angst + fluff? ;_;

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1 year ago

It was a massive shitshow, and the person to kick it all off was Viserys. I blame him, and he's just as good as dead as he was absent and careless to the children of his second marriage, manipulating Alicent and telling her not to tell Rhaenyra, yet Rhaenyra blames her for not standing up to her father when he's king. Yet he's praised for being a "good father" by some delusional team black supporters after he selfishly killed Aemma. If anything, Rhaenyra should be pissed at him, not Alicent, and he should've told his kids about his first marriage.

"A Son for a Son 😍👍😽"

"Lucerys deserved it! 🙄😈"

"Can't wait to see Jaehaera die, and Alicent's bloodline with her! 👏👏"

It's not even about the teams, it's about what being genuinely excited for someone's death, mostly innocent, makes you.

Get help, people. Get help.

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1 year ago
There's Not A Day When I Won't Feel Sorry For Her. He Never Deserved Her Or Any Of His Children. Ironically,

There's not a day when I won't feel sorry for her. He never deserved her or any of his children. Ironically, he killed Aemma for a son only to eventually gain not just one but three and neglect them. He traumatized a teenage girl for the rest of her life, using her and leaving her in the dust like she wasn't shit.  

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1 year ago

My baby 🥺

The Cuticles On Alicent's Fingers Have Been Bitten Bloody. It's The Worst They Have Ever Looked -- A

“the cuticles on alicent's fingers have been bitten bloody. it's the worst they have ever looked -- a manifestation of alicent's anxiety and guilt over being chosen by the king”

— "The Rogue Prince”

season 1 episode 2 (deleted scene)

via @/darksvster on tumblr and x

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The shelter where I volunteer got some new hissy babies and we were making progress with socialization yesterday.

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10 months ago
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....

A moment of mourning for something Sakura would have once given anything to hear from Sasuke....

Kind of followup to THIS comic.

But she and Saeko have had their revenge for Enji, and Sakura has had time to heal and find closure. She won't be any good to Sasuke because she's already left that path, and she won't abandon her coven/responsibilities either.

She's learned alot about Konoha over the past few years, and has to a big degree, deprogrammed herself from the Leaf's propaganda thanks to all her teachers and some brutal life experience, so she doesn't actually care if Sasuke were to raze the entire council/kages to the ground- but there ARE people (ino, Kakashi, lee, naruto etc-) who she loves and wants to protect, so she'll stay, for them.

Sasuke, for his part, is happy to have someone just verbalize that they empathize with his pain and that his desire for revenge is justified, though he's doesn't have the bandwidth to really understand where Sakura is right now, emotionally.

In this AU I kind of had an end for Sasuke where he is pardoned, but never returns to the village, though he does pass by once in a blue moon. When he does, Sakura (who doesn't end up living IN the village as much as in the forests of Konoha like their own little witch of the woods) is there to help with healing/supplies and they do end up as good, yet distant friends.

Once again, thank you so much for all the support and really nice questions/kind words for this AU!!! <3 <3

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10 months ago
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....
A Moment Of Mourning For Something Sakura Would Have Once Given Anything To Hear From Sasuke....

A moment of mourning for something Sakura would have once given anything to hear from Sasuke....

Kind of followup to THIS comic.

But she and Saeko have had their revenge for Enji, and Sakura has had time to heal and find closure. She won't be any good to Sasuke because she's already left that path, and she won't abandon her coven/responsibilities either.

She's learned alot about Konoha over the past few years, and has to a big degree, deprogrammed herself from the Leaf's propaganda thanks to all her teachers and some brutal life experience, so she doesn't actually care if Sasuke were to raze the entire council/kages to the ground- but there ARE people (ino, Kakashi, lee, naruto etc-) who she loves and wants to protect, so she'll stay, for them.

Sasuke, for his part, is happy to have someone just verbalize that they empathize with his pain and that his desire for revenge is justified, though he's doesn't have the bandwidth to really understand where Sakura is right now, emotionally.

In this AU I kind of had an end for Sasuke where he is pardoned, but never returns to the village, though he does pass by once in a blue moon. When he does, Sakura (who doesn't end up living IN the village as much as in the forests of Konoha like their own little witch of the woods) is there to help with healing/supplies and they do end up as good, yet distant friends.

Once again, thank you so much for all the support and really nice questions/kind words for this AU!!! <3 <3

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9 months ago
So. I Found A Sick Momma Cat And Her Babies Underneath My Garden Shed A Minute Ago

So. I found a sick momma cat and her babies underneath my garden shed a minute ago 🥹💔

She’s limping really bad (momma) her front paw is swollen and injured. Tomorrow I’m going to call our vet and see if I can’t round them up in Penny’s old puppy carrier and get them checked out.

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7 months ago

just watched Twisters, and I have some thoughts

-i feel like Kate should've walked with a limp or something, but maybe that big ol cut on her leg just missed muscles or something idk

-Tyler's crew live streams. I think they did an okay-ish job representing the sorta YouTube thing they've got going on but for the life of me I can't figure out how they'd set up their live streams.

-idea #1 they switch out the camera angles based on which one has more stuff going on. I think this might be able to feasibly work, but it would be logistically very annoying to do.

-idea #2 they simultaneously have all the cameras streaming in a grid pattern on the screen. This would probably make more sense, but I'm not sure if people would actually want to watch something like that.

-idea #3 they have multiple streams going at once of the different cameras and cut the footage up later for videos. This one, I honestly think might make the most sense but it's also kinda stupid. Idk.

-Kate's mom. I love her, she was so funny. But please why wasn't she scared when Kate went to her house in the middle of the night. She just walked into the kitchen all normal. I was waiting for her to walk in with a goddamn shotgun or something.

-and Kate being all "Mom it's me," like ok girl. Nice of you to warn her after breaking into the house ig??? you couldn't have knocked???

-Javi is a manipulative idiot. No like seriously he is. From almost the first scene in the movie you can tell he sorta likes Kate, and that's fine and all but it's what he does later that makes things so much worse.

-Javi emotionally manipulated Kate into chasing again. He knows she's traumatized, unexpectedly waltzes back into her life, and goads her into going back to Oklahoma.

-he was mad at Kate for running away from the tornado. You can't look at someone who's basically having a freaking panic attack and be like 'you shouldn't have made us miss the storm'. Like no Javi, that's not what you do.

-trying to ask her on a date after getting mad that she's having a panic attack.

he's just doing so many things and I just can't figure out why he'd even do this in the first place, like it's all just a pretty shitty move my man. It annoyed me.

but overall I did enjoy the movie. it's a solid standalone thing and I'm glad they didn't really try to completely tie it in to the first movie.

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11 months ago
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic
Last Part Of The Pearl Comic

Last part of the pearl comic

Previous part:

Pearl comic part 4 ⚠️ TW fictional child characters hurt & in distress Previous part: Part 3 of the Pearl comic! Previous part: The long

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1 year ago

Oh my god this is the saddest thing I've read all week and I agree😭🥰

Spoilers for season 5

TW: character death(ish)

Spartan kicks your door: WHO WANTS TO BE SAD?

So between Hizashi and Aizawa both work like five jobs: Hizashi has his radio station, being a pro hero, and teaching; Aizawa has being a pro hero and teaching

Now if they had just started as teachers it would make sense that they have extra jobs because teaching doesn’t pay shit (support teachers and push for better wages, seriously. It’s bullshit how little educators get)

However, both started out as heroes, and I have to at least hope that hero work pays well enough for you to make a liveable wage. So why the extra jobs?

Sure the radio show could just be a thing as soon project, and teaching could just be to fill up empty time, but I want to add something more depressing to the mix

What if the reason they work extra jobs is because they made a pact between the two of them to provide for Oboro’s family after he died?

They were so close during their hero training, and I know Aizawa especially would feel so much guilt over what happened

They would’ve done everything in their power to make sure the Shirakumo family didn’t have to worry about a thing

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