The Sky - Tumblr Posts
Poem: Thunder
A Haiku
Rumble and roll are
Words we use to try to calm
The sky as it screams.
"Why does the blue,
blue sky always capture
my eye with its tidepools
of winds lurking about
in the air and sea foam
of clouds ebbing away
from the breaking
shoreline of a skyline,
where birds are the fish
of the endless welkin
and trees are the seaweed
of the ocean's bottom;
do I long for the beauty
of the undiscovered
or do I ache for the
infinite freedom?"
mmmm I love taking night pictures with my crappy tablet lens. it's so fucking weird yet oddly fun to do so.


この前の夕空。朝ですけども。 市販のようなまろやかなミルクティーが作りたいのう。湯じゃなくホットミルク出しで作られてるのかな、あれ。希釈かもしれないけれど。 というわけで、これからは自分用に牛乳を常備しておきたい。ヘルシーではないけれど、やっぱり脂肪分が多くて濃厚なのが好きなのよ

Just Fly lockscreens edits made by me :)
One of the many things that make me insane about the chaos walking books are the parallels between the characters. I could talk about them for DAYS. Viola and Mistress Coyle. Todd and Mayor Prentiss. Mayor Prentiss and Mistress Coyle. Davy and Todd. The return and Todd. Ben and Mayor Prentiss. The Sky and the Return. The Sky and the Return and the Mayor and Todd and so on and so forth until you combust.
Some of these specifically keep me up at night. The Sky telling the Return "you have no father, I have no son , we should totally be a found family" and the mayor constantly telling Todd that he's proud of him , that they are connected, forcing this bond between them , forcing him into the role of his son while the Sky asks, the mayor creating this test where to become part of the men of Pressintown you have to kill someone while the Sky's test is not to kill, to be able to show mercy, let go of anger to join the Land. Either way both Todd and The Return find themselves unable to kill, they are both angry and broken and Todd does hate Aaron and seek vengence just like The Return hates Todd but in the end they can't kill. but then there's Todd killing a spackle with a knife and The Return unable to stab Ben but he kinda kills Todd with a rifle while Todd purposefully doesn't shoot any spackle with his rifle during the first fight of the war And and and both the mayor and the sky die but while the Sky's memory is treasured and the Return is proud to follow in his footsteps Todd will never become like the Mayor ( who is only remembered as a horror story I hope )
There's so many characters mirroring each other it's insaneeee like mistress coyle and the mayor who both believe they are so high and mighty and so different but when it comes down to it they are both deranged fucking people obsessed with control. They go about it in different ways , one a murderer and the other a terrorist, they make sides and they fight and he poisons people and she's a healer but when it comes down to it she almost blows viola up with a bomb while the mayor saves Todd's life countless times. They are so obsessed with power and control that when they see it getting permanently out of their reach they kill themselves. She , "the martyr", "the voice of the people", goes out with a bomb while him "the president of the world", "the general", tries to leave behind countless deaths in a war he designed to have no winners. THEY ARE FUCKING INSANE YOUR HONOR "(if she wins) you'd be swapping one tyrant for another" YEAH WE NOTICED and and and do you see how they're unstoppable forces ?? The only reason they are defeated is because they defeat themselves!! No one else in the whole new world could have stopped them otherwise!!! AND did you guys notice how they were such better people in the past?? Mistress Coyle helping the protagonists of The wide open sea and Todd's mom describing the Mayor as a good man at the beginning of her journal??? But then power got to them , the need for control made them such horrible people
hello??*reaches through the screen to shake you* CAN YOU HEAR ME ?? Am I onto nothing???

Just some of my favorite pictures I’ve taken of the sky at different times of day and night.

In love with this match 💛🤎🧡

me, waking up in a cold sweat: the three doors trilogy!
anyway sonia’s favourite colour is blue, right?

Have a minimally blurry photo of a perfect sky ✨

Starry Night Orchestra by xkillz