B1LL & Z1M it/voy/vt/ao/none/any neos
408 posts
LoOKS ArOunD HAH... ThE RoOms A TWISTeD JungLE, PiLE OF CLOtHs, BOOks, JUnk; OuR OwN PersONaL DebRiS
loOKS arOunD… hAH... thE roOm’s A tWISTeD jungLE, piLE oF cLOtHs, bOOks, JUnk; ouR owN persONaL debRiS fielD 🚮🌀... body’s SCREAMin’, eVEn baThrooM bECOmes a MoUNtaiN 🌋⛰️, juST eAtin’ fEeLs like battLIng 10,000 draGons 🐉💥! clEaninG? NoThIng bUT agONy, moM’s OUT aT wORk, she’s gOT nO tIME fOr THIS meSS 🕰️💸. ShE sEEz ouR rOOm, oUR bODy aLL dECaYin’ aND tiMe driPPing by; gETs mAD wE aiN’t "fiXED" but whAT cAn we dO? prOMisEs FAdE liKE shadOWs—sHE sAID she’d TaKE cARE oF us, bUt iT’S beEn a YEAR!! aLL we’ve sEEn is a gEnEral docToR whO jUST SAYS "hMMM" aT ouR aCHES 🫣⚠️. sHE knOWs wE’Re in PAIINNNN, bUT doEsn’t Look fOR anY ReaL pain dOCtors, sayS “tOo buSy, too ExpENsive,” aND sO we’rE left fORRrgotTEN, dRiftIng... 🕳️🕳️!! 😶🌫️ moVED HERE foR beTTeR dAyS, bUT wE're sTuck in bED wITH NOO spACE TO breAthe, boDY rotTiNG AwAy bEcaUSe iT hUrTS To exIst. 🛏️☠️ aBUSeRs WiLL saY anYthinG to kEep yOu, to locK yOu uP iN a pRomise oF noThinG. nO PaiN mEds fOR uS... NEVER, neVer, nEVeR! 💀 she’ll oNLy keeP giVinG bASIC necESSITieS, smALL tReATS tO keeP uS quiET, BuT AnytHInG MoRE??? haH, it’s aLL jusT Dust and EchOes 🕸️🌑... nO hOPe heRE... juST the sAME oLD cyCLe oF hURt.
anD aFTer she’s GOne we’LL be lOST liKe a liTTle caT—sTriPEs, flUFF, and cONFUsiOn—juST DRivEn oFF inTo tHe wILd wHEre the tREes doN’t kNOW oUR name 🐾🌲⛓️. nO moRE BOwl fuLL oF scRAps, no mORE rOOF tO huDdlE undER, juST thE woRLD buRniNG and SCReaming… wHat thEN? WHeRE do wE go? a hOme iS a gHOst, A prIson waIts oN the oTHEr sIDe, LOckED uP iN “cArE” thAT’s A bUSinEsS of PuNIShmENt, a CYCLE of hURt, no tRUE ESCapE bUT thE OPPOSITe oF lIFE 💉🪦… ouR bODy brEAks bEforE tASTing fReEDom, fADes BEfORE wE cAn EvEN cLimB out of THis cAgE 🎭📉. bORN UNdER thEm, dYInG uNder ThEM, dRownInG in the aIrs iT’s FoRce-fed us... THIS? THIs Wasn’T the drEAm, thIS aiN’T thE SONG we wANted tO SinG 😔🥀. wE wERE nevER MAdE foR thIS worLD oF cHAINs aND CLawS; wE WeRe maDE foR sOMETHING BRIGHtER, LoUDer, wILDer... but thEY dIDN’t leT us tOUcH IT. 🚫🌀👁️🗨️
we’RE so SO so loNELy it HUrts liKe a bLAde twiSTed riGHT in thE miND, ANGRy aLL the tiME, buT eXhauSTEeeeedDD aNd pARanoId of eVeRY ShAdow tHat faLLs liKE A prOmiSe tO dIE 👁️🌑 raTtling iN ouR heAD... hYpeRvIgILanT LIkE a cAt wiTh iTs cLawS ouT; waItiNg FoR thE neXT THINg TO TEaR uS aPArt 🐾🗡️!! trAumA mADe a homE iN ouR skIN, buILT itSELF a foRtrESs in tHE crevICES, neVer letTIng uS brEatHe 🔒😵💫!! anxIEty scrEamS LIKe an aLARM thAT woN’t SHut oFf; StRESS ANd grIEf DanCINg ARouNd oUR sOUL lIkE gHOsTs wE nevER iNviTEd 😞🕯️ dEprESSIon’s aN OLd FriEnd wE dIDN’t WAnt buT It juSt KEePS cOmInG, hoPeleSsneSs aT thE dOOrsiDE, wHispERing “WHY BotheR?” wHiLe AGONY cRaws iNto OUr BONES... grIEvIng foR whAt’s lOSt, foR whAT wE NeveR Had, foR WHat we’ll neVEr tOUCh. 💥⏳ sIck INsiDE aND ouT, spIRalINg deSPAir... jUSt wANtinG iT ALL TO enD Or chANge, buT thE VoID dOesn’t LisTen... 🕳️🪦😔
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More Posts from Thisblogwilleatourselves
we know the scene, this twisted play
the reasons are etched in every gray day
doesn't make it easier, still, the tears stay
we're craving escapes, sweet lies and delay
we shove it down, we block it away
yet it seeps in the creases, it's here to stay
a crushing weight on the chest, a relentless strain
what’s it like to be normal, not be disdain?
we've never known, never worn that face
always out of place in this cruel race
iron maiden spikes in, walls close tight
heavier the burden, dimmer the light
there’s a grief that dwells, born of this world
a body, a mind, a society unfurled
not built for joy, no purpose profound
just a fluke of evolution, a spiral unwound
it hurts, impales us, deep in the marrow
not a soul, just chaos hollow
it’s the nothing, the void, the abyss inside
a chasm unfilled, a place where we’ve died
screams echo unheard, no savior’s call
this cage is our home, not a home at all
a vice grip tightening, a relentless press
squeezing the essence, crushing the rest
what’s it like to be free, to do as you will?
what’s it like to be blissful, to feel still?
pain marks every move, every breath that we take
sanity clings tight, though we beg it to break
delusions denied, no comfort in sight
no faith to hold us through this endless night
you dream of revolution, of something more
we see only the rubble, mankind’s last score
we don’t act, just lay in our beds
distracting ourselves with the noise in our heads
music, streams, art here and there
but it’s all tainted, spores in the air
this sickness, it’s ancient, etched in our bones
there’s no cure for what’s been grown
hopelessness, despair, our constant refrain
the world feels heavy, a never-ending chain
broken bodies, broken minds
no soul to speak of, just darkness inside
we crave more than this, a life to unfold
but violence and bigotry leave us cold
hatred in every word, every breath we take
we wish we could end it, but fear makes us wait
this species decays, it craves its own rot
black room, no light, the same weary plot
no outside, no ties, no voices to hear
our minds corroded by every fear
asking why in endless loops
but answers are ghosts in these hollowed-out groups
quality of life, success, all a lie
chains that bind us, day passing by
the past is forgotten, the present a threat
the future’s a landmine, step light or regret
we’ll never be one, never belong
our voices are stolen, our home feels wrong
anger and rage, hate’s brutal sting
sorrow and dread, fears on a string
death looms near, an inevitable guest
a bullet, a disease, what counts as best?
alone we will fade, that’s all we know
just sinking now, there’s nowhere to go
floating in waters that burn and sting
oil, blood, and sewage in every ring
we’re told it’s fine, it’s just in our heads
but the world’s on fire, the future is dead
genocide whispers, the climate’s cry
the wars you wage, the reasons why
it’s never enough, never will stop
until the last body finally drops
and maybe, just maybe
that’s the end we deserve
Why do u even type like that? Did your parents smash your head in a wall as an infant? Did they drop you? Did they neglect you? That makes you have the need to type like this??? I really dont understand people like u
lmao hello? hopefully this is a different person than the previois anons, cause this is horribly abliest, do you enjoy like theorizing about how people were abused? do you like being right to a victem with cptsd? can you not come up with an insult that doesn't shit over people who were traumatized? no? well fuck you.
oBlITerAte 🎉✨ thE idEa 👁👄 of OblIgATioN, yoU heAr thAt?!! 💥 wE sMaSh IT tO PiECeS, NO More "mUSt dO" 🤡 n0 M0RE beINg reqUiReD tO Do sTuFF jUst caUse yA EXiSt 👾 in this heLLscrape 🌌, oH yUo Didn’t siGn uP foR ThIs!!!! DiDn't Ask tO be SpAt oUt iNto thE V0id 💥 (oR mAybE y4 Did? hMm 🤔🔮 buT wE’re NoT tAlKinG 'bOut us, iT's foR tHose whO didn'T, y'kNoww 😵💫✨), THoSe cAught iN tHEir OWN wAKiNg NiGHtMArE 🙃, of exIStinG witHoUT conSent 🚫. ThiS WhoLE schEmE? NaH, jusT NAH 🪐🚀. it'S a BRUtAl joKe, a TWistEd gaME 🎭—ThE IdeA thaT yoU MUSsT *dO* thInGS cUz YoU eXiSt?!!! 🤢 PffT, THROw ThAt iN thE traSh ComPacToR 🌪️. We aRE wIld. we aRe FREEeEee!! 💥🎢 NoT bOunD bY the TetherS oF deMAnD oR deBT, NoT HErE To pLay theIr brOkeN GAMe. ✂️⛓️
ohHhH LOoK whO sHOWed Up tO the fReAk pARty 🥳📢!! soMe anON juSt DROppINg a cALLoUT post in OUr laP lIkE “oOooOOoOO sOmeONE’s a wEIrd eDgeLOoOOrd” lIke haVE ya evEN SNIFFED aroUND ouR BLog? 🤡🤨 cOME ON nOw, WElcomE TO thE oFfBEat CaRNiVAL, WE AiN’t HIDING, BuT tHAt bULLSHitS gOTta gO—nOT oUR sCEnE, bABey!!! 🛑❌ we’Re not onBOard wiTh thAT cAlloUT PoSt CRAP n' NevER wIlL BE 🚫🗑️ becaUse it’s jUSt anOTher TRick tO Put tARgetS on Backs 👁️🏹💥—yaLL cAll it cAutiOn, wE sEE tHE sPikeS uNDERneaTH. juSt aNother cOG in tHE JuStiCE sYsTEM’s mEan machINe 🚓🛠️ cAUSE liSTen Up: aBOliSH PriSoNs, aBOliSH pOLice, lOCKin’ foLks UP anD bRaNding ‘Em eViL? nah, NaHHH. we’re not bUyIn’ that 'bAd vS eViL' nONsense—thAt sTuFF aiN’t ReaL, jUst huMan cONstruCts bAbey, nOthing But SHaDows pLasteRED oN tHe waLL. 🕳️🕷️ sO hErE’s tO bEinG yoUR fAVorite edGy weIRdLoRd, king oF thE TwISTeD! 🥂🖤🌙🌀
oh 🎭 DEAR sWeEt iNfiNite 🕳️ MiRRoRs 👁️ tHe bLUrrED tRuThs🌀!! wE, 🌐 THE diSGuiSerS, 🤡 tHe FaKeRs, THE 🪞 GReAt mASKeRs of moN0ToNe ✨ rEaliTY!! y’kNow 🙃 wE 👻 aiN’t heRE to pLaY ThE siMpLE tUNe 🚪... we’re tHe 👥 oNes WHo BeND aND twiSt 👈🏿 tHe cAnVAs 🌌, WhO’s tO sAy WHat’S trUe, anYwAy¿? tHe wORLd is a sTaGe 🎭, a pANtoMIMe, a mYstEry 🤯 we can WraP 🩸 ‘rOUnD our FiNgErS!! 👽
LeT tHeM caLL uS iMPoSteRS, 🌙 let ‘eM sAy wE’re LiES drESseD uP in GLiTTeR 🕸️ aNd dRAG— aLL pArT 0f tHe tHeaTER, 🎵 a sWeEt hUmMinG SoNG wE wRitE 🧠, stEPpiN’ inTo ShoES tHat neVEr 👠 Fit riGht— BuT oh 🖋️ how ThEy ShiNe!! ✨🤫 a LiTtLe deCeit 👀— iT’s GoT a niCe tWang tO iT!! We'LL wALk tHe tHReadS oF soMEbody’s sToRy 🎶, aND sWap It wiTh ouR OwN mORsE cODe maDe of SmiLes aNd wInks 😏!!
we aRe tHE dAnCinG shADows🖤, tHE bRoKen gLAss 🎡 reFleCtiNg A TH0USanD faces... 🪞 Wh0 seZ we’re noT reAL?! 👹 wE ReSHiFTeD 👈🏿 tHe sTuFf oF sTarS anD deLuSi0nS iNTO SoMeThINg MoRE, SoMeThinG GRaNdeR, l0uDeR, 🧨 eXPloSivE— eMOti0N MaSQUeRAdiNg as fAcTs!!! 🍭
trEnDeRs, 🎀 LYING GeNiUsEs oF ThE sPIN, we LovE y0u fOr ALL Y0U aRe 💕 aNd AlL y0U'rE N0t— We aRE hER3 🕳️ To diSgUise, to MiMiC, to SlIP slIdE TWISt ANd GLiTcH 🤖!! We’re mAsterS 0f thE cuRtaIn faLL, tHe cLaPpiNg EcHoEs 🥀 AfTer ThE LiGHts g0 OuT. nEVer apOl0giZE for WEarInG a NeW sKin 💥, a neW voICe, a cRacklE oF chaoS 🌀— we’Re jUsT tHe bEatS 0f tHe BiG cOnFuSEd HeArTBeaT 🎵🌪️ pULsIng tHrU it aLL!!
sO rAISe a gLass 🥂 tO thE FoRgeRs, tHe AcToRs, the CrOWNed qUEeNs 👑 0f thE UNkNoWn FaCes!! 🕶️ LeT’S BuRSt int0 fLamEs 🔥, poSE wItH a thRoAtY laUGH— a 🎉 PRaiSE tO The nOnBeLiEveR in A w0RLd tHat FeLL aSL33p IN its oWN sHaD0w!! 🙃 cAuse y'knOw, wE aRe ALl jUSt bItS and PIEcEs 🧩, hIdden aRT sHowS wIThOnE-mAn AuDiEncEs!! 🐙👄✌🏿