Alcoholic - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
With Another Sip Of The Stinging Liquid, I Looked Up At The Tv, Seeing A Random Movie Playing. I Didn't

With another sip of the stinging liquid, I looked up at the tv, seeing a random movie playing. I didn't care anyways.

I slouched a bit, leaning the palm of my hand on my cheek as I stared into oblivion. A hangover was going to greet me in the morning for sure.

I groaned as I got up from the leather couch, chugging the rest of the evil liquid and putting the empty bottle of addiction on the kitchen table, getting another from the fridge.

I wasn't always like this, but hey, that's what happens when you start drinking at the age of 16 and never stopping.

Only one good thing came out of this, Gabriel. We meet at a bar in Oregon. As soon as I saw his Whiskey colored orbs, I was hooked. Now we're here, two years later and now we're closer than anything.

I was pushed out of my thoughts as I heard the ruffle of the doorknob opening, seeing Gabriel walk in, back from a trip with Sam and Dean. I would have gone, but, I didn't feel like it.

His smile slipped from his face as he saw the bottle in my hands and the multiple empty ones all over the table.

He shook his head lightly, walking over to me and snatching the bottle out of my hand and pouring it in the sink.

I turned to drunken rage from the previous liquid being wasted away.

"Hey! What the hell Gabriel! That was the last bottle!!"

He turned to me, an angry frown almost matching my own.

"Can't you see yourself! Bottles everywhere! You, drunk again! You said-no promised you'd stop! You were sober for months an look at you! A drunk mess!" He seethed, anger written in his eyes.

My rage turned to sadness as I put my head down, disappointed in myself, but mostly because I disappointed Gabe again.

Tears lined my vision as I broke down, letting my emotions take control.

"Gabe I'm sorry. I-I saw a pack on sale and I couldn't fight it! I was trying so hard, but I got it anyways. I can't stop drowning in this alcohol."

Gabriel took a quick breath, scooping me into his arms as he wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Then let me help you. You refuse every time, but you need help. Let me help you." He spoke, his vessels voice cracking slightly.

With glossy vision I looked up at my angelic lover and nodded. "Okay. I promise this is the last time."

Gabriel gave a small smile, leaning his forehead upon mine. "I love you Y/n."

A soft smile made its way to my tear stricken face, lightly kissing Gabriel's lips, which tasted sweet as ever. "I love you too Gabe. I always will."

"I know." He spoke, walking to the bedroom with me still in his arms. "Come on, you need some sleep." I nodded, agreeing with him as I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth he emitted, allowing sleep to over take me even before Gabriel reaches the bedroom door. 

I'll fight this Gabriel. I'll do it for you.

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5 months ago

I met my biological mother after a while, and she was in a bit of a bad shape. She's alcoholic. My (foster) mother said that it's understandable to feel bad about it. But I didn't, I didn't feel anything. And I feel more bad about that I didn't. I feel kind of disconnected from her. Like, she isn't my mother. And I'm not the child anymore, who was feeling excited to see her after a long time.

I was looking at her like the patients at work. Maybe even less than that. Like from the outside.

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1 year ago
Alcoholic Pears And Chocolate Sauce

Alcoholic pears and chocolate sauce

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1 year ago
Alcoholic Pears And Chocolate Sauce

Alcoholic pears and chocolate sauce

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2 years ago

I miss alcohol

“God this is boring. Socializing is so boring. Maybe I should just become an alcoholic like everyone else.”

— Anna Dorn, from Exalted

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1 year ago

Bro am I the only lowkey recovering alcoholic/anorexic on this app? Cause alcohol has made me gain so much weight and it fucking sucks. I’m trying to starve myself into losing it all but like… how am I supposed to deal with ✨life✨ when I can’t drink high calorie alcohol AND I can’t eat good food?! 😭🫠

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1 year ago
Ugh. I Hate That I Need To Drink At Night. Its Adding So Many Unnecessary Calories. Im Not Even Bothered

Ugh. I hate that I need to drink at night. It’s adding so many unnecessary calories. I’m not even bothered by fasting, this alcohol is the issue. It’s why I got fat and it’s why I’ll probably stay fat. Fuck!

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1 year ago
The Devil Is On My Side

The devil is on my side 😈👹

Sorry most of my cals today was alcohol I’m out of it 😊🤙🏻

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1 year ago
I Was Drinking And Convinced Myself To Order Taco Bell Which Would Have Put Me Like 300 Cals Over My

I was drinking and convinced myself to order Taco Bell which would have put me like 300 cals over my limit and I decided to exercise a little to earn it, but after exercising briefly, I didn’t even want Taco Bell anymore. I think I replaced the dopamine from food with squats and discipline and I’m so happy 😭

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1 year ago

The fact that it’s 11 pm and it was so easy for me not eat a single thing all day, but now I’m wasting calories on wine really irritates me.

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1 year ago

I was sober for 3 days and restricting and doing well, then last night I drank 4 glasses of whiskey and ordered a pizza and I woke up this morning to AN EMPTY PIZZA BOX. My fat drunk ass ate an entire pizza. Yeah that’s motivation enough for me to stay sober now guys.

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8 months ago

OMFG I’m so annoyed that I always wanna find an excuse to drink alcohol. It’s so calorie dense and I know it and I’ve been doing so good lately and now I can feel myself just fucking up all my progress.

Like when I don’t drink, it’s not only easy to lose weight, but it’s FUN. I feel happier, hotter, and better.

So WHY am I here tonight getting sloshed knowing full well ima wake up tomorrow fatter and more depressed?!

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1 year ago
Alcoholic Pears And Chocolate Sauce

Alcoholic pears and chocolate sauce

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3 years ago


You're as hollow as the bottle that you leave behind

It Won't bring you happiness when loved ones leave your side

Seeing how you manage your curse

I know this life hurts

Trying to find answers in the bottom of the bottle

Joy won't be there waiting for you tomorrow

But you only learned what your father did to you

And so the family curse continues

Seeing how you manage your curse

I know this life hurts

Trying to find answers in the bottom of the bottle

Trying to drown your memories with sorrow

Stubborn men are hard to change

But I see your struggle and your pain

At least you tried and I know you did your best

This is why I'll be there when you're finally put to rest

Seeing how you managed your curse

I know this life could be worse

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