Hellaverse Wally Wackford - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Thinking about the dream I had recently where there was an official HB video game.

I think the plot was Blitz decided to franchise IMP and your custom character was chosen as the manager/lead assassin of the new branch.

The gameplay was a sort of Kingdom Hearts hack-n-lash with you getting more employees as the game goes on, doing gigs both in Hell and on Earth.

There was a sort of cul de sac hub outside your office where you would get sidequests, and here's where things get weird. One of the quest chains was given to you by Wally Wackford, but if you talked to Wally after finishing said questline he would have no idea who you are, with it being implied that the Wally you've been doing favors for was an impersonator.

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1 year ago

New HB teaser!

So we finally got the second teaser for the midseason special, here's the link. To me, this reads as the first time Fizz and Ozzie really bond after Fizz starts working for Mammon.

I know some people have other predictions for the episode, but at least for me, there doesn't seem to be a way for this episode to not explore Fizz's life between the fire and the present.

All that actually brings me to a new theory: Maybe the titular musical is a dramatized version of Fizz's career starring Mam and Fizz as themselves and the new teaser could be Fizz remembering his encounter with the real Ozzie while reenacting it on stage with a stand-in. This could be a parallel to Blitz having a flashback on the sitcom set in Seeing Stars.

On a side note, line recording for season 3 has started and we've been told the following things: Wally is confirmed to have a speaking role in season 3, the voice of Perrito from Puss in Boots 2 joins the cast, and it seems there will be a court case of some kind.

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1 year ago

Things I find funny and/or appreciate about the Serbian Helluva Boss dub by Paradajzcity Dubs

The show itself is given the title "Đavola Rabota", roughly meaning "Devil's Racket" or "Hellish Racket"

Blitz is renamed to "Žark", which makes his original name "Žarko", not only is Žarko an actual Serbian name, but it's also an adjective to describe a bright light, like that of a fire.

Blitz is voiced by Željko Popović, who's basically the Serbian equivalent of the Angry Video Game Nerd, the same actor (who co-founded the dubbing team in the first place) also voices Loopty, just like how Brandon voices both Blitz and Loopty in the original series.

Loona and Millie share the same VA, so Loona is given a different Balkan accent to help make the voices further distinct.

Several episodes are given new titles referencing well known Serbian literature.

Stolas is renamed "Buljina" which is the Serbian name for a type of owl known for wandering into urban areas and annoying people, very fitting.

The band Via listens to is renamed from Fuck You Dad to Go Fuck Yourself Dad.

The contract Robofizz holds up (the one with Mammon's signature) is fully translated and contains even more and harsher profanity than the original.

When Blitz throws Millie the van keys in Spring Broken her jump is accompanied by a Mario sound effect.

In line with the last one, the monster fish uses Bowser's roar from Mario 64.

Before we get the doodle sequence explaining the plan in episode 3 you can see writing on the whiteboard which reads "Don't look at this text, it moves" which it indeed does, likely due to issues with the sinking of it's movement to the camera movement in the original episode.

During Wally's commercial at the start of episode 4 instead of saying "where you make the things and I make the money" he says (translated, of course) "where you'll fare worse than Tesla with Edison" which is extra funny given that Tesla was Serbian.

The dub's versions of the cherubs share the first names of their VAs.

Dearie is even more condescending than her English counterpart.

Since they've only done the first 4 proper episodes this is all for now, but those folks have done one of the best dubbing jobs I've seen in indie animation.

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1 year ago

Helluva Boss but it's actually Jontron moments


Stella: *playing with dolls* "Hey, Alejandro, I was thinking about, you know, maybe taking a year off, going back to college, starting my career." "Nonsense, Monica! You're staying home and having my kids!"

Andrealphus: Stella, What are you playing?

Stella: Systemic oppression :)


Wally: *selling a carpet that a guy was stitched into* Yes, okay, he had a bit of an accident, but, I say, it's one of a kind! I'll give you a good price!


Mammon: *on the phone* Oh, okay. So I guess what you're telling me is that I should NOT make a game about the Titanic sinking!


Mammon: Hey, you know what, I think you're right. On second thought, I don't think it's gonna work... But I got one for you better! Schindler's List: HD Remix!


Moxxie: You can count me in.

Blitz: Okay, one.

Moxxie: What even?

Blitz: I counted you in :)

Moxxie: Go to fucking Heaven.


Stolas:*picks up a packet of sunflower seeds* Via, what is this? Where did you learn to do this? have you been doing SEED?!?


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11 months ago

Here are some (mostly Mammon centric) thoughts I came up with when I probably should have been doing work for class:

Working off of some of my previous ideas, I really like the idea of Mammon and Bee previously having some sort acrobatic act together in the same vein as my idea Ozzie and Mam were once a comedy duo.

I like to interpret that a lot of Mam’s business ventures, while primarily rooted in greed, have a sense of sentimentality to them. Loo Loo Land for example is a blatant cash grab and pet project of Mam, but it’s also his (kinda weird & messed up) way of showing his respect for Lucifer (not to mention it was a place he and his niece made a lot of fun memories). Building off of this, his idea for making the Robo Fizz’s fully functional pleasure toys is him taking the advice from Ozzie that “sex sells” and running with it (Ozzie probably kicked himself when he realized this). I also like to think he has other business ventures that homage the other Sins, like a fast food chain that has a menu containing a lot of food Bee is/was fond of.

Also building off of the previous bullet, if Mammon ever finds out what really caused Loo Loo Land to burn down, he would personally March up to Pride and deal with I.M.P. Not to mention “taking care of” Blitzo would also be a way to indirectly get back at Fizz.

I can’t help but feel part of Octavia’s apprehension towards Mammon when he starts dating Stella stems from him being the creator of the Fizzarolli robots and maybe some level of coulrophobia given Mammon is basically the premier clown of Hell. I think it would be neat if he actually managed to help get over some of her fear as they start getting closer as father and stepdaughter, perhaps even through their shared distaste for the robotic clowns, even if it is for different reasons.

For the life of me, I cannot get the idea of the male Sins at one point or another growing facial hair. Like, just the mental image of Luci with a full beard and Mam with a Gomez Addams style mustache haunts me. Granted, I also feel like they probably look back on this period and laugh about given how it just doesn’t mesh with their aesthetics.

I know I’ve commented on what I think Mammon looks like under his hat, but the reoccurring joke of him never being bare headed gives me life. Him never being seen without his trademark jester’s cap is hysterical to me. Morning, noon, and night; rain, sleet, or snow, he’s always wearing it. The only exception being when he bathes… then he wears a shower cap.

Just this:

The Sins (minus Luci) are standing outside of the Hazbin Hotel, planning on giving their niece a surprise visit.

Leviathan: Oh it’s going to be so nice to see Charlotte again. (To himself) I don’t get why she always has to go see her father, it’s not like it takes THAT long to visit Envy. Asmodeus: (Chuckles) You said it Levi. After all this time, I bet her face is gonna light up the second she sees her favorite uncle. Satan: Mammon? Asmodeus: Wha-NO! ME! (The others look amongst themselves before erupting into a chorus of laughter) Belphagor: *Click-Click-Click* That Does Not Sound Right. Asmodeus: Oh, Ha-ha-ha… Fuck you guys, we’ll see who’s her favorite. (Charlie walks out to greet her guests and face IMMEDIATELY lights up) (She squees and proceeds to charge at Ozzie… only to run past him and tackle/hug Mammon) Charlie: Uncle Mammon! Mammon: (Hugs her back) Charlie! Little Dingo! It’s so good to see you! How’ve you been? (Mammon proceeds to flip Ozzie off behind Charlie’s back) (Ozzie seethes as the other Sins stifle another round of laughter)

Hope you enjoy these, I’m probably going to be pretty inactive for a while.

Thanks for more goodies!

That's a pretty neat idea, also, reminds me of my idea for Levi's role in the troupe is an escapist/stuntman, since his slimy serpent body makes him very adept at it.

Aww. This actually reminds me of my own idea for a fic of Mam consulting Via while brainstorming ideas for the rebuilt Loo Loo Land to give it some more actual identity. Since that would make the parallel with the original LLL being tied to Mammon's relationship with Charlie and the new one being tied to his relationship with Octavia. I generally like the idea of Via inspiring Mammon to express his authentic self a bit more.

I think he'd also go after Wally, since I have the headcanon that Wally just snuck in and used a spare cart for his own torches, since if he actually worked there, he would have to split it with the park.

YESSS! Via's reaction to learning Stella and Mammon were dating at all must've been something else. I'm honestly surprised I don't see more people exploring coulrophobia as a character trait for Via. I'm also a sucker for Octavia-Mammon bonding ideas, they're always so cute!

I actually have a dilemma about this, on one hand, Luci looking like he has an exact wig of his hair glued to his face after neglecting himself in favor of his duck making is a great visual, but I also find the thought of Luci being naturally baby-faced really funny.

I think Mam would sleep without his hat, but he would still only take it off after getting in and locking the door so any passing house staff don't see him without it. It's not even that he's insecure, he's just that committed to the bit/brand. Very few have lived after seeing his gently electrified locks, speaking of which, I like to think that, like his webs, his hair produces a soft static tingle to the touch.

Yes, just so much yes.

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