I Want To Feel My Bones - Tumblr Posts
This game of having selfcontrol over food is so easy
1. Set up a list what clean foods you like and stick with that
2. Eat like you ate when you were a kid
3. Find new clothes thats a size smaller, that way it will motivate you to lose weight
4. New style of clothing will inspire you to want change
5. Keep a foodlog in your notes
6. Romanticize your vision in life with MUSIC MUSIC
7. You can never go wrong with eating fruits
I weighed myself today after so long
That made me trigger, i hate seeing numbers cuz they drive me crazy but that opened my motivation to lose more weight
Day 1
I ate broccoli broth soup with lots of veggies with vegan sausages n udon noodles 385kcal, next time im not gonna add the vegan sausages if i wanna stay under 2000kcal in 5 days
Day 2
I ate cereal with strawberries and some nuts 350kcal and that was already too much for me
I also ate a wrap with mozzarella and tomato pesto and half another wrap, puked it out cuz that was 700kcal never again, that shit aint safe for my challenge so -400kcal
Day 3
I ate 2 slices of cauliflower pizza and that was surprisingly just 250kcal i consumed, i threw away the rest while eating that i had the thoughts to puke it out but i couldnt cuz i was at my bf house, but i can burn it off today
So far i had 1285kcal in 3 days
Im so excited to succeed my challenge, yass girlies let's goo
Update 2
Day 4
I made pho soup with vegetable broth and veggie sausages with lots of veggies added too and that was only 265kcal, i got sick cuz its getting colder and colder outside so i need some nutrition to keep my immune system working
Day 5
Still sick but i made it, i ate broth soup again without pho noodles, this time I added a handful of nuts and broccoli and more veggies 145kcal Next thing i had cuz i felt a bit snacky, i made a fruit salad with strawberries and an baby apple with a bit of nuts to top it off and some cereal and that was 190kcal
I made it 🫶
challenge 2000kcal in 5 days
who wants to join me doing a restriction challenge
i have planned out how to challenge me or you if you wanna try it out too
so in a spam of 5 days that you already ate and kept in a foodlog, see first if you haven’t eaten above 2000 kcal cuz try to stay under 2000 kcal in 5 days
i have already eaten 1445 kcal in 2 days which means i got 555kcal left to spread in 3 daysÂ
so now it’ll get interesting cuz then i only have 185 per day to consume but who says i need to eat in a day that’s the challengeÂ
staying under budget is better
who else is interested in this can dm me for motivation to lose their appetites, just anything even if you are not doing my challenge you are welcome
we can help each other out
stay skinny luvs <3
Having to maintain your ed with when you have ur period is hard
Any tips?
How do i get back in the honeymoon phase 🫧
Back to basics
Im back to having control and seeing changes. The numbers are going down, and my frown upside down. It feels so empowering because I'm gonna feel so good at the end of the month. In berlin, im gonna party hard and lose more. Also, my bf noticed im getting thinner, which i absolutely feed on. You see, this all makes me so empowered
2 summers ago i was ethereal and bruised by beauty
Its yet again time to rewind my ed
Im gonna have to start restricting to have it all, i love having tiny arms and a slimmer waist, i gotta give myself some love for wanting to do something with my life, i miss old me, i wanna see her bloom in a lighter body again, make this summer remembered
Its so exciting to see change when you lose weight