Jargyle - Tumblr Posts
just read the whole thing and i love it, @morganski-19 youre so awesome
srsly everyone go read this

Chapter 13: Bad Person
Mike: Hey, where are you?
Mike: I was looking for you and you weren’t in your room
Nancy: Oh, I’m over at Robin’s
Nancy: Is something wrong?
Mike: It’s nothing
Mike: I don’t want to bother you if you’re with Robin
Mike: Just forget about it
Nancy: No, you can talk to me
Nancy: She’s still asleep anyway, so you’re not interrupting anything
Mike: Oh, are you sure?
Nancy: Yes
Mike: Do you think I’m a bad person?
Nancy: What, of course not
read more on ao3
A list of all of my ST ships so far🤷🏾♂️
Byclair (Lucas x Will) THEY ARE SO CUTE AND I ADORE THEM!!! Bisexual Non-binary Lucas and Gay Will!
ELMAXXX (El x Max, Big surprise there) THEY ARE SUCH GFS!! Bisexual Trans Max, Lesbian Asexual enby El! (T4t. No critisim)
HENCLAIR!! (Lucas x Dustin) BOYFRIENDS FR! Bisexual enby Lucas n Asexual trans Dustin!! (T4t bc I said so.)
STONATHAN!!! (Johnathan x Steve) Enimes to lovers fr. Bisexual Steve and (They r t4t)
RONANCE <3 (Robin x Nancy) SOFT GFS! RONANCE? ROMANCE Bisexual trand Nancy and Lesbian demigirl Robin! (...T4t.)
JARGYLE!! (Johnathan x Argyle) THEY R CHAOTIC BFS!!!! Bisexual trans Johnathan, Pansexual trans Argyle :) (Can u guess what I'm gonna say? T4t.) I think that's about it?? In conclusion, Gays.
(Update: Byclair is happening. Not exactly sure where this fits into all this...)
"Jargyle and Ronance won't happen bro Nancy and Johanthan are literally dati-" GUYS DO YOU HEAR SMTH? BC I DON'T.
Rating every ST ship I know about IN DEPTH bcs I'm bored.
Byler - 6/10, I like them but I feel like they're growing apart now. I need mike to apologize for a lot and for them to be okay again, then maybe I'll rate them higher. I wouldn't mind them being endgame!
Mileven - 8/10 I'm so sorry. PLEASE. I'm guilty but please I swear they're just really cute. I can explain. They're so silly I want them to hold hands and happily skip through flower fields without sending Will into emotional and physical turmoil!
Madwheeler - 1/10 Okay? I mean. Alright. I don't have anything against them, it's not like they broke into my house and robbed me. They're cute, I guess.
Elmax - 9/10 I love them so much. They actually developed their friendship, and El is so much more herself when she's around Max. Overall, nothing bad about them. They're cuties.
Lumax - 8/10 I LOVE THEM. They're literally soulmates. I really hope they're happy in season 5 this season totally wrecked me.
Elumax - 10/10 WE'VE WON GUYS! This ship literally fixes me having to choose between Elmax and Lumax. Hopclair shippers also win with this one.
Hopclair - ok/10. One of my favorite moots mentioned them in a repost and I'm pretty neutral on them. See them as more platonic, though they would be cute romantic, too.
Duzie - 6/10, They were ADORABLE, loved the musical, and especially love the fanart. Not much to say abt them to be honest, they're just here to have a good time.
Henclair - 8/10 I love them SO MUCH. The airport scene where they were cuddling made me so happy. They have a special place in my heart, definitely a rare-pare though.
Byclair - 10/10 No need for explanation, they're cute, they're nice, they're non-toxic. It's like a breath of fresh air after being choked and water boarded with the angst of Stranger Things.
Wheelclair - 4/10 Cute, I guess. Personally, I don't ship them, but I see how people could, definitely. Wheelclair shippers be my friend challenge. (PLEASE)
Byerson - 4.5/10 They're cute. Once again see it as platonic, but I see how people would like it romantic.
Steddie - 2/10 Okay, I guess.
Stobin - 0/10 YIKES what.
Jancy - 8/10 Cute. Their development made me smile so big, and every scene they were In together was the cutest. (Especially the scar scene.) I have literally nothing against them, Johnathan was weird for taking those pictures back In season one, but I think literally everyone Is over that. In conclusion, they're good.
Stancy - 1/10 Okay. Not my thing, but It's not like I'm wretching and throwing up at the sight of them.
Rockie - 3/10 Cuties!
Ronance - 10/10 YES! I love them SO much. Infodumping gf x listening gf. They bring me so much joy, they're cute.
Jargyle - 8/10 Again, cute. Nothing against them.
Stonathan - 6/10 Ehh okay?
Stommy - 5/10 Side eye. Just kidding they're okay.
Boyce - 10/10 They're so cute. I sobbed at Bob's death because he was so nice and such a good father figure to Will and Johnathan. And Bob's vampire outfit, them watching movies together, and Bob coming to Joyce's work? They actually make me smile so big I love them.
Jopper - 5/10 OKAY I know people are going to be mad at me for this one, but I don't really care for them. I don't have anything against them they're just like mid to me.
Jaren - 6/10 Okay. I ranked them higher than Jopper purely because they're sapphic. They did have some cute scenes, but It does completely crush Jancy and Byler.
Harringrove - 0/10. Yikes. Honestly, I don't like either of them. Stay safe though!
(P.S, If I missed any, ask me about them in the comments.)
Being a multishipper in the Stranger Things fandom sucks.
Stop fighting. I'm literally insulting and defending myself every argument. I feel like I'm a 30 year old mom trying to get her kids to stop throwing mac and cheese at eachother. It's not very hard to respect ships.
Look, I don't ship some ships! But do you see me going on other people's posts and commenting stupid stuff like,
"____'s not gay!!"
"*insert other ship* solos,"
No. Because I use my brain, which I know may be a confusing concept for some people who decide to hate on ships, and realize that they don't care. I don't care. NOBODY cares. Me commenting a hate comment Isn't going to make them drop to their knees In tears and stop shipping that. It's just going to be a minor inconvenience that makes them feel a little upset.
Just because I don't ship something doesn't mean I have to avidly hate on it like my balls are going to be bitten off If I don't. And I know this has something to do with the blatant homophobia in this community.
"i(nsert character) Isn't Autistic/Neurodivergent!" Why do you care? Are you gonna say Autism was invented in the 2000s? Honestly, with some of the crap in the Stranger Things fandom going on right now, I wouldn't be surprised.
"(Insert character) Isn't gay/trans! It was the 80's!" Again, why does this character not being straight have such a negative effect on you? Why do you care?
"They didn't even interact," Sure, but Stancy interacted for five seconds and the rest of the time they interacted it was almost always toxic, yet people are still shipping them? Why? Probably because they're straight. ( No hate to Stancy shippers!! )
Acknowledging a ships flaws and being a hateful asshole for no reason are two whole different things. And I think this fandom needs to learn how to be decent human beings again.
I've been in this fandom since 2016. I grew up with this show. And old fans? You guys need to get your shit together. The new fandom isn't ruining anything by having fun and making queer rep. If you're gonna be mad about that, fine, but just remember that you're the reason the Stranger Things fandom is ruined. You have made this fandom feel toxic and unwelcoming.
The Stranger Things fandom pee their pants anytime queer rep is mentioned. And people that do ship queer ships go out of their way to hate on the original ships. I don't get it, it's all so unnecessary. You're not proving anything by being an asshole. Anyways, this is just a minor rant! I still love stranger things fans I promise some of you just make me want to explode sometimes.

it’s either that or nothing
*sighs contentedly*
Oh how I love the fictional gay people in my phone

Jonathan won his games by hiding up trees until someone came close enough for him to drop down on top of them.
His arena was covered in trees.
Ok so here are Stranger Things dynamics I really really really want to see (Dustin and his gay dads and Max and her lesbian moms being a given):
Lucas and Steve. We know Steve went to his basketball match, now I want him to take care of the Sinclair siblings (what with Erica being part of the Ahoy group), drive them to matches, argue with Eddie to move the campaign to another day so they can cheer on Lucas' game, all that. When Lucas gets overwhelmed for some reason, feels misunderstood or just had a bad day, Steve drives them to a nearby fast food and they get fries and burgers while discussing about basketball, relationships and stuff.
Eddie and Eleven. I saw a really cool post (i don't remember the user sorry) with Eddie explaining to Eleven that she can cover her tatoo if she wants, and now I want them to be friends.
Eddie and Will. Duh.
Nancy and Erica. Don't ask me why, but I feel like both would secretely find the other kind of cool, and roll their eyes at the others while making deductions. Don't ask me, idk either. Also Erica reads her articles and gives her suggestions or says snarky comments to help improve them.
Steve and Jonathan, from enemies to awkward friends -also both are Nancy's ex according to my Ronance fan self, so there's that-, watching over the kids -also Steve tries to support Jonathan's love for photography, while Jonathan is thankful for him driving the kids, including Eleven and Will, to school-.
Argyle and Steve. The confusion. Just. The confusion.
It has been said before, but Robin and Will! Robin supports Will fully and he supports her back, they get protective of the other and are ready to snap at anyone who disrespects the other.
Dustin, Lucas, Will and Mike. YES, they are the original four, but I NEED more interractions, okay?????? Having their D&D games, shouting in the car when one of them is learning how to drive, passing their driving liscences at the same time, study groups, having sleepovers and being chaotics in museums. Just the party being the party and being a mess and watching Princess Bride and Star Wars and trying out karaoke and living loving laughing yk.
Lucas and Will. I feel like I've barely ever seen them together and that's a crime. PLEASE let them talk, have discussions, Will forces everyone to go to Lucas' games and Lucas buys him jars of dices for his birthday, makes an effort to have very detailed backgrounds for all his d&d characters because he knows Will likes learning about them.
Steve and Max; I've seen a post about how Steve would take Max to drive, and I STRONGLY AGREE, we need cool older brother for Max that isn't giving her lifelong trauma ok???? Steve helping Max to park, both of them screaming when the brakes stop working once, and then bursting out in laughter in the hospital after the airbags opened and knocked them out. Steve cheers her whenever she skates and she rolls her eyes, while still smiling.
Eddie and Max, still based on post, about how Eddie would get protective of Max and him and Wayne would invite her to eat (if I find the posts I'll try to put them at the bottom of this one) (otherwise if you know them please let me know). They're neighbours and I want to see that *-*.
Joyce and Eleven, actually. I mean, mother-daughter bonding when????? Going to the mall to find Eleven clothes that actually fit her taste, having talks in the car, taking Eleven to doctor appointments and staying with her during it, smiling reassuringly.
Suzie and Robin. Okay, might be weird, but yeah. I just want to see it -both are freaking geniuses too and I feel like Suzie could probably speak more than one language, so they start a conversation in like, latin or whatever, and Dustin is just complaining about not understanding anything and they both go "urgh, boys" before laughing-.
Suzie and Steve, with Steve acting like the protective dad and squinting at that small teenager that gives no shit about his approval and broke his ears singing 'neverending story' or whatever while they were on the brink of death. Him giving her the 'if you ever hurt my son' talk and she's just looking at him like -_-.
Dustin and Nancy. He found her cool before, wants her to get back with Steve, but as soon as his braincells connect and he understands neither her nor Steve wants to stay together, he becomes a hypeman for Steddie and Ronance. He forces his mom to buy a subscription for Nancy's newspaper. She, in return, helps him with his assignements and actually teaches him how to use a gun.
Hopper and Argyle, I'm actually kind of intrigued at how that interraction would go -Hopper might be happy to finally have an in-law that's not a Wheeler, while Argyle finds him super cool-. Hopper tells him about Russian prison and Argyle is just like, putting his thumbs up going "that's crazy man".
Nancy and Will, the "can use a gun and cares a lot about Mike" duo. When Nancy learns that Will loves Mike, she just hugs him and wishes him good luck with that. They go to shooting ranges and Nancy breaks a guy's fingers when he makes a remark. Will starts making short comic books and she manages to get them published, she buys every new album. She takes him to an exposition about Alan Turing.
Argyle and Will. Argyle becomes the stoner uncle/other older brother/in law, and doesn't hesitate roasting Mike whenever he feels like he's not being considerate of Will enough (callback to the airport scene). Will finds him very nice and Argyle teaches him how to drive the van (yes I like driving prompts a lot), and does a whole speech about not letting people give him shit about anything. They all go to a fair once and Argyle cheers for everytime Will shoots and wins, and buys him a giant ice cream.
Murray and Argyle. Murray still has no idea who he is, and is confused by Argyle's energy. They talk conspiracy theories together.
Robin and Jonathan, the ex vs the new girlfriend. Robin actually finds Jonathan alright, although she winces when she learns about his stalker past, and they bond while waiting for Nancy to be done with something, in a parking lot. Both are very protective of Will (actually, everyone is, but especially the both of them) and Jonathan reacts to Nancy and Robin's relationship with a "cool" before awkwardly explaining his and Argyle's relationship. Robin is one of the first to learn about it and they make a bet about how long it's gonna take Steve to figure it out
Eleven and Lucas. Yes, they were suspicieous of the other at first, but it's been a while now and Lucas decides to teach her basketball -she agrees to not use her powers, and they both scream in excitement when she manages to score a goal-. She's very attentive to his problems even if she doesn't understand all of it, and he does the same. They're the closest to Max and that's something they also bond over.
Jonathan and Hopper: Mike Wheeler's hate group (Max is in too), awkward at first but Hopper catches Jonathan high and starts talking about his own young adult years, they watch TV together for the news, and Hopper prints Jonathan's pictures and agressively shoves them in the other policemen faces like "LOOK HOW TALENTED MY SONS ARE"
Steve and Eleven: "listen young lady", Steve decides she deserves to be protected and not always be protecting, he makes her Eggos, and they make a list of things she likes to eat. Steve helps her with buying clothes, and lets her pick outfits for him -he wears even the most ridiculous of them-.
Jonathan and Eleven: the older brother, he gives her an awkward lesson about not hurting others and not doing drugs and she just goes "what about you?", he's trying to be supportive, she reacts to his relationship with Argyle by just frowning and accepting it, and he gives her rides to school and places while they listen to whatever they find. He glares at Angela and the other bullies and has a whole plan just in case it happens again -which involves threats and stuff like that-.
Steve and Erica: Erica comes every now and then to Family Video, and threatens him if he ever tells anyone she watches Grease. Every once in a while he'll drive her to Scoops Ahoy to get her her endless supply of ice cream, and she updates him on the rumors in return. She thinks he's pretty dumb, he thinks she's too sassy, they both get along well.
Mike and Hopper: it has been said and said again, but Hopper leading a Mike Wheeler's hate club and being absolutely furious that he's dating yet another one of his children. They're arguing a lot but did end up having a frenemies relationship, which means if anyone hurts Eleven or Will, they will unite to crush them, and Hopper gives the occasional hugs. They had to drive to a restaurant together once and it almost ended in a car accident. Mike started doing the Office stare whenever Hopper got annoyed and it made him even more annoyed.
I think that's all? Anyways yes, I want to see all of that and I know the Suffer Brothers are not gonna give it to me, so yeah.

rain kisses
(bonus: jonathan & argyle)

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![Stranger Things Social Media Au [ Pt 3 / ? ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/69b3457ba659c4940234cf0b40d4f7a2/5e20f568f9de0ba6-d0/s500x750/88b367b97d280b9b7f1db19d3211528c673ffe50.jpg)
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stranger things social media au [ pt 3 / ? ]

seen a lot of these lately so here's stranger things 4 as textposts <3

spicy six but like. young adults dealing with jobs and taxes

this is the future liberals want
literally every day is jargyle jursday if you're high enough. like jargyle
breaking up jancy in S5 to make stancy canon again is the wrong choice duffer bros. if you’re gonna break them up break them up for JARGYLE!!!!!!
dude i just found jargyle smut and conceptually that’s not real . doesn’t exist . argyle stoner swag extends to asexuality