Queerplatonic Relationship - Tumblr Posts
i love qprs!
Queerplatonic Polyamory is great 💗
Queerplatonic LDRs are great 💗
Queerplatonic Throuples are great 💗
Queerplatonic ships are great 💗
Queerplatonic relationships are great 💗
i wish :(
does anyone want to be best friends that also live together and go on adventures together but like mundane adventures like ikea and target and also wants to lay our heads on each others shoulders when sleepy but also have separate bedrooms but also enjoy spending most of our free time together……. just me? ok
who decided kissing is inherently romantic. or holding hands. i will find u
me when i rmmember my partners. me when i remmebr. every day i have them is a day i can live through

I want someone that I can call my partner, but not necessarily in a romantic way. I want someone to hug and be close to. I want someone who I can listen to and who can listen to me. I want someone who shares my interests. I want someone that will agree to discuss and respect our boundaries with one another. I want someone who I can just be with, like we can just exist together. I want someone who will go book shopping with me and just listen to me gush about different books. I want someone who will walk down the halls with, and maybe we'll hold hands and maybe we won't. I want someone who will always be ready to comfort me and who I can comfort whenever they need it. I want someone who will help me calm down and think through things carefully. I want someone who I can explore and go on adventures with.
Basically, I just really want a queerplatonic partner/relationship.
![_ [REBLOG > JUST LIKING][He/Him For Kiddry, Fhank You!!]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c340de642c9df6b47585d2e3257f8975/9fba90ff981ba283-59/s500x750/2c721620be582bdcab137b44c01a3a1fd89ed6f2.jpg)
◉ _ ◉👍 [REBLOG > JUST LIKING‼️] [He/Him for Kiddry, fhank you!!]

[She/Her for Kathah, fhank you!!]
![_ [REBLOG > JUST LIKING][He/Him For Kiddry, Fhank You!!]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c340de642c9df6b47585d2e3257f8975/9fba90ff981ba283-59/s500x750/2c721620be582bdcab137b44c01a3a1fd89ed6f2.jpg)
◉ _ ◉👍 [REBLOG > JUST LIKING‼️] [He/Him for Kiddry, fhank you!!]
does anyone want to be best friends that also live together and go on adventures together but like mundane adventures like ikea and target and also wants to lay our heads on each others shoulders when sleepy but also have separate bedrooms but also enjoy spending most of our free time together……. just me? ok
You all need to be reminded that Queerplatonic Relationships are long term committed relationships that originated from aromantic people who want the consistency and loyalty in romantic relationships without the expectations of performing romance. If you don't want to commit to a platonic relationship, then you don't want a QPR ("platonic" word here is used as the opposite of "romantic" instead of "sexual" because some queerplatonic partners can be sexual and others can be non-sexual).
QPR is not just a quirky term for intense emotional friendship because any friendship can have that intimacy but not all friends commit to each other in the way that makes the relationship queer. The queerness in queerplatonic means we have a relationship that's so devoted and yet platonic because we are debunking amatonormativity here that dictates to us (by society) that romantic relationships must be the priority.
If you just want to kiss and hug your friends and hold their hands or anything else intimate but you don't think you can be committed to that friendship, it's not queerplatonic relationship you want. If you're misusing queerplatonic term, you're erasing the meaning of this word that helps aromantic people communicate our boundaries, expectations and experiences as queer people. Please just respect us. Treating QPR like it's just a "friendship" is as rude as treating it as "romance lite". I want a commitment but no romo. It's that simple.
Edit: This is not gatekeeping or exclusionary. All this post is saying is that QPR is a non-romancebased commitment. Anyone can have a QPR if you can be committed to people even if you aren't expecting romance from them. Any misunderstanding over this is not my responsibility. Maybe read better.

Ahhhhh I'm behind on this series, big-time... Love this!!!
But how incredibly sweet imagining our sweet Mando exploring this in perfect safety~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
Chapter 3 - Closer
You - you were so good with him. The image of you and the kid together would forever be imprinted in his memory. The realization had hit him all at once - he had a family . And that family would never be together, not really. And that was what was causing him the most pain.
Summary: Din brings you to visit his son and explores some new territory.
Note: Since I planned this story before TBOBF came out, this diverges from canon after season 2, so Grogu will remain with Luke.
Things are getting a little more physical now, but there is nothing explicitly sexual in this story. This is more about exploring sensual attraction and enjoying certain forms of physical intimacy for its own sake without blatant romantic or sexual undertones. I think this is the sort of thing that someone like Din has never had the opportunity to experience, but he has a safe space with cyar’ika to test it out.
Warnings: Sadness/grief.
Read on AO3
“Din, seriously… why won’t you tell me where we’re headed? This is my ship, by the way.”
“I thought it was our ship,” he quipped. “Just relax. It’s a surprise.”
You resigned yourself to sit back in the copilot chair and wait as a lush, green planet came into view. Realization hit you.
“Oh my goodness! Din, are we where I think we are? Are you sure? He won’t mind?” you questioned nervously.
He turned to face you, helmet glinting in the planet’s bright sunlight as it flooded the cockpit. “Cyar’ika, would you like to meet Grogu? He’s been looking forward to it, asked me last time when I’d bring you along… well, he asked Luke with his mind… you know what I mean.”
“Yes, of course! Are you really sure it’s all right? I’m a stranger to him.” Din rarely got to see his foundling, a source of some sadness, you knew, and the last thing you wanted was to create any sort of rift between them.
“Yes,” he reassured you gently. “I’ve told him all about you, for several years now. He wants to meet ‘the one who doesn’t mind living with my buir’ - that’s a direct quote from Luke, by the way.” You chuckled, the kid’s sense of humor just like his father’s. “Besides,” he continued, “As my riduur, you’re officially part of our clan now, and he deserves to know its third member.”
Din was a bit rough around the edges, but you knew better than anyone the soft, sweet man that laid beneath. Din with his foundling, though… that was an entirely new level of softness that even you could not have imagined.
The love and affection between them was clear, unconditional, and you were so grateful to have the opportunity to see this, to see them together, to see Din so at peace. You now understood the profound sadness he brought home with him after each visit.
The child had taken to you rather quickly, force jumping into your arms after just a few minutes of incoherent babbling in response to your attempts at conversation, pointing at different things around the compound. Suddenly, he looked very serious as he pointed to Din who’d been catching up with Luke some distance away and babbled quietly to you. You had no idea what he was actually saying, but you sensed his intentions and reassured him quietly that you would take good care of his father. He nodded in understanding, nuzzling our cheek with his own. The boy was so sweet, and you understood now why an unlikely band of warriors and mercenaries had come together to protect him.
Saying goodbye the next morning was bittersweet, Din even more somber than usual. You decided to give him some space to decompress, knowing he preferred not to talk about his feelings out loud, and resolved to make good on your promise to Grogu if he needed your support later.
Din spent the remainder of the day in the cockpit, taking over the controls manually to get his mind off things. Leaving the kid was always so hard. One day, Din would be dead, and the kid would still have hundreds of years left to live. He just hoped he wouldn’t forget.
You - you were so good with him. The image of you and the kid together would forever be imprinted in his memory. The realization had hit him all at once - he had a family . And that family would never be together, not really. And that was what was causing him the most pain.
A soft pressure landed on his shoulder as you spoke softly by his ear so as not to startle him, “Hey, you must be exhausted. Come to bed and get some rest.” He nodded in assent, and you gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze before heading to the bunk yourself.
“Thank you,” you said quietly, settling yourself in the bunk as Din worked on removing his armor and sat down on the edge of the mattress. “For letting me meet Grogu. He’s very special. I’m so glad you two have each other.”
He remained sitting, motionless, not responding, and you started to think he didn’t hear you. But then his shoulders shook, and he inhaled sharply. The dams were breaking. Din, who had never shed a single tear in your presence for half a decade, was suddenly choking back sobs.
You jumped into action, scooting yourself to sit beside him and wrapping your arms around his shaking body. “Din, sweetheart, what is it? Tell me what I can do,” you whispered as you wiped tears from his cheeks with the edge of your shirt. He buried his face in your neck, taking a few deep breaths, as you thread your fingers through his hair.
“Nothing… it’s nothing…” he whispered shakily. “I’ll be all right. I just can’t make it stop right now.”
“That’s okay, Din, then don’t,” you reassured him sweetly. “Come on, lie down. I won’t go anywhere.”
You managed to maneuver him into a supine position on the bed, one arm still wrapped tightly around back, his face buried in your chest, legs tangled together, your other hand in his hair. It took some time, but the wracking sobs finally stopped, and his breathing eventually evened out to a normal rhythm.
“Hey... Din, are you awake?” You felt a mumbled “yes” vibrate against your sternum. He lifted his head to look at you, pulling his body up enough to rest his forehead against yours.
“Thank you, cyar’ika,” he said with sincerity. “I’m not sure what got into me. I’m sorry.”
“No apologies necessary, Din. I know you’d do the same for me.” You smiled sweetly at him.
“Yes,” he replied with a soft chuckle, “but not nearly as well.” He tilted his face forward to press a light kiss to the corner of your mouth, still a rare display of affection for him. “Nobody has held me like this since I was a child. It’s a little strange.”
“Is it okay? Do you want me to stop?” you asked, concerned this might bring about another crisis.
“No. It’s nice… I never really had the chance to do this with anyone before.” He paused, but you stayed silent, sensing there was more. “I never had any… long-term relationships in my younger days, and the few flings I did have were not about… this … and then Mandalore was destroyed and most of my people killed… I never trusted anyone after that, not enough to get that close, and especially not enough to take off the armor. I just accepted that some comforts would never be a possibility for me.”
“Well, I’m glad we found each other, then,” you finally broke your silence, still lightly running your free hand up and down his back. “I haven’t had many opportunities for this type of comfort the last few… decades… either.”
He laughed, “Kissing, now that was a surprise. I really never thought that would be possible. Don’t take offense, but I have to say, I don’t really understand the fuss. It’s nice, but not… amazing like the romance novels would have you believe.”
You couldn’t help it. You could not contain the giggle that left your throat. “Oh my goodness, Din…” you gasped for air as you continued laughing, “You’ve only scratched the surface of ‘kissing’, and since when do you read romance novels?”
“Okay, no need to embarrass me,” he mumbled sheepishly. “Are there really different kinds of kissing? I never had any reason to know that, I guess.”
His embarrassment quieted you immediately. “I’m sorry, Din. I didn’t mean to poke fun at you. It’s just… kissing can be really great, actually.” Before you could stop yourself, thinking better of it only after the words had already left your mouth, you added, “Do you want to try it?” Now that the words were out, you were afraid to look at him, so you fiddled nervously with the collar of his shirt. You continued, “No expectations. Trust me, the other person expecting more is what always ruined kissing for me. Otherwise, it’s just… nice for your senses.”
You met his gaze, half expecting to find disgust there, but instead you found warmth and curiosity.
“No expectations?” he reiterated.
“None. And we stop as soon as you say the word. No hurt feelings if you don’t like it.”
“Okay,” he said simply.
You smiled, “Okay. Just follow my lead, then.”
You pressed your mouth to his, but instead of quickly pulling away as you normally would, you lingered, applying more pressure. He was rigid, unsure what exactly was about to happen, so instead of deepening the kiss, you simply brought the hand resting on his back up to the side of his head, both hands now framing his face. As you ran your hands through his hair, an action you knew well would help him relax, his body went slack, lips naturally parting as his muscles loosened, and you took the opportunity to begin moving your mouth against his. Now he was beginning to understand what this was meant to entail, and he gave in wholeheartedly, pulling you close and caressing your back lightly as he kissed you back, mimicking your movements.
You figured this was probably more than enough for now, not wanting to overwhelm him with something that could become more heated. You wouldn’t be prepared for that, either, nor did you want it. And so you just enjoyed for a few more moments this unexpected intimacy, one you didn’t think you’d ever experience again being relatively averse to activities of a more sexual nature. But with Din, you knew you could enjoy this without those implications. Finally, you dragged your mouth away from his and leaned your head back to look at him. The look on his face could only be described as blissful.
You grinned, “So, what do you think?”
“Dank farrik, cyar’ika… that was… wow… I had no idea what I’d been missing out on,” he sighed out, still somewhat breathless. “You?”
You laughed, “Definitely worth the decades long wait.”
“Okay. Good. What a strange night, everything I’ve missed out on my whole life all in the space of an hour.”
You hummed, “Well, there is a bit more to this kissing business, but that was really nice, Din. I know all of this physical contact is a bit overwhelming for you, so next time, if there is a next time, is up to you. No expectations, all right?”
“Are you telling me there’s some kind of kissing that’s even better than that?” he asked, his voice incredulous, as you nodded. “Maker, I might be too old for this, not sure my heart can take it.”
You smiled and leaned forward to place a last chaste kiss on his cheek, separating your bodies and resting comfortably on your side of the bed.
“Good night, Din.”
“Good night, cyar’ika.”
Thanks for reading!
Chapter 4
Let me just say
Queerplatonic relationships are one of the best fucking relationships to be in
actually no, we're not "dating". we're bound together for infinity. like the stars. so, fuck you, actually.

Loving things 2 call ur qpp <3

Just an all powerful witch with immense power and a silly little guy
(but in actuality they’re both silly just in their own ways)

Queerplatonic Relationships: An Introduction
Image text below the cut.
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Getting out ahead of it this year! Check out @aromantic-official
friendly reminder that anyone on the ace spectrum can use the ace flag of that's the one you prefer. you aren't required to use the flag specific to your label if you don't want to.
friendly reminder that anyone on the aro spectrum can use the aro flag of that's the one you prefer. you aren't required to use the flag specific to your label if you don't want to.
friendly reminder that anyone on the aroace spectrums can use the aroace flag of that's the one you prefer. you aren't required to use the flags specific to your labels if you don't want to.
if you're grayromantic but want to use the common aro flag? go for it. if you're cupiosexual but want to use the common ace flag? do it. if you're demiromantic abrosexual but want to use the orange-blue aroace flag? that's your decision. these flags exist for the entire community to use if they wish. you are just as aspec as anyone else on the spectrum.
Cisgender Aromantic
Heterosexuals and
Asexuals are Queer!