Detachment - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

“Seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of spiritual awareness. The one who is motivated only by the desire for the fruits of their action, and anxious about the results, is miserable indeed.”—Bhagavad Gita

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1 year ago

“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.”

—Simone Weil

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1 year ago

“He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.”

—Meister Eckhart

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1 year ago

“Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless.”

—Elizabeth Gilbert

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1 year ago

I am sooooo gonna let go of anything.

I don't care anymore. I'm just gonna let time and the universe guide me through the journey.

I am open to anything.

There's a fine line between giving up and letting go. I am in between.

I surrender.


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8 months ago

OKAY SO a week ago or sumn like that I saw this movie on amazon (js the cover) called 'I saw the TV glow' and so I looked at it and in my head I was like 'damn it'd be cool if alex G played songs in that, we're all going to the worlds fair vibes' AND ITS SO FUNNY BC THE NEXT DAY/NIGHT I WAS SEARCHING UP ALEX G AND IT ONE OF THE SEARCHES WAS 'alex g i saw the tv glow' WHICH IMPLIES HE MADE MUSIC FOR IT SO OBV I WAS FREAKING OUT LMAO, ANYWAY ITS SO MUCH FUNNIER BECAUSE WHEN I WATCHED IT (i watched it today, also its a really great movie with many meanings I would 100% reccomend if you are trans(im not) or have struggled with mental health issues or overcoming relationship/friendship obstacles n stuff) BECAUSE I LITERALLY FOUND OUT IT WAS MADE BY THE PEOPLE WHO MADE 'we're all going to the worlds fair' ANNYWAY LIKE ITS SO COOL N SUCH A COINCIDENCE?? THE POWER OF AN ALEX G FAN RAAAA SPOILERS ISH: Srsly though the movie is really great and it has alot of ways to be interpreted, I relate to it because I interpreted it to be like, afraid of what you are, knowing but not knowing and always questioning, always afraid and paranoid, dettached from reality and you have someone who knows, someone who has a way to escape and they offer you help, but youre so unsure of it, because you've been taught otherwise your entire life so you deny the chance you get to escape your own nightmare, and you keep looking back and eventually everything catches up to you and you just question it all, idk, thats how I interpret it, ME, personally. I know thats not the point but I feel like there can be many 'points.' I felt like the constellation scene was heavily metaphoric, I'm not gonna dive into it rn but def later. quotes I made "People are scared of death because they're not certain what'll happen after, but was there ever any certainty?" "People are like pool water late at night, some might dip their feet in, some might not, and if they do they might take them out or they might not, and if they leave them in eventually the pool water becomes warm. most of the time."

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8 months ago

detachment TW : flesh, sadisticism, blood mention, death, derealization

PLEASE do not read this if you aren't in a good state of mind. These type of thoughts are not healthy at all and I'm aware of that, but they can be 'contagious' if you're not in the right state of mind. PLEASE. prepare yourself before reading this and make sure your certain on your beliefs of life and what you are

what am i, like flesh? like i can easily just stab myself or rip my skin off, like I can stretch my skin, above my eyelid/below my eyebrow i can strech my skin. its like all an illusion..i can put my finger under my eyelid, UNDER MY SKIN. its so silly, its freeing. we're all stardust, stardust and nothing more. I don't think anyones special at all. I love being hit, punched, I love the pain, I love how freeing it is, its addicting. the blood, the feeling, I don't know. I think every star in the sky is a soul waiting to be born, and thats why they decrease over time. I know its not true, but let me think. I love the way blood tastes in my mouth, my blood, like salty i guess. I'm so sadistic its funny, im not sadistic, i do feel sympathy, but at the same time I am. I don't know who I am, what I am or what I feel. Noone is perfect, the only time they're perfect is when they're a star in the sky. why? because thats when they realize to let go. thats when they're free from this earth. thats when they find bliss and peace. I'm a hypocrite. I don't want to be saved. I want to be free. Can people normalize death? how is that a sin? death is freeing yourself from a hell hole, death is escaping what you never asked to be in. I'm sorry I don't wanna live in a 'world' full of assholes, world, something, anything, whatever this is, whatever we are, whereever we are. Words are just noises and scribbles, and we're just shapes. Im so unreal. youre unreal. nothing is real. everythings unreal. in other words, im detached from reality. make the best of your lives. praying this post doesnt ruin people and their perspective and concept of reality. (bold of me to think people care so much of it)

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6 months ago

how to practice detachment? i saw ur writing on fb on attachment.

Detachment is when you take back the power you're giving to certain individual or a thing with whom you feel attached. What is it that you want from them? Find that out and start seeking it from Allah subhanhuwata'ala. Love, attention, validation. Anything.

Remember, attachments don't hurt. Expectations do. Love people, be kind to them regardless if you get it in return (Saying this about blood relationships especially)

When we become dependent for our emotional well-being on others, that causes pain and distress and anxiety and what not. Be so comfortable in your skin that you don't need any provider except for Allah subhanhuwata'ala. Keep asking Him Ghinaa, Which is self sufficiency. Don't keep waiting for people to treat you the way you want. Start doing it yourself and you'll find yourself less needy and clingy. I hope this helps.

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5 months ago

don’t say anything. Just detach.

detachment = less negativity, and a objective mindset.

Dont Say Anything. Just Detach.

detachment: the state of being objective or aloof. When on a self development journey, one of the main goals is to remove negativity from your life, which, is pretty obvious and important.

negativity can cause a bad mindset, and interfere with your goals. So to get rid of negativity, you have to take it out of your life. But, it can be hard when your surrounded by negativity. Especially when it comes in the form of people.

being surrounded by negative people is down right bad. They can inject thoughts into your head that aren’t true. The key to getting rid of this negativity your surrounded by is detaching yourself so you can keep your own positive energy in your own world, and focus on yourself.

focusing on yourself and detaching is the key to being objective, not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

To get rid of negative, and to focus on yourself and only yourself

you need to detach.

Dont Say Anything. Just Detach.

I cooked real bad with this on y’all

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