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Y'all ever have callbacks to other dreams in your dream?
I was dreaming about working at Chuck E Cheese but i didn't have a car and I had different shifts than my sister (who also worked at Chuck E Cheese) so I was gonna ask a Co worker but then my car (my sister's car?) turned out to be possessed by a demon and my mom said it was nothing but then I woke up and saw a bunny mascot in the elevator when i passed by the car so we had to perform a demonic ritual to get rid of the demon. My mom wanted to take the easy way out but I wanted to do the proper ritual and then the dream did a 180. I was outside of an apartment with a bunch of cars (no demon cars) and there was a guy i apparently had a crush on reading/listening to a book while narrating it to everyone around him. But then it cuts back to me and my mom and I'm eating Styrofoam (CALLBACK 1) and then I have to go to Chuck E Cheese and there's an ice rink with my little cousin and she's a bit angry and the scene shifts to her and her brother sharing a bedroom with a large glass table separating them (CALLBACK 2) and she climbs on it and starts watching on her iPad and he says 'She always does this' as I'm trying to get her off the glass table and then the dream ends.
Its always fun to have a callback but damn what a specific 2 details from 2 random dreams.
guys i wanna make a disc server (minors/under 18s) abt mental health and stuff
pls reply to the post if its a good idea or u r interested
i will DM or post the link to anyone joining
(for the record im 14 in march)
ugh I’m laying in bed now (I did more after I posted this) but I only had one bandaid so I put it on the worst one and they r not hurting at all? I thought they were gonna hurt more than this but they don’t hurt but like barely stinging and I love it and they bl33d sooooo much AAHDGAJSGAKHA IM SO HAPPY MWAH MWAH KISSES MY BL4D3 /J /S
holy shit
I just hit styro for the first time
I got a bl4d3 that I hadn’t used before and I cut quickly and I hit styro holy shit
it doesn’t hurt at all but I’m like shakinh
oh my god
I’ll post pics later
I love styro sm
idk if I can go back to jst cat scratches after this
Block don’t report
tw $/h
all fake

Checking on the c#ts from last night , they don’t hurt but the bigger gaping one keeps bl33ding just a bit still
I hate bandaids/plasters they hurt so fucking much to take off istg
Confession sometimes I’m not hungry but I want to bite styrofoam.
is there any cup left?
reblog to take a bite out of this styrofoam cup nobody can stop you go ahead and do it

Into the Abyss: Incredible Shrinking Cups
Marine biologists and ocean scientists are somewhat of a tribe unto themselves. They spend weeks and months in cramped conditions aboard research vessels, doing science that’s a bit unlike any other science, and drinking enough to make Jack Sparrow proud. So it’s perfectly natural that their tribe would have some unique customs.
I discovered one of those today: Sending styrofoam cups to the bottom of the ocean as souvenirs.
When exploring deep ocean trenches and thermal vents, it’s usually a robot or a high-tech manned submersible doing the dirty work. The Cayman trough (where the top cup went) is home to some of the world’s deepest hydrothermal vents. At around 5,000 meters deep, the cup experiences nearly 500 times the pressure we experience at sea level. And since styrofoam is a foam made of air pockets inside a hydrocarbon polymer, it compresses under the added weight!
The bottom cup began as a normal-sized drinking utensil. But after it went to the bottom of the Mariana Trench (the world’s deepest point), it returned the size of a ketchup packet. The pressure down there is about a thousand times higher than at the surface!
It reminds me of a song …
(Squashed cups via Southern Fried Science and imgur)