Tw Styro - Tumblr Posts
guys i wanna make a disc server (minors/under 18s) abt mental health and stuff
pls reply to the post if its a good idea or u r interested
i will DM or post the link to anyone joining
(for the record im 14 in march)
do u guys care what i post? like does anyone care about how badly i want someone balls deep in my soaked pussy or that im not afraid to take a fresh boxcutter to a normal styro, or the fact that i relate myself to every disorder on the planet bc i know ppl with some of the disorders so i mimic some of the symptoms subconsciously?
also gray (if u see this - or literally anyone - also hypothetical situation calm down) if i hit beans what do i do? u cant call an ambulance or police btw bc thats js not nice
holy shit im literally hanging on by a thread, im so close to killing myself its unbarable. literally everything i want to do is either self-destruction (like SH, drinking, starving, etc) or to do with sex (imagining shit or literally doing shit to myself multiple times a day only to feel disgusted after), its awful i dont know why im like this, and its even worse to know it'll never change. wait till i move out, im going to be entirely fucked. one of my best friends will be 18+ by the time im 16 and i move out, so they can supply me with materials such as alcohol and blades and stuff, and i'll be as open about it as i want because i'll be living on my own (until my bsf moves in with me sooner or later). but literally all i want is to either live the life i live in my head, or to vanish off the face of the earth and never be thought of again. also im so convinced i will never find love, at the moment i have 2 ppl in mind but im rlly attached to one of my friends at the moment (hes not on the list) but i just constantly think hes tired of me bc we only talk in skl. literally i js need someone whos similar to me, who understands me and dosent just love me for my body and appreciates my existence, whos patient and is willing to wait for me to recover enough to love again everytime i fall out of love with you. it'll happen alot, im sorry but i cant help it, i still love you i promise but i'll come around soon; just please dont leave, and please just remind me you love me whenever i need to know.
literally no one gives a shit anymore, yk in the matrix where that one dude is aware of everything happening and basically isnt in existence to anyone and everyone so he js kinda fucked himself over? or like i think thats what happened i cant remember i watched it w/ my brother when i was like 10, but i feel like him. like no one is aware of my existence, nor do they care. i never get a say in anything, i never - literally EVER - get to talk about anything that interests me and theres a VERY obvious reason as to why im such a good listener and the most vocal i ever am in in my free time when im playing guitar or smth. even then i tell ppl close to me i learnt a song i rlly rlly like and their js like 'k, cool' and its so frustrating. also another thing is that everyone says im not fat, but literally no one says im skinny. people say in pretty and beautiful but it never feels like they mean it, and i hate it when people CONSTANTLY talk and rant about other people their close to, even when theyve dont so many bad things or they know i dont like them. no one would give a shit if my self harm got to the point they needed stitched and URGENT urgent medical care, no one would give a shit if i was built like a literal fucking skeleton, no one would give a shit if i starved myself for like a month to make the overdose more likely to work. no one would care if i just vanished off the face of the earth, im a fat, ugly, unlovable and toxic prick and no one can say otherwise, otherwise they'd be lying; actually say whatever you want, people have lied enough through the compliment i recieve every odd few months.
im so cute, please groom me so i can feel loved

who can say no to that? :3
*bashes my head against the wall because its all i deserve, even the wall will give me more comfort and physical touch than a person, and thats all i want because it'll ruin me even more, but atleast i can feel comfort for just those moments, more so than i ever will before someone else ruins me.*
can someone get me a knew blade? i used to use this one all the time and went back to it bc my others were sharper, and now their all dull so i have to use this for the time being

i cut because the sting of the blade slicing through my soft flesh is better than the sting of abandonment, it feels like the razor blades in my pocket have been there for me longer than anything/anyone else.
i cut because watching the blood seep through a wound and run down my supple skin evokes euphoria like none other, and the release of the tears i cannot cry, the release i so desperately need other than that of demise.
i cut because i cant risk being seen as a bad person, because i cant stand being scolded for something i couldnt help, such as lashing out and bringing a person to whatever lay between life and death all because i couldnt control my anger, my words or fists.
i cut because i can imagine its someone elses skin, i dont do it for the pain nor for the relief of being seen as mentally ill for it - no - i do it for the pure elation i receive from watching it trickle its bitter crimson tears, and to prevent myself from fulfilling my sadistic, violent fantasies.
and you know i deserve happiness, you know i deserve to bleed.
ooooooh poor me

fresh ones plus a healing one from yesterday that i did on my stomach (below this text)

tw blood, sh
im just an sfx artist
block, don't report
god im so pathetic
but the blood is nice

tw bl00d sh
practicing sfx for halloween
block, don't report
styro is so yummy
i love love love the look of blood pooling
sorry for shitty photo quality lol
wish i could go deeper :(

ugh i wish i wasn't such a fucking pussy :(
tw fake blood sh
block, don't report
sfx practice
useless bitch.

I can’t stop doing them omg
I just c#t pretty deeply and I’ve NEVER gone this deep before
I’m shaking but also it doesn’t hurt?
like it barely stings
I <3 styro
also it’s 3AM for me lmao and I have stuff to do tmrw
hoping these won’t reopen in my sleepppp
block don’t report
I got a lot of pics lol

holy shit
I just hit styro for the first time
I got a bl4d3 that I hadn’t used before and I cut quickly and I hit styro holy shit
it doesn’t hurt at all but I’m like shakinh
oh my god
I’ll post pics later
I love styro sm
idk if I can go back to jst cat scratches after this
ugh I’m laying in bed now (I did more after I posted this) but I only had one bandaid so I put it on the worst one and they r not hurting at all? I thought they were gonna hurt more than this but they don’t hurt but like barely stinging and I love it and they bl33d sooooo much AAHDGAJSGAKHA IM SO HAPPY MWAH MWAH KISSES MY BL4D3 /J /S
holy shit
I just hit styro for the first time
I got a bl4d3 that I hadn’t used before and I cut quickly and I hit styro holy shit
it doesn’t hurt at all but I’m like shakinh
oh my god
I’ll post pics later
I love styro sm
idk if I can go back to jst cat scratches after this
Block don’t report
tw $/h
all fake

Checking on the c#ts from last night , they don’t hurt but the bigger gaping one keeps bl33ding just a bit still
I hate bandaids/plasters they hurt so fucking much to take off istg
TW $/h
all fake
fake body TW bl00d

I got a lot of photos plus some bl00d on the floor lol (it’s watered down slightly bc I was rinsing water on my leg to clean it)

Does anyone know what most of these are?
Idk guys I wanna jump off a cliff but it "gets better" so I just gotta wait ig💜
I kept the shirt and wore it to my mom's meeting and I got told by my sister literally the one that gave me the shirt that I'm built weird like girl stfu😭

Also guys look we have baby birds in the back yard we started giving them little snacks so the parents could feed the baby's !! The one thing I'm excited for🥳🥳