Zeus Pjo - Tumblr Posts
I'm just coming up with random ideas at the moment despite not having read any of the trials of Apollo books and having barely started on the first one, but anyway here is a weird little idea of mine for an au.
I really don't know why but I can't shake the idea of then Apollo falls down to earth and becomes mortal Zeus wanted to add a little extra punishment on top of being mortal, how do you punish a god specifically the god of music and poetry? oh I don't know maybe take anyway his hearing as well aka making Apollo's struggle so much worse.
The scene were Apollo/Lester gets mugged is basically Apollo realizing oh shit I can't hear anything and wondering what the heck is going on, plus not being able to hear anything makes it ten times hard to negotiate with Meg and their friendship is basically forged through trying to learn how to commuticate at the start.
I don't think Lester would go around saying he is Apollo, because Apollo the god of music and poetry not being able to hear he can't have anyone know that.
When Meg and Apollo finally get to camp half-blood I think Apollo might somehow figure out how to claim himself as his own child or ending up in a situation of a good majority of the campers are slightly pissed at whoever Lester's godly parent is since they haven't claimed him yet and the whole the gods can't ignore their kids anymore because of Percy thing has happened.
But idk, haven't finished the book, but it's a fun idea to toy with.

baby lightning sibs
I used to wonder, as a kid, why everyone feared Zeus. I mean, what could he do, summon a little lightning and thunder?
Well guys, I get it now. It’s storming outside my house right now, and not two minutes ago I was laying in my bed, trying to go to sleep. And then this massive strike of lightning came out of nowhere, and it was so bright I kid you not it blinded me. AND THEN THE LOUDEST, MOST DEVASTATING AND EARTH SHATTERING THUNDER CAME TWO SECONDS AFTERWARDS. THIS SHIT NOCKED 4 PICTURES OFF MY WALL, MADE MY LAMP FALL OVER, AND WOKE THE FUCKING DEAD. WHEN I TELL YALL I FEAR THE ASS CLAPS OF ZEUS NOW
Friendly reminder that Hera, goddess of marriage, family and women was forced into marriage with the father of heroes while being a mother to none of them.
Friendly reminder, two sons of Zeus, one name, one ending!
Friendly reminder that Hera mourned Jason grace, and was upset that Zeus hadn’t.
Leo Valdez with the cabins
Cabin 1: Zeus. Jason and Thalia Grace. Leo thinks Thalia is hot and Jason is Jason. He loves them. Gets along very well. He would also be in love with any other potential children of Zeus.
Cabin 2: Hera. He probably tried to blow up the cabin. Dumb prophecy.
Cabin 3: Poseidon. Things aren't the best between Leo and Percy all of the time. They have a lot of rough patches. But they do enjoy being friends and working together. Just pray that Poseidon doesn't have any kids Leo could take an interest in. Then he'd be dead.
Cabin 4: Demeter. Not great. Fire and plants. They want him to stay away from their gardens. Leo tries to build sprinklers and fountains and entire greenhouses to get them to be more open to him. They appreciate it, but they won't let him in no matter what. They like him outside of their gardens and calm.
Cabin 5: Ares. Leo is the kind of kid that the Ares cabin would bully. But as soon as they find out he's the first son of Hephaestus with fire powers since 1666, they do not mess with him. They're typically nice to him, and he definitely is confused. They stop other kids from picking on him. Like, his bodyguards. They are not risking getting lit on fire. He tries to make friends with them. They give in eventually.
Cabin 6: Athena. They actually get along pretty well most of the time. Athena kids are the gifted kids of the demigod world. And Leo is a genius. He's been doing college level math since he was like 8. He and the Athena kids will get together to work on engineering projects. Every other time, they think he's very distracting. But they're some of the very few people who recognize his intellect. They make him feel understood to an extent in a way not many other people do.
Cabin 7: Apollo. (I don't remember what happened with him in TOA.) The medics in the Apollo cabin are not big fans of him. He blows stuff up a lot. He put people in dangerous situations. People get sent to the infirmary because of stuff he did all the time. Will Solace definitely has told him off once. The other Apollo kids love laughing at his antics. Leo does a little bow to them afterwards and walks off, laughing. He loves the Apollo kids.
Cabin 8: Artemis. The hunters of Artemis scare him. Thalia Grace. He'd totally want them to like him though.
Cabin 9: Hephaestus. Leo gets along really well with all of his siblings. They all work together in bunker 9 building whatever they find the most entertaining. Of course, sometimes they have to remind him that they actually have a job to do. They all have to watch out for each other, and they do.
Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper is absolutely his bestest friend. Sleepovers? Yes. Annoying the shit out of the rest of the Aphrodite kids? Of course. What else do you expect? The rest of the cabin does find him endearing, but they wouldn't ever do anything with him. Just friends. Oh and the makeovers. Leo wears makeup every single day purely because he lets the younger Aphrodite campers practice on him and he doesn't want to insult them by taking it off. And he feels fabulous in it. He is.
Cabin 11: Hermes. Oh boy, does Leo love the Hermes cabin! Travis and Connor Stoll playing pranks on Leo. Leo playing pranks on Travis and Connor Stoll. He messes with them so much. And they all enjoy it. Very much fun. 10/10. Leo's besties.
Cabin 12: Dionysus. They also get along great with Leo. The Dionysus kids invite him to their parties and he IS the party. Table dancing, party tricks with his fire powers, and just being reckless in general. There's no alcohol, but with Leo Valdez in attendance, there might as well be. His fun, carefree energy rubs off on people. And the parties help him forget about his problems. He doesn't have to think about his mom's death for a couple hours. He always thanks the Dionysus kids after a party. They don't really understand why he's thanking them when he was the best thing at the party, but they go along with it.
Cabin 13: Hades. Hazel obviously likes him cause of Sammy Valdez and all that. Nico wouldn't have a problem with him if he knew him better or spent any time with him at all. Any other Hades kids may or may not. They would totally think his fire powers are badass, though.
Cabin 14: Iris. I don't think they'd appreciate his jokes very much. He would love to build them a massive projector to put rainbows on everything. They don't really talk to him though. They think he comes off too strong. Despite being some of the nicest demigods at camp, they don't realize what's behind his goofy demeanor.
Cabin 15: Hypnos. The Hypnos kids might know more about him than any other cabin. Leo definitely had trouble sleeping at night after being on the streets his entire childhood. Like every other demigod, the Hypnos cabin is happy help. They'll take Leo in and let him talk about his problems until he falls asleep and then they chase away his nightmares. He accidentally woke up in the arms of one of the Hypnos girls and got kicked out for a while. But they always welcome him back in.
Cabin 16: Nemesis. Honestly, he's probably kinda scared of the Nemesis kids. He played a prank on one or two of them and definitely regretted it. But then they came around to him. Like Jason, they recognized that Leo did a lot of good despite so many bad things happening to him. So they looked up to him too. They refused to let any other campers pick on him. They checked in on him a lot, knowing that he was probably struggling with something. But they were too scared to pry, so they never really got to know that side of him. He didn't understand why they treated him that way, but he liked it. And he liked them.
Cabin 17: Nike. He wasn't very happy with their mother. But he tried to get along with them at first. He played a few jokes on them. But then they came back with so much harder, trying to turn it into a competition. He absolutely regretted messing with them. It was to the point that he started avoiding them out of fear that they would do it again.
Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe kids figured that because he's a hero, he should be looked up to. And he definitely flirted with them a lot. And they did like him, but it was more of a platonic thing. They liked his carefree demeanor, but he wasn't the kind of hero they were looking for in the long run. They were chill with each other though.
Cabin 19: Tyche. Leo prayed to Tyche kids after being convinced that he was cursed with his fire powers. He thought that his mom's death was his fault and he was terrified of being the reason anyone else died. He was hoping the Tyche kids could give him enough luck to not kill anyone. The Tyche kids can't exactly receive prayers becuase they're not gods, though. And Leo never killed anyone. So he assumed it worked, and the Tyche kids had no idea that anything was happening. He would thank them everytime he ran into one and they would give him a confused look, but they never questioned it. So Leo and the Tyche cabin were on good terms.
Cabin 20: Hecate. The Hecate cabin gets along great with him. They like to enchant his inventions, making them much more powerful. They encourage him to file for patents and be an actual inventor. He always blushes and brushes it off, claiming he's going to be an engineer and he doesn't need to make all this fancy new stuff, but he's just trying to hide the fact that he's very flustered and prideful. He tries to flirt with them, but he kinda breaks when they flirt back. At one point he was convinced he was going to marry a child of Hecate. But the Hecate kids tend to push him to work until he breaks down, physically unable to work anymore. Yet he's very grateful for them.
Nico: Please, Zeus, just let me have one good day.
Zeus, from Olympus: oh my god, you again? give it a rest, buddy!
Thalia: "I would never touch Zeus's throne, he would kill me before recognizing me"
Percy: "Once I sat on my father's throne, it was dangerous but it was an urgent situation"
Nico, casually lying on Hades' throne while eating a pomegranate: "hi pops"
i find it so hilarious that in pjo zeus is prickimus maximus but in the odyssey he is literally described as the nicest god
Wanted to make a separate post about Jason and Thalia's potential powers because I think RR really missed some fun opportunities - especially w/ Zeus/Jupiter's status as god of law and order/king of the gods. Side note: I have an OC and original story that was inspired by my thoughts on the law and order powers so I've thought A LOT about them and the consequences/struggles someone might have w/ them
Zeus as the god of the sky:
The sky is a entire realm: air, the sun, the moon, the stars, clouds, rain, birds, etc. If Percy, Nico and Hazel can encompass the entirety of their father's realms, then so can Thalia and Jason.
Can create light like sunlight, moonlight, starlight
Lightning - can use it as a weapon (like a sword, bow and arrow, etc.), summon it from the sky, manipulate the electricity inside someone's body to control them or explode them
(re the above: I like to imagine that when they were little, Thalia used to distract Jason from Beryl's angry moods by creating little lightning orbs to float around his head)
Manipulate clouds, summon rainstorms, summon gale force winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, twisters
Talk to birds (esp. eagles since that is Zeus/Jupiter's symbol)
Can use the wind and air to amplify themselves: enhance their senses (mainly smell, touch and hearing, but sight might also be possible), enhance their speed and strength, flying (canon)
(re the above: I like to think that Jason as a pack animal tends to use this power unconsciously to hold onto his friends, and keep track of them)
Healing using the air around them, may create a rechargeable battery effect where they continue to become energized as they use their powers, no matter how long a battle goes on
Zeus as god of law and order/justice:
I have thought A LOT about this one because of my OC, but basically they are so fucking stringent to their own personal rules. Everyone has rules that they follow - even if it's not explicitly stated, it's just things your mind has made up, like saying thank you to the bus driver or, for me, making brownies/cookies for my sister whenever she comes over to visit. With Thalia and Jason, these rules are of the utmost importance and they get very stressed out when people don't follow them.
Law/Rule inducement: can force their rules on other people, effective for turning enemies into allies, getting people to fall in line, only works if they themselves believe in the rule they're trying to force - varying results depending on someone's willpower and the importance of the rule enforced
Logic manipulation: somewhat similar to the above, can convince people that they're in the right - good for getting people to believe in planning, i.e. Thalia has a plan for trapping a creature that the other Hunters are wary on. She can manipulate their logic to agree with hers so they'll go through with the plan despite their reluctance
Order manipulation: again similar to the above, can create order in chaos, a nice example is throwing a pack of cards into the air and having it fall perfectly into a stack, getting a riot or an army to become a more organized in-tune form, works best in fights or creating structure in meetings (everyone shouting over each other, Jason manipulates/induces order on them and everyone quiets down, going one at a time to discuss their ideas)
Related to the above, both of them are very organized and neat to an almost irritating degree
Justice and punishment: a part of law and order is punishing those who break the rules so both of them get this innate desire to punish people who break the rules - more important the rule, the more harsh the punishment
Extreme sense of justice: children of Themis and Dike also have this problem (both are goddesses of justice), does create a black-and-white attitude about things sometimes
Zeus as king of the gods:
Innate leadership skills - compels people to follow and listen to them, works well with Athena, Ares, other war-related demigods, the kind who work best with someone in charge. They can radiate the energy when they need to, either intentionally or accidentally, to further compel people to follow them
Innate diplomacy skills - might appear only as needed (sort of like Percy's innate ability to sail)
Might add more thoughts later but!! There's a lot of potential with them and their powers - we don't see a lot of use with them in the books, which is so baffling because the potential!! Especially with Jason who was literally raised from near infancy to be a perfect soldier. He should've been more OP than anyone, tbh.
The lack of Neptune material is an absolute travesty.
You're telling me, the Roman version of Poseidon, does not even get an appearance???
I shall now take upon myself to remedy this.
Neptune headcanons:
He's not as volatile as Poseidon. he doesn't get angry or insulted as easily either, but this does not mean he will not respond to you blatantly insulting him. There will be consequences to it.
He is arguably more possessive than Poseidon, especially when it comes to his offspring. He's incredibly controlling of his children's lives, often to a damaging degree. If the phrase "helicopter parent" had a personification, it would be this dude.
He does not give a fuck whether a child is his or from his counterpart. You are his no matter what you say, no, you are not escaping from him either.
To add to the last point, this man was seething when he found out Percy was at camp Jupiter, for the sheer factor of not being able to claim him. He went absolutely batshit crazy on Hera after that. He spent 80 YEARS not having a child, and the second he found out that he does it was ripped away from him.
He doesn't really use a human form. He just can't be bothered with it, why would he? He's just gonna appear to people as a humanoid blob of water and temporarily sends them to the underworld. He unironically throws water on his kids as a form of affection.
Percy both loves him and is scared of him. Neptune is completely unaware of this and just keeps grinning at Percy with his monstrous-looking ass teeth. Percy spends five days asking Poseidon if he has them too after that. (He does, not that he tells Percy, but he does.)
Neptune actually has a decent relationship with his brother, Jupiter. Jupiter regularly visits his brother and they gossip about their Greek sides.
Do tell me if you want another one of these for other gods in the asks! :)
Incorrect PJO quotes:
Zeus: you can say anything to me for the next 30 seconds, and I will not smite you.
Percy: if you spent half of the time you spend screwing over people's lives, on building actual relationships with your family, maybe you wouldn't have so many people betraying you.
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Annabeth trying to convince herself Luke isn't evil: it's not that he's evil. He lacks empathy and goes into a disassociative state and commits atrocities.
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Thalia: hey Percy?
Percy: yeah?
Thalia: ur a bitch.
Percy: I luv u too Thalia.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Annabeth: as if! Your sense of direction is so bad, you lose yourself in a mirror!
Percy: you CRACK mirrors!
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Frank: I don't see any handsome man here?
Leo: just turn around!
Frank: Leo, please. Only one of us can hallucinate at the time.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Neptune is also a protective father. He is very protective, even if his son is the hero of Olympus and the savior of the world. In his eyes, Percy is such a kid who needs his daddy and his protection.
From the outside, it looks strange - Percy is sitting sweetly somewhere and drinking apple juice through a straw and Neptune is stroking his head with cooing.
some idiot who thinks that he is immortal: "He is already an adult and a hero of Olympus, such a manifestation of care is a little inappropriate." Neptune: *turns him into a small pool of blood* My Seusie, would you like some more tender fish and or juicy beef?
Neptune definitely sees the utter bs Zeus puts his kid through and goes haywire protective mode.
In his eyes, his child is super mentally fragile (especially if it's after of Tartarus.) And will snap at anyone unfamiliar in the immediate vicinity.
Neptune decides to chew out Poseidon and gives him migraines for the next three months.
Neptune gets a mug that says "best godly parent of the year". (Poseidon steals it lol)
What makes this funnier is that Poseidon canonically has more kids than Zeus 💀✋️

Does this need an explanation