artofkhaos404 - contributing to the khaos
contributing to the khaos

494 posts

Artofkhaos404 - Contributing To The Khaos - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

I find it so frustrating that the people out here shouting "pro life" are often the same people all too eager to declare war on entire countries and/or people groups. So it's not moral to kill thousands of babies, but it is moral to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children simply because they're on the opposite side of the border from you?

Wow. Your logic is astounding.

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7 months ago

God does not hang back as a mere spectator when power is utilized to oppress the weak and crush the poor. God does not keep sovereign distance in the face of human crimes. God's angry voice echoes through the centuries: "Cain, where is your brother?"

Leonardo Boff, Way of the Cross--Way of Justice

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7 months ago

You know what really sucks?

It sucks when you knew; you knew they were selfish. You knew they were unreliable. You knew they were dismissive of your feelings in favor of their own and you knew they weren't loyal and you knew they would do it again and you knew they were manipulative and you knew they'd always side against you and you knew they'd talk behind your back and you knew they were narcissistic and self obsessed.

And yet there you stood, handing them your heart like a damn idiot because relationships aren't free, you have to pay to play and you paid with all of you because YOU CARED.

Even if they didn't care about you, you cared about them and you hoped that would be enough. God and everyone else told you it wouldn't be... and they were right.

They were right and so were you.

Because you knew.

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7 months ago
Baby Fisher Mercury Lounge New York, NY June 14, 2023
Baby Fisher Mercury Lounge New York, NY June 14, 2023
Baby Fisher Mercury Lounge New York, NY June 14, 2023
Baby Fisher Mercury Lounge New York, NY June 14, 2023

Baby Fisher – Mercury Lounge – New York, NY – June 14, 2023

Photos by Daniel Krause © 2023

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7 months ago

One false move


If you fight


I'm so sick, but I can't find a remedy

I'm still trying to find my identity

Where's my head?


Gas me up, no petroleum




I'm still trying to find my identity.

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7 months ago

sorry for being distant all of a sudden, it was either that or screaming and crying and saying irreversibly damaging things to you after you ignored my feelings in favour of yours once again (I can't tell if I'm overreacting or not)

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7 months ago

Random headcannons I have about the Agency living in the dorms.

Atsushi is banned from cleaning and doing any chores other than his own. Because he cleans like he's back in the Orphanage.

Dazai is banned from the kitchen indefinitely after setting it on fire on his first day while making toast at 4am.

There's a whiteboard in the communal area with everyones daily tasks, a shopping list, who's turn it is to do certain things etc.

There's also a drawing from Kenji to brighten everyone's morning and yes it's usually a cow.

Infact a lot of his and Kyouka's drawings having been put on the walls and fridge. Along with some of Dazai's... Well after Kunikida deemed them appropriate of course.

They have weekly movie nights where they write titles of what they want to watch and than draw them out of a hat at random.

Said hat has sometimes ended up being Chuuya's hat (Dazai stole it.) It's gotten to where the door is left unlocked for Chuuya to charge in (without breaking down the door) and retrieve his hat.

Sometimes they manage to convince him to stay and watch movies with them. If he does, he's not allowed to sit next to Dazai because they'll argue throughout the whole thing.

Kyouka and Junichiro like to bake together and whenever they do Ranpo is always the first to offer to taste test.

There's jars with everyones names on them known as the bail jars. Kunikida's is used the most out of everyone else's.

The older members go for a night out of drinking on Friday nights. They invite Katai (as they do with movie nights) and each of them take turns being the designated driver.

But this doesn't always go to plan and on those days Junichiro will show up to drive them back to the dorms. (Listen if the kid can pilot a helicopter I think he can drive a car.)

The underaged members of the Agency will have a game night. They play a punch of video and board games, sometimes as teams and other times individually.

The points are added up and the winner is declared.

It's fair because the younger members of the Agency can't drink and the older ones are banned from game night. Because they get way to over competitive, looking at you Yosano.

No ones allowed to bring work home with them. Atsushi and Kunikida break this rule constantly and have been reprimanded by the others.

When there's unrest around them, someone's having nightmares, or it's an anniversary of a tragedy, whatever it is on those nights where one or all of them are struggling they all have a sleepover in the communal area.

They all take their blankets and keep each other close. Sometimes they'll talk and sometimes they won't. They just need everyone close.

Fukuzawa doesn't live in the dorms but he lives nearby and drops in regularly to check up on everyone.

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8 months ago
Souheki Having Entire Convos In Their Minds

Souheki having entire convos in their minds

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8 months ago

"Death is the last act of self giving, the final repudiation of self, the ultimate act of impoverished ragamuffins before the fierce mercy of God."

-Brennan Manning

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8 months ago

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Galatians 3:28

This verse gives me great comfort in so many different ways 🖤🖤🖤

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8 months ago

"Honesty is such a precious commodity that is seldom found in the world or the church. Honesty requires the truthfulness to admit the attachment and addictions that control our attention, dominate our consciousness and function as false gods. I can be addicted to vodka or to bring nice, marijuana or being loved, to cocaine or being right, to gambling or relationships, to golf or gossiping. Perhaps my addiction is food, performance, money, popularity, power, revenge, reading, television, tobacco, weight or winning. When we give anything more priority than we give to God, we commit idolatry. Thus we all commit idolatry countless times every day."

-Brennan Manning (Ragamuffin Gospel)

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8 months ago


Gonna be honest, I am unreasonably obsessed with QBomb's new shadow drop. So I gotta consult the BombSquad...

And if you have no idea what I'm talking about PLEASE go check out QBomb!!! They deserve so much more attention than they get and I wanna do my part to make sure they blow up 🤘

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8 months ago

Fuck. This. I'm. Out.

Uuuuhhh Bbrrrrrr Ppppbht Mmm.

Uuuuhhh bbrrrrrr ppppbht mmm.

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8 months ago

Gonna be honest, I am unreasonably obsessed with QBomb's new shadow drop. So I gotta consult the BombSquad...

And if you have no idea what I'm talking about PLEASE go check out QBomb!!! They deserve so much more attention than they get and I wanna do my part to make sure they blow up 🤘

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8 months ago

Teen skk this teen skk that. How about dazais deep depressive episodes where he didn’t brush his teeth or his hair or shower and after a few days of not seeing him around work chuuya would go to his container, grab him and wash him like a dog. Wet black cat. Dazai is just annoyed. Chuuya lets him sleep at his place during the bad parts of the episode “so he doesn’t skip work leaving all the paperwork for him” but really it’s because he doesn’t like thinking about dazai alone in that cold container. Even the most annoying person on earth should have more than a mattress and four metal walls, I guess. So chuuya has him stay over during those days. Is it such a hassle really to make a little more food when cooking dinner? Both of them have always had trouble sleeping so might as well spend the night together watching shitty sitcoms or talking shit about coworkers or setting up pranks for mori instead of looking at the ceiling all night. In this essay I will.

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8 months ago

Like how the hell am I supposed to get my sexy gothic gentleman on in these conditions?!

artofkhaos404 - contributing to the khaos
8 months ago
Didn't Even Know One Year Anniversaries On Tumblr Were A Thing But... Yeah. Cool!

Didn't even know one year anniversaries on Tumblr were a thing but... yeah. Cool!

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8 months ago

I thought, “As long as I can make them laugh, it doesn’t matter how, I’ll be alright. If I succeed in that, the human beings probably won’t mind it too much if I remain outside their lives. The one thing I must avoid is becoming offensive in their eyes: I shall be nothing, the wind, the sky.” My activities as jester, a role born of desperation, were extended even to the servants, whom I feared even more than my family because I found them incomprehensible.

Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human

I Thought, As Long As I Can Make Them Laugh, It Doesnt Matter How, Ill Be Alright. If I Succeed In That,

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8 months ago

That's one of the most relatable things I've ever read.

i think one of the reasons punk means so much to me is that under the spikes and studs and safety pins is the same kid who sobbed violently every time he got in an argument, a kid who cared so much about the people around him that he kept asking questions. kept trying to make sense of things, even when it started to alienate him, because it wasn’t a simple disagreement to him, it was his whole life. something was fundamentally wrong with his brain that made him incapable of understanding the world the way the people around him did, so he was seen as selfish when all he ever wanted was to make everyone happy. and maybe when that kid grew up, he still had questions, and he never stopped trying to understand the world a little better. but he was also going to realize that he was never broken; he was hurt by a system that was. but he wouldn’t stop fighting for change, to make it a hell of a lot better for the other misfits and outcasts who felt like there wasn’t a place for them. he was going to stop caring so much how he was perceived for expressing himself and he was never going to let anyone make him feel like he didn’t belong. ever.

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8 months ago

Can you explain more about Christian anarchy?

Would love to! I'll pull it straight from the Christian Anarchism Wikipedia Article:

"Christian Anarchism is a Christian movement in political theology that claims anarchism is inherent in Christianity and the Gospels. It is grounded in the belief that there is only one source of authority to which Christians are ultimately answerable—the authority of God as embodied in the teachings of Jesus. It therefore rejects the idea that human governments have ultimate authority over human societies. Christian anarchists denounce the state, believing it is violent, deceitful and idolatrous. Christian anarchists hold that the "Kingdom of God" is the proper expression of the relationship between God and humanity. Under the "Kingdom of God", human relationships would be characterized by horizontal organization, servant leadership, and universal compassion—not through the traditional structures of organized religion, which most Christian anarchists consider hierarchical and/or authoritarian structures. Most Christian anarchists are also pacifists who reject war, militarism, and the use of violence."

Here's the link if you want more information!

There's tons of evidence in the Bible that Jesus/God was/is a pacifistic anarchist... Could go on about it for hours.

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