Boundaries - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
This post is VERY important please read
I will block at my own discretion. If you annoy me too much or make me uncomfortable, the button is right there and I can press it at any moment. If you don't want to get blocked, don't push me too far.
List of people I ABSOLUTELY WILL block: General bigots, Israel supporters, people who are 'neutral' on the genocide in the Gaza strip, THOSE 'ragebait' accounts, anyone who is friends with storm.of.little.problems
List of people I will ignore/remove from my follower list, but block very easily: Proshippers/people who are friends with proshippers, neo/xenogender antis, tsp haters, people who write fics that are nothing but underage/incest/noncon stuff
EXTREMELY thin ice: anyone who is friends with mrz_miller/m1rror_man (if not associated don't look xem up pls)
Please don't talk with me about objectum or send me objectum content. I don't care if people are objectum, it's none of my business, but the topic makes me uncomfortable.
I am fine with my art being reposted/used for a pfp/used in any other way as long as credit is given.
I don't care if people simp for my characters/designs (I do like it actually), but if you are not someone I am very close with PLEASE don't talk to me about any hardcore simping
Don't send me anything involving pregnancy. Eugh.
Don't ask me to draw NSFW art. I am a minor.
If you are an adult, only DM me if necessary.
Don't send me any shit about 'being in my walls'.
Only use he/it pronouns on me; no they/them unless you don't know my pronouns, and ESPECIALLY no she/her
Please don't call my art/designs ugly in a consistent way. It makes me very, very uncomfortable and is detrimental to my self-confidence.
Don't spam me in DMS.
Do not witchhunt/attack anyone on my behalf. I can deal with situations on my own.
I doubt you'd be here anyways, but if you are under 10, get off my page. And also Tumblr.
Please don't be afraid around me, I promise I'm not scary, I try not to be
If you want to be mutuals, don't be afraid to ask!
And if you have any questions, please ask! I'm always happy to answer! :D
So nobody will see this but I have to talk about it. Am I the only one that hates it when friends (in books etc.) don't accept boundaries?
Like for example when the main person doesn't feel comfortable in a outfit and her friends wont accept that, so they force her to wear it because ,,you look hot in that" or ,,they boys will looking"
Thats just not they way I wanted to be treated by my friends.

(via "No negativity" Classic T-Shirt for Sale by Rogue2designs)
I don't understand why people think it's so "chronically online" to have boundaries while playing online games. It's basic etiquette to leave people alone. You don't just join people's online lobby groups in Roblox do you? Not everyone can afford monthly robux private servers.
Remember kids! it’s not “chronically online” to have boundaries! Yes, even in videogames!
Welcome to my blog!!!:) If you support the genocide of Palestine, DNI!!!!
•What I won't draw:
-NSFW -Vomit/other bodily fluids (Blood is an exception) -Proship -Incest -P3dophilia.
•What I will draw:
-Blood/gore/heavy gore -Flash/Brightly colored drawings -Glitchy effects/eyestraining art -Weirdly/Eerily distorted depictions of monsters -Vent art -Characters I simp for -People -Animals -My OCs -Anything else.
~Feel free to give me art ideas, I have art block on a daily basis and don't mind <3. Just please be mindful;
•Fandoms I'm into atm:
-Hazbin Hotel -Helluva Boss -Cult of the lamb -Dead by daylight -Call of duty -Baldur's Gate 3 (mostly Astarion) -Fnaf -Creepypasta
I would like to say something in regards to this. I understand how some of you guys would like to see more art and answers to AUs from Sanity. I am one of those people who likes to see more of their art because it's absolutely amazing. However, please know that like any other artist, they have the choice to make art or answer questions. Do NOT keep pushing at the artist all because they said no. Just because they said no doesn't mean they will plan to do it later. It means No, straight up. Also remember that Sanity is using their own personal time to answer your questions or complete requests to the best of their abilities. And if you don't like that, too bad. It's still their choice on what they want to do as it's their blog. Lastly, if you say that you "understand" Sanity's boundaries, don't be a hypocrite and keep pushing with your request(s) if they haven't been completed/answered. The boundaries have been laid out, so the least you can do is respect said boundaries. If you don't like your boundaries crossed, then you can understand Sanity's. This isn't to call out anyone in particular, this is just a friendly note from one fan to others. Respect the artist, plain and simple.
Blog Boundaries
So. It’s come to my attention that I need to set down some ground rules and boundaries. I’ve noticed some, uh, behavior for lack of a better term that just doesn’t sit right with me. So I’m going to lay out my boundaries for my blog and as an artists. I’ll put what I’m ok with and what I’m not ok with so this can kinda be a reference guide for my blog.
This may be a bit harsh and I’m sorry. Those who have gone across those boundaries BEFORE I made this post are ok as long as you start to follow the ground rules from here on.
I am ok with:
- People drawing my AUs and characters as long as you either @ me or mention that it belongs to me. (Hell, I’ll even reblog and help support ur drawings)
- Asks about my AUs and characters in general are ok. From questions about how an AU works/aspects, questions directed to my characters, or even if you wanna give something to the characters (I’ve seen that done in some blogs and as of now I don’t mind that, just pls don’t go overboard, thanks)
- I don’t think I mind inputting your OCs if your doing drawings of my AUs or characters. Just don’t expect me to make it canon or draw it into canon. (This one is iffy I might take this off if it goes overboard)
- Clarification in the comments section. If there was an ask that didn’t fully explain something or you wanted to clear something up then by all means go to the comments I don’t mind. Or put in another ask. That’s another way to do it.
- I also don’t think I mind people putting in requested ideas in asks for now. Tho there’s a chance I won’t do it if I’m not too motivated by the request. (Again this rule may change depending on how it goes from here on)
Things I am NOT ok with:
- Asking me or pressuring me to draw your AUs, characters, or OCs. This has come up a few times but I want to officially put it on record that if you ask me to, I will say no. Even for asks. Any kinds of other OCs or AUs I draw would only be for my close friends.
- Spamming me with the same asks. If you sent in an ask and I didn’t response don’t send in the same ask again. (That includes reiterating the same ask) I can see all interactions with my blog and posts. I see your asks, replies, comments, reblogs, and likes. If I do not respond to your ask it is for a good reason. Sometimes I’m trying to answer other asks, I’m drawing up a response (that takes time), I’m holding on to it for a later date, I’m lacking motivation on answering or I just don’t want to. Pressuring me to answer your ask Doesn’t. Help. Just because you put in an ask doesn’t always mean you’rs entitled to an answer.
- Being aggressive or pushy with asks. I’m ok with playful aggression targeted towards characters (say for example someone expressing they hate Dice from Royalty) that’s ok. But there’s a line. And some have started to toe that line. Please tone it down a bit.
- Please don’t include me in any drama. I seriously don’t want anything to do with it. The purpose of this blog is to share my AUs and ideas and support other artists. Not for internet drama. I’m not gonna waste my energy or stress on stuff like that.
- And ig in terms of topics I want to avoid things like: NSFW, incest, r*pe, permanent disfiguration (chopping off limbs stuff outside of I guess whatever I have built into the lore of my AUs), outright physical torture or major character death. (The usual things)
This post might be subject to change and updated as time goes and as I interact more with viewers/readers. If you are wondering if something you’re doing might be crossing a boundary, you can use this post as a reference. I’ll pin it to my blog so anyone can find it.
If you are still not sure or want clarification, or you have a specific circumstance in mind, you can jump down to the comments section of this post, send me an ask, or even go to my DMs (if you want to ask privately). I will more than likely see your question and I’ll try my best to answer as soon as possible. It might take a bit depending on if I’m busy IRL. So please be patient.
Anyway, thank you guys for taking the time to read this and respecting my boundaries. Your support with my blog and art so far is greatly appreciated im excited to continue to interact with y’all going forward! (stars I sound like I’m writing a business email XP)
Also, I apologize if it might come off as harsh or passive aggressive, I’m a little bit steamed at the moment and I’m trying to make this as neutral as possible! 😅
Thanks again,
Also bc this post was helpful, this link will take you to the AU guide I had pinned previously
I think it would be a good idea to make a thing talking about what you will and won't write, like do you write/don't write NSFW, angst, etc. I want to ask you for fanfics but I want to make sure your comfortable with what I ask for before I do!! :)
What I will & Wont write !!


What I will write :
multiple parts / series (if asked for)
most NSFW (certain things will be in won’t write)
character x character
character x reader x character
small age gaps (HAS TO BE ADULT X ADULT.)
readers of all genders (includes trans!readers !!)

What I wont write :
big age gaps
x readers that are minor x adult (common sense guys pls💔)
gorey NSFW (this is thin ice if its WAY too much i will not be writing it)
vore (😨)
feet kinks (that stuff scares me)

thats about it !! remember that both of these categories are up for debate and can be changed at any point !!also just because it isnt on the list doesnt mean that i will 100% write it !! remember that this js my blog and I can pick whats posted !! But thank you for reminding me I literally would have never made this 💔

so these are my boundaries, and I may edit them as I may forget something and I can say no to any request but I will do my best to answer them all.
I won't write:
vomit play, piss play (things like that)
age regression
neurological illness' such as autism etc. just becuase I don't know enough about that kind it
perv!character/reader (I don't really feel comfortable)
that's all I can really think of for now but I may change it / edit it slightly as I get more confident with writing. If you have any questions or anything just send me a message, I'll be more than happy to answer
bubs x
links to where you need to go <3

hey guys, welcome! look here for places you need to see, go or send me a message if you need help, want to ask a question or just want to chat my messages are always open x
who I write for
Mixed Origins/disordered endos & pro-endos
Before someone comes here and say now I'm talking about endos when this blog isn't about that, I just want to clarify this is a boundary post, more like an extent of the intro to clarify some things for our personal comfort
When talking about mixed origins systems, or how we feel more comfortable calling them, endos who are also disordered, we have mixed opinions (Get the joke?)
But jokes aside we're a bit mixed about that, it's like they're in a fragile line between us being ok with them interacting and don't wanting them to interact, so we decided to make this post to make it more clear and, if you're a system like this, read this to understand and follow our boundaries before interacting, if you're not comfortable with this or think is dumb or something like that I recommend you to not interacting with me and leave me alone, mayba block me if that's better for you
When I talk about disordered endos I'm talking about those systems that besides they're OSDDID or disordered plurality have another kind of plurality, this being spiritual, alterhuman, cultural, etc. it's irrelevant for this topic. So if you're under this description and you may think about interacting with this blog I found helpful to read this first to prevent problems
As we already established by our intro we're not comfortable with endos interacting for past experiences and more current ones, so it's hard to us to feel 100% comfortable with OSDDID systems who also have another kind of plurality because of on how most of endos act and behave (The principal reason why we don't want them to interact with us and the blog), but we're aware they're also disordered, and telling them our blog is 100% prohibited seems... Wrong in my opinion, so that's why we're making this for clarifying
(Also clarifying this boundaries applies to pro-endos, just don't want to make more text just about them cause it will be repetitive lol)
We don't have a problem with this systems interacting if they're:
Gonna talk about experiences regarding they're disorder
Gonna ask questions/make submissions regarding disordered plurality
Abstain to talk about their endos experiences, comments and all of that from this blog (Clarifying this blog because outside of our blog we don't care about that)
In the same line that the last one, abstain to talk about non-disordered plurality at all (Again, clarifying this blog, we don't care outside of it )
Gonna assume a respectful, calm, not passive-agressive nor mad role in this blog, good and kind interactions are welcomed
Don't gonna get mad, harass, attack or get a bad attitude if we say something you disagree with regarding plural/system community, because if you do we'll block
Gonna be open minded, we're not perfect and we're gonna say some things that you may not agree with. We're open to debate, corrections and things like that, but understand that some points or thoughts of us won't be changed so you need to be open minded
I know for some people this may see ridiculous, immature, childish or something like that, I just want to say if you have this kind of mentality and think that please block us because we don't want people like that neer us
But if you understand this boundaries and follow them, then welcome to our blog, I sure hope you like it, or at least don't find it annoying :)
Thank you for taking your time into reading this and I hope we'll get along if you're a good pro-endo or a disordered endo
Hi, just to make things clear
If you think is ok to assume people's stances in certain discourses based on their boundaries, or think that boundaries and stances are the same thing
Please, respectfully, get out of my blog
I don't like in any kind of way people who start assuming things about others based on boundaries and then claim that their assumption is true when in fact might not be true, boundaries and stances when discourses might be hand in hand but no always and I hate that people think that
Yall just ever think about the names you call yourself as a deity type figure and then realize that one of them belongs to a god, and you never asked said god how they feel about it?
Yeah. Well my spacekin is also a deitykin (kind of), and silly ol me just remembered that one of their names is Apollo. I never asked the guy how he feels about a deity using his name!
I have absolutely no idea how he feels about this type of stuff, so I asked a server I’m in (which I know has people who have alters for him) if they could ask him for me. Someone said yes! So now I’m waiting for them to get home so they can ask me for me :)
I need to plan ahead sometimes man 😭
And if you’re wondering why I’m so pressed about this, it’s cause I want to know how Apollo feels about this. I don’t want to disrespect him or make him uncomfortable, and I definitely don’t want to make him mad. Cause keep in mind this is for my deity (type) kin.
Like I’m aware not very god will want their name to be used some deity, and some gods don’t want their name used at all. Other might not care
So I’m just doing this so I know how Apollo feels, and if he would rather me use a nickname or something.
Trying to respect the guy’s boundaries okay? I want to be a good deity for once and also not piss off more gods than I have already.
My kins and gods have some funky relationships lol
Update as of 9/16/24 : I got an answer! He said no, so Apollo has been removed 🫡
Have some loosely inspired names instead lol
@throwthemanaway Did you even fully read anything I said? Where did I condone the assault? I never said Snape wasn’t a clear victim. To speaking of Lily-Snape during that scene I think it was hypocritical of her to only choose to sever ties with him only when he hurt her and chose to turn a blind eye to his other behavior outside of the Marauder interactions. I agree you can criticize her willful blindness to both his behavior and James’s horrendous behavior when she agreed to date him. I never said that was misogyny-in fact I said that is a perfectly acceptable thing to criticize in my second paragraph (which you would know if you took the time to read and response thoughtfully). Third, I will not tolerate condescending or rude responses like yours which clearly aren’t meant for having the end result be a debate/discussion of characters and their choices, flaws, or tropes. I will be blocking accounts in the future whose users are incapable of acting like mature adults and choose to engage in a hostile manner. Have a good day.
The take from a small sect of Snapedom asserting that Lily should’ve remained friends with Snape and that she “shouldn’t have abandoned her friend who was having a tough time fitting in” as well as “she should’ve inquired more into his home life” even when he showed signs of not being willing to talk about the full extent of it are ones rooted in misogyny. Women should be allowed to be supportive to an extent but also have boundaries on what they are willing to accept. We aren’t therapy centers for men. Let Snape be someone who was both a victim and had agency over making his ultimate decisions-it makes his character more compelling.
What you can criticize Lily for is turning a blind eye to the flaws of those close to her such as choosing to date James in her later years despite him being a horrendous bullying ass and Snape as mentioned previously. You can also say that her brushing off Snape with a “you should be grateful” after the werewolf incident was an extremely callous response to someone who went through a very traumatic incident.
Thanks @snapesnailtape for the idea to post this.