Grief Poem - Tumblr Posts
I can see you in the braided rivers and cascading slopes of mountains. I will feel your touch when the wind blows through my hair. I will hear your voice in the sound of nature. Even though you are not here. I can see and feel you everywhere.
I miss you with every breath and cell in my body. I keep wondering when I’ll wake up from this nightmare. I live in a world where you no longer exist.
My heart continues to beat for someone that will never arrive.
Instead of hearing the sound of our laughter. I hear the sound of my tears as I am reminded you are no longer here.
If I had known you were going to die. I wouldn’t have allowed myself to fall in love with you so quickly.
A person who tells someone that is grieving, “time heals all wounds” has never known the grief that shatters your entire being to the core of your soul. The day that happens to them. They will realize time doesn’t heal anything.
I can't be afraid of dying

I’m not afraid of death
If you died then it’s ok
If you died then I can too
If you died I wanna go with you

My chest magnet is not attracted to your grave anymore
It’s attracted to your soul
It’s going up like fire
To where you are
Wherever that place is

I don’t wanna live forever if it’s without you
So I’m always excited for my death
If you died and dying as well is the only way to go to where you are
Then I can’t wait for my turn
And if it’s just pure nothing, then there’s no grief
I want to go to the end with you, my love.
I will love you through joy, and through pain.
I will love you through health, and through sickness,
Through success and failure,
Through laughter and tears,
And through life and death.
I will love you until the very very end.

Beautiful Bones 🦴 (my death and grief movie and lana del rey music video)
the last time i woke up in tears
was a dream that i’d had where you were no longer here
and your spot is empty
and i’m struck with the fear of always sitting alone in the back seat
it’s a grief that i’ve never known -
i’ve never lost someone so close,
but as dream and reality superimpose
i remember an alternate life spent alone.
my first memory is the day you were born:
the waratah jersey and the pigtails id worn
but mostly your face-
and now the nausea hits
i know your absence doesn’t really exist but will eventually
in big ways, for sure,
but also in ways just as small
as a concert without you or that gap on the wall where your height should be marked
(above me, because of course you became tall)
and eventually one of us will be the first to go
but before that day i’ll make sure you know that i love you
i love you
i love you
even when you steal my blurryface vinyl
and also my jewellery

Just… gimme a minute… y’all. These two need to have this conversation. These two have gone through so much and to see this drawn so beautifully AND with a written snippet just ugggggg my heart.
I need a hug yall, these feelings getting too intense to keep dealing with by myself 😆😅😭💔💙✨

The hologram of his loved one sizzled softly in silence till the blue light disappeared, leaving the stars twinkling sadly before them. Casey can only feel his throat closed up with a choking sob yet no sound comes from it but the gentle sniffles of grief. Grief, he almost laughed, grief is supposed to be something that happens once in a while yet for him it’s everyday, for him it’s Master Raph, for him it’s Master Donnie, for him it’s his loving mom, for him it’s Commander O’neil, for him it’s Master Michelangelo, for him…it’s Master Leonardo, and now everyone until he is the only sole evidence his world exists. He doesn’t want to get attached to this world, to the people who are still living, and breathing and so alive because inevitably- they will disappear, just like everyone who he loved in his life. “You know…” the young Leonardo spoke uncharacteristically, without charisma, without energy, without anything that made Leo Leo. “I don’t know what it’s like to lose everyone in one day.” he whispered, the turtle’s hand still holding onto Casey in a reassuring manner with his gaze still stuck on where his holographic future-self used to be “But I know what it’s like to grieve.” he chuckled tiredly, Casey could only lean close yet he still refuse to look at Leo “There was this line dad said when he finally opened up his trauma to us.” a silent pause took place for a moment, until he continued “There is a type of love that is only experienced through sadness, and a type of joy that is only experienced through grief.” In the cold wind and the gentle lullaby of twinkling lights, his eyes slightly widen. “Pain is the price that we pay for love, and the only way to not feel pain is to never feel love.” Casey finally looked at Leo, his sole reason on wanting to get rid of these fond feelings when he sees this worlds’ family, the feeling of where Raph will teach him how to wrestle, where Donnie will rant about science, where his mom will call him into crazy adventures, where Mikey will make him eat different types of food, where April will teach him about the outside human world, where Splinter will let him watch TV with him, or where Leo will make so many bad and cringey jokes. Where everything made Casey so happy. “But love is what makes life meaningful, so don’t stop loving Casey.” “Because we sure hell will never stop loving you.” Casey felt safe arms around him, hugging him in such a familiar way it made him finally burst. To cry out how unfair the universe is to him, how unfair that he has to grow up in a time with no rest, with no moment of clarity, with no moment to tell everyone he loves that he misses them, he misses them so much. Leo didn’t say anything anymore, yet his soft hums will tell Casey- ‘I’m here, we are here, we will not leave you anymore.’ And for a moment, and maybe tomorrow, that would be enough for him to keep on smiling, to keep on being genuinely happy, to keep holding on. ‘Anatawa Hitorijanai.’ He could hear Master Leonardo whisper to him. ‘Anatawa Hitorijanai.’ ———————————— (some lines here are from Cinema Therapy because those guys can make me cry like a lil bitch, so anyways, we need more angst fuel for my boy Casey cus my man needs to reach his angst potential like our turtle bois >:((( )
(I also apologize if there is typos, its been long since i ever type a long ass story!!)