Ignorance - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Story time

( trigger warning)

A couple summers ago my mom signed me and my little brother up for a Bible study day summer camp. Where everyone there including the kids are close-minded and some of them don't know anything about lgbtq other than the fact that they believe it's a sin. So one day while I was at Camp I just so happen to be feeling depressed. and I was trying to talk to this girl but it ended on an awkward note. So I told this guy that volunteer to help with the kids. ( he was old enough to be someone's Grandpa) that I feel like I ruin every conversation that I'm in. He then started offering me a rope and drive me to a bridge..... I didn't say anything.........He then continued to offer the other things such as switchblades and pills........ Then patted my back and walked away like I was the wired one.

And then the summer before last I came out to a girl in my Bible study class as trans. She asked me what trans was. Because she didn't know what I was talking about..... the word spread and before I know it I have a bunch of grandparents walking up to me and questioning me I'm telling me that I need to stop. Saying that they're too young to know about that and that I'm a bad influence on the kids and if I continue to talk about it that they'll call my parents. While I was there I ask a lot of questions. And apparently they assumed me asking questions automatically meant that I'm an atheist period so they then went to my Christian anti-lgbtq mother and stepdad. These two family friends found out about me being trans. Both of them said that they're accepting and that they have gay and trans friends. Then the mother goes on to saying that God made me a beautiful girl and I should stay that way.

Also when my non and step dad found I got a full on lecture. About how being gay is a "sin" and how god burnt down cities in the Bible for being gay. That gay relationships are "about nothing but s3x". My step dad then called me out saying that he thinks I'm questioning my gender. And asked me if I am. I said no to avoid anymore drama. They then went on to say that it was a good thing.

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8 months ago

Non sopporto più i "non me ne intendo" "non saprei..." se non ti intendi di niente vuol dire che sei ignorante di tutto, non di qualcosa nello specifico

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9 months ago

Refuse to be offended. When people ignore, or are mean or rude to you.. they're revealing themselves.

They're telling you what's within themselves..not what's within you.

How you treat those who mistreat you, reveals your emotional and spiritual maturity.

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8 months ago

Either America will destroy ignorance or ignorance will destroy the United States.




#inspirational #ignorance #quotes #deepthoughts #relatablequote #heartfeltquotes #positivethoughts #spilledink #positivethinking #politics #darkacademiabooks #trending

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1 year ago

“Ignorance is the cause of fear.”


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1 year ago

“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.”

—Wayne Dyer

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3 years ago

God! I fucking hate when people try to force you to speak one language. They’re like:

Monolinguals: Oh! you should only speak in-

Me: blimey! Shut the fuck up you motherfucking pretentious uncultured monolingual swine. Just crawl back to your pathetic little miserable hole of incompetence, you ignorant bastard.

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4 years ago
#police #policebrutality #policeofficer #policeshooting #cop #cops #judging #judgingpeople #ignorance

#police #policebrutality #policeofficer #policeshooting #cop #cops #judging #judgingpeople #ignorance #ignoranceisachoice #goodcops #goodcopsdoexist #goodcopsmatter #notacab #notallcopsarebad #notallcopsarebadcops #notallcopsarebadguys #notallcopsarebadbutwaytoomanyare #notallcopsarebad❤️ #badcops #badcopsmakingitbadforgoodcops #badcopssuck #standtogether #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmattertoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-aAZsJ02M/?igshid=10lfndhygucbi

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8 years ago

The salt in my wounds isn’t burning any more than it used to // It’s not that I don’t feel the pain // It’s just I’m not afraid of hurting anymore

Looking forward to what I hope is new Paramore music in 2017! Until then, this is my favorite song from their last album.  It’s a bit different from the rest of their stuff, but the pure emotion in this song is awesome.  Love the lyrics and Hayley’s vocal abilities in this song.

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8 years ago

Up until now, I had sworn to myself that I’m content with loneliness // Cuz none of it was ever worth the risk // But you are the only exception

One of my favorite love songs.  I love the story of a girl breaking down all the walls she built for this person.  These lyrics are equal parts deep and sweet, and I love the story that they tell.  Plus Hayley sounds awesome as always.

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7 years ago

Walking around with my little raincloud hanging above my head // And it ain’t coming down

Super cool new song from Paramore! I’ve been eagerly anticipating new Pmore music, and though this is very different, it didn’t disappoint. Hayley’s voice can work any style, and I’m interested to see if the sound of After Laughter mirrors this song.

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7 years ago

You keep me up with your silence // Take me down with your quiet // Of all the weapons you fight with // Your silence is the most violent

This is my favorite song from After Laughter. This whole album has a very different sound from the rest of Paramore’s past albums, but at the heart is the same powerful songwriting. This song showcases Hayley’s journey beautifully, and does so in a very beautiful and relatable way.

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2 years ago
(from "Hypocrite") With The Scent Of Earth, A Hint Of Spring Rises Again, With Some Anxiety, My Mind

(from "Hypocrite") With the scent of earth, a hint of spring rises again, with some anxiety, my mind begins to be chased, with warm expectation, intolerant Christians begin again prancing around the streets, ringing the bell for the season of the party, with their selfish, indifferent ignorance, which disguised as something grievously ordinary.

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2 years ago
(from "on The Settled Life") Sitting Against A Little Light In The Dark Struck Across A Flash Of Strange

(from "on the settled life") sitting against a little light in the dark struck across a flash of strange feeling with a sinking heart, I turned my face and there, behind the empty space, remained only the familiar scenery if a stranger was standing there, the sin of unnaturalness would run rampant through the body weakness, ignorance, cowardly hope, cowardly belief, unlike all of those that stays in only slight desires, the sin of unnaturalness would run rampant

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