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 PMDD Mood Board

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4 years ago

Ugh, this just hurts my heart.

january 1870.


what can you do? what power do you have?

pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: angst, drama words: 1.3k warning: this drabble contains a form of disordered eating.

moonlit throne index. this is drabble 28. start from the beginning?


“…uinyeo-nim…! …ease wake up…!”

“Can…hear us?”

The world comes back to you somehow piece by piece and all at once.

Keep reading

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10 months ago

Nobody looks good in their darkest hours. But it's those hours that make us what we are.

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7 months ago

Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by assholes.

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1 year ago

“Only during hard times do people come to understand how difficult it is to be master of their feelings and thoughts.”

—Anton Chekhov

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1 year ago

I'm sure someone already pointed it out, but– I just can't get over the symbolism of the church scene in 1941. How the bomb shatters the church and kills the nazis and leaves Aziraphale and Crowley behind.

The bomb literally destroys the Good™ (the church obviously represents Heaven) and the Bad™ (we know that the nazis represent Hell because that's where we meet them again. Also, they're nazis) but it doesn't do any harm to Aziraphale and Crowley, therefore placing them with neither Good nor Bad but rather something in between.

And high-angle shot of the destroyed church. There is fire burning between the stones. Aziraphale looks around.

Look at them. The sacred ground is scattered around them, not even sacred anymore, since Crowley no longer is bothered by it. What once was to resemble the Evil is now buried beneath.

Aziraphale takes his hat from his head and holds it in his hands. In the right corner, Crowley leans against some stone and cleans is sunglasses.

But there is Aziraphale, who used a miracle to save not only himself but also Crowley. And there is Crowley, who used a miracle to save Aziraphale's books. Because they care for each other. Because they look out for each other. Because neither of them is solely good or bad, they are shades of grey.

Crowley pulls the bag out of a hand that sticks through the shattered bricks.

We even see Crowley pulling the bag out of the dead person's hand, which could be interpreted as an act of ultimate liberation from the past. After thousands of years of choosing between Heaven and Hell, Crowley chooses to save the books for Aziraphale.

Crowley gives the bag to the astonished Aziraphale.
Crowley leaves the frame, Aziraphale looks after him.

Even though this scene takes place years before they get cut loose from Heaven and Hell respectively, it already depicts Aziraphale and Crowley as independent from both, as their own team. It's the visual proof that they already are an us.

In the end, it all comes down to them. When Heaven and Hell lose their power, when there's little more than broken pieces left –

Aziraphale and Crowley still survive. Together.

Aziraphale, with the bag in his hand, still looking after Crowley in amazement.

Anyways, I'm going mad over here

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1 year ago

We talk a lot about how Crowley and Aziraphale make each other smile, and how they're united through their shared excitement about the world. While this is very valid, I feel like we're forgetting about another important part of a relationship: mutual complaint.

Gif 1/2: Aziraphale in the Globe Theater, 1601. He looks unhappy, saying: "Apparently, I have to ride a horse."
Gif 2/2: Crowley groans in sympathy and says: "Hard on the buttocks, horses. Major design flaw, if you ask me."

Oh, how much I adore this brief moment between them.

Do you know how much trust it probably takes for someone like Aziraphale to openly complain about something related to his work?

First of all, he is not allowed to complain about anything in Heaven other than Hell. We see this a lot in S1 when he tries to discuss the plans of Armageddon and is repeatedly (even violently) shut down by the archangels. He is an Angel. He works for Heaven, the so-called Good Side. Everything he does, he should do with delight. Being unhappy about a task? Not wanting to do something, let alone disagree with it? It’s just not on.

Second of all, the way Aziraphale says it, he is expecting a certain reaction from Crowley, an affirming one, that is. He is saying it in a way that is asking: “Isn’t that awful?” He is not afraid to be judged, rather the opposite: He believes that Crowley will show him sympathy. And most amazingly, Crowley does.

Not only does Aziraphale trust Crowley enough to complain about something and communicate negative emotions about his work, but he also knows Crowley well enough to anticipate his understanding. He makes himself vulnerable and is rewarded with validation in return.

Even if this was already part of Crowley’s plan to speak about The Agreement, Aziraphale wouldn’t know it. And if we're honest, it doesn't really matter. He trusts Crowley because Crowley deserves his trust.

Sure, getting excited about the same things is fun. But additionally, being able to complain to somebody and knowing that they will be on your side, building a foundation of mutual trust by shared dislike?

Damn. That truly is some love right there.

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3 years ago

The absolute worst thing about growing up is, by far, the crippling fear of not knowing where you're going with your life. Coupled with the crippling fear that you're automatically taking the wrong path because it's not the socially acceptable route.

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5 years ago
Stole A Friends Quote For This Edit , Hope She Liked What I Created

Stole a friend’s quote for this edit , hope she liked what i created 

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7 years ago

Walking around with my little raincloud hanging above my head // And it ain’t coming down

Super cool new song from Paramore! I’ve been eagerly anticipating new Pmore music, and though this is very different, it didn’t disappoint. Hayley’s voice can work any style, and I’m interested to see if the sound of After Laughter mirrors this song.

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7 years ago

You keep me up with your silence // Take me down with your quiet // Of all the weapons you fight with // Your silence is the most violent

This is my favorite song from After Laughter. This whole album has a very different sound from the rest of Paramore’s past albums, but at the heart is the same powerful songwriting. This song showcases Hayley’s journey beautifully, and does so in a very beautiful and relatable way.

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3 years ago

It's hard to be creative, while having no motivation, because of depression. It's also hard to create certain art, because your skills aren't where you want them to be, to be able to create that stuff.

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13 years ago

It hurts so much to know that I can't do anything for you...

I wish there's someone who can comfort me right now and tell me that this is not really happening. It breaks my heart to know that we are going through this hard times and the only thing i do is cry about it.

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10 months ago

I think I opted against posting this because I was "happy" for a time, but for me, that never lasts and most the time it's never even real.

It's all just...


Sometimes, I feel motionless and it is something I wish would never leave.

Other times, I feel motionless and want it to go away, to never return to me.

I don't control either of these feelings, but they show how I'm feeling better than I could ever explain.

Sometimes, I'm motionless and everything stops. My fears, stress, and anxiety all stop.

Almost as if whatever I was dealing with has ran its course and is behind me.

Other times, I feel motionless like the world is trapping me in my worries and the future I know nothing about.

Feeling motionless is something I wish would happen more often, but I also wish to cease as well.

I try not to take this for granted. The feeling that I need to stop and pause because there's no rush to get to the end. I should take my time and just be motionless when I need to.

That feeling that the next second I waste doing nothing is only trapping me in my difficult moments. That staying still will only be my downfall.

No matter which one passed my night away, it's happening to remind me of the things that are gone and the things that will come.

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