Maybe I Should? - Tumblr Posts

Mergo’s Wet Nurse
if I ever go silent on here, like dead fucking silent
I adopted a bunny
i just had the weirdest moment, i was feeling my front teeth with my tongue because they’re the tiniest bit crooked, and then i had the thought “i’ll check if they’re also crooked in my other mouth” and then i realized to my shock and confusion that i have only one mouth, leading me to believe that in a past life i was a terrible monster with two mouths
if there are people who follow me for art..
..they are eatin good today TWO ART POSTS?!?!?? oh you wont fucking BELIEVE me

sure maybe these were kinda rushed (not badly but. ofc they arent perfect whatever) but i cherish them
me an @webzazes made lil name cards that match…guess who theyre for? (dont worry its easy, just look up…heheheh/hj) i think well prob post em separately later but they are meant to be….
mine, that is. i dont think their perfect one wants to be with mine. but alas they are in love anyways (lowkey hint…)
this is probably one of my favorite drawings I should redraw it but better

okay so im a weeb,, so of course im gonna draw weeb trash pfpptpfpp- this song is a classic okay?? XD been listening to it a lot so i guess that’s why i drew this, i really didn’t have any other ideas LMAOO
def the weirdest thing i’ve drawn for madaparty (so far!!! :0)
i would like to buy a one way ticket to korea, ny or any other country, escape from poland and start a new, maybe better life
To jump on the whole discussion after the last anon and like..... our interest is already kinda gone from what ive been seeing? Like a majority of the fandom literally moved on and lost the hyperfixations and interests already, the posts are dying out and we don't even have anything left to talk about (we can only have same damn discourse so many times) and after the whole patrion thing and later what happened with the artists of the animated video and yeah...... we're already drifted off, myself included, and it's quite sad to think about tbh
It really is sad. Like I remember going on YouTube and being able to find dozens of new animatics to watch every day. Now when I go on there's nothing. I don't want to lose interest in these characters, I love them all so much, but I'm starting to move on to other things and it's sad to think about because I really don't want to leave them.
“The secret to good writing is rewriting.”
— William Zinsser

Come on Solas, how can you ignore that sad face? She looks like a kicked puppy.

favorite comedies that ended too soon ≡ Santa Clarita Diet (2017-2019)
“People can be sweet and dangerous. Example, us. Also, koala bears.”
Event Info and Prompts!

Hello everyone! First off, I want to thank everyone for following this event and who have patiently waited for the release of the info and prompts! Thank you! And so, without further ado, here they are! Please download or click the image for better quality!
Things to keep in mind:
-This event is open to any type of works! Drawing, edits, writing, etc! Everything is welcomed!
-Tag us so that we can see your work! And reblog it! it will also help if you use the tags #bio!dad bruce wayne month 2020 #bio!dadbrucewaynemonth2020 #b!dbwm2020 These three tags will be checked for any new works in case the mention of the blog does not work
-Have fun with it!
Again, thank you for reading and hope to see your works! And as always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! I’ll be happy to answer them!

💙❤️ Crunch time, Zutarians! We are halfway through July and Zutara Week starts on the 26th! Look at our past posts for the prompts and get drawing! Get writing! Get creative! If the prompts have you stumped- come up with your own and be a part of the week anyway! Tell your friends and participate in the fan week that started them all 🥳❤️💙
So fucking excited for Jon Gracy on House Rules!
I haven't really felt ready to watch nrb again until now, personally, but Jon and Sully in the thumbnail made me click so fast
taken 2/5 exams english was *def* an exam but not too bad ended up hanging out with friends and watching disney movies afterwards
i lowkey wanna start writing fanfictions , like ,IDK it lowkey seems fun ngl :33
call for help 😣
low key having suicidal thoughts?? My school is gonna make the suicide rates go up??? No joke??????
Getting back into transformers again
i was wondering if i could request a thing with earthspark megatron and a human reader pls!👉👈
Megatrons partner gives him some kisses early in the day, and he goes about the rest of his day as usual...until he realizes later on that his partner wears lipgloss, and he was walking around with sparkly smooch marks on his face all day
Ahhhh that's absolutely adorable, I shall do my best!

Megatron couldn't keep himself from chuckling as you took full advantage of your proximity to his face, peppering his brow with all the kisses you wouldn't be able to give while the two of you were apart. Holding you close in his cupped palms, he hesitated to check his internal chronometer for the time, knowing he was probably already late to the first of his assigned duties. There would be unpleasant quips from his human superiors if he was, but could anyone blame him for preferring your company to GHOST's?
When he finally did check the time and confirmed his tardiness, he cleared his vents to interrupt the gentle kisses you were still peppering across his cheeks. "I have to meet the others now, love." he said sadly, standing from his berth and stepping from his darkened room into the equally dim hallway. You nodded in equally glum understanding, but perked up when he leaned in so you could nuzzle his helm and offer a final kiss whilst he made a promise.
"I will message you as soon as I am free." he said as he dropped to one knee and helped you to the floor.
"Don't be long." you said playfully as you headed off, loving that he watched you every step of the way until you were beyond his sight.
Megatron made it a point to attend to his duties swiftly and quite mechanically, not wanting to waste a moment that could have been better spent at your side, but on this particular day he was encountering a number of unexpected hindrances.
Every human he needed to interact with, and he meant every last one, was acting even more unusually than he was accustomed to. He was used to them cowering whenever he turned their way, but he was not prepared for the looks of utter bewilderment he kept encountering as the day wore on. Some would stop to stare, others did double takes, those he needed to speak with directly tended to go speechless... It was as infuriating as it was utterly baffling.
By the time he arrived for his last assignment, a simple unloading of supplies, he was in a sour mood. The only saving grace was that he would be seeing you soon, and that Optimus was providing assistance. Yet even his companion was not immune to the strange behavior infecting the human personnel. As soon as they saw one another his old friend had been unable to hide the expression of surprise that had flashed across his face, yet he hadn't said a word or offered any clue as to what might be amiss. Megatron had still been more than able to spot the smirk on his face when Optimus thought he wasn't looking.
He'd have snapped and demanded an explanation eventually, but thankfully his friend spoke up first, clearing his vents during a brief window where the humans left them alone.
"Megatron?" he said politely, his tone reserved but carrying an undercurrent of what he almost dared to call amusement.
"Optimus." he clipped, depositing another stack of polished metal on the pile. Not bothering to hide his frustration, he crossed his arms as he turned to face his companion, making it as clear as possible that he was aware something was off. "Is something on your mind?"
Optimus failed to hide a flash of a smile, his optics twinkling with restrained delight before he spoke plainly. "No."
"Then why are you acting like this? Primus, why is everyone acting like this? Is there something I don't know?" he snapped, throwing up his arms as the confusion overflowed into frustration. Optimus was hardly alarmed by the outburst, and only shook his helm with a light chuckle.
"Did you have a chance to meet with Y/N this morning?" he asked as he allowed himself to smile, catching Megatron so off guard that his frustration utterly evaporated.
"...Why do you ask?" he countered with a narrowing of his optics, trying to imagine what sort of game he'd fallen into. Was this all an elaborate prank? The absolute delight on his friends face suggested as much, but he couldn't even begin to fathom what the goal of such an excercise might be.
"I would suggest you check your reflection." Optimus advised, providing no answers as he turned to grab the next batch of supplies.
Megatron was left frozen for a moment of continued confusion before he decided to comply, turning to the nearby pile of reflective metal that he'd just been stacking. Feeling a tad bit self conscious, he looked about before gazing deeply into his reflection. The issue became obvious quite immediately.
At least half a dozen glittery kiss marks peppered his helm and face, shimmering in the light before his hand shot up to wipe them away with middling success. His first realization was that the dim light of his bedroom must have hidden the shimmer of your lip gloss, and his second was that every single being he'd encountered had surely noticed... Suddenly the wide eyes and shocked silence made a great deal more sense.
He was near to paralyzed by mortification when the sound of Optimus Prime laughing tore him right out of the fog.
"Why remove it, Megatron?" his old friend said through barely restrained laughter, vents hitching as he struggled to keep his composure. "I'd say it's a good look for you!"
The Prime merely dodged the steel beam that was chucked his way with another laugh whilst Megatron silently committed to revenge that would have made the Great War look peaceful by comparison.