Suicideprevention - Tumblr Posts

I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Suicide is an important topic that many are still afraid to discuss.
Suicide can affect anyone—people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, nationalities, religions, political views, etc... It can happen anywhere to anyone (Although, certain factors do increase a person's likelihood of thinking about, attempting, and/or committing suicide).
We consider suicide a tragedy and when it happens, everyone wishes they had done more. But, what about before? Often when people who are struggling attempt to reach out, they are not taken seriously, or they are made to feel like they are seeking attention. This only increases their negative feelings and increase their suicidal thoughts.
I've spoken about my mental health before, and I've alluded to it, but I've never really outright admitted to thinking about and attempting suicide. I don't like talking about it, but I think it's important. So many people suffer in silence and think they're alone. You're not. I promise. I'm right there with you!
As a young child, I suffered a trauma and as a result have struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life. When I was a teenager, I attempted suicide (twice) and thought about it on a daily basis. Prior to any attempts, I tried reaching out to friends, to family, to adults who I thought would listen, but no one heard me. No one believed me. I was told my life wasn't that bad and I needed to get over it. I was told, I was being dramatic. I was told I was seeking attention. I was told I was being selfish. I was dismissed. I was ignored. I was made to feel like I was a burden for trying to get help.
I have since sought out professional help. Medication has helped, but it doesn't make everything sunshine and rainbows. I struggle on a daily basis. I wish I could say I don't contemplate suicide any longer, but the thoughts still linger (however, I've never acted on them and don't think I would).
I'm grateful to be alive. I'm grateful I survived. I'm grateful for the relief I do have. I'm grateful that I have a better support system now. I'm grateful to know I'm not alone.
So all this to say, if someone reaches out to you, please, please, please believe them, hear them, and be there for them. Be who I needed one no one would listen to me.
Suicide is preventable, but no one can do it alone. We need to stand together and help those when they need it, before it's too late.
This weather is so good I might as well impulse buy a chastity cage and die
take this as a sign.
i never planned on making it past twelve. now, i’ve just turned sixteen. i’ve made it so much farther than i thought i could. looking back at old journal entries, i’m glad i didn’t give up when i did. sure, my life is still shitty, but it’s getting better. i am getting better.
so, for my birthday, do me a favor and take this as a sign. keep going. make it another four years. in the end, it’s worth it.
Listen up!

You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled

Hit that.

Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern


Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
In the 1980s, there was a man named Revaz who lived in Georgia, drinking his sorrows away at beerhouses every night, forsaking his family in favor of alcohol and gambling. He had reached such a low point in his life, and had no thought to go to Church, but instead despaired and considered ending his life.
Once, while at a bar in Tbilisi, Revaz had encountered the infamous fool of Christ, Father Gabriel Urgebadze. This monk had entered the bar dancing, and belligerently ordered the largest glass of beer and vodka they had in the establishment, demanding it be given to him. “Or my heart will be broken!” Father had said, “I will pay any cost! The parishioners have given me money!”
The bargoers were dumbfounded but found it amusing that a man of the cloth, a monk, would act so strangely in a bar, and yet they enjoyed his presence. Father Gabriel began to sing patriotic hymns about his country of Georgia, and the people in the bar sang along with him.
This Fool-for-Christ merrily sang and danced around the beerhouse, toting his glass of drink! At some point, Father Gabriel drew near to Revaz, this man so stricken with grief, and for a moment became serious while nobody was paying attention.
The monk, a stranger to everyone at the bar, gestured to Revaz’s shirt and said, “Revaz, burn what you have here, in your pocket!” Father Gabriel hit Revaz’s chest in a showy manner, raised his hands to heaven, and then made the sign of the Cross over him.
None the wiser, everyone at the bar had witnessed the interaction, and thought that the sign of the Cross he made over Revaz was a dance move, and Father Gabriel swiftly left the bar while applause followed him. “What a nice man!” The people exclaimed.
Revaz stood in tears inside the establishment. “How did he know what was in my pocket?” he pondered; for within his shirt was a note bidding a permanent farewell to his family members. Revaz had been planning to end his life that night, carrying the suicide note he wrote a few hours ago as he had gone to the bar to get his last drink.
Elder Gabriel had come to Revaz by the will of God. In that moment, Revaz’s life changed, and from the next day, he didn’t want to hear about gambling anymore, he stopped drinking. Revaz tried to no avail to find Father Gabriel again, he would ask people in Tbilisi but they would dismiss him saying, “that monk was a madman, a vagabond!”
Revaz eventually returned to the Church and began going regularly. While visiting Mtskheta, he walked towards a grave upon which people crowded around and recognized the picture of the monk who was buried. It was Father Gabriel; the monk who had saved him and sobered him up! The man in the portrait winked at him, and Revaz smiled back, his tears welling up in his eyes.
Saint Gabriel, intercede on our behalf before the throne of Christ our God; for those of us in despair, for those of us in bondage to addiction, pray that Christ may have mercy on us sinners.

As it being suicide prevention month, I want to draw attention to 3 court cases. Suicide via bullying, suicide via coercion, suicide via manipulation. All of these people had preexisting mental health and depression and trauma. Aubrey's case is the most recent, still on going. Absolutely disgusting from every single angle you look at it.
I found tumblr during therapy. My own little corner of the world where I could work out my traumas, my hurt, my pain, where no one saw me. My blog. My journal.
I spent so much time to make sure I was alone.
So sure. Bully me, bc that's exactly what you've done for almost a year. That's the word for it. Harass me. Make fun of me. Tear me down. Speak on things you have no clue about. Use intimidating and control and anger. Show how unstable and dangerous you can be. Both of you. Show your bpd. You hpd. Your npd. Your bipolar.
Yall are no different then these people.
September is suicide prevention month which means that for next few however many weeks, there is going to be a lot of posts saying "you're not alone," you matter," "suicide isn't the solution," and "there is so much to live for," and i won't deny that those words are true and may resonate with many people, but as someone who has dealt with suicidal thoughts MY WHOLE LIFE, that just doesn't help me. so i'm going to make the post that would've helped me as a kid.
it's not your fault that you are the way you are. i know you think you would be better off being a little less, less and less and less and dead. then you'd be loved by the people around you. you'd be loved by the world, the sun in winter, the fish in the ocean, the stars in the night, the music on the radio. being dead will not make you any easier to love, and even if it did, you won't get to receive that love because you will be dead. you think you don't belong in this world, and don't listen to everyone who says "you'll find your place" because you don't need to find "your place," it is not your responsibility to belong.

Today is the day my mom took her life.
She was 31. There's no existing photos of her...
In 2 months I will officially have made it past both my parents ages. The youngest child.
It's surreal.
This year was a tough one. But I made it. I've been counting birthdays since I was 27.
Someone could have saved my mom from everything she went through and no one ever did. I'm not angry at her. I get it. I understand why she used to escape the life she had. I'm deeply hurt I was put in so many of the situations I was put in as a kid because she couldn't pull herself out of her own. I didn't deserve it. But neither did she. She was only doing the best she could, until she couldn't anymore.
Her birthday is on the 11th.
My sister's birthday is also today, so the whole thing is just so shitty.
Thanks for all the life lessons I guess.
don't know what I was thinking abt high school before cause this is fucking hell on earth I wanna go home
#onemorelight #onemorelightcover #song #songs #sing #singing #singer #linkinpark #linkinparkfans #linkinparkonemorelight #linkinparkonemorelightcover #chester #chesterbennington #ripchester #ripchesterbennington #rip #restinpeace #restinpeacechester #restinpeacechesterbennington #restinpeacechesterbennington🙏 #restinpeacechesterbennington😢💔 #restinpeacechesterbennigton #weloveyouchester #weloveyouchesterbennington #weloveyouchester💙 #weloveyouchester❤️ #chesterslight #goodbyechester #goodbyechesterbennington #suicideprevention

Tags (ignore) #meme #memes #dankmemes #memes😂 #memesdaily #dankmemesdaily #dankmeme #funny #funnymemes #funnyshit #lmao #lmao😂😂😂 #lmaomemes #lmaooo #lmaobruh #haha #hahaha #hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha #hahamemes #lol #lolsurprise #lolmemes #skin #skincare #skincareroutine #skincaretips #skincarememe #suicide #suicideprevention #suicidequote

I always have people tell me I look older than I actually am. Go to the last slide and you‘ll see why. #trauma #traumarecovery #suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawarness #troubledteen #troubledteenindustry #troubledteens #troubledteenindustrysurvivor #troubledteenagers #cult #cults #therapy #therapycult #selfimprovementcult #childhoodtrauma #childhoodtraumasurvivor #childhoodtraumarecovery #childhoodtraumaawareness #childhoodtraumas #adolescenttrauma #adolescenttraumaandabuse #adolescenttraumaticexperienceawereness #teentrauma #violence #violenceisnottheanswer #violenceagainstwomen #violenceprevention #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolence
Hey, so joking about suicide is probably the farthest from funny.
There shouldn't even need to be an explanation as to why this isn't funny. Fucking disgusting.
Please get a grip and realize that the things you say on the internet affect people the same, if not more than in real life.
If you think this shit is funny, get a therapist. You're the problem.

“Biding Time Underwater”
Acrylic and mixed media painting on canvas ..
Journal 13 - 7/08/2022
This is going to be a long one, so stick with me here.
So my move in has been a success, need furniture, but I have a place to stay and that's what matters. I'm hoping that this will be a semi permanent solution for me to go back to school and grow in a better setting. The problem now is the negativity following me after finally getting out of the situation I was placed in.
I was previously in an environment with constant negative energy due to a friend going through a hard time because he was recently divorced. Me and my fiancé did our best to be there for him but he would not take our advice, made us out to be the bad guys saying that we weren't real friends, and was expecting us to put him before ourselves which caused a rift in our friendship unfortunately. We've tried to get him to seek help but he claims friends are all he needs but really he was expecting us to be his personal therapists, which isn't fair to me or my fiancé. We had no time to ourselves and whenever we did the friend would get mad that we weren't talking to him or inviting him to places that were meant for only me and my fiancé. I tried to include him in activities with other people and because he wasn't the center of attention he had a meltdown and blamed us for everything. It continued to get worse when he began posting everything to social media expecting to get a rise out of me or my fiancé even posting pictures of self harm (which I then reported).Long story short, right after we moved out due to the stress that he was putting on us, our friend then became more aggressive the more we refused to say anything about the posts and claimed that we were ignoring him and that he was going to take us to small claims court over rent money but we never signed anything for an official lease. Lastly, he stated that he was going to commit suicide due to us... THIS IS NOT OKAY.
I'm saying all this to present awareness that there are people out there that you simply cannot continuously entertain because it is detrimental to you as a person. Having someone else's crushing depression and self-injury guilt put on your shoulders every day is not okay. If you, your friend or family member are showing obvious signs of depression and increasingly negative thoughts, please call for welfare checks and refer them to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255 if possible.
When you see it, REBLOG IT.
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
If you ever want to talk: My Tumblr ask is always open.
what happens when you go
you love them so you will leave them with no traces to clean up
frames off the walls, not a nail puncture to be seen
the paints are given to friends.
the half empty tube of your favorite color won't get used.
instead, it's on the nightstand
they love you so they'll pore over your footprints
in dreams, you are drowning and they come along with a life jacket.
every memory is examined for clues.
your devout friend bellows at her precious god.
"tell me what i could have done. let me save them. why couldn't i? why didn't you? fuck, if only i was all-powerful."
the rosary is pulled into pieces from the strength of her grip.
at the wake, loved ones chorus together that they didn't know the pain was that bad.
whispers of how ill you really were carry around the room.
from beyond this world, memory drags you back.
in another universe, in another life, in another family
you're still here.
they knew how to love you right.
you got the help, you found the community.
the world kept spinning...and it was better because you were in it.
loved ones will try to let go and leave flowers in your favorite places
flowers so brightly colored they outline a trail.
here's the way back home, we still love you.
you can never come back
but every memory will cause your friends to wonder how they could have kept you painting, how they didn't notice the details enough.
it's all framed in guilt.
a crooked picture you can't correct.
stay for the galleries, the beaches, a breeze through your hair when the sky is tinted evening blue.
keep the possibilities.