(ooc.) ''the Kind Of Tired Regular Sleep Can't Fix.'' - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I'm here. I just don't know what am I doing. I feel weak, but I feel awesome. I feel tired, but I feel anxious. I'm tired of not living, I just wanna go out and DO something. I've always been so afraid of doing things, always thought what would people think of me before doing anything. But now I'm tired of waiting, I just wanna finaly live

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4 years ago

What is living if not just a sequence of disapointments e tiredness? Where is the rush, the adrenaline shown in the movies? Why things never happen with me?

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4 years ago

I just realy like rainy days. I usually have a rainy mood, and one of my favorite playlists is "rainy songs". I can't explain why this happens, but this is such a good and at the same time tiring feeling, i dunno what to do

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4 years ago

I just can't take this anymore. It's been weeks and i can't focus and I dunnu if it's because of the quarantine or because i don't wanna study this boring stuff. This is going too long and i just can't fail my tests i'm tired of being tired

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4 years ago

I can't stop procrastinating. I have tons of things to do, even cooler things than what i'm doing now but it seems like i'm attached to my cellphone and just can't get away from this endless loop

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4 years ago

Why can't i focus???? I'm so maad, cause everyday that passes i just feel more and more impacient and tired of everything. What's wrong with me? Do I have a problem or everybody else is struggling with this same feeling? How can i make it stop?!?!

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4 years ago

I feel so tired again. It's not the regular kind of tiredness, I just feel powerless and consumed by an absurd apathy. I only want to stay in bed looking to the ceiling, or endless scrolling into my facebook or tumblr accounts. I have no urge to produce or to study and this just sucks

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4 years ago

It's incredible how i have a enormous list of books to read, that at some point in my life i really liked the plot, but now i can't pick any of them, they all seem lame or boring or i'm not in the mood

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4 years ago

I want to live more, I want to experience new thinks, I want to create outstanding memories. I really don't want to wake up in my fortys, sad, depressed, alone and regreting my youth years. I realise I rather be sad after experiencing a lot of emotions, than to be sad after doing nothing at all

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4 years ago

I cant take this anymore, i just cant. Everything is falling apart and im just freaking out. What am i doing with my life?!?!?!??!?!

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4 years ago

Well my confession today is kinda weird...

Im so jealous of seeing other people happy with their parents... u know. I was watching a BTS clip and V was talking to his dad so happy telling him he was on his way to Norway asking him if he was jealous .. i laughed & i swooned, i was genuinely happy for him cos in that moment he looked so happy and it spread through to me as well but then my laughter turned bitter very fast.

I want that too... the relationship with my father. To call him out of the blue and tell him that im doing this or im going there... that this happened to me and m excited... i want someone to share great news with whom i know is genuinely happy for me like my dad or my mum.

But then again my life is not a bed of roses... that is not portion... i do have good news but i have no one to celebrate with... and sadly i cry alone whether its good or bad news cos either way its sad 😭😭😭...

Its a sad life tbh🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🥱 m just hanging in here

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