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Not an OSDD system, but as you (OP) said, a lot of it comes from back when OSDD was called DDNOS in the DSM IV.

DDNOS-1a and DDNOS-1b were legitimate psych diagnoses pre DSM-V, and a lot of information was updated to say OSDD, but didn't take into account the removal of 1, 1a, and 1b (I wouldn't be surprised if people used find and replace on website resources)
DDNOS 1 – DID but switching not observed by clinician, or amnesia for the significant past but not everyday life. DDNOS 1a – Like DID, but with less distinct parts/no alters. Alters may be emotional fragments or the same individual at different ages. Can experience emotional amnesia rather than physical amnesia. DDNOS 1b – Like DID, but no amnesia between alters.
Similar to how some chose to continue calling themselves MPD, those that were diagnosed using the DSM-IV or earlier just chose to continue using those clarifiers, or they find adding the clarifiers create a shortcut to explaining their symptom set; especially in system spaces.
P-DID isn't recognised in the DSM, however it is used in the ICD* *Chapter 6 of the ICD specifically covers mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders. Moreover, while the DSM is the most popular diagnostic system for mental disorders in the US, the ICD is used more widely in Europe and other parts of the world, giving it a far larger reach than the DSM. An international survey of psychiatrists in sixty-six countries compared the use of the ICD-10 and DSM-IV. It found the former was more often used for clinical diagnosis while the latter was more valued for research.[14] This may be because the DSM tends to put more emphasis on clear diagnostic criteria, while the ICD tends to put more emphasis on clinician judgement and avoiding diagnostic criteria unless they are independently validated. That is, the ICD descriptions of psychiatric disorders tend to be more qualitative information, such as general descriptions of what various disorders tend to look like. The DSM focuses more on quantitative and operationalized criteria; e.g., to be diagnosed with X disorder, one must fulfill 5 of 9 criteria for at least 6 months - wikipedia (DSM). Who does your diagnosis and what country you are in will influence whether you're able to get a P-DID diagnosis; the same goes for complex PSTD. C-PSTD (complex ptsd) is only recognised as a diagnosis by the ICD, however there is hope that with the DSM-VI (DSM-6) that they may add C-PTSD as a differing diagnosis from PTSD.
Question for OSDD-1a/1b systems: Why do you use 1a/1b?
I ask because 1a and 1b do not exist within OSDD. What you're thinking of is DDNOS-1a/1b which are outdated. Similar to how MPD is the outdated term for DID. To my knowledge, OSDD-1a/1b has never been a thing before. OSDD is just OSDD or P-DID, depending on where you live. So where did this idea come from in system communities? You can't be diagnosed with OSDD-1a/1b, so if you've done extensive research to self diagnose with this, where did you get the idea that OSDD-1a/1b is a thing instead of just OSDD or P-DID? *DISCLAIMER: This is not asked out of hate. I am genuinely curious. Genuine answers will not be met with arguments.*
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Important link:
Lying to keep your system safe.
I've lied to multiple agencies stating we have OSDD rather than DID.
Our local support agents, especially financial ones, tend to label DID as clinically insane and unsafe; we say we have DID and people often make up their minds based on inaccurate and outdated stereotypes. We don't waste our breath advocating for ourselves when we will only meet someone once or twice and opinion is already set in stone based on a three letter acronym.
Our psychologist encourages us to do so. He's written letters on my behalf with the same set of information/symptoms/reccomendations, but saying OSDD & PTSD rather than DID & PTSD. The slight seperation in social perception between 'this person has multiple personalities' and 'this person has periods of disassociation and these other symptoms' is often enough to prevent stigma filled responses.
Other situations where lying or changing details may be wise
If a stranger is being overly pushy regarding your system information especially if they are targeting vulnerable alters.
Online - often avoiding posting full alter counts or details that may trigger others (positive or negative) to front is wise, especially on public forums like Reddit and Tumblr
As many of you know, we use psyudeonums to avoid any links being drawn between our online presence and our private life. Singlets use psyudeonums, as can systems/individual alters.
Stating system origin and syscourse stances can, and unfortunately often, leads to harassment and unfair treatment from all sides of the conversation. Sometimes it's safer not to state it.
If someone is making you uncomfortable with questions; you are well within your right to block them. Minors especially, if your gut says no, listen.
You don't owe the world your system's information, and omitting the truth can be the safest way to keep that private. Hell, we can count on a hand how many people know we are a system in our personal life.- let alone anything more detailed.
In an ideal world, no system would have to do that.
We aren't in an ideal world.
So I leave you with this: sometimes it's okay to lie or omit the truth to keep your system safe. Especially in places where stigma runs rampant or you don't know who you're speaking with very well. Just, do me a solid and try not to lie to your psychs, 'kay?
Sending love and hugs,
System dad, Kyle 💜
Tbh I think everyone would be better off if we put all syscourse stances in a PVP battle in Minecraft and let them get their stress out.
Call that syscraft.
eheh when your bf is in cocon and asks nicely if we can listen to soundtracks from his 3 fav versions of home ( I'm not complaining, Nintendo had some amazing music to sleep to )
I've come to the menstruation is totally transphobic and ableist
sincerely, a trans guy who's never ever wanted a period but ended up disabled cus of endometriosis (amongst other things)
I dOn't wAnt bIO KiDS, I hAve No NeEd fOr tHe bLoOd WatErFaLL