Sue Me - Tumblr Posts

So. I’m not sure if I should call this a RarePair or a request, because it’s platonic (and would even if they hadn’t specified cause… ew) sooooooo…..

Um. Au Bros?
- So! Truth be told, I’ve never really thought much about the fell or swap Aus, let alone them interacting, so this is gonna be kinda a new one. I should also say that I’ve decided to lift my usual ban on au stuff because it’s actually kinda fun and I’ve opened my mind to it more!
- Anyways, I guess I should probably explain my versions of these boyos first:
- Swap Pap (who I’ll just be calling Papyrus/‘Rus for the sake of convenience) is merely in the role of Sans as opposed to having his personality. Through his heightened sensitivity to resets in general, observations, and probably Gaster connections he’s figured out a basis of what’s going on. So, he’s trying to lay low and put everything together mentally before telling anyone of his findings or how bad a mental state they’ve put him in. Which in turn means no Royal gaurd, no higher aspersions than looking after the community and his brother, and a fuck ton more stress to add to his preexisting pile of stress.
- Meanwhile Underfell Sans is basically his ingame self but brought up in a FAR harsher environment and with a way cooler fashion sense. He has this kind of kingpen thing going on with the illegal casino, but is starting to strain alittle under the pressure of it. This is mostly because his partner in crime (Fell Paps) has done away with (most) under the table deals to try and join the gaurd. Also the fact that the world keeps restating and he has no idea why nor memory of what happened is not helping.
- To deal with the stress, both grow to become heavy smokers. Paps with normal cigarettes and sometimes weed; and Sans with cigars.
- If they were to ever meet, they would bond through shared smoke breaks and a similar dark/surreal sense of humor.
- Well, the two of them are emotionally constipated as FUCK and have a hard time talking to their respective brother so…..
- Yeah. They’d get pretty close.
- Sans can show some vulnerability and allow himself to not be on high alert, and Paps can finally let out some stress and vent to someone who’s in a similar position to himself
So yeah!!! I think that’s the first time I’ve ever dipped my toes into either Underswap or Underfell?? When it comes to Aus, I usually stick to Blaster stuff haha. Anyways, I kinda had to develop some Underswap headcannons for this whole thing, so if anyone has any questions, lemme know!
Oh also, before I go:
Do not tag as ship. Even across AUs, inc*stuous ships make me incredibly uncomfortable. I do not want to unwittingly add to any of them with my art. Thank you.
Soooo... shipping fuel, ey?

and also one pic ver in both vertical and horizontal for some reason idk

[ep: Moon OPENS UP To Money Gator! (SAMS)]
so imma be honest
i don't like this.
but imma post it anyway bc... well- it's kinda already made-
and ik there's gonna be someone out there that's gonna turnsie over it so might as well

fanon will always be better than canon wizarding world and it's all because of j. k. r*wling. so there you go, girly girl, thank you for giving us (almost) nothing.
the slander on slytherin people is shameful -- other users had made better post about this with better writing expression than i, but it's true. name one slytherin that wasn't described as ugly or evil since the beginning, i dare you. snape was ugly and had greasy hair, voldemort became a sick baby, regulus was the less attractive brother and less likeable, narcissa was described by harry as always smelling shit or something, lucius was straight up evil giving he was draco's dad, draco was also ugly and evil, pansy looked like a dog i think, theodore was weedy or something like that, crabbe and goyle don't even get me started -- and all because jk wanted to be a... let's say rita skeeter. she literally said 'all slytherins are evil and therefore they are ugly and you don't like them', yes, snape is inside this too because he was an asshole, redeemed or not. i mean, girl, you wanna be petty about your high morals so you make this??? ah, no, fuck you.
also don't even get me started in the presence of ravenclaw and hufflepuff on the books and movies. and by that i mean their absence. i'm a slytherin, and honestly? i get why we hate gryffindor. they are always prioritized and given more screen time/recognition than any other house. i know that before happy boy potter came to hogwarts slytherin won the tournaments and stuff BUT THEN THEY WERE FUCKING ROBBED -- at least in philosopher's stone there was some explanation for dumbledore's favoritism to gryffindor/potter (the moral of the story and friendship and bla bla bla), but it continued like that in the following years and no wonder why we're still bitter about this. i just can't imagine what ravenclaws and hufflepuffs thought.
like, the wizarding world is so badly constructed. yeah, when i was like 10 years old i thought it was fire and really great but not anymore -- it's a literal place for prejudices and black/white moral situations only, no greys. i still really enjoy the wizarding world although its creator is a fucking terf and is badly constructed, but that's because i rely on fanon. i rely on the amazing writers and artists (synonym) that create great pieces about the fandom fixing all the things that jk did wrong. that's why fanon, IN THIS FANDOM, will always top canon, and no, i wi not argue with anyone about this.
anyways fuck gryffindors (hj)
It’s a common courtesy to ask this after every episode . so . .
how we feeling chat ? 🙏😇
Ask game! Post a screencap of your lock screen photo, a screencap of the last/current song you listened to, as well as the last photo of a celebrity that you saved in your phone.

I'm guilty your honor, of loving John Krasinski 🖐️😭

Prompt 82
You may be asking yourself after a night with no prompts, @geraskierfanficprompts, did you die? And the answer is, no, I only half-died (as in slept. For like 16 hours. I do not think I am well.) BUT ANYWHO LETS GOOOO Geralt is captured by Nilfgard, or whatever VOTW you want, it's up to whoever writes it, as always my dears, but without changes to the prompt, it would make most sense post-mountain Nilfgaard <3 Geralt knows Yennefer is expecting him back sooner, and because he didn't make it back in time, he knows damn well that Yennefer is currently tracking him down and will get him out. He just has to endure. He just has to wait it out. No matter what they say or do to Geralt however, he's not budging on any information. They remark that they have a way to get him to talk. Doesn't matter what they do. He just has to endure. He just has to wait it out. But then they shove in another person in chains, and when the person looks up, Geralt feels his heart drop to his stomach. "Jaskier.." "..Geralt." His hair is longer, and he's grown some stubble. He holds himself with much less confidence, and his eyes look weary and tired. They force Jaskier into a chair in front of Geralt, and Geralt can't even think of the implications he's so happy to see his bard, alive and well. ... Well-ish, he supposes. "Feel like sharing anything now, Witcher?" One asks, and Geralt suddenly comes back to reality, realizing their plan. Before he can even say anything, Jaskier laughs. A full-bellied, proper cackle, even throwing his head back for a moment. "As if! You truly made asses of yourselves! Geralt couldn't care less about me!" They grip Jaskier's hair and tug his head back. "Shut up, before we do it for you." "If you kill me, You'll only be doing both Geralt and me a favor." Jaskier says with a smile, and the man growls and sinks a knife into Jaskier's shoulder. "He's bluffing!" the man yells. Jaskier lets out a horrible little pained gasp at the knife, and his head falls forward as he starts to tear up. "I don't care if there's nothing of the bard left when you finish, as long as you get the butcher fucking talking!" Geralt is panicking. Not that anyone could tell. The rules were to endure. To wait. Yennefer can get him out. But sweet, poor, innocent Jaskier is about to be brutalized the more Geralt doesn't say. Even if he could endure, if he could wait, knowing deep down if he does nothing that it's safer for them, that they'll be saved, he knows he won't be able to. Because it's his Jaskier. He finally found him again, and his bard truly, genuinely believes Geralt would feel nothing but joy upon the minstrel's death. Geralt needs to get his bard out NOW, and he needs to make it all okay again. He needs to tell his Bard everything, he needs to apologize, he needs to kiss him, he needs to smell him happy and content again, he needs- The man stabs a knife into Jaskier's arm, making Jaskier shriek in agony. He needs to kill some people.
Look, I might be happy that @the-spooky-children won't be leaking things from the SM patreon but if someone else did, you know... I... wouldn't be entirely opposed. PLEASE FOR FUCK'S SAKE I NEED SOMEONE TO PROMISE ME THEY'LL START LEAKING AS SOON AS SM6 STUFF SHOWS UP I'M POOR AND NEED THE LEAKS OR I'LL FUCKING STARVE!
Pleeeeeaaaase universe I am begging for more akaashi×kageyama interactions I love them 😭😭
great news: they let juno steel say fuck
for those of you not on twitter:

here is the google drive link to the .wav and the original tweet
every now and then I think about the giant crocodile goddess from runescape and sigh dreamily
I’ve seen spoilers (and I call them spoilers because I’m not getting this event until next year) about how, in the new Halloween event, the guys can’t use magic and they’re stuck in another world. I just find it really funny that they just start freaking out like the world is ending when like… we… are there?
Like welcome to my world!
In any case, I also find it funny that Azul and Riddle get stuck in a magic restricted place again. And I know that, in the end of lost in a book with stitch, they all woke up and didn’t really remember anything, but… just imagine. They just get back to school. Everything is well and good. Everyone goes back home for the summer and they go back to school after the break and BAM! Back in another place without magic. I’m just imagining everyone freaking out while Azul and Riddle are like ‘ah shit not again!’
It's really funny, because I'm the same way as jungkook is portrayed in this fic, but the second I get into a relationship, I immediately forget how much I hate pds
ms. jiminrings omg how about a drabble where 478jk HATES being touchy-feely so oc had to reel back on that one bc she respects boundaries etc. but when he sees oc doing it with someone else instead (maybe yoongi) he goes “ok maybe it’s not too bad to have her hold ur arm while walking” 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
478: drabble
alternatively, jungkook unlearns the things he hates because you love them <3
[ 478 drabbles ]
Jungkook thinks PDA looks cheap.
He doesn’t necessarily think that everyone who engages on it is automatically cheap, but maybe on the worse days where he just wants to get to the yogurt aisle and the couple in front of him is more focused on holding each other’s hands instead of pushing the cart, then yes. Jungkook does think that public displays of affection look cheap.
“Hiii, workshop ended early,” you drawl as soon as you spot your boyfriend in the waiting area, in a perky mood because all the feedback you’ve gotten was positive. You grip his biceps and were just about to press a kiss to his cheek but you stop in your tracks, pulling away even before Jungkook realizes what you were doing.
Ah, right. Jungkook hates PDA.
Jungkook resists to show the frown forming on his face, looking a little silly because his head is tilted and his cheek is slightly poking out for you to kiss. He didn’t even register what he was doing.
Right. He hates PDA. Jungkook definitely does not want you to grip his biceps and kiss his cheek in the waiting room where a grand total of two (2) people are there, namely the both of you.
“Y/N, quick! Fuck, we forgot to give him our calling cards!” Yoongi suddenly barrels down the stairs, eyes frantic and as soon as his words register in your head, you fumble immediately to open your bag where both of your calling cards were placed in.
The casting director hasn’t walked far enough for you and Yoongi to run, but it’s definitely enough for the both of you to speed-walk. Jungkook doesn’t even get a word in because Yoongi tugs you to come with him, prompting you to hold his arm when you cross the street to catch up.
It’s not a big deal. You’re holding Yoongi’s arm.
It’s not PDA because Yoongi (your friend) isn’t him (your boyfriend) and Jungkook definitely shouldn’t rethink his preferences for affection at the moment.
Maybe (read: definitely) Jungkook can make some exceptions.
It’s your thing — your thing is to hold the arms of the people you’re with when crossing streets because it makes you feel safer. Your thing is to bump shoulders in silence when you sit with someone you’re familiar with. Your thing is to manifest your love and concern in the most vocal and visible ways possible.
So when the moment comes that you’re back and Yoongi bids you goodbye with a shoulder squeeze, when the moment comes that your friend acknowledges your boyfriend with a curt nod; Jungkook holds your wrist when you walk out into the street.
It’s not quite there yet; his large, warm hand is not entagled with yours yet but it’s still a step closer instead of his hand being on your elbow.
For you whom he loves, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to look silly in public every once in a while.
other people are fighting over elriel or gwynriel or whatever, then i’m sitting in the corner like an idiot, holding little dolls of azriel and eris, pushing them together because of a fanfic i read a year ago

Apoctober Day 2: Corpse
See the prompt list here: