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So, I'm one of those people that imagines atleast animatics in my head whenever I hear music. And as much as I love Epic the Musical, I don't feel like there is enough 'non actually the odyssey' content out there (though there is some of that content and I do enjoy it).
I have a favorite song from each saga (though they are contentious for several sagas).
So, more or less just to through it out as an idea that can be disloged from my brain, I've imagined and possess little skill to make alive, animatics which follow particular themes/fandoms I enjoy.
Troy Saga: Just A Man; MTG, more specifically my pocket realms thing I have. Someone from the Boros realm gets trapped in the Mono-Red realm and has been there for years, fighting a 'werewolf dynasty' and has finally won...but at what cost?
Cyclops Saga: Survive; Lancer. In my Dead Orbit setting, prime NHPs and all of their copies eventually find themselves in the Aunic domains where they act as godlike eldritch maths that they are. Now that only really matters for the purposes of Ruthlessness in this setting. But on the Aunic worlds, which have been changed through the warping of reality by their eldritch gods, many of their 'children' are granted mech bodies to live out an existence in. Basically, monsters exist on Aunic worlds and they are just mechs piloted by math that breaks reality. Though, this one may be similar to Toothy from Forever Winter in how it fuels itself. I mean, just imagine if 'club' actually meant 'big fuck off cannon'.
Storm Saga: Keep Your Friends Close; Cosmere (RPG). So, in the space age of my relatively homebrew cosmere setting, spren that are known across the cosmere become sort of cosmic forces (for example, a 'cosmic cryptic's' head pattern may actually just be a black hole). And a 'cosmic Honorspren' that is closer to a windspren than most Honorspren (similar to Syl) bottles up a cognitive realm storm for a ship.
Circe Saga: Wouldn't You Like; This one is a weird one, Destiny. Given the death of the witness and a recurring theme of The Guardian growing past the need for a Ghost, I imagine there comes a time where Ghosts are temporary for a rare few. And honestly, Odysseus and the crew are Eliksni who happen to be getting some temporary godliness from a Ghost to deal with a Guardian who is blocking their way. Why? :shrug: Why not?
Underworld Saga: No Longer You; Tyranny. So, time magic is a thing in Tyranny. But the prophet is not just someone who uses Time magic, but is the Fatebinder asking questions of the prophet. By the end of the song, the prophet has sent the Fatebinder to the past, completing a time loop (as the prophet had the same happen to himself centuries beforehand.)
Thunder Saga: Scylla; Now I hadn't thought on what I would even do for this, in theory I could easily double up on Lancer here, but the felt wrong in a way that I can not put into words. Instead, I chose something that came out of left field for me: Warhammer 40k. My Hive Fleet Valkyrie are proficient in space combat and rely on autonomous Genestealer Cults. The six torches are choirs on six ships lighting up to distract the Hive Fleet from the rest of the navy fleet until they can travel out of the shadow, Scylla singing here being the Norn Queen.
Wisdom Saga: Love In Paradise (I like the Aphrodite and Ares parts, I think the others were weak by comparison, fight me); Odyssey. I could do something else like Godbound, which I enjoy significantly, but man...the animatic in my head is just dark and depressing no matter how I slice it in the end anyways, so I'm sorta just avoiding thinking about Odysseus getting dragged back into the bed by a literal goddess.
I won't say btw that the ideas aren't strange or tenuous, but comment about any of them you feel like commenting on, or if you recognize one of them, or something. Or if you want to tell me how my choices are 'wrong' and 'tasteless' or 'how could you pick that one over the one that is your favorite and thus the objective choice'.
This is wrong.

“The last couple years, I’ve noticed here in the high school we’ve started to get a growing drug problem, I think we’ve always kind of had a drug problem here in Marinette County,” Crivitz High School Athletic Director, Jeff Dorschner said.
“More or less, identifying the problem, getting the parents involved, getting our counselors involved and providing a way for students to get back on the right track,” Dorschner added.
Normally, the school would be prohibited from these sorts of “random” drug tests, without probable cause. But the administrators found a loophole.
Those involved in extracurricular activities, and anyone with a parking pass on the school can be tested as a non-student.
“Participating in extracurriculars, um in public high schools is a privilege and it’s not a right, as well as parking on our school parking lot,” Dorschner explained.
Bay Area Medical Center is funding the program. They say that every two weeks they will give the school the ID numbers of five new students to drug test.
If anyone needs them, here's the transcribed version of the entire bloopers
Tunon: The chaos you’ve sown everywhere is unacceptable. You cast yourself so far outside the established order, and I [Record scratch] I can’t—I just CAN’T EVEN DEAL WITH IT.
Sound cut: *Beep beep*
Barik: I’m a weapon bond to you only by duty. No freaky deaky.
*Beep beep*
Lantry: Point taken. I will make no note on the subject for the time being, except for what happened to my accent. [Cough]
*Beep beep*
Eb: The Archon’s more fragile than I susspe— speh, speh speh speh.
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: [Maniacal cackle] Oh you putting big words out there!
*Beep beep*
Barik: [Voice cracking from desperation] I would be out of this armor if I could do this!
*Beep beep*
Nerat: Ever the loyalist. Prepare yourself for a second cage, Barik the Di— Barik of the Dithfavored. Phlaffuring Fuckertash!
*Beep beep*
Barik: Get up, girl! [Sobbing] He was… the most human… of all of us— Spock!
*Beep beep*
Eb: Considering all the things that don’t think to bother you the slightest, I’m not gonna lie, I kinda like getting o— I’m kin— I— Mm— [To the side] hmph! Reading.
*Beep beep*
Verse: The last thing I need or want is a hug from the shambling junk keep— Junk huuuuuurrrrgggghhhhhhh. [Disappears off screen] Junk, heap. Junk heap, okay.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: We will have your bones fashioned into a sceptre, you skin knotted into a belt, and your tongue fed to crav—feh—heh— I’m good with the words speaking.
*Beep beep*
Sirin: Fatebinder! It is always such a pleasure to speak with you. [To voice director] Do I sound sarcastic? [Laughs]
*Beep beep*
Nerat: Good ear, young fatebinder! When the Vendrini guar— Vendrinen guard, VenDRIEN gua— Vendrien—fuck my life!
*Beep beep*
Tunon: The court may never recover from this blow, but at least I can seek some final satisfaction out of you, and NOW I understand the line better!
*Beep beep*
Sirin: Goodbye, Fatebinder. [Snaps fingers] I, AM, OUTTIE.
*Beep beep*
Eb: The band is too small to be a serious threat to the Dissfavored or the Chorus— [chuckles]
Valerie Arem: Darn it! The Dithfavored! [Still laughing] Can, can we ju… it’s like a Pinky and the Brain line at this point for me! [Inhales, resets.]Urgh!
*Beep beep*
Verse: Classic example of the Overlord’s devastation, like a battering lamb that e— lamb? A battering lamb.
[Voice Director: I was just kinda thinking about, you know, deep fry— (???)]
Allegra Clark: Can you imagine instead of a battering ram, an actual battering lamb. Like a MEEEHH, bloop!
*Beep beep*
Eb: Now that I stand at the top, the only chant I will start is a chant of disarmament. I will not throw them into the charnel pit.
Valerie Arem: Oh! I— I s— totally faked it on charnel I was so glad I chased that I had no idea if that was how it was pronounced. [Laughs] Oh happiness! ^_^
*Beep beep*
Lantry: I think she has great potential. A dangerous amount of potential, to be blunt. The Scarlet Furries— Ha! Furies! Sorry! I’ve been at a convention.
*Beep beep*
Killsy: Thought would stalk small pack of sages near den place call Burning Library. But Sages b—[Stumbles on next syllable] fuck. Ahem.
*Beep beep*
Ashe: Perhaps another catastrophe that will punish our foes for hiding behind their [sudden change of tone] walls? [Cackles] I get to the—
[breaks character and laughs]
Kirk Thornton: I saw the question mark way to late! [Still laughing]
*Beep beep*
Barik: The Adjudicator certainly taught you everything he knows about being a inedebedeburdeBerDURpassthehand!
*Beep beep*
Lantry: What’s that, you say? Flocks of nubile lasses with an interest in old man who knows history? You need a definitive trectatus?— tracTAtus! Dammit! [inhales angrily] Urgh.
*Beep beep*
Sirin: You can’t be serious, Fatebinder. Don’t ask me to do this. [Prolonged gasp as Voice Director explains what is about to happen.] AURGH…. WHAT THE FUCK, MAN? This shit just got real.
*Beep beep*
Mark: Won’t have much of anything left once the Adj—Adjfucker— Shit! [Awkward tittering] One more time.
*Beep beep*
Lantry: Sustaining it, and if enough people fear it, even growing a beh- ahahoho, poo.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: You have exhausted your usefulness, and we will delight in tattooing our sigil on your fla— [garbled syllables] ong nyour nya nyer.
*Beep beep*
Barik: And the strength of our legion, is in— [Bumping sound] me hitting the mic stand, boomshakalaka.
*Beep beep*
Verse: You piece of shit! Do you know how hard I’ve work to sta—[strangled] uuuuaaaaarrrrrrggghhhhh. [Disappears off screen again.]
*Beep beep*
Lantry: Scholars hypothesize the Scourges are born of magic. The Oldwalls and their— oo, shit. Crech? Creché? [Voice Direction corrects.] Crèche? Crèche. Somebody’s gone to school… it wasn’t the actor.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: Graven Ashe and Tunon have allied against us! You conspire to rob of— duh pfft pfffft pffftttt… to man— amange you! That’s— [sputtering, angry and frustrated] ERGH!
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: [Sound of a grizzly bulldog shaking off water?] Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreh…Heh.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: That simpleton Ashe is no doubt sobbing in his porridge over the [sudden realization of self incrimination] soldiers we killed— fuck!
*Beep beep*
Tunon: Either the Archon of shadows has lost his once indomitable pow— prowers, in combact, eh dep…[breaks character]
Ray Chase: Even the typo, ah, make sense. Comapt!
*Beep beep*
Verse: The most we do for each other is try not to get the other one killed, which is more than you can say for morse— urgh, my gawd. [Slurring, then] RA GA GYA GYA GYA- okay.
*Beep beep*
Tunon: Master, if you’ll join me upstairs. [Blushing] I will pledge fealty to you in the lawful manner.
Ray Chase: I do not want to know what THAT is. [Everyone laughs]
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: Would Kyros’ mighty spymaster please enlighten this gathering of allies with some scrap of stratIA—GLURERrrrrrr!
*Beep beep*
Nerat: We are legion, and you cannot stand against [voice cracks] us all. That was a stumble, fuck.
*Beep beep*
Eb, or rather Valerie Arem: Geez god fuck I can’t say any of that!
*Beep beep*
Lantry: I don’t imagine Kyros leaves anything to mere confidence coincidence in-conscious and all the other words I thought was. [Checks.] Coincidence.
*Beep beep*
Sirin: Burgh! [Throttling] Ergh! Wow! Hey, I got… bronchitis, hey!
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: So I will start protecting the peers— petitia—
*Beep beep*
Lantry: General Grumps is the wiser choice. It’s patently obvious which Archon he is truly loyal to— well derp, poopy head.
*Beep beep*
Verse: Welcome back, ass [Also gets bronchitis] hole. Ergh! Ass HOLE, like HOLler.
*Beep beep*
Eb: Perhaps now is a fine time to test the reach of your Edict—s. Oh, Edict- Eh huh, uh huh…
*Beep beep*
Tunon: I once thought that Kyros was the sole Overlord. The notion of rising to her eshe— eke— ektelon…[resigned inhale]
*Beep beep*
Xander Mobus: “Fatebinder of reeking discharge”? We’re going right to the fart jokes!
*Beep beep*
Nerat: [Mockinglyl] Fatebinder of reeking discharge.
*Beep beep*
*Fart noise and effect*
*Beep beep*
Verse: Phew! I can spell you— spell. [Elatedly] I can spell!
*Beep beep*
Mark?(Nope! IT'S NERAT!): You’re gonna have to kill ALL of us, ‘cause you’re my number one guy… Sorry, full jack.
*Beep beep*
Verse: Of all my days running with the Chorus, I think I enjoyed Ass gang the most.
Allegra Clark: I’d wanna be in Ass gang! That sounds great!

Fatebinder Camisa and Bleden Mark, commission for dzhai888
Tyranny + Galavant songs Part 1
Galavant lends itself to anything. It’s a fact.
@barkghest and me were discussing how wonderfully some of the songs would work with Tyranny. So here we go:
The Fatebinder arrives to the Disfavored camp to see Nerat and Ashe bitching: Madalena (the taller lady) - Nerat Isabella (the shorter lady) - Ashe
Ashe: “I’m smarter, tougher My biceps are buffer, You’re clever Whatever I’m clever enough’a.” (I suppose “the guy” can be Kyros, Nerat did get with the Overlord first XD) Nerat: “Let’s see I’ve got the sharper weapons I’ve got the fiercer horde" (bastard was redirecting Ashe’s weapon supplies so no surprise) You can probably find more parallels. ;D
There’s a whole song dedicated to Barik:
“That jerkface in a can There’s nothing sadder than Some over muscled, chauvinistic, Self indulgent, egotistic, Stingy, prissy, narcississy Jackass in a can!”
Anarchy, rebel-siding Fatebinder be like:
“We will march and we’ll fight For the cause of good and right Though the odds of us surviving Are ridiculously slight And we’ll stand proud and tall ‘Till they come to kill us all Then we’ll beg and plead and soil ourselves As one by one we fall”
Nerat’s apprenticeship with the Archon of Misery: (“D’Dew” stands for “torture”)
“Picture those you hate, shrieking as they die”
Bleden Mark comes for the Fatebinder’s life:
Death - Mark Galavant - Fatebinder Madalena and Richard both - Nerat (”Yeah I’m here I’m not sure why”/”Hold me, cause I’m gonna cry”) (is Isabella still Ashe, I dunno XDDD, up to you, dear viewers)
There will be a part 2, more focused on Nerat, cause let’s not kid ourselves I freaking love the bastard and King Richard and Madelena both fit well to him.
I didn't expect this to be relevant again.
“I like Brutus. I think he’s an honorable guy. You know a lot of people don’t feel that way. People come up to me and say, "this Brutus guy is a mess. He killed Caesar.” Caesar, by the way, that’s the guy that didn’t want to be king. I was there in March of 44, and I watched all the Romans cheering when he turned down that crown. It was a yuuge deal, okay? Classy guy… But Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man. Still, it’s a sad day with Caesar dead. Tragedy. It’s gonna be hard to keep our country winning without him, but we need to, people. We need to make Rome great again.“
Liberalism Was thinking about all the “liberalism” that has taken hold of society as a whole and the imposition of its liberal ideas in the public arena. The things being taught in the public schools as requirements in the name of “inclusion” while once held requirements in the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic (the 3-R’s?) have been lowered to the point that one can graduate from any…

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International Gangs Are A Major Threat to Americans
Ever see these hand signals? With all the teens and young military age males flooding across the border, violent crime is on the increase. From the beating and robbing of our citizens, even NYC Police officers, to the killing of Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant, which ole sleezy Joe apologized the very next day for calling him “illegal” at the State of the Union address after not even getting…

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I was very proud of this drawing in 2019. it is inspired by a verse on the wall, photographed by chance on the street.
Without preserving the rhyme, it can be translated as:
"Pour the wine of wrath upon the earth
Everywhere this bread of freedom
Let the sky tremble
Let the archons fall down"
in my country for this quatrain you can get a prison term :l
The Court of Creek Cottage is intriguing me 👀
The Court of Creek Cottage, or alternatively The Curse of Creek Cottage, is my only vampire story. Which is kind of strange, considering how much I like vampires, but anyway...
Kaia Tesser lives in a big mansion under the thumb of her father. In fact, the whole family does. She isn't the smartest of them but the only one who feels compelled to object to her fathers tyranny against the family and, in deed, anyone who he has dealings with. When she meets a strange man in the park on her way home from the job she took in town pretty much just to spite her father she spies another opportunity to rebel. However, she soon realises that maybe she has gotten herself into something that she won't get out of that easily.
It was already dark when Kaia got to the park. She stopped and contemplated whether she should take her usual shortcut. In the distance, on the bench where the lamp post was broken, she thought she saw someone sitting. Or maybe it was just a shadow. It would take her almost half an hour more to walk if she didn’t take the short cut. Then again, what was half an hour to staying alive? “Oh come on,” she said to herself. “You’re being stupid.” She jogged down the steps and walked briskly along the path. When she got closer to the bench under the broken lamp she saw that there was indeed someone sitting there. Hunched over with their face in their hands. Her stomach started screaming “Abort! Abort!” and scenarios of horror films started playing in her head. She could see her mother in her head, crying over her coffin “I told her to use the car!”. She hated that car. Well, she couldn’t really hate the car, it was just a car that her father had bought her when she’d insisted to get a job in town. There was nothing really wrong with the car, apart from it being huge and massively expensive. It was just the way people looked at her when she drove it. Now she could see that the person sitting on the bench was a man. He was wearing a dark green army style jacket and track pants, but the black boots he was wearing seemed ancient. They looked like they had buttons in them or something. She’d never seen boots like that. He looked distraught. “Trap! Trap!” her stomach screamed and she automatically slowed down a little. She stopped. “What if he needs help?” she asked herself. He didn’t seem to have noticed her yet. There was still time to turn back. “Run away! Run away!” her stomach screeched. “No,” she thought. “If I am to die trying to do good then I will accept it.” So she took the remaining steps towards the bench as confidently as she could and sat down. “Hey, are you okay?” she asked, doing her best to not sound like she expected the next thing to happen being someone jumping out of the trees behind her with an axe and splitting her head in half. The man had clearly not noticed her at all because when she spoke he jumped up with an unearthly shriek. She jumped to him where he crouched on the sandy walkway, shaking like a terrified animal. “I am so sorry,” she gushed. “I was just trying to be, you know, neighborly, or you know, like, friendly, like, cause you looked like you were sad, and, and, I am so so so sorry…” He let out a deep sigh and let himself fall backwards onto the walkway and lay there flat, like he was about to make a sand angel. “I’m sorry,” she tried again. “Yeah, it’s fine,” he replied. His voice was hoarse so he cleared his throat. It resulted in a coughing fit. “Are you okay?” As she inspected him lying there she noticed that he was missing the index and middle finger of his right hand completely. Her brain immediately started concocting up stories. “Hmh, that is a good question.” “I mean, sitting on park benches at night with your face in your hands is very not okay looking, you know?” He chuckled. “I suppose.” “So, are you?” He sat up. “Do you really care that much?” “I don’t know. I kind of worked myself into a panic thinking you were a serial killer and then I convinced myself you might need help and then I scared the life out of you and I’m kind of invested now.” He smiled. “Yes, I’m fine. Everything considered. Just very tired. When I get home and rest a little I’ll be right as rain.” She decided that the everything that he’d considered was none of her business. “I’m sorry I startled you.” “Thank you for having compassion.” The knot that had been in her stomach since she stepped into the park melted away at that word. Compassion. How many times had she thrown it at her father just to see his face screw up in contempt. It was right down there at the bottom of the contempt pit, along with charity, equality, socialism, and anything else that implied he’d have to give any regard to other people or let go off his precious money.