Validation - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
I don't know who needs to hear this but,
It's okay to say no
It's okay to set boundaries
It's okay to be mad at someone
It's okay to tell someone they crossed a line
It's okay to change your mind
It's okay to back out of something, yes even if it's something you initiated/started
It's okay to want space
It's okay to go back on a promise if it compromises your safety, mental health, etc.
It's okay to cut people out of your life for the same reasons
It's okay to not talk to people for the same reasons
It's okay to have limits
It's okay to say no
if you’re a bi girl with a boyfriend……. you’re valid and i love you 💖💫

This Zits comic from 1999 was 18 years a head of it’s time holy fuck
The Bear is sick.

cover doesn't belong to me.
General Audiences
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga
Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types
Edward Elric & Roy Mustang
Edward Elric
Roy Mustang
Mrs. Hanna
Additional Tags:
Parental Roy Mustang
soft Roy Mustang
caring Roy mustang
Roy Mustang loves children
Foster Parent Roy Mustang
Foster Care
Edward Elric is a child here
Edward Elric needs love
Hurt Edward Elric
Sick Edward Elric
Bedtime Stories
Chicken Soup
Head pats
I think there was a kiss too? Don't remember
Been while since I wrote this haha
Asshole CPS worker
hinted Royai
This was like written in February
And it’s so tiny
But enjoy tiny stuff and love them
Just like you love Eddie Elric
Who speaks like a person who doesn't know English the poor baby
He came from an abusive home
Also the story they read is a childhood book that my mama read to me when I was a just a tiny girl
Fluffy with tiny Angst
Happy Ending
“ Da bear... sick.” “ huh?” “ Da... Beaher Ss sick.” “Okay, chum! get comfortable.” Roy fixed his position to be closer to Ed and took a hold of the big book, “ The Bear is Sick.” he read the title before he opened the first page. Or! Roy Mustang decided one morning to be a foster parent, and tonight he is taking care of his five year old sick foster child.
Hi guys! 💖
Posting this here to give a little shoutout to my stories haha. My story, The Bear Is Sick is heavily inspired by the storybook “ the bear feels sick.” ( or The Bear Is Ill in some Countries)
Growing up, my Mama used to read me and my siblings story books, and this book was one of them, and since I could remember, I was always mesmerized by its wonderful water coloring like illustrates, and it’s sweet story.
Around October last year I was cleaning our library when I found this book and got inspired, I doodled few drawing and in February I wrote little Edward owning the book.
This silly cute draft was sitting in my noted app, till the end of June, where I finished it up and posted it on the first of July!
My story is short, being less than 3k words, but it is one of the most loved ones that I have posted this year! In my fic, I kinda of scratched the surface of the situation that, unfortunately, a lot of kids and teens will go through. I am not a fostered child and never experienced it, I have built it based on my researched facts and the stuff my online friend told me about her experience.
Remember, if you can help those teens and kids, please do! Donations ( money, clothes, bags, food, whatever you can!) can make a human’s life better. If you can't give them something physically then give them a prayer and if you weren't a believer then just send them some good thoughts.
( um, if you can leave a comment? 👀 because, like, we All have a very hard life and I kinda want something to make me smile? 🫣 i swear I am not this petty usually but oh well)
See ya at Ao3, peeps 🫡❤️💖
especially when you think it didn't turn out well. it's like, yeah I made this thing, but it is not as good as it should be, and then people are like whoa, you made this? it's the bestest thing on the planet!
there is no validation quite like when people really enjoy something you cooked
it’s embarrassing how desperate i am for validation from adults. my friends mum told me that she liked me yesterday and i lost my mind

hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!
yk, sometimes i wonder if i rly am AroAce... I am rly fond of particular people and would not oppose romantic or sexual intamacy if they asked (Which they wouldnt.) and i go "was it a maturity thing? now that i am older, where my parents right?" Then i look at ppl my age and up getting into romantic relationships and talk abt their partners and all the crazy shit that brings and i'm like "nope, still AroAce."

(via " Pastel Holographic Watercolor Sticker: Acknowledging Shame, Embracing Self-Worth" Magnet for Sale by Queueka)
🌟 As little babies, and then toddlers, our lives depend on validation. We need others to mirror and reflect what we feel, to know that each emotion is normal. We crave an explanation and mediation of these strange new sensations inside us—feelings. 💓
But if our surroundings never provided such validation or weren't capable of giving it, our need to feel seen and know that we are normal as we are faces a significant obstacle. 😢
However, my friend, it's never too late to learn to understand and believe to your body, your sensations, and your emotions, no matter how strange or strong they might feel. Even if they seem out of control, it might be because they, and the little you, haven't been seen for too long. 🥺
Upon learning to listen to ourselves, we first encounter some intense stuff. But with a tiny flame of hope and compassion, step by step, we might find relief—which is valuable for every part of your life that follows. 🌱 Sending you soft, loving validation, and know that with all your unique and different parts, you are normal as you are. To exist is to be a normal part of this life, just as you are. 💖 🌈🌸
bREak up’S aRen’t only ROMAntic
Today.... I stopped thinking as an individual. I selflessly put my needs to the side and I thought of another. My sister. Now! before you start to think that how Could I categorize that as selfless, it’s normal to do that!. Please keep in mind that not all people! not all... Organic family structures are the same. My sister and I are recently getting a long.
And I have to say that in a very loose. Like stretched out taffy loose way. Because I still don't think that we get a long very well. But! there's a mutual respect among us. Our relationship has been strained due to how we were raised.
I recently went though a break up. I broke up with my mother. You see. She, herself, is one of the many people who have been effected by the life of Black Harlem. In the era of the 70′s and early 80′s. Raised by a broken mother as well. A mother who never received help, Mentally,emotionally and in my personal opinion spiritually too. With this information. I just went over three generations. Myself. my mother and my mothers mother (aka) grandmother. All three people, including myself are people who in many way are emotionally voided, depleted. And in great need of great affection, validation and attention from our nuclear family units.
My grandmother is a very strong woman. (Lets call her Elsie) And! it’s not because she wants to be. My great Grandmother (Lets call her Barbra ) was not a very strong woman. She was a woman succumbed by her circumstance. To me that’s all fine and dandy.,,,, Why?,,,, you say?... Well..... Giving that (Barbra) was born and raised in North Carolina in the 1930‘s I have to say. She’d been though enough.
The way that I was able to get a good idea of what life was like back then (Elsie) are through movies. Such as ”What’s love got to do with it. “ Starring (Angela Bassett) or “The Help.” Staring (Viola Davis & Emma stone) and these movies takes place in the 60′s and 70′s. Now! For my great GRANDMOTHER! (Barbra) I believe She did the best that she could with what she knew how. She was not a scholar or a highly educated woman. But! she was loving, tolerant & mildly strong. But! that’s always been the case when it comes to women of color. They’re strong!
In these long drawn out rants I’m trying to paint you some details on how I have become the way that I have. By giving you the (reader) a clear understanding of my family history, I can avoid you guys thinking I’m a complete asshole. I swear, I’m just half of one! My great grandmother, as far as I know was a maid. and she’d done that for some time. Now! the kicker here is that I’m getting all of this second hand. Not from the horses mouth herself. When I was young. like say..... 10 or even 11 she must have been in her mid 50′s. I knew not what to ask. I also was not it he mindset like I m now to ask her.
When I became much older and more inquisitive about why people were behaving the way that they were in my family. Secrets begun to spill! ...Ahhh that's a lie, more like sprinkle! Yes Sprinkle!!! Over the years I would get little pieces here and there that would not add up until I had done my own psychology study. Started to plug two and two together to make 22!!!! My grand mother married or at least had relations with a man who was very wealthy. As far as I know. They birth one child together. My grandmother (Elsie) And choose to not stay around for too long.
Here’s where the discord, resentment and self loathing comes into the family tree. My supposed great grandfather had ambition that out weighed what my great grandmother could even fathom. He asked her what her goals were. What she wanted in life. He asked her if she wanted to have the full American dream. A house and home full of children. As I try my best to understand. Where she’s from. Where her people before her may have come from. Ultra humble beginnings. Her understanding of life. to see why she had mad the choice she had! The twist to this is that My supposed great grandfather was rich.And an Indigenous man. And my grandmother is half African American and half indigenous as well. Two cultures. two huge differences.
From what I understand is that Native American or Indigenous people like to stick with there own. And so does Black women today too. .. Supposedly.. This was a time where people (from my understanding) were not about Racially or ethnically mixing. Despite the fact Barbra is mixed herself. With these pivotal details. He left my grandmother because He felt she was okay with a plate of food and watching TV. I know there has to be more to her story. I wish I had found out sooner. Now! I may have to call her spirit to find out more. And interpretation can get a little messy.
With all of these colors that painting this family portrait. Barbra had moved on in her life and actually married another man (I can confirms this.) A man who added to the brew of sorrow. I wont give you his last name. But his first name was James. And boy he was a sorry mother fucker. He was an abusive husband and a rapist. As well as a child predator. He would beat on Barbra and rape Elsie, until she had enough and fought back. I also know for a fact that he raped my great uncles and aunts too. All the women in the ranks of great aunts. Don’t allow men to do certain things, even jokingly. They were very, very, over protective of us the children. Even from the males in our family.
From the trauma my grand received from 13 and up. She had become a cold woman. At least to me, this is what I saw. As a child I was nervous to be around her. Her face, although it showed emotion. It never seemed to shine with light. The blank looks in her eyes. And female baritones of her voice. If you need a sad but accurate portrait of how she looks and an even better on in how she behaves. Just watch the actress “Monique“ in the movie (Precious.) I don't like to bad mouth anyone (who’s family) or make myself seem like “Oh! poor me! But these are just the facts of my life. When I watched the movie “Precious” I could not think of anyone else.
Yes, the movie does feel like how my mother had been raised.My grand had five children all together. And my mother is the eldest. A torch I bare myself. now! As far as the horses mouth! I fed this one myself. I had been cornered by Elsie one day at one of my baby cousins birthday party's. I guess the guilt was ridding her. It was very unexpected. However.... I do have to say, I did pray to “Ochun“ that week. I forgot what for! But! I will give where credit is due. Ochun had given me the clarity I needed to heal from this generational curse.
My grand had come over and literally corned me. She pulls me to the side and begins to sorrow vomit all over me. I was so confused and then I begun to be very sad. You see. I have always heard stories of how my grandmother would beat the kids and how she was extra as fuck. But! when your a teenager and you haven't been through stuff like. What they’re describing. You can only start to think that these are some hate’n ass bitches. Until you hear it straight from the source herself. She proceeds to tell me how. She ain’t shit, wasn't shit and how she don't wanna be a piece of shit anymore!
Standing there, hearing all of those shitty things she had done to my mother and her siblings made me really fucking down. At the moment I was like why the fuck is she telling me all of this. That moment I take it in strides of what that could have meant. Or what it is. depending on my mood and what I’m feeling the meaning changes. I think, at times I was a proxy for her. Since her and my own mother do not speak at all. Other times I look at it as the family history I need to know. In order to know whats happening for the future. The details are how we are. How we have gotten to this place in our family. It’s terrible that the details are sucky. But they’re important.
My mother! Man this woman is a vault of locked secrets. Unfortunately I cant say that about her legs. Any time my mother gets around her type of man. I can mentally see her oozing honey from her Venus fly trap. Legs, springing wide open. Eyes hypnotizing her unknowing victim. (lol) As vivid as that sounds my moms not a slut! I swear!. My mother is an educated woman. A woman who is about her house and home and herself. and always herself. And herself and herself.
Despite being raised by a trauma ridden mother. My mother to me was always dramatic. And has always responded to me as If I was the one who caused her situation to be worse than, what SHE mad it out to be. I should stop writing her as my mother and write her as egg downer. I’m in my feelings.
It’s abundantly clear to me that she never wanted children. Her actions speak louder than her words. However when you tell a narcissist that you would do something for them that's not about them. They tend to make it more about them, When it actually isn't. And get mad about it! (for better context) My mother hid me from my father until I was five years old. That is until the whistle blower. Barbra, spilled the beans to my fathers side of the family. And told them that there’s a new baby in our family and I believe that he is yours too. I tried asking these questions and I get the same reply all the time. It was a challenging time for me. (But! I have questions I have the right to be answered.)
My aunt on my fathers side, told me that she had offered to adopt me if my mother wanted to continue to live her life. I don’t think that the offer was out of spite or malice. I do believe that she had and still has all of the best intentions for me then and even now. Albeit, that’s how the cookie crumbled
I know She has a lot of trauma. I know she needs psychological help . Or accept it and then whoosah that out! But! that’s something I cant help her with. Therapy is only for those who seek help. Who actually want it. For most of my child hood I felt Like I was an adult. Always carefully making decisions. Doing stuff that would give me anxiety. Or having very adult conversations about shit I should not be in. Over all I’m an adult now. With a little bit more sound mind. I’m no longer a child and burdened with the thoughts of how can I deal with this now.
She abandoned me when I was 16. Barley even spoke to me in my 20′s and now in my 30′s. Fully stable and having an amazing career. you wanna start talking to me. You wanna be more active in my life. Be the more motherly. Gurl... bye!!!! I feel the relationship between us is too strained.
For the sake of honestly and for the sake of me telling you all about my family and its truth. I have tried with her. I allowed her to be in my life. and without skipping a beat she acts as if nothing between us has never occurred. For some people that's cool and okay. For me, I just put up Berlin Walls and barbwire for boundaries. because actions are habitual. At first people try. They may even change. But! When complacency hits! They go back into the same habits. I say this Because that Is what happened. She wanted me to do more for her than she she was willing to do for me. She continuously invalidate what I want. My beliefs and my actions. So, I told her that I can not continue having her in my life. She does not see where she has gone wrong but that is a decision she has made. She’s selfish!
In her selfishness. we had to learn how to deal with her on a day to day basis. Which is why I say “ I too: have issues as well. But! I will not let them pass on to my children.” I mean, I’m the only one who can! My sister cut out her testicles. I mean what the fuck. Now the burden of having children falls on to my shoulders. Besides children, being an Issue. I have to say that my sister in personality is very much like my mother. I’ve also put her on the back burner. She is the pot of beans I put on the stove. But have not turned on. Her energy and personality is too dam extra at times when I’m trying to chill & be breezy.
Well. recently that hot tempered extra person. Done and went down and simmered. Which for me, is not normal at all. I’d rather seem my sister annoyed than sad. Because I don't know what she would do if she’s too sad. That scares me! I have no clue what to do if she was too, too sad. This simmering pot of water I need her to be at a boil. But! she would not allow me to know what’s going on with her. Until It was a bit much for her to hold in. This year alone three of her friends/ associates has died. And one of her really good cis female friends had gotten into a very rough car crash where her face and the steering wheel were basically one. Not to mention she he self is living a life that most deem problematic.
To be continued...
Shout out to my awesome sister and everyone like her! She's demi-het/demi-het (angled aroace) and I love her to bits. I make sure she knows it, but if you're A-spec and het: you are a valued member of the community and YOU ARE QUEER ENOUGH.
You can be an alterhuman while still feeling content with being in a human body!
You can use terms or not, relate to certain situations or not, and it doesn’t make you any less than what you already are! You’re you and that will stay true even if you feel like you’ve changed, no longer relate to the person you once was, or on the contrary, go back to being the being you were before. There are no limits or concrete steps you must take, as it’s all just part of existence!
Being uncomfortable with things others don’t see problems with is fine, as even if they don’t understand, your experience is valid. Enjoying things that are unusual for the self you present is also quite alright and you shouldn’t be brought down by anyone!
you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone, nor explain why you are the way you are. Any little detail and aspect about you is allowed to exist even without a label, and should you use one, there is no obligation to fit the stereotypical definition of said term!!
you’re allowed to have unusual symptoms or strange behaviours, desires for unsettling things and fascination with harmful things! It’s all a part of you and you don’t need the praise of others to feel like you can be yourself.
You can be a therian with no past memories, be a conceptkin of an entirely new thing you have seemingly created, make up terminology that allows you to express yourself in a way that you’re more comfortable with, you can feel like you need physical attributes to validate your identity, it’s entirely fine and possible to even have species dysmorphia and be fine with still presenting human, relate to species that simply have no concrete form, be a dog and yet like licking yourself clean, be a cat and adore dogs, be a bird and yet hate the sky, be a bug and yet seem big, be a slow creature and yet love the wind in your hair, be a god and yet proudly take on the form of a mortal.
even those “unusual” things that seemingly have no presence online, you’re still valid.
Stereotypes hold no value over you and any aspect of you is still you even if it ‘doesn’t make sense’. People can relate, or they can’t. And that’s not a you-problem. It’s theirs.
You can have reasons, or not have them. It still doesn’t change the fact you can be whatever you are. No matter if others demand an explanation. The only things you should feel inclined to share are your preferences or voluntary answers. The rest? Hidden away in a little box! Nobody needs the key, why should they?