Advocacy - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
If This Gets 1000 Notes In The Next 6 Hours I Will Hand It In As The Final Part Of My Advocacy Assignment!!!1!1!!

If this gets 1000 notes in the next 6 hours I will hand it in as the final part of my advocacy assignment!!!1!1!!

And while I have your attention, here’s some information that I will also be including on the poster (please note that all of this information is Canada-specific):

- 25-40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ2S+ (more research is needed to get a more solid stat, so while we’re asking for resources, let’s get some research going too!!)

- In 2015 (the most recent data I could get), about 3% of the population identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual ( It should be noted that this statistic is about people aged 18-59, while ‘youth’ is often defined as younger than 20 or 25, so it’s not especially representative in that respect, but it’s the only stat I could find. Also, although this number doesn’t include all the identities in the LGBTQ2S+ community, it’s still drastically lower than the amount of LGBTQ2S+ youth living on the streets, so it’s clear that LGBTQ2S+ people are way over-represented in the homeless population.

- Many LGBTQ2S+ youth face discrimination in shelters, and would often rather sleep on the streets than put themselves at risk by going to a shelter where they don’t know if they’ll be accepted. Shelters should provide training to their staff so that LGBTQ2S+ youth don’t have to be afraid to go to shelters.

- While there are some shelters that claim to be supportive of LGBTQ2S+ youth, I am only aware of 2 in all of Canada that are specifically for LGBTQ2S+ youth (Egale Center: , and YMCA Sprott House: ; this article mentions that there are ‘a handful of other’ programs like these in Canada, but I haven’t found these programs anywhere else in my research. Please add them if you know more). Both of these are located in Toronto.

- Creating LGBTQ2s+ youth shelters is definitely necessary to help all the LGBTQ2s+ youth who are homeless right now, but it is only a band-aid solution. One of the main reasons they are homeless is because of rejection from their families. Long-term, we should also be continuing to educate people on LGBTQ2S+ identities and how to be caring, accepting people so that LGBTQ2S+ youth can feel safe in their homes!

Feel free to add more information!

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8 years ago
This Weekend, I Went Ice Skating
I faced a small crisis of sorts this weekend, between commitments, and ended up retracing some lessons about balance.

My newest article for The Odyssey online blog–– It talks about anxiety and ice skating. Enjoy!

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7 years ago
10 Minutes of Change
In a world that we feel overwhelmed to understand, even taking ten minutes to do something right is a step forward

My newest Odyssey article–– Ten minutes of change. That’s all it can take each day...

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3 years ago
Tell Congress to support real work for real pay!
People with disabilities live better lives when we are included in our local communities. That’s just as true when it comes to work as it is for education and housing. With the right supports, people with all kinds of disabilities and support needs can have good jobs that pay us well — but too many

The Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act would end subminimum wage and make real work for real pay a reality for people with disabilities. Tell your members of Congress to support TCIEA today! 

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5 months ago

I should not have taken years to engage here on Tumblr. We've had this account for quite awhile and I've missed a lot here. We love art, nature, music, creativity, connection and sharing. Within a couple of weeks, we have chatted with some wonderful people, enjoyed original art/ photography and I believe we're about ready to provide some original written content. We would love to receive some messages regarding our fellow Tumblr friends' interests in relationship styles, sexuality, neurodivergency and personal expression.

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hiii! im planning to go to my district's board meeting about lgbtq bullying and support, can tumblr help me out here? i know I gotta bring up nex and stuff bc people istg. anyone have ideas????

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it's in 2 hours helppppppp

hiii! im planning to go to my district's board meeting about lgbtq bullying and support, can tumblr help me out here? i know I gotta bring up nex and stuff bc people istg. anyone have ideas????

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hiii so sorry, got 30 min left till i go up. any last-minute help?

hiii! im planning to go to my district's board meeting about lgbtq bullying and support, can tumblr help me out here? i know I gotta bring up nex and stuff bc people istg. anyone have ideas????

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1 year ago
Hola, I Am A Trans Woman Who Works In The Advocacy Field In The Midwest. Im Currently Getting My Graduate

Hola, I am a trans woman who works in the advocacy field in the midwest. Im currently getting my graduate degree. I want this blog to be just that a blog. It might look like a lot of trauma dumping so Ill be sure to give content warnings. Ill be using this account for kinda everything. I was not socialized to use tumblr so Id appreciate any guidance about how to use the site.

Hola, yo soy una mujer de trans que trabajas en el campo de promoción en el medio oeste. Estoy obteniendo mi título posgradio. Yo quiero esto blog ser solo un blog. Puede ser mucho dump de trauma entonces yo voy a dar advertencias de contenido. Yo voy a utilizar esta cuenta para un poco de todo. Yo no tengo socializada a usar tumblr entonces estoy agradecer cualquier guía a como usar el sitio.

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4 years ago

"Raising Awareness of Body Dysmorphia"

*This is for academic purposes only*

Kids nowadays experience mental health disorders that parents aren't even aware of.

Body dysmorphia is a mental health disorder which a person with this condition can't help to think about one or more flaw that doesn't even exist. We may feel ashamed, embarrassed, and even anxious when this "flaw" is pointed out.

This body-image disorder can cause low self-esteem which can affect one's way of thinking. And this is often misunderstood and most people doesn't even talk about it.

"Don't think about what other's say. You're beautiful just the way you are."

You can extend your support on this advocacy by filling out this form/ signing this survey:

"Raising Awareness Of Body Dysmorphia"

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11 months ago

Embracing 4/20: The Evolution of Weed Culture

Shaina Tranquilino

April 20, 2024

Embracing 4/20: The Evolution Of Weed Culture

April 20th, commonly referred to as "4/20," holds a special significance for cannabis enthusiasts around the world. What started as a simple code amongst a group of high school friends in the 1970s has evolved into a global celebration of cannabis culture. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a day of advocacy and awareness, 4/20 has become a symbol of the changing attitudes toward marijuana.

The Origins:

The origins of 4/20 can be traced back to a group of students at San Rafael High School in California in the early 1970s. Legend has it that a group of friends, known as the "Waldos," would meet at 4:20 PM after school to search for a rumored abandoned cannabis crop. Although their search for the hidden stash proved fruitless, the group adopted "4:20" as a code word to refer to smoking marijuana. Over time, the term spread beyond their circle and became synonymous with cannabis culture.

Cultural Significance:

As marijuana laws and attitudes toward the plant have evolved, so too has the significance of 4/20. What was once a clandestine gathering of friends has transformed into a day of celebration and activism. In cities around the world, cannabis enthusiasts gather on April 20th to partake in events ranging from music festivals and smoke-outs to educational seminars and political rallies.

Advocacy and Awareness:

In addition to its celebratory aspects, 4/20 has also become an important platform for advocacy and awareness surrounding cannabis legalization and reform. Activists use the day to highlight the social and economic benefits of legalizing marijuana, as well as to draw attention to the disproportionate impact of drug laws on marginalized communities. Through marches, protests, and educational initiatives, advocates work to change perceptions and promote evidence-based drug policies.

The Cannabis Industry:

The growing acceptance of marijuana has also led to the emergence of a thriving cannabis industry. On 4/20, dispensaries and retailers often offer special promotions and discounts to attract customers. From infused edibles to CBD products, businesses capitalize on the holiday to showcase their offerings and engage with consumers. Additionally, 4/20 serves as a reminder of the economic potential of the cannabis market, with legal sales reaching billions of dollars annually.

Looking Ahead:

As attitudes toward marijuana continue to shift, the future of 4/20 is likely to evolve as well. While the holiday remains a time for celebration and camaraderie among cannabis enthusiasts, it also serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for legalization and social justice. As more states and countries move to legalize marijuana, 4/20 may take on new meanings and traditions, but its essence as a symbol of cannabis culture is likely to endure.

4/20 has transcended its origins as a simple code word and has become a global phenomenon that celebrates cannabis culture, advocates for legalization, and fosters community among enthusiasts. Whether you choose to partake in festivities or reflect on the broader implications of marijuana legalization, April 20th serves as a reminder of the ongoing evolution of weed culture and the power of grassroots movements to effect change. Happy 4/20!

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2 years ago



We all have a voice. A powerful, extraordinary tool for making a difference and helping others. 

If you are a writer, or someone who would like to contribute your voice to aid the people of Ukraine, please visit Write for Ukraine - my Ukrainian humanitarian advocacy project - .

You can read more about the initiative, as well as locate links to further help the people of Ukraine. You can also read my short story supporting Ukraine, "Where the Sunflowers Grow".


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2 years ago

Hope and Joy

Hope And Joy

Hope and Joy

In recognition of the International Day of Charity (5 September), I want to shine a light on a very special charity in Edinburgh, Scotland - Hearts & Minds.

I first learned about Hearts & Minds through the advocacy of the remarkable and indelibly special Phyllis Logan, who although I have never met her, has had a profound impact on my life. After learning about Hearts & Minds, and the extraordinary work they do through their Elderflower program, helping those with dementia, my heart was so full and I have sought to help and support them in every way possible.

My dear mother suffered through Alzheimer's Disease, while I was her carer. Where we lived, there was no program like Hearts & Minds to be a blessing and light for my mom...and I wish there had been.

Hope and joy are emotions so vital, yet often so fleeting for those with dementia and their carers and loved ones. Someone coming alongside, shining a light of hope, and sharing joy, is a blessing and moment of sustenance that can birth a smile, lift the spirit, and bring comfort and encouragement to the heart. Such is the amazing and uplifting work of Hearts & Minds and the joy and smiles brought by their Elderflowers into so many hearts and lives.

I am grateful for, and inspired by, the amazing work of Hearts & Minds and all that they do to bring joy and light to so many. And I am eternally inspired by Phyllis Logan, whose life, work, advocacy efforts and kindness are a light in this world.

On this day of charity, and always, may we all try and do our bit, shine a light, and pay kindness forward.

Please support the extraordinary, uplifting work of Hearts & Minds and their Elderflower program as they bring hope and joy to countless lives:


-- Michelle Lindsey

Thank you to the news outlets and blogs who cross-posted this (and also my accompanying blog on Medium) to their blogs, charity feeds, and social media. Thank you for helping spread the word about this very special and impactful charity. ❤️

Hope And Joy

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2 years ago

World Alzheimer's Day

In recognition of World Alzheimer's Day (21 Sept), I want to shine a light on a special charity in Edinburgh, Scotland - Hearts & Minds - and the extraordinary work they do, through their Elderflower program, helping those with dementia.

My dear mother suffered through Alzheimer's Disease, while I was her carer. Where we lived, there was no program like Hearts & Minds to be a blessing and light for my mom. I wish there had been.

Hope and joy are emotions so vital, yet often so fleeting for those with dementia and their carers and loved ones. Someone coming alongside, shining a light of hope, and sharing joy, is a blessing and moment of sustenance that can birth a smile, lift the spirit, and bring comfort and encouragement to the heart. Such is the amazing and uplifting work of Hearts & Minds and the joy and smiles brought by their Elderflowers into so many hearts and lives. 

I am grateful for, and inspired by, the amazing work of Hearts & Minds and all they do to bring joy and light to so many. 


Please donate to Hearts & Minds UK and help them make a difference in countless hearts and lives:


World Alzheimer's Day

(Photo borrowed from Hearts & Minds UK and copyright belongs to them.) 😊

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2 years ago

🎄🏃‍♀️ This December, I will be running the Honolulu Marathon - in support of Hearts & Minds UK - and in memory of my mom.

I used to live on Oahu, and had been looking forward to the trip to the islands, to visit friends and to run the marathon on the streets of my beloved Honolulu, which still feels like my hometown.

I have battled Crohn's Disease for many years, and have been blessed to still run and complete countless races...half marathons, 10k's, 5k's, 12k's, 10 milers, 5 milers, and the ultra race - the Pikes Peak Ascent. I have even, shockingly, won my division several times. I have learned how to fight through the Crohn's and run and compete anyway.

This past year has been different though, as I have developed a heart condition, and it has made running and training difficult, and often dangerous.

For the past month, I have had recurring issues with my heart condition that have increased in severity. My cardiologist feels that running the 26.2 mile marathon, in one take, would be more than my heart condition would withstand right now. That being the case, I have had to scrap the plan to run the marathon on the event date on Oahu and switch my race registration to the marathon's virtual option. I will now be running the 26.2 mile marathon here, in Charleston, in December, but in increments. Based on how my heart is holding up, I will either run two 13.1 mile half marathons or two 10 mile runs along with a 6.2 mile 10k. Both options equal the marathon's 26.2 miles. The race committee has approved my plan and granted me a medical race waiver. I will be wearing a GPS device while running, which will record my mileage and my time, and transmit it to the Honolulu Marathon race committee, which will verify it and subsequently send me the finishers medal and certificate.

Disappointed that it must be this way but grateful and blessed to still be able to run!

And I am happy and blessed to be able to use this opportunity to raise funds, awareness and support for a very special charity - Hearts & Minds UK. The amazing, uplifting work that they do, through their Elderflower program - bringing joy and light to those suffering from dementia - is truly remarkable. They make a tremendous difference in so many lives. Hope and joy are precious commodities and they all work so hard to bring these gifts to souls in need.

My beloved mom suffered and died, a few years ago, from Alzheimer's Disease. I see her face and her heart in every precious soul helped by Hearts & Minds. My mom loved Christmas and she was always my biggest cheerleader in my running and my racing in the past. And so, this Christmas, I will run - and also seek to raise funds, awareness and support for Hearts & Minds - in loving memory of my mom.

Thank you for your support.

You can visit this site to learn more about Hearts & Minds UK and their work bringing joy and hope to those dealing with dementia. I hope you will also make a donation to support and uplift their important work:

*I will add an update to this post later in December, after the marathon has been completed, including a photo of the GPS mileage tally. 😊

Second photo is of my mom and me, in Honolulu, in 1998. I was 17. She was my best friend.❤️

 This December, I Will Be Running The Honolulu Marathon - In Support Of Hearts & Minds UK - And In Memory
My mom and me, when we were living in Honolulu. 1998. I was 17.

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2 years ago

Thank you so much to Charleston Daily for this kind feature - and for mentioning my Write For Ukraine project. I am truly touched and honored. ❤️

Charleston Daily - Seeking all the beauty that is Charleston, SC
Among the many wonderful and selfless citizens of Charleston who dedicate their lives to helping others is Michelle Lindsey. Michelle has tr

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