Apps - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago





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Go read a book...

Mum: you should spend less time in front of your laptop, why don't you go read a book?

Me: *looks at browser tabs* ''/ ''/ ''/ ''/ 'archiveofourown'/ ...

*looks at tablet apps*

''/ 'wattpad'/ 'Google play books'/ 'skoobe'/ 'Fanfiction stories'/ ''/ 'ReadUp'/ ...


Well, have a seat. Let me tell you about fanfictions...

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5 years ago


soothe yourself | self care



helpful sites

music for studying | more music

note taking methods  | another one

studying methods

english | physics | chemistry | biology | maths | languages 

how to learn a language

ultimate guide for writing | writing resources | writing helps | tips for writers

how to write a kickass essay | write a great essay | stuff you need to write essays | essay tips | essay checklist | grade your essay

how do I study for…

bullet journals | a guide to bullet journals

the testing effect

everything you need to succeed in school

time management


how to annotate | another one

guide to aesthetically pleasing notes | improve your handwriting

create a study guide

resources | helpful websites | there’s an app for that

get more out of google 

productivity resources | 14 apps to become productive | how to stay productive

lazy night owl school survival guide

apps for a better life | useful websites for students

masterpost of studying tips

social media citation guide

college masterpost | another one | starting college on the right foot | packing for college | how to survive in college

how to ace that college interview

food to stay motivated | motivation guide

how to stay awake in class

balancing a healthy lifestyle

studying on your period

huge masterpost for the semester

a very long list to help you survive school

not enough time to finish an assignment?

100 delicious cheap recipes 

53 posts for students

high school cheat sheet

other cheat sheets

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1 year ago

I always felt the need to customize everything I use and it made me also feel this need to edit some icons from apps

out of nowhere and I honestly don't blame if nobody else cares but anyway

I Always Felt The Need To Customize Everything I Use And It Made Me Also Feel This Need To Edit Some
I Always Felt The Need To Customize Everything I Use And It Made Me Also Feel This Need To Edit Some
I Always Felt The Need To Customize Everything I Use And It Made Me Also Feel This Need To Edit Some

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2 years ago
We Live In An Amazing World Of Techo-gadgets!! Ballyhooed Products From Every Area Of Technology Have

We live in an amazing world of techo-gadgets!! Ballyhooed products from every area of technology have taken us into a future like the epic 60’s cartoon “The JETSONS” where flying cars, video telephones and robots serve us by voice command or with the touch of a finger. What was once science fiction now has become science fact.

Today many people can’t live without tech - and for many - even idolize it. Studies show that some people daily spend an amazing amount of 'screen time' watching videos, playing games, texting, of taking/sharing pics to the point of ignoring the world around them. Some even say that they can’t imagine life without it.

However, the Bible says that whenever you look to a person or thing that much, those ICONs become an IDOL. In fact, our screens are literally filled with ICONS, and for many touching these icons (e.g. social media, entertainment, or shopping) has become their whole life, and that icon becomes an idol that you cannot live without.

However as today’s scripture illustrates, as 'cool' as these icons of tech are, in the end, they are all worthless. That’s easy to understand just by remembering your first cell phone or PC when THEN it was the essence of 'cool,' but TODAY it’s backward and worthless. Likewise, all the things of this world will also pass away but in the grand timing of eternity, there is only one thing that you’ll never be able to live without and that is having the LORD God who made you.

There is nothing wrong with modern tech, but do not count on a Jetson-like world to bring you joy, because all these gadgets will eventually pass away, but God will NEVER pass away. Put your future and trust in Him because He — and not the idols of the world — is the only one that can bring you TRUE Peace, Tranquility and Oneness.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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9 years ago
Hey Guys, So Heres Some Of The Apps On My IPhone I Use For School And Life In General Regularly. Most

Hey guys, so here’s some of the apps on my iPhone I use for school and life in general regularly. Most of these are available on both iTunes and GooglePlay, but there are a few that aren’t.


Merriam-Webster Dictionary [iTunes] [android]- I use this very often, almost on a daily basis for any words I encounter that I don’t know. It has all the definitions for words and their etymologies.

Google Drive [iTunes] [android]- Almost all my documents for school are on Drive, so it’s nice to have them available on my phone for quick viewing.

Google Docs [iTunes] [android]- This allows me to edit my documents stored on Google Drive.

Quizlet [iTunes] [android]- This lets you make online flashcards and view flashcard sets others have made. It’s great for portable studying.

SpanishDict [iTunes] [android]- This is the best Spanish-English/English-Spanish translator by far.

Prezi [iTunes] [android]- With this app, I can share and view my Prezi slideshows.


FocusNow [iTunes]- This is similar to the Forest app. You set the amount of time you want to study and a little tomato plant grows as the timer runs. If you exit the app, your plant dies.

Pomodoro Time [iTunes]- This app is a timer for the Pomodoro technique of working for 25 minutes and resting for 5 minutes. You can also customize the times so it doesn’t have to be 25/5.

Remind [iTunes] [android]- This is a classroom reminder app where your teacher can make a class group and if you join the group, you will get notifications your teacher sends.

8tracks [iTunes] [android]- This is an online radio where you can make and listen to playlists. There are a ton of great studying playlists people have made.

myNoise [iTunes]- This is an app for this website which has 100+ sound generators for background noise and soundscapes. This is my absolute favorite site for things to listen to whilst studying. The app only has several of the sound generators for free, but it’s still great.

Coffitivity [iTunes] [android]- This is also a sound generator, but it’s specifically for coffeeshop sounds.

Stripes [iTunes]- This is a checklist app which can be used for pretty much anything.


Goodreads [iTunes] [android]- Organize the books you’ve read and the ones you want to read. You can also review books, enter giveaways, and more.

iHome+Sleep [iTunes] [android]- Track your sleep and see how much rest you’re really getting.

Sleepytime Sleep Scheduler [iTunes]- This calculates when you should go to bed or when you should wake up so that you wake during the lightest part of your sleep cycle.

Clue [iTunes] [android]- This is a period tracker with a simple, gender-neutral interface that can calculate your cycle really accurately.

Aviary [iTunes] [android]- This is a simple photo editing app. It’s one of many that I have, but it’s the one I use most often.

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8 months ago

last november I was procrastinating and was like haha. I'm gonna download the wattpad app and see if my account still exists. and it did and I got to look at the fics I had on my bookshelf and see how incredibly low my standards were way back when.

but the fun and games have been over for ages and for whatever reason, I still have the app.

and it's horrible.


because it sends me notifications.

Last November I Was Procrastinating And Was Like Haha. I'm Gonna Download The Wattpad App And See If

like this.

which has very high potential for mortification.

now, fortunately, no one has ever seen one of these, since I do my best to hide and get rid of them as soon as possible, but I don't want the notifications and I don't need the app.

so I went to uninstall it.

on my phone, I can long press on an app widget to bring up options for it, which can include things like the uninstall button and suggestions for things I might want to open/do on the app, which I can use as shortcuts to do those things.

Last November I Was Procrastinating And Was Like Haha. I'm Gonna Download The Wattpad App And See If

here is an example that does not use wattpad because I am not putting 7th grade me on blast like that. rather than clock functions, wattpad suggests stories I've been reading.

and so I go up delete it and the suggestions pop up and lo and behold, there is that one fic I remembered when I pulled this all out last november, but which wasn't on my bookshelf.

it wasn't good. I didn't even remember it being very good, and that's saying something, because I remember some stuff on there as way better than it was. heck, I've never been in the fandom it was written for, either. not even pseudo-in-the-fandom through engagement with fanwork. I wasn't then and I haven't been since.

but I had to reread it.

and it still wasn't good or in a fandom I care about, but I did see evidence of The Froyo Era and those wattpad author tag games, and what a blast to the past, right?

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6 years ago

Was it immature to name my character “my butt”?


Was it also immature to name my character’s child “my ass”?

Also Yes.

Was it funny?


Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?
Was It Immature To Name My Character My Butt?

Yes. Yes it was.

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2 years ago
0nce-a-melrose - Once-A-Rose
0nce-a-melrose - Once-A-Rose
0nce-a-melrose - Once-A-Rose
0nce-a-melrose - Once-A-Rose

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3 years ago
Hey Everyone I Wanted To Share This App That May Help You Learn New Words. It Also Has This Cute Widget
Hey Everyone I Wanted To Share This App That May Help You Learn New Words. It Also Has This Cute Widget

hey everyone i wanted to share this app that may help you learn new words. it also has this cute widget you can customize the theme of in the app. idk. i want to learn more words so maybe if you all do too this would help.

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8 years ago
Given That Humans Were Hunter-gatherers For The Vast Majority Of Their Existence On Earth, It Seems Like
Given That Humans Were Hunter-gatherers For The Vast Majority Of Their Existence On Earth, It Seems Like
Given That Humans Were Hunter-gatherers For The Vast Majority Of Their Existence On Earth, It Seems Like

Given that humans were hunter-gatherers for the vast majority of their existence on earth, it seems like people gravitate towards Pokemon Go in order to recapture the lost human experience of randomly making contact with a fellow animal in the wild. Just goes to show that no matter how much technology exists, we will always in a sense be trying to recapture that primal experience.

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9 years ago
Hi!!! I Love Apps, Theyre So Helpful, Thats Why Ive Made This Post With All Of The Apps That I Use And

hi!!! i love apps, they’re so helpful, that’s why i’ve made this post with all of the apps that i use and the ones that i’ve seen on here!! 📱💻💞

Apps for focusing

Self-control (OSX) Free

Cold Turkey (Windows) Free

Self Control for Study. (Android/iOS) Free

Forest (Android/ iOS) 0.99$ on iOS

FocusNow (Android/iOS) Free

aTimeLogger (iOS/ Android) 2,99$ on iOS

Todoist (Android/iOS) Free

Lumosity (Android/OS) Free

Chrome extensions

Stay Focused

Block site

Website Blocker

Productivity owl

Strict Workflow




Productivity apps

30/30 (iOS) Free

Flat Tomato (iOS) Free

Post-it Plus (iOS) Free

MalMath (Android) Free

Office Lens (iOS /Android) Free

Notetodo (Android) Free

Trello (Android/iOS) Free

Pushbullet (Android/iOS) Free

Tasks: Astrid To-Do List Clone (Android) Free

Organization apps

Do it (tomorrow). (Android/ iOS) Free

My Study Life. (Android/ iOS and Windows/OSX with chrome) Free

Wunderlist. (Android/iOS, and Windows/OSX) Free

Google Drive.  (Android/ iOS and Windows/OSX) Free

Dropbox. (Android/ iOS and Windows/OSX) Free

TimeTune (Android) Free

Pocket (Android/iOS) Free

Sunrise Calendar (Android/iOS, OSX) Free

AirDroid (Android) Free

Chrome extentions



Be Limitless

Tab for a Cause


Language learning apps

Duolingo (Android/iOS) Free

Mosalingua (Android/iOS) Free

Busuu. (Android/iOS) Free

Memrise (Android/iOS) Free

HelloTalk (Android/iOS) Free

Babbel (Android/iOS) Free





Note taking apps

Goodnotes (iOS) 7,99$

MyScript Smart Note (iOS/Android) Free

Microsoft Office (Windows/OSX) Free if your college offers it!!

Open Office (Windows/OSX) Free

Evernote (iOS/Android) Free

OneNote (Windows/OSX)

Blank Slate

Really long list of vocab done with Quizlet (Android/iOS) Free

Scrivner (Windos/OSX) 45$


Relax/Anxiety apps

Stop, Breathe & Think Android/iOS) Free

Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM) (Android/iOS) Free

Headspace (Android/iOS) Free

Pacifica (Android/iOS) Free

Calm (Android/iOS) Free

Pixel Thoughts

Misc apps

Flux (OSX and Windows) Free

Noizio (OSX/iOS) Free

Sleep apps

Maths Alarm Clock (Android/iOS) Free

Sleep If U Can (Android/iOS) Free/1,99 $

Sleep Better (Android/iOS) Free

To Bed (iOS) Free

Chrome extentions

Cool Clock

Polar Clock

Black Menu for Google

Hola Better Internet



Small PDF

Google Keep



10 websites that will stop you from procrastinating

Find out about careers and professions!!!


Other apps masterposts:

apps to help you survive school by @sturdystudy​

10 helpful apps by @studyocracy​

another app masterpost by @studygene​

app masterpost by @studydude​

apps for a better life by @areistotle​

apps for the student budget by @ecampustours​

dress up your tech by @coffeeplanner​

get the most of your ipad: student edition by @haes-and-studying​

fave studyblr apps for android by @linguisticallyunsound​

best study apps for iphone by @apprecommendations​

study habit apps by @mylittlestudyblr​

software and studyblr apps by @bleedforyourtypewriter​

my fave chrome extensions by @living-the-ib-life​

helpful apps by @studypeaks​

best free organizational apps

apps for studying by @needforcaffeine​

fave study apps by @blissfulstudies​

apps for studying and more by @jesstudies​

apps i couldn’t live without by @ktstudy​

phone apps by @organizedminimalist​

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8 years ago
Hey! I Have To Tell You All About This Amazing App I Came Across Today While Looking Through Tarot Creators
Hey! I Have To Tell You All About This Amazing App I Came Across Today While Looking Through Tarot Creators
Hey! I Have To Tell You All About This Amazing App I Came Across Today While Looking Through Tarot Creators

Hey! I have to tell you all about this amazing app I came across today while looking through tarot creators’ accounts.

This app is called Labyrinthos Academy, from the creator of the Golden Thread tarot and Luminous Deck! It’s a matching activity app that teaches you the meanings of the 78 tarot cards, both right side up and reversed.

It’s completely free and the only commitment to the app is making an account in order to use it. From there, you choose whether you’re a witch, a wizard, or a mage (I’m assuming it’s female/male/non-binary), and you learn the meanings using a digital version of the Golden Thread tarot deck. Every time you pass a lesson, you get somewhere between 3-5 cards that you can study! As you complete more lessons, your little character levels up and gains some cute new attire.

I’ve been trying to learn tarot for such a long time, but everything was too messy and complicated for me. Labyrinthos Academy has been, by far, the easiest way for me to learn! The cards have an easy-to-read font and the illustrations match the adjectives so well that it’s easy to make the connection and remember.

It’s available for iOS and Android! And remember–it’s free! I’m in no way affiliated with the app or the tarot cards (nor their creator); I don’t even have a single tarot deck myself! But I wanted to share this so other witches who were struggling like me had a place to learn!

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11 months ago

I hate how everything's called devices and apps now. Those are frail words with no weight and show no respect like machine and program do.

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10 months ago

Mobility assistance

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2 years ago

Making sure that people have their own privacy and right to their body

Anyone Using A Period Tracker App Needs To Very Strongly Consider Deleting It. Not Now, But RIGHT NOW!
Anyone Using A Period Tracker App Needs To Very Strongly Consider Deleting It. Not Now, But RIGHT NOW!
Anyone Using A Period Tracker App Needs To Very Strongly Consider Deleting It. Not Now, But RIGHT NOW!
Anyone Using A Period Tracker App Needs To Very Strongly Consider Deleting It. Not Now, But RIGHT NOW!
Anyone Using A Period Tracker App Needs To Very Strongly Consider Deleting It. Not Now, But RIGHT NOW!

🗣Anyone using a period tracker app needs to very strongly consider deleting it. Not now, but RIGHT NOW!

Anyone Using A Period Tracker App Needs To Very Strongly Consider Deleting It. Not Now, But RIGHT NOW!

Your personal data that is being collected can and has already been mined and sold to marketing firms and law enforcement. You don’t need to be Margaret Atwood to imagine who your private information might be sold to, or what period-tracking data might be used for in a Republican state, or in a conservative court of law.

I really hate to sound alarmist, but this is Christofascist America in 2022, please protect yourself and act accordingly.




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