Dont Do It - Tumblr Posts

man I sure would hate it if an evil version of me popped up
bruh mangoes r so good >:( like its so yummy that its even the national fruit of my country sjsjsj istg mangoes & cream is heaven in food form?? :: chef’s hand kiss ::
national fruit of your country 😳 I might,,, I might eat one then 🤩😌
for christmas this season, i am humbly asking my relatives to not compare me to my father lest i drop dead immediately.
happy holidays
bringing this back
for christmas this season, i am humbly asking my relatives to not compare me to my father lest i drop dead immediately.
happy holidays
He's still pouting.

"Sure." Mumblegrumble
"Don't look so sour about it, my father isn't exactly easy to please."

"I saved you some soup if that makes you feel better."
Either I’ve got (another) migraine, or the stress from work is hitting me extra hard. I don’t know which it is but I strongly suspect its the stress. Especially since I’ve spent most of my day trying not to cry. We’ve been trying to transition to a new system at work, which will (theoretically) make things easier in the long run but right now is causing endless headache. Last week, my boss told me that I have until the 18th of this month to get our new scheduler fully functional and implemented. That is not doable in 2 weeks but he refuses to see reason. When I told him today that I would likely need at least a couple extra days (what with being interrupted every five minutes, since I’m the only fucking receptionist and also the only tech-capable person in the office for the next ten days) he told me that if I couldn’t do it, then he’d find someone who could. And maybe its just the stress talking, but there seemed to be an undertone of me being in deep shit if I couldn’t. To make matters worse, we’re short handed this week so I have one back office person to help with phones when they start ringing off the hook. I had maybe two hours total to get anything done that wasn’t answering phones, and that was with me working through my lunch.
And then, there had been talk about the counselors scheduling their own follow-up appointments (which, come on, most counseling offices do that), and the counselors were supposed to start that this week. I sent out an email this morning requesting they not schedule out past a certain date in the new scheduler so that I have a chance to finish getting everything in and not risk them double-booking themselves...and the boss sent out an email saying that we’re putting a hold on having the counselors do that. Which means my work-load is even larger now, because scheduling follow-ups from my end takes longer than it does from the counselors’ end.
I already don’t really like my job. I was hired on as data entry, and wound up getting moved to front desk--I hate phones and my anxiety has been through the roof since the position change, but I’ve dealt with it as best I can because I know we’re going through a lot of change right now (another thing I don’t like) and I’m not the only one having a hard time. But it’s gotten to the point where I dread even getting out of bed in the morning, because it means I have to go to work. By the time I get off work, I feel like a zombie. I’m emotionally and mentally exhausted, and I have no motivation for anything. I just want to go home, get into my jammies, crawl into bed, and do absolutely nothing, and I hate feeling like that.
I’ve gotten very little done in the last few weeks, and nothing at all in the last almost two. I don’t even have the motivation to pull up Netflix or play a video game, let alone do any sewing for my Tokyo in Tulsa costumes or clean or any of the million other things I really should be doing.
I’m just so done right now...
Love as Icarus did the sun
Daedalus saw the depth of his son,
Of his love.
He was kind
And so full of life, he shone
Like the sun on the darkest of days,
The only reason to hope.
The calm before the storm,
Some called it.
The call of the void, to others.
All he knew, is that Icarus goes above and beyond—
give him an inch, and he'll take it a mile.
Icarus fell.
He was falling. Plummbeting.
Tumbling, dropping, flailing-
In laughter, he soared.
And in that moment—he was flying
Amongst the gods
And between their domains.
Punished for his father's crimes,
He longed for the freedom.
Carved into his spine
Through love and devotion.
Moulded to him
To prove the care of a parent,
Yet too much he longed
To hold that which he craved like a partner,
The burning star
Of a long overdue supernova
That ignites the sky as much as his heart.
To feel the golden rays and pink hues
Kiss his skin, wrapping him in a promising warmth.
So close, yet so far.
Too much he loved,
For his fingertips danced,
Stretched and strained, reaching
For his unrequited lover.
Apollo's love
Is fiery and scolding,
Yet Icarus loved him so.
He tried and tried,
Reached and flew,
Controlled his father's gift of
Waxed feathered wings
To lead his own demise.
When the scorching wax
Melted down his back,
Over his shoulder blades and
Into the valley of his spine,
He felt Apollo's bittersweet goodbye,
His guilty apology.
The wind of Aeolus
Tried to slow his fall, to ease his pain.
A cold breeze past his ears
To deafen his father's pained
Wails to see his son
Crashing down below Into the rockey waters-
It did nothing to hide the sons joy
Of trying to get so high;
It was only when Poseidon caught his body amongst the ocean,
To soothing the blistering caresses that Apollo
Left in his wake
To praise Icarus loving him so,
For being the most devoted follower.
Love is pain, they say.
So, love as Icarus did the sun.
he hot----
Frank brainrot

Some doodles we did of this mf also again our headcanon on his face, gave him a cleft lip (also called rabbit lip :3) ...Please someone take our tablet away from us or this madness will never end
hmmm why does my uterus hurt and why do i feel kinda off. weird. surely these are not the warning symptoms of a predictable biological process that occurs on a regular schedule. anyway. im going to wear white pants today.
don't you hate it when you have potato soup cravings at 3:56 am and you have the will and urge to make it like you have never had the will to do something before but right now you cant find any potatoes it's like it's the great potato famine of 1845 spanning till 1849 in your kitchen and its just wow this is the perfect time to go to sleep forever because you were already struggling with poor sleep and like now you feel the meaning of life listening to pm seymour which you always thought it was seamore like sea more but no its this beautiful name and they (idk on pronouns) and they are talking about this site with gaud and pukicho and then suddenly it's tomorrow.
Watching a documentary abt Suicide. God, this is so wrong. Suicide is not the answer to your problems. Don't even try or think abt doing it!
Be strong! Don't lose hope... Suicide will not solve your problems. Think about your family, friends and loved ones. Don't be selfish. Somebody cares & loves you... Talk to someone. Cheer up. Remember you are not alone.
Don't buy stuff with random credit cards kids. Remember online fraud is a crime. Which could make you spend up to five years in the house. Even though the person might deserve it, don't do it. Jail isn't a joke nor is it fun. Stay safe out there kids!
🌠The more you know🌠
things to do instead of being a fat a$$ 💞💞
-read a book
-post on tumblr
-scroll thru tumblr
-like my posts ofc
-clean your room
-watch ana movies
-listen to music
-feed your pet
-practice your sport
-call your friend
-write a poem
-draw something
-watch a mukbang
-go thru old photos
-reorganize something
-customize phone layout
-youtube workouts
-learn song lyrics
-jump on trampoline
-go to a park
-tan outside
-listen to podcasts
-learn new recipes
-create thinspo
-drink water
-play video games
-write letters
-practice makeup
-do skincare
-brush your teeth
-paint your nails
-take a walk
-find out what you are craving
-go shopping
-walk around a mall
-try on new clothes
-take progress pics
that's all for now, do we want more??
i kinda feel like i should eat some mold
You talking bout the fungus? That might be venomous. :D
"Die Line hat mich total runtergezogen ..."
Ein Typ, mit dem ich gevögelt habe, im Gespräch über Drogen und Sex
Oh, look at that. I made another Tangled The Series crack video.