Science Bros - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

Spent all day helping my sister with an evil take home final from her Bio chemistry class. The answers were not in the book or on the fucker's powerpoints. WHAT THE FUCK!! No wonder my sister looks like she is about to kill the man. I'm pissed and I am not even taking the class. All I have to say is: Thorium iodine antimony iodine technetium sulfer holmium thulium einsteinium nobelium tungsten fluorine uranium copper Now if only I could talk my sister into writing that on her test.

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12 years ago

I just love how Tony draws this nonexistent line down the lab and stands there with Bro Banner just going, "this is is the science side of the room. It's for science. You can't come here."

"Also we have blueberries." 

"They're not for you."

phantasmagoricalicious - Stuffs go here
phantasmagoricalicious - Stuffs go here

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5 months ago

I am stealing that phrase

tony: this metal bit was coated in some sort of flammable chemical, that's why it blew up when we hit it... i just can't tell what it is

bruce: well, we could just run tests on-

tony: *licks the metal*

bruce: *stares*

tony: *holds it out* c'mon bruce. lick the science

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4 years ago

Loki walking in on nat killing clint in electrical: ...

Nat: ...

*dead body reported*

Tony: i bet you it was a self report-

Loki ready to kill him: it was tony in electrical, i got natasha for back up

Nat: *sigh of relief* its true...

Tony: What?! No, it wasnt me!!

Bruce: well i did just see tony walk out from storage, he could've been near...

Tony visibly frustrated: It wasnt me!

Peter.p: why would you kill mr. clint sir, mr stark?

Tony: *distressed father noises*

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6 years ago

Bruce : Do you want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?

Steve: Not really

Bruce: If the height of a step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip.

Steve: I don't care. 2 millime--? That doesn't seem right.

Tony: It's true. I did a series of experiments when I was 12. Howard broke his clavicle.

Bruce : Is that why they sent you to boarding school?

Tony: No. That was the result of my work with lasers

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6 years ago

Tony: If we die tomorrow what would your last words be?

Bruce: Finally.

Tony: Bruce no -

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6 years ago
This Scene Gave Me Emotions I Havent Had In A Long Time
This Scene Gave Me Emotions I Havent Had In A Long Time

This scene gave me emotions I haven’t had in a long time

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5 years ago

Whumptober day 11 - Stitches

My eleventh fill for @whumptober2019​, with some lovely Science Bros content, also available on Ao3.

A bit of a warning - I’ll be pretty busy up until Wednesday, so it’s possible fills might be shorter during those days. No certainty ever, but just to make sure expectations aren’t too high :P

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It was weird seeing Tony this hesitant, lingering at the door to the lab he'd provided for Bruce instead of waltzing in and owning the room.

That weirdness, as well as the fact that none of the Avengers had quite gotten over their protectiveness of Tony after the latest kidnapping attempt, was why Bruce instantly put down his tablet to give Tony all of his attention.

"What's up, Tony?"

He was glad he had when he noticed the way Tony was holding his side, where one of his largest wounds was.

Now concerned, Bruce slowly walked towards him. He had enough experience with Tony to know that too quick an approach could scare him off, however much he coated it in 'never mind, nothing's wrong', but the fact that Tony had approached him like this in the first place did mean something was wrong.

"I ehm... It's my stitches." Then, he lifted his hand slightly, and Bruce could see there was some blood on his hand. "Some of them tore."

Back when they hadn't known one another as well, he might've reacted with annoyance, might've asked Tony if he'd tried to do too much again even though he'd been told to rest and recover.

Now, he remained as calm as possible, heading for his suture kit instead of directly for Tony. "The Hulk room would probably be best for this?” It had been set up to be comfortable and peaceful, though the comfort was Bruce’s first concern. His friend was hardly at ease with receiving medical treatment, after all, and the fact that he’d voluntarily approached Bruce could already be counted as a miracle.

Tony remained silent as he sat down, seeming more downtrodden than Bruce had seen him before.

As Bruce set out his supplies, he tried to assess if anything was severely wrong. The dark circles under Tony’s eyes weren’t much darker than usual, though he did look a little pale and his eyes seemed a little dull.

“May I ask what happened?” he asked calmly, lifting up Tony’s shirt gently and exposing the wound. It looked like only a few of the stitches had been ripped, but the cut was big enough that it was still bleeding quite a bit. Bruce grabbed a few bandages and some disinfectant.

“It… I slept a bit restlessly,” Tony admitted, which Bruce took to mean he’d had a nightmare. He carefully kept his eyes averted to keep Tony talking. It took some time, but he had patience aplenty, and work to keep him busy. If he was willing to tell, he would continue eventually.

Finally, just as Bruce had nearly resigned himself to the thought that Tony seemed to prefer to keep it to himself, he spoke up. His voice was quiet, and Bruce had to strain a little to hear it, but he didn’t mind. “Not much, just… Kinda got reminded of… previous experiences. With people trying to abduct me.” He trailed off after that, but it was enough.

“Makes sense,” Bruce admitted. If he was honest, he didn’t have much experience himself, and it made it difficult to know what to say in order to help. So, instead of trying to lie his way through it, he simply offered up a supportive smile. “If there’s anything I can do to help, I hope you know you can let me know and I’ll do my best.”

It seemed like it was the right thing to say, because Tony returned his smile gratefully. “This… This is actually already helping. Thank you.”

“Anytime,” Bruce promised, meaning it. For Tony, he’d try his utmost best.

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1 year ago
I Just Hope That Tony Wont Be Hurt

I just hope that Tony wont be hurt

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1 year ago
I Just Hope That Tony Wont Be Hurt

I just hope that Tony wont be hurt

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