Self Doubt - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

5 months ago

has anyone ever said this to you? Or maybe it is that inner voice?

“You’re not a real Christian” or “You’re not worthy of being saved by God.” It is not true. Read this:

Has Anyone Ever Said This To You? Or Maybe It Is That Inner Voice?

DO NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO JUDGE. Everyone is a sinner, only God can judge:

Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Pick up your cross and follow Jesus:

Luke 9:23 - "Then he said to them all: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.'"

Believe in Jesus and your sins will be cleansed:

1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Has Anyone Ever Said This To You? Or Maybe It Is That Inner Voice?

God bless. Please like. It helps to reach others.

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1 year ago

sir, that's my emotional support knife collection 🔪🔪🗡🗡

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True self care is listening to Charlie Burg’s Bookstore Girl on repeat, alone in your room and reading poetry till your eyes get tired and then you lie on your bed asking yourself deep philosophical questions and wondering if you are real

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5 years ago

4 AM (Part 2)

I stay awake through the night, Because those are the quiet moments, Where there are no fears, Or expectations.

The day holds those, Those fears, Those poor choices, Those terrible reasons.

I wake up before the sun rises, And stare at the ceiling, Contemplating how it will all go. Will the day be kind?

Some nights I stare at those stars, And think of going past them, Into the day, Into the sun,

Then I remember why I’m not asleep.

I get out of bed, And brush my hair, As I stare at myself in the mirror, Will I be kind?

On the drive home, I glance at the moon, And smile at the man that sits in it. It may be cold, but I’m never alone.

I put on my shoes, And look at the door, Still contemplating staying, Will those thoughts be kind?

Some nights, As I stare at the ceiling, Same as I do in the day, I wonder if I can outrun my mind.

I wonder if I can outrun those fears, Those self-imposed expectations, Those cruel self-directed words, That cold that radiates from inside.

Maybe I stay awake, So late into the night, Because it’s the only time, The rest of my mind is asleep.

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6 months ago

As a person with ADHD and constant negative thoughts and self doubt, manifestation, shifting, witchcraft and listening to subliminals are very hard for me to keep up with or even find the motivation to do, I want to believe and I tell myself that I do believe but sometimes I can't help this nagging feeling, does anyone have any suggestions or motivational words? It would really help 💗

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8 months ago

I didn’t get to grow up with my birth parents in my life, because of them I have lived through thirty one years of my life with abandonment issues. Searching for love and acceptance, settling for just anything that felt like love.. I look back on all of the relationships that I have been in and I feel so embarrassed to have allowed such toxicity in my life. I long for someone to come and save me, only to realize that I don’t need to be doing that anymore, I have myself to be proud of, I need to pour LOVE into this beautiful human being who is ENOUGH. I am WORTHY!!!!!!

Anyone who is struggling with the fact that you don’t feel important enough to be loved and appreciated, I’m here to tell you that you are!!!!!!

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1 year ago

Me about to get married: so just to be sure, you’re marrying me right? Like we’re marrying each other right?

My SO: … yes

Me: Okay okay good, just wanna make sure we’re on the same page

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2 years ago

Hey I need everyone's opinion should I finish my fic or should I just say Fuck it and delete it all

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1 year ago

"I hate who I used to be 🤭" BORING!

"I hate who I am 😔" LAZY!

Hate who you're gonna be. It's inspired, it's intuitive, it's prophetic, and most importantly; it's just the right way to do it.

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4 years ago

I made two grown up phone calls today...... And it's not even 10:30am yet so what I'm saying is you got this

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1 year ago

Batman/TMNT Comics 2 Scene

You know that one scene in the Batman/TMNT 2 comics where Donnie is almost killed by that foot soldier and he starts doubting himself and that starts the whole thing off? Well, it’s that scene but Riseified. I couldn’t get this idea out of my head but I didn’t want to write a whole fic so I decided to just write this one scene. (PS: I apologize in advance if your name is are Daryl or Wilbur) This takes place during Season 1, after Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man but while Baron Draxum has just taken control of the Foot Clan.

“Cowabunga!” Mikey yelled, as the turtles rode one of Donnie’s new inventions, the Sewer Slider, down the subway tunnel. The guy that had run away from them screamed and sprinted off into the darkness.

“I think we gave that guy a heart attack or something,” Leo called out from Donnie’s left. Wind whistled past the purple-masked turtle’s tympanum, whipping the slider’s words away immediately.

“It’s his own fault for walking through the subway with the lights out,” Raph pointed out. “And he should h— MIKEY IS THIS REALLY THE BEST TIME FOR A SNACK?!”

“You know what the ancient proverb says about pizza on a bagel,” Donatello’s little brother replied, snacking on said pizza bagel and pulling farther ahead of Leo and Donnie. 

“That’s from a commercial,” the snapper growled, his forehead creasing. “Remember, no eating on missions. We need to stay alert and vigi—”

“No fair,” Leo whined, interrupting him and pulling up alongside Mikey. “I want some! You gotta share little brother or I’ll take Raph’s side in the argument…”

The sharp wind carried Mikey’s response away as Donnie rolled his eyes. “Sigh, guys remember what I said about focusing when riding highly dangerous experimental machinery at eighty miles per hour?”

Only after Raph echoed Donnie did they quiet down. Dumb-dumbs, Donnie mentally grumbled. Why do they only listen to Raph? They should at least listen to me regarding my tech, right? … Right?

Donnie’s self doubt pity party was interrupted by a familiar raspy voice. “We agreed to leave! Why does Draxum want us dead?!” The far away conversation echoed down the tunnels, allowing the Mad Dogs to eavesdrop.

“You and Brute are not fit to lead us, Lieutenant,” an unfamiliar person responded. “In fact, you don’t even deserve those titles anymore, Daryl and Wilbur.”

“Daryl and Wilbur,” Leo snickered. “I would keep Lieutenant and Brute. Oh man, I’m totally going to tease them after we save their butts.”

A roar of rage echoed down the tunnel. “I think that we should hurry,” Donnie snapped, before more petty squabbling could break out between his brothers. 

“Donnie’s right!” Raph shouted, his bright red ninpo lighting up the dark tunnel. “Mad Dogs, ahoy!”

“I thought we agreed to save that for ship-based adventures, pal,” Donnie reminded his older brother. “Please don’t make me say that again; the viewers don’t like repetition.” ——————————————————————They were going so fast that tears stung at Leo’s eyes. They sped down the tunnel just in time to see some bulked up foot soldiers kick Lutentiant out of the ragged subway car. “No!” Brute yelled, just missing his friend’s out-stretched hand.

“Leo!” Raph barked.

“Already on it,” the slider said with a wink, picking up speed and catching Lutentiant on his Sewer Slider. “Hey, Wilbur!” He crowed smugly. “Need a lift?”

“YOU!” Lutentaint screeched, struggling out of Leo’s grip. “I had him! I do not need the help of children!” The flames on his head blazed with anger. “Also, how dare you suggest that my name is Wilbur, it is Daryl.”

Leo laughed, a smirk on his face. “Whoa, harsh, I thought we were pals. Well, not pals, but I thought that we were done trying to kill each other with this Baron Draxum thing happening. At least for now. Enemy of my enemy and all that jazz!”

Lutentiant finally freed himself from the blue-masked turtle’s hands and straightened, brushing himself off before pointing an accusing finger at Leo. “You turtles started this mess! It’s your fault that Draxum got the armor piece at the Botanical Gardens instead of us. Not to mention the fact that he is obsessed with you.”

Leo just rolled his eyes and surfed towards the subway car. “Whatever dude,” he called over his shoulder. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go save your boyfriend.”

The wind drowned out the former Lutentaint’s hoarse protests as he raced after his brothers. 

Leo arrived just in time to watch the show. “Hey losers!” Mikey called, jumping into the car, surprising and wrapping up the soldiers, paper and real, with his kusari-fundo. 

“I think this is your stop,” Raph finished, tearing up the paper soldiers. In the snapper’s haste, a few real foot soldiers broke out of the chain and fell out of the subway car.

“Hey, Raphie?” Leo called, joining them and dodging a hit. “I think one of the dudes that fell out of the car was the leader, the one with the freaky mask. Didn’t we leave Donnie back there?” He opened a portal, causing the paper soldiers that one of the human ones made teleport somewhere else. “Do you think…”

“Don’t worry, Leo!” The red-masked turtle responded, smashing a soldier into one of the walls and knocking her unconscious. “Donnie’s smarter than the rest of us put together. I’m sure he’s got something up his sleeve…” ——————————————————————Donnie equipped his newest invention to the train tracks, thrill at getting to test it out sparking through him. His weapon charged up as his quarry stumbled down the tunnel. “Y’know you guys should watch where you step down here,” he mused, his new invention making a buzzing noise and warming up in his hands. “The third rail can be quite deadly.”

He pointed the purple painted gun at them, artwork courtesy of Mikey, with a smug smile on his face. “And I only need a fraction of its power to charge this taser rifle I designed last night.” The tunnel lit up with electric green light, a sign that it was powered up and ready. “One hit, and you’ll be out for hours. Who wants to go first?”

His confidence vanished immediately as the ninja in the lead gave him a look of contempt that Donnie could see even through his weird mask. “Foolish child,” he spat, picking up his weapon and moving faster than the softshell could blink.

Donnie fired the taser, but it was too late. “You face ninja,” the foot leader sneered, nimbly leaping out of the way with his companion. They threw a couple of shuriken, one piercing Donnie’s shoulder and the other cutting through his power supply.

“Oh that’s not good,” the softshell yelped, trying to salvage his invention. “I can fix this! I can fix this! I CAN TOTALLY FIX THIS—” Donnie’s rambling was cut off as he took a blow to his plastron, flinging him across the tracks. “You know it turns out I cannot fix this…,” he finished weakly.

“You are not true ninja.” Pain ripped through his jaw as Mask Guy bashed his foot into his face. “You mask your deficiencies with cheap tricks. That is the way of the weak. You cannot best true strength and skill!”

“Scoff! I’m just smart enough to use every tool at my disposal,” Donnie retorted, pulling out his tech-bo. “Now eat plasma!”

The purple-masked turtle expected to use his battle shell to fly up into the air and blast the foot soldiers with his tech-bo. However, to his dismay, his battle shell gave a rumble and then fell off, exposing his vulnerable shell. His tech-bo short circuited and fell apart in his hands. “NO!”

“We have tools of our own,” Mask Guy continued triumphantly. His partner threw two more shurikens at the softshell. Donnie hissed in pain as one embedded itself in the edge of his shell. “Tools that our forebearers have mastered over centuries. Elevating the skill of their use into an art form. I can’t imagine what the great Lou Jitsu must think of you.”

Mask Guy’s words cut into Donatello’s heart, opening old wounds and bringing back long buried insecurities. His words hurt so much that the softshell didn’t see the chain that swept his legs out from under him. He let out a cry of pain as his shell hit the hard ground, gravel digging into it. The rail probably interfered with my tech! Donnie realized as he feebly attempted to block more shurikens as they cut into his arm.

He tried to activate his panic button, but Mask Guy knocked it out of his weak grip. Blood flew from his mouth as he took another hit to the face. “Perhaps this is mercy,” Mask Guy said maliciously, pointing his spear at Donnie’s throat. Panic clouded his senses as he stared at the sharp point as it lunged downwards…

His twin’s voice cut through his stupor. “GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Leo put Mask Guy in a headlock, his eyes narrowed with fury. 

Mask Guy grabbed the slider and threw him, smashing him into the opposite wall. “Don’t you see, boy? I am freeing you!” Fear sent Donnie’s heart racing as he turned back to him, his spear ready to strike again. “Imagine how strong you would be if you never had to protect the runt of your litter.”

Raph appeared out of the darkness, his face twisted with anger and fear. He punched Mask Guy in the face, so hard that he was sent flying farther down the dimly lit tunnel. “I’m plenty strong enough already,” he snarled, baring his teeth.

Leo helped Donnie up as Mikey turned towards the unconscious ninja, pure rage flashing across his face. “Just because Donnie’s as good a fighter as the rest of us, doesn’t mean that he’s not a million times better than bad guys like you!”

He then turned back to Donnie, his eyes wide with concern. “D, are you okay?! We totally thought you were a goner for a second there. Thank pizza supreme in the sky that we got down here in time!”

“Y-yeah,” Donnie stammered, shock still slowing his thoughts. “Thank pizza supreme in the sky…” ——————————————————————When they got back to the lair, Leo patched up his wounds as he and April chewed him out. “You’re lucky we got there,” Leo growled, not looking up from his wrapping. “You could have died, Donnie.”

“Ooooo I wish I was there,” April ranted. “I would have taught those jerks a lesson they would never forget! But seriously, D, you need to be more careful.”

“I know,” Donnie mumbled again, unable to meet his sister’s gaze. “I’m sorry.”

Her face softened. “We’re just worried about you, Donnie.”

“I know,” the softshell repeated, shifting around so his twin could treat his shell.

As April fell silent, the only noises for a few minutes were Raph and Mikey stuffing their faces with pizza. “Don’t listen to what that guy said,” Leo advised, putting the rest of the bandages away. “You don’t slow us down, Donnie. You’re all set, just no training for you for the next few days.”

As his twin and April retreated for pizza, Donnie was left alone with his thoughts. Leo might not believe it, he thought, shame burning a hole in his heart. But I do slow us down. He just doesn’t want to admit it. Dad probably is embarrassed by me, I bet all he said at that Demolition Derby was just another thing to get me to let him control the tank. Don’t worry, he comforted himself. That's all going to change soon, because I have a plan…

I thought about making this into a whole fic but I don’t want to. I feel like Donnie would try to become stronger by building a giant robot to help him fight. But the robot becomes sentient and almost destroys New York. Donnie would use more robot parts to try and stop the giant robot but the AI almost takes over his brain, forcing Donnie to believe in himself to break the control. He would also need the help of his brothers and FINALLY get even more approval from Splinter. Anyways, thanks for reading :)

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