Mental Ill Health - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

La esquizofrenia necesita conciencia. El trastorno de identidad disociativo necesita conciencia. El trastorno obsesivo compulsivo necesita conciencia. La demencia necesita conciencia. La despersonalización necesita conciencia. El síndrome de Tourette necesita conciencia. La cleptomanía necesita conciencia. El trastorno bipolar necesita conciencia. La dermatillomanía necesita conciencia. La tricotilomanía necesita conciencia. El trastorno esquizoafectivo necesita conciencia. El mutismo selectivo necesita conciencia. El trastorno límite de la personalidad necesita conciencia. El trastorno de personalidad narcisista necesita conciencia. Hay tantas cosas que necesitan conciencia. No predique abogacía para los trastornos o afecciones bien conocidos y luego tire todo lo demás hacia un lado. Por favor, no limite su conocimiento a solo unos pocos seleccionados.


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4 years ago

Okay I wanna make something clear right here and now kiddo:

✨You are not responsible for your parents.✨

If they fight, have problems, can't get along, disagree, play mind games, manipulate each other, or are even just passive aggressive or don't communicate well, whatever it is is not your fault. Don't feel like you have to help or fix them, especially not at the cost of your own mental health and well-being. Don't feel like you have to be there for them to vent at or dump their problems on, especially if they're complaints about each other. You are NOT to blame for their complications.

This goes for anybody in your life of course, but dealing with the need to support the people who are meant to be your support system is something I see all too often.

You were NOT brought into this world to be miserable on other people's behalf. You cannot fix people, they have to work on themselves.

Especially if those people are your parents.

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4 years ago

Hi so ummmmm...... you're...... pretty funny........ And you deserve like.......the just don't ummmm don't forget you'll make the world better no matter how small if a change it is your life means alot and I love you for that even if you don't. you don't have to be happy I just ask that you stay alive I learned recently that your life can change alot in just a week so get some food and a drink take your meds open a window and breath hang in there my loves ❤️❤️

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4 years ago

I made two grown up phone calls today...... And it's not even 10:30am yet so what I'm saying is you got this

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5 years ago

Is it me or is it you?

I promised you that I'll save you but it turns out it was me who needed to be saved

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