Thursday 1934
Thursday 1934
I think it is over.
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54 Grit
"But it would be nice you know? If I was coming home to someone who cares, someone who is proud of the work I do"
Your lips are abrading my skin, excoriating while you hold my hand, sanding me open into a bleeding wound. And I am mute as always, eyes flicking away before you can see the damage done so thoughtlessly, throat clenching because because because because it's only like this
Saturday 1945
I can't breath without you.
Found Out About You
It's almost been a year and I should have moved on by now I know but my chest is a graveyard of undead feelings that rise at the most inconvenient of times.
My right flank itches with the irritability of a healing tattoo and my mind is harder in ways I never dreamed and my house is torn asunder yet still I smile, I laugh, brittle sharp and jagged as always and tomorrow-
Tomorrow I will see him. For the first time, in almost a year.
Monday 1640
I don't know what I feel anymore; I don't think there's a name for this emotion.
I need to remember this

Just another groupie, right?