An@rexi@ - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

man how do people starve easilllyyyy! idk i keep trying but it's always soo hard to do, I just try to keep it under 800 cals a day.. but idk maybe that number is still to high... keep feeling like wannarexic yk

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6 months ago

typing my feelings here, so i don't binge eat later. i am sooo stressed out with college rn, i have major exams coming up and so much studying and i feel sooo overwhelmed. i am already 100 cals over my calorie limit!!! i just feel like binging and making myself 'feel better' in that way but i know imma regret it and start crying later about how much i hate my body if i did that. the only thing thats keeping me from binging is how fat and disgusting i am, like i dont wanna grow any bigger so i am just telling myself that so i dont start binging like crazy.

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6 months ago

hate myself ssooooo much... binged at school and now i feel so sicckkkk.... never doing that again omg...

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6 months ago

i got a gym membership right... i started running on the treadmill right... TELL ME WHY THE TREDMILL HAD A SCALE!?, brotha wtffff it weighted me AS I WAS RUNNING! and i was like omg wtffffff done clocked me WHY AM I SO BIG! bro biggest fucking motivator ever i saw that and started sprinting because oh hellllllll naaaaahhhhhhhhh-

fuck i hate myself so much... gonna be skinny one day fr

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6 months ago

I'm not proud of any of this by any means, I'm just really fat and I really want to lose weight so instead of hiding from the truth Imma just confront it head on. Right now, I weigh like 160 lbs. (I haven't weighed myself because I am so scared to see the weight on the scale... If I am being honest, I probably won't be weighing myself until the end of October, so y'all will find out then how much I weigh then I'll do like a big update on it. I told my boyfriend that I was going on a cut to try to lose like 20 lbs. I don't really count calories, I am just going to eat light foods like popcorn, protein powder, and fruits and veggies no bread and shit like that, Tryna lose weight you know not gain it all back type shit.

I know that isn't really pro anna, I am not the best anorexic, but I am just trying to lose weight and draw the least amount of attention to myself as possible yk.

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6 months ago

My Stats/ Intro Page

Hello o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ

Welcome to my page! I use this page to mainly rant about yk my failed attempts at weight loss tbh... Rn kind of in my Amberlin Era which is SOOOO EMBARASSING! I don't want to manifest that for myself, and I don't want to be this big anymore, so I am placing an intervention on this horrible binge eating disorder, and I am going to try to lose weight and feel like myself again.

Current BMI: 27.0 (im freaken obese bruh omg)

Height: 5'5 or 165.1 cm

Weight: 165 lbs or 74.8 kg or 11.8 stone

I am really embarrassed about this, I really let myself go... But I am just trying to get better, and admitting I have a problem seems like a step in the right direction.

Goal Weight: 125lbs or 61.2 kg or 9.6 stone

I will not be weighing myself; I will just only be eating when my body physically cannot function without food. I'll most def update this during Halloween of 2024, to let y'all know the progress, I highly doubt I'll notice any change, but as long as the scale goes down, I will be happy.

Thanks for reading all of that,

bye bye (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

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6 months ago

I am so excited for October! I have a lot of 5ks planned out! Which means a lot of running for me to do and for me to train for! Which means!! HOPEFULLY!!! WEIGHTLOSS!! I don't know.. I excited.. I really really really hope I loose weight...

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5 months ago

Weight loss Update!

Hey guys! I just wanted to put in a little update here on my weight loss! On September 22nd, I updated my official stats! Today, October 3rd, I weighed myself, and I am 154 lbs! I dropped 11 lbs ╰(*°▽°*)╯

That all thank you!

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5 months ago

i hate binging so much, I tried doing omad lol, but I ended up binging on yogurt pretzels and gold fish soo that such, spent my whole day today working out trying to burn off everything I eat (I was only able to burn 533 calories), it so shitty because if I just did that workout and didn't binge I would down more weight today... welps whomp whomp.

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5 months ago

my biggest goals for this weight loss for this month is too loose so much weight that my family is visibly so shocked with the amount of weight that I have lost! I want to gasp at how skinny I've gotten and be concerned about how I am doing... that would be pretty cool

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5 months ago

i loooveeee running so soo sooo much, i get my steps in, i loose a ton of water weight and burn calories, it always makes me need to go use the restroom afterwards, and and AND!!! I COMPLETELY LOOSE MY APPETITE AFTERWARDS! idk hope i didn't jinx that for myself, but yes I adore running it's great I 100% recommend.

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5 months ago

feeling food guilt is so weird, today thankful I've eaten under 1000 calories, but idk I just feel so fat and gross I feel like I don't deserve the food that is going into my body.

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