3d But Not Sheeren - Tumblr Posts
My friend's celebrating her birthday in a restaurant 😭
I hope I won't binge, wish me luck yall <3
The Vibe I bring to the function :

Does anyone know any good 3d servers? I want to join one <3 😭
❛ 🪻 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𓈒 ☆

I've been trying out omad and I love it so much!! It makes my family worry less and I don't binge anymore! :D
◜ ☆ DAY ONE 🎧 ໒꒱

𓏏𓏏 decided to do this because why not! ୨ ୧
height: 160cm
cw: 53.1 (?)
gw: 47kg
ugw: 40kg
I Don't really know how much I weigh rn because i'm doing the October challenge but last time I checked I weighed 53.1 kg.
I hope to loose at least 2kg this month. 51 kg is what I'm aiming for. I hope I'll be out of the 50s soon tho ngl 😭
No matter how much tan I use, how much time I spend doing my makeup and skincare and forcing myself to look better and adding piercings to draw the attention away from everything else, the weight ruins it all, like it pisses me off so badly because I'll try so hard and then realize nothing changed and drink again and its so bloody annoying ☹️
back into my deficit!! i still feel so gross from binging on vacay but this week im locking in!
honestly im so mad at myself for breaking my deficit but dealing with my parents takes a LOT of energy i do not have
when i go back to my moms homeland in the winter i want to be as th1n as possible, i want my grandparents to even notice it <3
i actually fucking hate my thighs and my hips and my rib cage i dont gaf abt “being attractive and curvy” no i NEED to have a body like a model who will break ur heart and then be on the runway the next morning like skinny legs look better in everything, skirts fits right, baggy pants hang off better, and shorts are literally tailored for small legs
tried purg!ng for the first time bc i felt so gross after my parents made me eat an entire burger😭😭
it hurt a lil at first but i got it after a few tries, i dont think i managed to get everything out so i still feel upset, but i made sure to drink water and brush my teeth after🙂↕️
i think id rather just ⭐️ve ngl
i freaking hate those gym rat pilates almond mom girls who shame eds but r obsessed with their w3ight as well
like girl u count ur c4ls just as much as i do we are NOT DIFFERENT
i forgot the exact name of what you r supposed to call them but like u cant be shaming us ur like first cousins once removed with us you are not better just because you r eating low cal yogurt after a workout!!!
the people who make th1nspo motivation boards need more respect bc how do they have them for every little niche area and SO many???
they work overtime to motivate us <3
posting this in class while my stomach is growling and it feels sooo good, remember to not forget what u r working towards!!
a man sitting across from me at the library just offered me a piece of gum... i think we are gonna get married now idkkkk
I'm not proud of any of this by any means, I'm just really fat and I really want to lose weight so instead of hiding from the truth Imma just confront it head on. Right now, I weigh like 160 lbs. (I haven't weighed myself because I am so scared to see the weight on the scale... If I am being honest, I probably won't be weighing myself until the end of October, so y'all will find out then how much I weigh then I'll do like a big update on it. I told my boyfriend that I was going on a cut to try to lose like 20 lbs. I don't really count calories, I am just going to eat light foods like popcorn, protein powder, and fruits and veggies no bread and shit like that, Tryna lose weight you know not gain it all back type shit.
I know that isn't really pro anna, I am not the best anorexic, but I am just trying to lose weight and draw the least amount of attention to myself as possible yk.
My Stats/ Intro Page
Hello o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ
Welcome to my page! I use this page to mainly rant about yk my failed attempts at weight loss tbh... Rn kind of in my Amberlin Era which is SOOOO EMBARASSING! I don't want to manifest that for myself, and I don't want to be this big anymore, so I am placing an intervention on this horrible binge eating disorder, and I am going to try to lose weight and feel like myself again.
Current BMI: 27.0 (im freaken obese bruh omg)
Height: 5'5 or 165.1 cm
Weight: 165 lbs or 74.8 kg or 11.8 stone
I am really embarrassed about this, I really let myself go... But I am just trying to get better, and admitting I have a problem seems like a step in the right direction.
Goal Weight: 125lbs or 61.2 kg or 9.6 stone
I will not be weighing myself; I will just only be eating when my body physically cannot function without food. I'll most def update this during Halloween of 2024, to let y'all know the progress, I highly doubt I'll notice any change, but as long as the scale goes down, I will be happy.
Thanks for reading all of that,
bye bye (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
first time wearing a corset guys! it was actually so helpful! I had like zero appetite the whole time I was wearing it, it was great!
Weight loss Update!
Hey guys! I just wanted to put in a little update here on my weight loss! On September 22nd, I updated my official stats! Today, October 3rd, I weighed myself, and I am 154 lbs! I dropped 11 lbs ╰(*°▽°*)╯
That all thank you!
when is it my turn to feel pretty?
Even though my flavor of Ed is the starve /binge cycle. Every time i eat i feel like I'm faking my Ed.