B0dych3x - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago


here are few things I tell myself to help me restrict, if y'all need some help or a reminder...

"if you tried it once before, you do not need to have it again"

"if you never had it, you're not missing out on anything, how can you miss something you never had."

I tell myself this whenever I want to eat, like you've enough these past 18 years, it's time to put a cork in it.

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6 months ago

My Stats/ Intro Page

Hello o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ

Welcome to my page! I use this page to mainly rant about yk my failed attempts at weight loss tbh... Rn kind of in my Amberlin Era which is SOOOO EMBARASSING! I don't want to manifest that for myself, and I don't want to be this big anymore, so I am placing an intervention on this horrible binge eating disorder, and I am going to try to lose weight and feel like myself again.

Current BMI: 27.0 (im freaken obese bruh omg)

Height: 5'5 or 165.1 cm

Weight: 165 lbs or 74.8 kg or 11.8 stone

I am really embarrassed about this, I really let myself go... But I am just trying to get better, and admitting I have a problem seems like a step in the right direction.

Goal Weight: 125lbs or 61.2 kg or 9.6 stone

I will not be weighing myself; I will just only be eating when my body physically cannot function without food. I'll most def update this during Halloween of 2024, to let y'all know the progress, I highly doubt I'll notice any change, but as long as the scale goes down, I will be happy.

Thanks for reading all of that,

bye bye (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

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5 months ago

i loooveeee running so soo sooo much, i get my steps in, i loose a ton of water weight and burn calories, it always makes me need to go use the restroom afterwards, and and AND!!! I COMPLETELY LOOSE MY APPETITE AFTERWARDS! idk hope i didn't jinx that for myself, but yes I adore running it's great I 100% recommend.

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10 months ago

✧* May 11th *̥˚


today’s cw

some bodie chex

+ personal notes/motivation :3


I am and always will be pro-recovery

this post is for myself and to find like minded community which understands my struggle

e/ds are an extremely lonely thing to go through, so if you’re not in this community pls just block

this is my third blog so far, and I hate having to remake just to be reported again and again (it’s so much work on both our ends)

✧ weigh-in:

height - 5’3 (160 cm)

cw - 103.6 lbs (47.0 kgs)

bmi - 18.35

✧ b0die ch3x:

* May 11th *
* May 11th *
* May 11th *
* May 11th *
* May 11th *

✧ misc:

note - I can feel the f4t growing back on my ribs and hips and it’s scaring the ever living shit out of me

reminder - I have to push myself harder, I have to remember not to eat/to refuse food/to portion control, I have to keep restricting until I reach my goal

p.s. - pls remember to take care of yourselves, even if you’re actively harming (whether it’s e/d or s/h), always practice damage control to minimize your long term suffering!

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10 months ago

✧* May 12/13th *̥˚


no cw today :(

some b0die ch3x

+ a few f4st1ng l0gs!


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal diary for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

✧ b0die ch3x for May 12th:

* May 12/13th *
* May 12/13th *

✧ b0die ch3x for May 13th:

* May 12/13th *
* May 12/13th *
* May 12/13th *
* May 12/13th *
* May 12/13th *

✧ f4st1ng l0gs from the last few days:

* May 12/13th *

✧ notes:

didn’t have access to a scale today, which always makes me hella paranoid :((

also could’ve don’t better w f4st1ng these past few days…

BUT I gotta look on the bright side!

which is that I have a new THC-A vape AND enough nicotine to starve a small village :3

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10 months ago

✧* May 18/19th *̥˚


today’s cw

some b0die ch3x

+ last week’s f4st1ng l0g


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal dairy for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

✧ weigh-in on May 19th:

height - 5’3 (160 cm)

cw - 102.8 lbs (? kgs)

bmi - 18.2

✧ May 18th b0die ch3x:

* May 18/19th *
* May 18/19th *
* May 18/19th *
* May 18/19th *
* May 18/19th *

✧ May 19th b0die ch3x:

* May 18/19th *
* May 18/19th *
* May 18/19th *

✧ f4st1ng l0g:

* May 18/19th *

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9 months ago

✧*My pride fit on Saturday *̥˚

Literally had so much fun dancing and being around my community!!! (♡ω♡*)

Only complaint is how much energy I expended and had to keep up…

I eventually had to eat and then lost a bit of control ughh Q_Q

*My Pride Fit On Saturday *
*My Pride Fit On Saturday *
*My Pride Fit On Saturday *

Sorry for the poor pic quality!

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8 months ago

✧*Cleaned my bong, fiiinally!*˚

*Cleaned My Bong, Fiiinally!*
*Cleaned My Bong, Fiiinally!*
*Cleaned My Bong, Fiiinally!*

ft. the shaved head!

recent haircut came at the perfect time bc I’m currently sick w the plague/covid and it is no! fuckin! joke!!!

curly hair is sooo v hard to manage when you’re sick (ಥ﹏ಥ)

finally have some time on my hands so I cleaned the world’s thiccest, prettiest, bestest bong in the world (♡ ω ♡*)

pls be safe out there guys!! ESPECIALLY if you’re immunocompromised, or if you smoke/vape, like meee ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

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8 months ago

✧*My specialty is taking the same pic in 20 slightly different angles and then only saving the ones that look identical*˚


this morning’s bc

I’m sick + on my period pls excuse the crusty n dusty look


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal diary for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

*My Specialty Is Taking The Same Pic In 20 Slightly Different Angles And Then Only Saving The Ones That
*My Specialty Is Taking The Same Pic In 20 Slightly Different Angles And Then Only Saving The Ones That
*My Specialty Is Taking The Same Pic In 20 Slightly Different Angles And Then Only Saving The Ones That

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8 months ago

✧*Last update for a lil bit*˚


no cw update for now bc I won’t be home/have access to a sc4l3

some late night b0die ch3x

+ three songs that I want to be buried with ♡(‘∀’ )


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal diary for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

✧ songs on my mind:

✧ b0die ch3x:

*Last Update For A Lil Bit*
*Last Update For A Lil Bit*
*Last Update For A Lil Bit*

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8 months ago

✧*I’m back!*˚


my post-b1ng3 cw :/

some songs I’m listening to rn :P

a few morning b0di3 ch3x!!

more pics

+ notes (⚆ᗝ⚆)


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal diary for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

✧ songs:

✧ w31gh-1n:

height - 5’3 (160 cm)

cw - 102.2 lbs (46.4 kg)

bm1 - 18.1

✧ b0die ch3x:

*Im Back!*
*Im Back!*
*Im Back!*
*Im Back!*

✧ + bonus style/fit checks!

*Im Back!*
*Im Back!*

✧ + notes:

I’ve become so addicted to nicotine it’s turned into cravings for rush

I just have a this sick, nagging feeling in the back of my head that I’m just naturally inclined to be an addict of something, at the end of the day (|||❛︵❛.)

aaanyways I’ve been doin good… besides the substance abuse, ofc (☍﹏⁰)

big thank you to whoever made it this far into the post lmaoo <3

( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ )

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6 months ago

✧* My most recent attempt at getting more angles * ̥˚


my post-going off the rails and getting my p*riod cw (⚆ᗝ⚆)

some b0die ch3x :]

+ vvv cute bonus pics!! ;3


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal dairy for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

✧ this morning’s weigh-in:

height - 5’3 (160 cm)

cw - 104.4 lbs (47.36 kgs)

bmi - 18.49

✧ b0die ch3x:

* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *
* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *
* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *
* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *
* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *
* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *

✧ + bonus fit/style checks:

* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *
* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *
* My Most Recent Attempt At Getting More Angles *

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6 months ago

✧* some random pics or whateva *̥˚


a few risqué b0die ch3x I felt like sharing with my close internet friends!


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal dairy for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

* Some Random Pics Or Whateva *
* Some Random Pics Or Whateva *

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6 months ago

✧* weed-tobacco + vape-diet coke combo goes crazy *̥˚


mixed some Δ8 flower and rolling tobacco together :3

also got a new vape! and diet coke!!

the pics I took after hitting my bowl ♡〰♡

damn do I look stoned af?? ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


Pro-recovery, always

Please block, don’t report

Personal dairy for my own journey with 4n0r3x1a

* Weed-tobacco + Vape-diet Coke Combo Goes Crazy *
* Weed-tobacco + Vape-diet Coke Combo Goes Crazy *
* Weed-tobacco + Vape-diet Coke Combo Goes Crazy *
* Weed-tobacco + Vape-diet Coke Combo Goes Crazy *
* Weed-tobacco + Vape-diet Coke Combo Goes Crazy *
* Weed-tobacco + Vape-diet Coke Combo Goes Crazy *

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5 months ago

Just me, tumblr, pepsi and Spotify against this cruel world 🎀🎀🎀

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