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always remember being fat is a choice

me literally like 3 weeks ago what went wrong
I feel so happy and calm whenever I skip breakfast. I feel like I’m in control and it feels good. Remember you are in control of what you eat not the feelings

TW: sweetspo 🎀💕💋
You’ve been trying so hard for this and I know just how difficult it’s been but I promise it’ll be worth it okay? Just imagine a few months from now the look on peoples faces when you show up to school/ college/ work thinner with a glow up. Every bite you take delays that day more and more. Don’t give up with this no matter how badly you’re tempted to. I promise once those pounds are gone things will get so much easier 💕💕💕
my ed/bpd follows me everywhere, even all the way to my dreams. and im just so tired, sleepy, exhausted, and have so many things i need to do today...
god i just want a moment of peace.
im back at my lw this week and was so happy until i tried on new clothes and my sister said to me "omg how do you wear that top it keeps slipping off of me..."
like okay? i didn't ask?
also she knows i "struggle with eating and body image issues" and always makes fun of me for that so idk i think it's pretty fcked up.
stuck in between wanting to always wear baggy clothes so nobody can tell im getting smaller or wanting to always wear normal/fitted clothes so everybody can tell im getting smaller
i just found out that "metabolism days" is just a fraud.
excuse me, i have to go sob now.
i have ten days before school to get skinny. I'll try to ⭐ ve and be on diet of cigarettes, yogurt, banana and juice. my main concern is my arms and stomach. need an ana buddy or a friend 🎀🌷
drank mango smoothie now I'm feeling terrible because it was 200+ cals and I'm supposed to be restricting 😡😡
my sister just called me FAT 🥰
starving after 12 hours is so satisfying, i have a headache, I feel light-headed this is the best feeling
i ate like 1500 cal today, worked out twice but I'm still panicking over the fact i binged. PLS HELP I WONT BE ABLE TO SLEEP
didn't eat anything except mango smoothie, i feel the lightest I've ever been
stopped restricting because I started my periods, now I'm back from tomm wish me luck
whenever I want to eat, I think of how my ex had bumble on his phone while he literally cried in my arms 🥰 and that makes me loose my appetite.
i basically manipulated myself into having this 3d so girlboss of me 🎀😍
my mother says the most triggering things in the most casual way 😍
"oh your arms are so fat"
"oh you're getting fat, don't get too fat haha"
"oh see your sister is skinner "
"omg is that backroll you have "
"you should workout more"
"your face is so bad, when will your acne go away"