Tw @na - Tumblr Posts


Hello everyone! formerly @/seroqueldiaries, I was unfortunately termed :( but that will not be stoping me!!
🧚♂️ you can call me blue
✨ they/them & she/her pronouns
🦄 nonbinary & queer
🪻 25 years old
⭐️ in therapy
🌱 dx mia for 10+ years
🪐 dx w/ multiple mental & chronic illnesses
🌙 pro recovery, just not for me
🌻 I take th!sp0 & vision board requests
🎃 I play & dm DND, I’m a server, I play the banjolele. Been to inpatient/treatment way too many times. I love Lizzy mcalpine, hozier, Catie turner, qunnie, sad music vibes. Former theatre kid.

- under 16
- @n@ coaches
- gross old men

📌-terest : klonopain
th!nsp0 board link:

weight stats loading…


Posts from termed account:

Antes de comer:
Beba água.
Leia um livro.
Vá caminhar.
Assista um filme.
Se pese.
Escute uma música.
Faça exercícios.
Veja quantos cm tem sua cintura.
Veja fotos da magreza que você quer chegar.
Tome um banho gelado.
Faça 100 abdominais..
Lave o rosto.
Limpe a casa.
Lembre do porquê você começou.
Apenas não coma.
Me after binging:

Me and my diet coke against the world <3
The euphoria you get when you haven't eaten all day >>>>
She's my Th1n$p0 <33

I'm worried that my calves are gonna look big even after loosing weight

Getting 10k steps a day feels so satisfying
My friend's celebrating her birthday in a restaurant 😭
I hope I won't binge, wish me luck yall <3
The Vibe I bring to the function :

Does anyone know any good 3d servers? I want to join one <3 😭
Th1n$pø of the day <3

I want slim legs so bad
❛ 🪻 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𓈒 ☆

I've been trying out omad and I love it so much!! It makes my family worry less and I don't binge anymore! :D
◜ ☆ DAY ONE 🎧 ໒꒱

𓏏𓏏 decided to do this because why not! ୨ ୧
height: 160cm
cw: 53.1 (?)
gw: 47kg
ugw: 40kg
I Don't really know how much I weigh rn because i'm doing the October challenge but last time I checked I weighed 53.1 kg.
I hope to loose at least 2kg this month. 51 kg is what I'm aiming for. I hope I'll be out of the 50s soon tho ngl 😭
my workout

burnt 435 cals~
total calories consumed todays is- 325 cals (❁´◡`❁)
dudeee why is gaining weight so easy like WDYMMM! I starve for a whole day and I barely loose a pound or it's "water weight", BUT WHEN I TAKE A SIP OF LITERAL WATER! I GAIN 2 LBS, wtfffff... life isnt fair bru...
damn... i used to be 8.6 pounds... i really let myself go
i got a gym membership right... i started running on the treadmill right... TELL ME WHY THE TREDMILL HAD A SCALE!?, brotha wtffff it weighted me AS I WAS RUNNING! and i was like omg wtffffff done clocked me WHY AM I SO BIG! bro biggest fucking motivator ever i saw that and started sprinting because oh hellllllll naaaaahhhhhhhhh-
fuck i hate myself so much... gonna be skinny one day fr
I am so excited for October! I have a lot of 5ks planned out! Which means a lot of running for me to do and for me to train for! Which means!! HOPEFULLY!!! WEIGHTLOSS!! I don't know.. I excited.. I really really really hope I loose weight...