Eating Disoder Mention - Tumblr Posts

She’s so dainty & perfect 🧚🏻♀️🌙

Say you got an ED without saying you got an ED:
Food Log 12/2/2021
None 0cal
Total: 0cal
None 0cal
Total: 0cal
Baby bel (70cal)
Chicken Swiss wrap (160cal)
Seaweed (20cal)
Chicken veggie dumplings half a serving (114cal)
Total: 365cal
Todays total: 365 cal
I was shitting a fuck on over this. Dairy on an empty stummy <. But cheese is so good. I took out the chicken from the wrap bc I’m trynna go vegetarian but Idk how many calories it would’ve been without it so it’s whatever. Rlly happy abt how low my calorie intake was.

Food Log Dec. 6, 2021
Total: 0cal
Total: 0cal
2 Strawberry wafers (85cal)
Caramel rice cake (50cal
Strawberry jam 1tbsp (50cal)
Baby bel (70cal)
Seaweed (20cal)
2 servings of chicken veggie dumplings (460cal)
Ginger sauce (20cal)
Ginger tea (19cal)
Total: 774cal
Todays total: 774cal
Im on my period so im extra bloated and having a fuck ton of cravings n just wanna eat everything. I’m cramping the fuck out and going to school is a pain in the ass I wish we had an option to not go however long our period is.

Food Log Dec. 7, 2021
Half belvita (115cal)
Ginger tea (19cal)
Total: 134cal
Total: 0cal
Half ribeye steak (423.5cal)
Half baked potato (80.5cal)
Garlic bread (206cal)
Sour cream 2tbsp (20cal)
Total: 730cal
Todays total: 864cal
Purged out my dinner I hope it was enough. I really wish I could do better and not just with this ED but as a person for everyone in my life. This existence is so fucking burdening.

(Forgot to take a picture of ginger tea)
Food Log: 12/19/2021
Total: 0cal
Total: 0cal
Caramel chocolate (65cal)
Spearmint tea (2cal)
Apples & cinnamon oatmeal (130cal)
Rice cake (35cal)
Cookie butter 1 1/2 tsp (17cal)
Total: 279cal
Binged on sum hot Cheeto puffs n 2 pieces of chocolate
Total: estimate 700cal
Todays total: 979 cal
Grossed out with myself I can’t believe I let the binging get bad again man I was doing so good. I have to get back on track.

Food Log Feb. 8 ,2022
Baby bel cheese (70cal)
A strawberry (4cal)
Total: 74cal
Total: 0cal
Half Chicken Pot Pie (305cal)
Rice cake (35cal)
Crunchy cookie butter 2tsps (57cal)
Almond roca (50cal)
2 pickles (10cal)
Total: 457cal
Todays total: 531 calories
In the pictures it was 3 pickles but I could only eat two because I highk started to feel sick. But I mean less calories 🤷🏻♀️. Trying to get back on track since my boyfriends been feeding me right ☹️ I’m so grateful for him but I really need to lose weight. I hope my ED doesn’t fuck up how he feels abt me.

Meal Log 4/25/2022
Steak with mashed potato sides and asparagus from BJ’s (1080cal)

I was really trying to fast today so I could get back on track but my mom wanted to take us out to eat. I was about to get pasta but that’s SO high in calories I tried a little bit of my bfs n it tasted so good. But at least this meal was lower. Too bad it was more expensive. I hope my walking helps burn cals tomorrow. I really need to fast. I at least fasted a good 16 hours before I ate out.
Food Log: April 27, 2022
Gum (5cal)
Total: 5cal
Medium sized bag Takis (600cal)
Total: 600cal
Homemade green stuffed bell peppers. Beef, rice, tomato, seasonings, and cheese (270.3cal)
Total: 270.3cal
Todays total: 875.3 calories
Still don’t believe the bell peppers were that low but we’ll roll with it I guess. They were good though, but I felt really guilty eating it. But I like how satisfying it feels to eat with a fork and knife cutting things into smaller pieces.

Once I start losing all the weight I gained during “recovery” it’ll be over for you bitches
Liquid Fast
Started: September 11, 2022 10:06AM
Ended: September 12 , 2022 10:17AM
24 hour liquid fast

I like fasting after relapsing bc it’s like a kick start I guess. But I’ve been having the shits all day n they’re runny as fuck too. But I also got the little euphoric feeling of fasting n I love the skinny high.

Me coming back to relapse 🤪
Im gonna try to fast this first week of school ill see how it goes.
After the first week ill start the diet i saw on edtwt

Here it is if any of you are interested
Im kinda scared Im going home tommorow and i have to eat. Im scared it will turn into a binge. Gotta be careful,dont want to be fat again lol. Im gonna meal plan tonighttt

This is no fanart, this is personal. Talking about eating disorder is very dear to me. It’s important to end the the stigma, to talk about an illness that so many have and that is yet surrounded by so many clichés. If you can, share this, to raise awareness for those who don’t understand the struggle of having an eating disorder or those who might be sick and don’t know it.
I have decided to change friends because the ones i currently hang out with do not understand that having an eating disorder is not my fault... i try so hard to eat healthily... find healthy options and then i just want to keep eating... even wen im full all i need to do is keep eating 🥺🥺🥺
I hate getting out of bed, i just want to do everything inside my bed... however i can not exercise in my bed🤒🥺🥺 they think im being lazy, nope Im not lazy I just do not have the energy because im too full and occupied with depression.
I am glad i stopped taking anti depressants but they helped to get me out of the bed. I really enjoyed that. The side effects were crazier so i had to drop them. My excess weight is from my efforts to get out of bed (antidepressants) how then can i do everything they want me to....🤷🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️
I think its time to hang the boots and say adios!!!✌
I am trying my best and I do not want to be guilted more than I am feeling guilty right now. I know I should stop and I know I should exercise stop making me feel guilty🙄🥴😢
Eating disorder is a fucking vicious circle
Bro I'm so fucking H U N G R Y
But I can't eat or else I'll lose all my progress 😭

doing this diet when i end my fast

Going to start this